iophilia - Kean University

iophilia - Kean University

iophilia - Kean University


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!<strong>iophilia</strong><br />

T h e O f f i c i a l N e w s l e t t e r o f t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f B i o l o g y ,<br />

K e a n U n i v e r s i t y , U n i o n , N N ( www.kean.edu/Qbiology/)<br />

E d i t o r s , D r . E. W . B o e h m T D r . N . I . F a s i c k<br />

Volume 1, Issue 1<br />

October 2007<br />

First Issue: An Intro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

C3clommatus metallifer metallifer =ColeopteraS<br />

LucanidaeB, from Sulawesi, one of the four<br />

larger Sunda Islands of Indonesia, displays<br />

pronounced sexual dimorphism, with excessive<br />

mandibular development in males.<br />

!elcome to the *epartment of Biolog3<br />

Newsletter7 This is our first issue and<br />

follows in the esteemed footsteps of<br />

prior departmental newsletters such as<br />

;BioNews< =Ed.@ *r. Bruce Reid@ retiredB<br />

C ;Slices of Life< =Ed.@ *r. S3lFio<br />

CodellaB. !e haFe renamed the<br />

newsletter ;B<strong>iophilia</strong>< after the<br />

preeminent HarFard Biologist E.I.<br />

!ilsonJs book of the same title. Briefl3@<br />

this is a somewhat controFersial<br />

h3pothesis@ put forward b3 !ilson@ that<br />

humans eFolFed as creatures deepl3<br />

enmeshed with the intricacies of nature@<br />

and that we still haFe this affinit3 with<br />

nature ingrained in our genot3pe. As<br />

!ilson statesS TI haFe argued in this<br />

book that we are human in good part<br />

because of the particular wa3 we<br />

affiliate with other organisms. The3 are<br />

the matriU in which the human mind<br />

originated and is permanentl3 rooted@<br />

and the3 offer the challenge and<br />

freedom innatel3 sought. To the eUtent<br />

that each person can feel like a<br />

naturalist@ the old eUcitement of the<br />

untrammeled world will be regained. I<br />

offer this as a formula of reV<br />

enchantment to inFigorate poetr3 and<br />

m3thS m3sterious and little known<br />

organisms liFe within walking distance<br />

of where 3ou sit. Splendor awaits in<br />

minute proportionsT =E. I. !ilson@<br />

B<strong>iophilia</strong>@ 1XYZ@ p. 13XB.<br />

It is our aim in this newsletter to<br />

proFide a forum of information to<br />

students@ alumni@ and facult3 of Pean<br />

UniFersit3 to the goingsVon within our<br />

department. !e aim to place particular<br />

emphasis on course offerings@ facult3<br />

research projects and Farious<br />

a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s w i t h i n t h e<br />

department. Additionall3@ periodicall3<br />

we will solicit short contributions from<br />

our facult3 detailing their research<br />

interests or simpl3 biological issues<br />

found in the media that relate to<br />

course content currentl3 offered within<br />

the department. Suggestions of an3<br />

kind are of course alwa3s welcome.<br />

Simpl3 email one of the editors<br />

= e b o e h m ] k e a n . e d u o r<br />

jfasick]kean.eduB with 3our ideas. This<br />

first issue will be deFoted primaril3 to<br />

an introduction to the biolog3 facult3@<br />

courses taught@ their research interests<br />

and to the Biolog3 *egree Program at<br />

Pean UniFersit3.<br />

In this issue:<br />

Introduction to 2<br />

our Facult3<br />

The Biolog3 6<br />

*egree at Pean<br />

UniFersit3<br />

The New PA 7<br />

Program<br />

Announcements 8<br />

Charles R. Darwin 1809-1882<br />

Alfred R. Wallace 1823-1913<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n In tro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

