2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog - Kettering University

2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog - Kettering University 2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog - Kettering University

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Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Course Descriptions / 137 CHEM-251 Environmental Ecology 4 0 0 4 Prerequisite: CHEM-135 or CHEM-137 This course examines the dynamics of biosphere through the study of ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between organisms and their environment and on managing human, water, air, soil and industrial resources. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-271 Handling Hazardous Material 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM- 138, CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346 The study of the principles and methods of handling hazardous materials in the workplace. Coverage includes: the nature and scope of chemical hazards in the workplace, an overview of regulations of hazardous materials and worker safety, occupational diseases, fundamentals of industrial hygiene, basic concepts of toxicology, transportation of hazardous chemicals, risk assessment, toxic release and dispersion models, process safety management, and emergency planning. Terms Offered: Summer Fall CHEM-337 Chemistry of Fuel Cells 3 0 0 3 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238 Corequisite: CHEM-338 This course will apply the knowledge gained in CHEM-237/238, General Chemistry II, to the chemical and physical properties of fuel cells. In addition, it will emphasize topics such as electrolysis, photochemistry as related to photocells, membrane chemistry, gaseous diffusion, and surface science, all of which are important in understanding properties of hydrogen generation and storage, and the chemistry of fuel cells. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-338 Chemistry of Fuel Cells Lab 0 0 2 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM 238 Corequisite: CHEM-337 This laboratory course will cover topics such as electrolysis, photochemistry as related to photocells, electrode surface chemistry, membrane chemistry, diffusion, and fuel reformation, all of which are important in understanding chemistry of fuel cells. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-345 Organic Chemistry I 4 0 0 4 Prerequisite: CHEM-237 A thorough coverage of the chemistry of hydrocarbons: valence theory, stereochemistry, structure, addition polymerization, reaction mechanisms and spectroscopy. Appropriate for science majors and environmental Chemistry minors. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-346 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory 0 0 4 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238 Corequisite: CHEM-345 This laboratory develops the basic skills needed for the separation, identification and synthesis of organic compounds. Instrumental techniques introduced will include FTIR, UV-VIS, GC and GC/MS. One 4-hour laboratory per week. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-347 Organic Chemistry II 4 0 0 4 Prerequisite: CHEM-345 A continuation of CHEM-345, with an emphasis on the chemistry of the organic functional groups, and the synthesis of polyfunctional molecules. Appropriate for science majors. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-348 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 0 0 4 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-345, CHEM-346 Corequisite: CHEM-347 A continuation of CHEM-346, with an emphasis on the advanced techniques used to synthesize multifunctional organic compounds. Instrumental methods will be intensively utilized to characterize complex chemical structures. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-351 Biochemistry I 3 1 0 3 Prerequisites: CHEM-347, CHEM-348 Corequisite: CHEM-352 This course will focus on the basic principles of biochemistry. Coverage includes a thorough description of the biochemical framework - amino acids, proteins, enzymes, lipids, membranes, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, DNA, and RNA. In addition, the energetics and metabolism of a number of biological processes will be introduced. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-352 Biochemistry I Lab 0 0 4 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-345, CHEM-346 Corequisite: CHEM-351 An introduction to biochemistry laboratory procedures for the separation and analysis of biologically important molecules. This course also covers techniques and methodology important in the biotechnology field. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-361 Physical Chemistry I 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238, MATH-203, PHYS-224, PHYS- 225 Corequisite: CHEM-362 A first course in physical chemistry, covering the topics of chemical thermodynamics, gas laws, solutions, transport properties, phases and phase diagrams, electrochemistry, colligative properties and the physical chemistry of macromolecules. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-362 Physical Chemistry I Lab 0 0 4 2 Corequisite: CHEM-361 This laboratory will illustrate principles covered in the CHEM-361 lecture and introduce the student to methods used in determining physical relationships in nature. Topics include equilibrium, phase diagrams, solutions, thermodynamics, gases, transport properties and error analysis. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-363 Physical Chemistry II 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM 238, MATH-203, PHYS-224, PHYS-225, CHEM-361 or permission of Instructor Corequisite: CHEM-364 The second course in the physical sequence, continuing topics introduced in CHEM-361, Physical Chemistry I. Topics covered will include kinetic molecular theory, kinetics, quantum mechanics, solids and surfaces, photochemistry, atomic and molecular structure theory, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-364 Physical Chemistry II Laboratory 0 0 4 2 Corequisite: CHEM-363 This laboratory will illustrate principles covered in the CHEM-363 lecture and introduce the student to methods used in determining physical relationships in nature. Topics include kinetics, quantum mechanics, solids, surface chemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, and spectroscopic techniques. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-371 Introductory Environmental Chemistry 3 0 0 3 Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM-138, CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346 Corequisite: CHEM-372 This course will focus on the basic principles and methods of environmental chemistry. Coverage includes the origin, reactions, distribution, effects and fates of chemistry in the atmosphere, water and soil. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-372 Introductory Environmental Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM-138, CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346, Corequisite: CHEM-371 This laboratory is designed to reinforce concepts covered in the classroom and deals principally with various methods of classical and instrumental analysis of environmental samples. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-373 Analytical Chemistry 3 1 0 3 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238, CHEM-345, CHEM-346 Corequisite: CHEM-374 This course covers classical and instrumental methods used for the analysis of environmental samples. Other topics included in the course are quality control/assurance in the environmental chemistry laboratory. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring

Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. Catalog content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs. 138 / Kettering University CHEM-374 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238, CHEM-345, CHEM-346 Corequisite: CHEM-373 A laboratory for CHEM-373, Analytical Chemistry. This laboratory is designed to reinforce concepts covered in the classroom and deals principally with various methods of classical and instrumental analysis of environmental samples. Required for Environmental Chemistry majors. Available to other majors who have demonstrated exceptional ability in chemistry as a replacement for CHEM-372, Environmental Chemistry I Lab, with the approval of the Chemistry Discipline Chair.Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-437 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 1 0 3 Prerequisite: CHEM-361 or permission of the Instructor Corequisite: CHEM-438 This course includes in-depth coverage of the fundamentals of inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, including structure and bonding of inorganic compounds, as well as their chemical periodicity and reactions. The descriptive chemistry of metals, non-metals and coordination compounds will also be discussed. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-438 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 0 0 3 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-361, CHEM-362 or permission of the Instructor Corequisite: CHEM-437 This laboratory component is an introduction to the techniques used in the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes and organometallic compounds, including bioinorganic compounds. This course is open to all science majors and is required for chemistry majors. One 3-hour laboratory per week.Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-451 Biochemistry II 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-351, CHEM-352 Corequisite: CHEM-452 This course serves as a comprehensive advanced Biochemistry lecture course. It will cover topics related to the biochemistry of the human body, including the breakdown and synthesis of glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, and nucleotides. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-452 Biochemistry II Lab 0 0 4 2 Prerequisite: CHEM-352 Corequisite: CHEM 451 This course serves as a comprehensive advanced Biochemistry laboratory. It will cover topics related to the isolation and manipulation of DNA and proteins. Including techniques such as PCR, Western blotting, mutagenesis, DNA Fingerprinting, and molecular modeling. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-461 Colloid Science 3 0 0 3 Prerequisites: CHEM-361 or CHEM-237/MECH-320 or CHEM-237/PHYS 452 Corequisite: CHEM-462 This course is an introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry and will cover colloids, micelles, self-assembled monolayers, thin films, foams, polymers, ceramics, gels, emulsions and sols. The physical properties and methods of studying colloids will also be addressed. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-462 Colloid Science Laboratory 0 0 2 1 Prerequisites: CHEM-362 or CHEM-237/MECH-320 or CHEM-237/PHYS 452 Corequisite: CHEM-461 This laboratory course investigates the preparation, properties and characterization of colloids and colloidal systems. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-471 Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-363, CHEM-364, CHEM-373, CHEM-374 Corequisite: CHEM-472 A senior level capstone course focusing upon the principles of environmental chemistry, with a particular emphasis on metal ions and inorganic compounds. Coverage includes the processes controlling the origin, distribution, fate, and effects of chemicals in the atmosphere, water, and soil. Environmental sampling methodologies, modern environmental problems and the principles of practice of environmental modeling and modeling software are also discussed. Includes two 2-hour lectures per week. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-472 Environmental Inorganic Chemistry Lab 0 0 6 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-363, CHEM-364, CHEM-373, CHEM-374 Corequisite: CHEM 471 The laboratory component of the CHEM 471/472 course will emphasize field sampling, sample preparation and analysis of natural samples for inorganic compounds, using classical and instrumental analytical methods. Topics include standard water quality parameters, metal, soil analysis, and atmospheric pollutants. The synthesis and characterization of metal coordination complexes will be covered. Two 3-hour laboratories per week. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-475 Environmental Organic Chemistry 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-351, CHEM-352, CHEM-363, CHEM 364, CHEM- 373, CHEM-374 A senior level capstone course with an emphasis on organic and biological compounds of environmental significance. Topics will include the industrial synthesis and use of organic materials, methods used to control and treat waste by-products and the chemical fate of these materials in the environment. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-476 Environmental Organic Chemistry Lab 0 0 6 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-363, CHEM-364 Corequisite: CHEM-475 This capstone laboratory will focus on the synthesis, characterization and waste treatment of industrially significant organic chemicals. EPA, OSHA and ASTM instrumental methods for analysis of organic compounds in the atmosphere, groundwater and soil will be emphasized. Two 3-hour laboratories per week. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring CHEM-477 Advanced Organic Chemistry 4 0 0 4 Prerequisites: CHEM-347, CHEM-348 Corequisite: CHEM-478 This course serves as senior level chemistry elective. It will cover topics including the principles of structure/reactivity, reaction mechanisms, kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions, radical and photochemistry, organometallic chemistry and total organic synthesis. Terms Offered: As Needed CHEM-478 Advanced Organic Chemistry Lab 0 0 4 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-347, CHEM-348 Corequisite: CHEM-477 This course serves as senior level chemistry elective. The laboratory develops the skills needed to perform variety of organic reactions including photochemistry and organometallic chemistry. It also allows the student to use the knowledge developed to design and carry out a total synthesis for a target compound. Student will employ the separation, purification and identification techniques learned in CHEM-348 to perform the labs. One 4- hour laboratory per week. Terms Offered: As Needed CHEM-494 Senior Research/Seminar I 0 1 6 2 Prerequisites: CHEM-363, CHEM-364 This is the first of two required consecutive courses to introduce the student to the techniques for literature search and document retrieval, in preparation for a senior research project. Students will learn to use library hardbound and electronic reference materials and initiate a research project, under the direction of a chemistry faculty member. Each student will prepare and present a seminar based on a literature search. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall CHEM-496 Senior Research/Seminar II 0 1 6 2 Prerequisite: CHEM-494 Seniors will conclude a senior research project with a faculty member, and prepare and present a seminar dealing with progress achieved during the research period. Guest seminar lectures by visiting faculty, industry or government scientists will also be scheduled. This course may be repeated twice for a total of six credits. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring

Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, <strong>2006</strong>, <strong>2007</strong>. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.<br />

Copyright & Disclaimer Information: Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, <strong>2006</strong>, <strong>2007</strong>. CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. CollegeSource® digital catalogs are derivative works owned and copyrighted by CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation. <strong>Catalog</strong> content is owned and copyrighted by the appropriate school. While CollegeSource®, Inc. and Career Guidance Foundation provides information as a service to the public, copyright is retained on all digital catalogs.<br />

Course Descriptions / 137<br />

CHEM-251 Environmental Ecology 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisite: CHEM-135 or CHEM-137<br />

This course examines the dynamics of biosphere through the study of<br />

ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between organisms and<br />

their environment and on managing human, water, air, soil and industrial<br />

resources. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-271 Handling Hazardous Material 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM-<br />

138, CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346<br />

The study of the principles and methods of handling hazardous materials in<br />

the workplace. Coverage includes: the nature and scope of chemical hazards<br />

in the workplace, an overview of regulations of hazardous materials and<br />

worker safety, occupational diseases, fundamentals of industrial hygiene, basic<br />

concepts of toxicology, transportation of hazardous chemicals, risk<br />

assessment, toxic release and dispersion models, process safety management,<br />

and emergency planning. Terms Offered: Summer Fall<br />

CHEM-337 Chemistry of Fuel Cells 3 0 0 3<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-338<br />

This course will apply the knowledge gained in CHEM-237/238, General<br />

Chemistry II, to the chemical and physical properties of fuel cells. In addition,<br />

it will emphasize topics such as electrolysis, photochemistry as related to<br />

photocells, membrane chemistry, gaseous diffusion, and surface science, all<br />

of which are important in understanding properties of hydrogen generation<br />

and storage, and the chemistry of fuel cells. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-338 Chemistry of Fuel Cells Lab 0 0 2 1<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM 238<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-337<br />

This laboratory course will cover topics such as electrolysis, photochemistry<br />

as related to photocells, electrode surface chemistry, membrane chemistry,<br />

diffusion, and fuel reformation, all of which are important in understanding<br />

chemistry of fuel cells. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-345 Organic Chemistry I 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisite: CHEM-237<br />

