Download: SoTL Journals List - Kennesaw State University

Download: SoTL Journals List - Kennesaw State University

Download: SoTL Journals List - Kennesaw State University


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<strong>Kennesaw</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning<br />

<strong>List</strong> of <strong>SoTL</strong> <strong>Journals</strong><br />

British Journal of Educational Psychology<br />

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%292044‐8279<br />

Publisher/Sponsor: British Psychological Society<br />

http://www.bps.org.uk/<br />

Discipline: Psychology<br />

Issues in Higher Education: Discipline‐specific<br />

Publishes psychological research that makes a contribution to the understanding and practice of education.<br />

British Journal of Educational Technology<br />

http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0007‐1013<br />

Publisher/Sponsor: British Educational Research Association<br />

http://www.bera.ac.uk/<br />

Discipline: Interdisciplinary<br />

Issues in Higher Education: Distance Learning, Technology<br />

Coverage of developments in international educational and training technology.<br />

British Journal of Sociology of Education<br />

http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/01425692.asp<br />

Publisher/Sponsor: Taylor & Francis<br />

http://www.tandfonline.com/<br />

Discipline: Education<br />

Issues in Higher Education: Educational Research<br />

Publishes articles from throughout the world which contribute to both theory and empirical research in the<br />

sociology of education.<br />

Business Education Forum<br />

http://nbea.org/newsite/publications/business_forum.html<br />

Publisher/Sponsor: National Business Education Association<br />

http://nbea.org/index.html<br />

Discipline: Business<br />

Issues in Higher Education: Discipline‐specific<br />

The Curriculum Forum section includes articles on accounting, basic business, communication, international<br />

business, marketing, methods, and technology. In addition, four special sections‐research (October), student<br />

organizations (December), entrepreneurship (February), and administration and supervision (April)‐are included<br />

in the journal. Articles of general interest to business educators such as teaching ideas, trends, and current issues<br />

are reported in the Open Forum section of the journal.<br />

Business Teacher Education journal<br />

http://www.nabte.org/publications.html<br />

Publisher/Sponsor: National Association for Business Teacher Education<br />

http://www.nabte.org/index.html<br />

Discipline: Business<br />

Issues in Higher Education: Discipline‐specific<br />

Published by the National Association for Business Teacher Education, the NABTE Review is an annual<br />

refereed journal that serves as a forum for research in business education.<br />

Prepared December 17, 2012 by Tom Pusateri, CETL Associate Director for <strong>SoTL</strong> 9

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