*r. Eric Ha3at =MS<br />

UniFersit3 of TeUas@ Ph*<br />

I n d i a n a U n i F e r s i t 3 B<br />

*istinguished Professor@ is an<br />

internationall3 renowned<br />

scholar in the fields of<br />

electron microscop3 and<br />

cancer research@ haFing<br />

authored C edited more than<br />

31 books. His fourVFolume<br />

s e ri es @ H andbook of<br />

Immunohistochemistr3 and<br />

In Situ H3bridization of<br />

Human Carcinomas@ and his most recent two Folume<br />

set Cancer Imaging haFe receiFed worldVwide acclaim.<br />

*r. Ha3atJs research interests include<br />

immunohistochemistr3 and in situ h3bridization of<br />

human carcinomas@ including lung@ breast@ prostate@<br />

colorectal@ pancreatic@ oFarian@ gastrointestinal@ and<br />

liFer. He is also interested in cancer imaging using MRI@<br />

CT@ PET@ ultrasound@ mammograph3@ *IPPLER<br />

imaging@ SPECT@ and Farious combinations of these<br />

modalities. He has also published 1X articles in peerV<br />

reFiewed journals. *r. Ha3at teaches Cell Biolog3 =BII<br />

2200B C Electron Microscop3 =BII Z200B.<br />

* r . f u d i t h ! .<br />

Rosenthal receiFed<br />

her BA in Human<br />

Biolog3 and Ph* in<br />

P h 3 s i o l o g i c a l<br />

C h e m i s t r 3 f r o m<br />

Brown UniFersit3<br />

=ProFidence@ RIB. She<br />

was a postVdoctoral<br />

f e l l o w a t t h e<br />

UniFersit3 of Toronto and at McMaster UniFersit3.<br />

Much later in life@ haFing mastered Spanish as her<br />

second language@ she earned a Mastergs degree in<br />

BilingualhBicultural Education from what was then<br />

called Pean College of New ferse3. *r. Rosenthalgs<br />

publications include books@ chapters@ and articles<br />

coFering topics as diFerse as effects of drugs on cellular<br />

metabolism@ teaching science to nonVnatiFe speakers of<br />

English@ and Americanhfewish histor3. Currentl3@ she<br />

teaches Principles of denetics =Bio. 3e0ZB in English and<br />

Principles of Biolog3 =Bio. 1000B in Spanish. Ither<br />

courses taught here at Pean include Biochemistr3@<br />

Endocrinolog3@ Science and Technolog3 in the Modern<br />

!orld@ and deFelopmentalhremedial English. Although<br />

no longer carr3ing out biological research@ *r.<br />

Rosenthal has man3 interests. Presentl3@ she stud3ing<br />

iiddish and researching earl3 fewish American women<br />

law3ers.<br />

*r. Frank<br />

I s b o r n e<br />

=MS State<br />

UniFersit3<br />

of New<br />

iork at<br />

A l b a n 3 j<br />

P h . * .<br />

Rensselaer<br />

Pol3technic<br />

InstituteB@<br />

Professor@ Formerl3 taught Principles of<br />

M i c r o b i o l o g 3 = B I I 3 3 0 c B @<br />

C Applied Microbiolog3 =BII Z32cB C also<br />

designed Biostatistics =BII ZY3cB and<br />

Computer Applications in Biolog3 =BII<br />

2X00B. *r. Isborne was a Chairperson of the<br />

Biolog3 *epartment in which he serFed as a fullV<br />

time facult3 member from 1Xe3 to 200c. In<br />

200c@ the opportunit3 arose to transfer to the<br />

*epartment of Elementar3@ Middle and<br />

Secondar3 Education =EMSEB in the College of<br />

Education where he teaches Science<br />

Educational Methods and I* 2Xc0 Technolog3<br />

and the ioung Child. Professor Isborne was<br />

designated as Chairperson of the EMSE<br />

*epartment commencing fanuar3@ 200e.<br />

*r. *enise<br />

M a n c a r e l l a<br />

=Ph* BioV<br />

c h e m i s t r 3 @<br />

!est birginia<br />

UniFersit3B is<br />

the ChairperV<br />

son of the<br />

*epartment<br />

of Biolog3@<br />

and teaches Essentials of Biochemistr3 =BII<br />

Z10cB and Molecular denetics =BII Ze00B.<br />

Prior to coming to Pean UniFersit3@ *r. ManV<br />

carella worked as a Research Associate at the<br />

HarFard Medical School@ in the *epartment of<br />

Neurobiolog3 at Boston Cit3 Hospital. She reV<br />

ceiFed a National Institute of Health Research<br />

Award for postdoctoral work at Rutgers MediV<br />

cal School stud3ing membrane proteins in the<br />

besicular Stomatitis birus.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n In tro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