A thorough coverage of the chemistry of hydrocarbons: valence theory,<br />

stereochemistry, structure, addition polymerization, reaction mechanisms and<br />

spectroscopy. Appropriate for science majors and environmental Chemistry<br />

minors. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-346 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory 0 0 4 2<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-345<br />

This laboratory develops the basic skills needed for the separation,<br />

identification and synthesis of organic compounds. Instrumental techniques<br />

introduced will include FTIR, UV-VIS, GC and GC/MS. One 4-hour<br />

laboratory per week. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-347 Organic Chemistry II 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisite: CHEM-345<br />

A continuation of CHEM-345, with an emphasis on the chemistry of the<br />

organic functional groups, and the synthesis of polyfunctional molecules.<br />

Appropriate for science majors. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-348 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory 0 0 4 2<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-345, CHEM-346<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-347<br />

A continuation of CHEM-346, with an emphasis on the advanced techniques<br />

used to synthesize multifunctional organic compounds. Instrumental methods<br />

will be intensively utilized to characterize complex chemical structures. Terms<br />

Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-351 Biochemistry I 3 1 0 3<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-347, CHEM-348<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-352<br />

This course will focus on the basic principles of biochemistry. Coverage<br />

includes a thorough description of the biochemical framework - amino acids,<br />

proteins, enzymes, lipids, membranes, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, DNA,<br />

and RNA. In addition, the energetics and metabolism of a number of biological<br />

processes will be introduced. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-352 Biochemistry I Lab 0 0 4 1<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-345, CHEM-346<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-351<br />

An introduction to biochemistry laboratory procedures for the separation and<br />

analysis of biologically important molecules. This course also covers<br />

techniques and methodology important in the biotechnology field. Terms<br />

Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-361 Physical Chemistry I 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238, MATH-203, PHYS-224, PHYS-<br />

225<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-362<br />

A first course in physical chemistry, covering the topics of chemical<br />

thermodynamics, gas laws, solutions, transport properties, phases and phase<br />

diagrams, electrochemistry, colligative properties and the physical chemistry<br />

of macromolecules. Terms Offered: Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-362 Physical Chemistry I Lab 0 0 4 2<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-361<br />

This laboratory will illustrate principles covered in the CHEM-361 lecture<br />

and introduce the student to methods used in determining physical<br />

relationships in nature. Topics include equilibrium, phase diagrams, solutions,<br />

thermodynamics, gases, transport properties and error analysis. Terms Offered:<br />

Summer, Fall<br />

CHEM-363 Physical Chemistry II 4 0 0 4<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM 238, MATH-203, PHYS-224, PHYS-225,<br />

CHEM-361 or permission of Instructor<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-364<br />

The second course in the physical sequence, continuing topics introduced in<br />

CHEM-361, Physical Chemistry I. Topics covered will include kinetic<br />

molecular theory, kinetics, quantum mechanics, solids and surfaces,<br />

photochemistry, atomic and molecular structure theory, spectroscopy,<br />

statistical mechanics. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-364 Physical Chemistry II Laboratory 0 0 4 2<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-363<br />

This laboratory will illustrate principles covered in the CHEM-363 lecture<br />

and introduce the student to methods used in determining physical<br />

relationships in nature. Topics include kinetics, quantum mechanics, solids,<br />

surface chemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry, and spectroscopic<br />

techniques. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-371 Introductory Environmental Chemistry 3 0 0 3<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM-138,<br />

CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-372<br />

This course will focus on the basic principles and methods of environmental<br />

chemistry. Coverage includes the origin, reactions, distribution, effects and<br />

fates of chemistry in the atmosphere, water and soil. Terms Offered: Winter,<br />

Spring<br />

CHEM-372 Introductory Environmental Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 1<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-135 and CHEM-136, or CHEM-137 and CHEM-138,<br />

CHEM-145 and CHEM-146, or CHEM-345 and CHEM-346,<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-371<br />

This laboratory is designed to reinforce concepts covered in the classroom<br />

and deals principally with various methods of classical and instrumental<br />

analysis of environmental samples. Terms Offered: Winter, Spring<br />

CHEM-373 Analytical Chemistry 3 1 0 3<br />

Prerequisites: CHEM-237, CHEM-238, CHEM-345, CHEM-346<br />

Corequisite: CHEM-374<br />

This course covers classical and instrumental methods used for the analysis<br />

of environmental samples. Other topics included in the course are quality<br />

control/assurance in the environmental chemistry laboratory. Terms Offered:<br />

Winter, Spring

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