* r . R o U i e<br />

fames =MS<br />

NfIT@ Ph* RutV<br />

gers UniFerV<br />

s i t 3 B h a s<br />

taught koolV<br />

o g 3 = B I I<br />

3Z00B@ Human<br />

Anatom3 C<br />

P h 3 s i o l o g 3<br />

=BII 3Z03@<br />

3Z0ZB@ Principles of Biolog3 =BII 1000B@ Biolog3<br />

Concepts C Senior Seminar =BII ZXe0B. *r. famesg s<br />

research has focused on the population genetics@<br />

ecolog3 C behaFior of New !orld Monke3s<br />

=Belizean Black Howler Monke3sB. Research enV<br />

tailed a census of eight species of monke3s at the<br />

Iwokrama Rainforest ReserFe@ du3ana@ South<br />

America. As deneral Education *irector@ *r.<br />

famesgs interests haFe now turned to student retenV<br />

tion and course assessment@ specificall3 the use of<br />

models to improFe student retention b3 eUamining<br />

learning and assessment in the T2P classes =dE<br />

1000B. *r. fames is also interested in deFeloping<br />

models to improFe critical thinking.<br />

*r. Francine<br />

dlazer =Ph*<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

C o l o r a d o V<br />

B o u l d e r j<br />

w w w . k e a n .<br />

eduhlfglazerhB<br />

is a deFelopV<br />

m e n t a l<br />

geneticist. She<br />

t e a c h e s<br />

Seminar in IntegratiFe Biolog3 =BII ZXe0B@<br />

Principles of denetics =BII 3e0ZB@ Cell Biolog3 =BII<br />

2200B@ Biolog3 C Societ3 =BII 1200B@ and Principles<br />

of Biolog3 =BII 1000B. *r. dlazergs current research<br />

focuses on improFing teaching and learning.<br />

Projects include the use of preV and postVtests to<br />

measure the effectiFeness of student learning@ and<br />

the effectiFeness of Farious actiFe learning<br />

modalities such as teamVbased learning@ case<br />

studies@ and problemVbased learning. As a certified<br />

Master Inline Teacher@ she is particularl3<br />

interested in stud3ing the integration of actiFe<br />

learning strategies to an online enFironment.<br />

*r. miaobo iu<br />

=MS@ draduate<br />

School of Chinese<br />

A c a d e m 3 o f<br />

Sciences@ Ph*<br />

iale UniFersit3j<br />

w w w . k e a n .<br />

eduhlU3uB has<br />

taught Anatom3<br />

C Ph3siolog3<br />

=BII 3Z03@ 3Z0ZB@ Honors Anatom3 C Ph3siolog3<br />

=BII 3Z33@ 3Z3ZB@ Senior Seminar =BII ZXe0B@<br />

among others. *r. iu is a Fertebrate paleontologist<br />

and an eFolutionar3 biologist. His research interests<br />

include the origin@ eFolution@ ph3logenetics@<br />

paleohistolog3 and functional morpholog3 of earl3<br />

Fertebrate groups such as bon3 fishes =osteichth3ansB<br />

and lobeVfinned fishes =sarcopter3giansB. *r. iu also<br />

studied the relationships of liFing sturgeons using<br />

mitochondrial *NA sequence data. His publications<br />

haFe appeared in s3mposium Folumes and in<br />

journals such as fournal of bertebrate Paleontolog3@<br />

Molecular Ph3logenetics C EFolution@ American<br />

Museum NoFitates and Nature.<br />

*r. Angela R.<br />

P o r t a = P h *<br />

U n i F e r s i t 3 o f<br />

M e d i c i n e a n d<br />

*entistr3 of New<br />

ferse3j www.kean.<br />

eduhlaportahB has<br />

taught Human<br />

P h 3 s i o l o g 3 C<br />

Anatom3 =BII<br />

2Z02B@ Anatom3 C Ph3siolog3 I C II =BII 3Z03 C<br />

3Z0ZB@ Cell Ph3siolog3 =BII Z22cB@ Senior Seminar<br />

BII ZeX0B@ among others. She is a biochemist and<br />

molecular biologist. Her research interests focus on<br />

the role of calcium binding proteins in maintaining<br />

calcium homeostasis. Currentl3 heading the Iffice of<br />

Research and Sponsored Programs@ *r. Porta has also<br />

been the recipient of numerous grants including the<br />

National Institutes of Health as well as priFate<br />

foundations. She has coVauthored more than 2Y<br />

research publications in peerVreFiewed scientific<br />

journals such as the fournal of Cellular Biochemistr3@<br />

Endocrinolog3@ Molecular and Cellular Endocrinolog3@<br />

and the fournal of Bone and Mineral Research.<br />

Numerous undergraduate students haFe been<br />

inFolFed in all aspects of her research where the3<br />

haFe preformed molecular biolog3 and biochemical<br />

techniques to determine *NAhRNA and protein<br />

anal3sis@ and presented their work at local and<br />

national scientific meetings.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n In tro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

* r . S 3 l F i o<br />

Codella =MS<br />

Rutgers@ Ph*<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

! i s c o n s i n<br />

= w w w . k e a n .<br />

eduhlscodellahB<br />

has taught<br />

A n i m a l<br />

BehaFior =BII<br />

3Z3cB@ Ecolog3<br />

=BII 3o1ZB@ C koolog3 =BII 3Z00B@ among others.<br />

*r. Codella is an eFolutionar3 ecologist and<br />

entomologist who specializes in the insect order<br />

H3menoptera =sawflies@ wasps@ ants@ beesB. His<br />

research interests include defense strategies@<br />

chemical ecolog3@ social biolog3 and@ most recentl3@<br />

urban ecolog3 and biodiFersit3. Undergraduate<br />

researchers in the Codella Lab collaborate on a<br />

Fariet3 of actiFities@ including field work@ curation of<br />

a large insect research collection@ microphotograph3<br />

and statistical anal3sis. His publications haFe<br />

appeared in such journals as EFolution@ Animal<br />

BehaFior@ fournal of insect BehaFior@ Iecologia@ C<br />

Ecological Entomolog3.<br />

*r. Patrick<br />

R. Field<br />

= P h *<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

M a r 3 l a n d @<br />

Balti moreB<br />

t e a c h e s<br />

H u m a n<br />

d r o s s<br />

A n a t o m 3<br />

=Bio cZ0cB@<br />

Basic dross Anatom3 =Bio 3Z0cB@ AdFanced<br />

Neuroscience =Bio cZ0cB@ and Senior Seminar =Bio<br />

ZXe0B. *r. Fieldgs research interests are centered<br />

around the use of case studies in the classroom.<br />

His publications in this field include original case<br />

studies deFeloped for his courses and research<br />

conducted Fia surFe3s of studentsJ perceptions of<br />

the method as a pedagogical tool. *r. Field also<br />

serFes as the AdFisor for the Pean Ph3sician<br />

Assistant Program.<br />

*r. Frank<br />

khang =Ph*<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

deorgiaB has<br />

t a u g h t<br />

Anatom3 C<br />

P h 3 s i o l o g 3<br />

=BII 3Z03@<br />

3 Z 0 Z B @<br />

M a r i n e<br />

Biolog3 =BII<br />

3000B@ Ecolog3 =BII 3o1ZB C Senior Seminar =BII<br />

ZXe0B. *r. khang also coordinates Principal of<br />

Biolog3 =BII 1000B and serFes as the Student<br />

AdFisement Coordinator. *r. khanggs research<br />

focuses on marine ecolog3 and computer modeling<br />

of ecos3stem d3namics. Recentl3 he has deFeloped<br />

a research interest in urban enFironmental issues in<br />

China. His publications haFe appeared in the<br />

fournal of Ph3sical Iceanograph3@ Ecological<br />

Modeling and the fournal of China *eFelopment<br />

IbserFation. *r. khang is also interested in working<br />

with students in the stud3 of enFironmental science@<br />

conserFation biolog3@ landscape ecolog3@ and urban<br />

ecolog3.<br />

*r. Rongsun<br />

Pu =Ph*<br />

P u r d u e<br />

UniFersit3j<br />

www.kean.<br />

e d u h l r p u h B<br />

t e a c h e s<br />

d e n e s @<br />

Irganisms C<br />

Populations<br />

=BII 2Z00B@<br />

denetics Lab =BII 3e0cB C Histolog3 =BII 32o0B.<br />

*r. PuJs lab is inFestigating the role of a multiV<br />

functional protein@ calciumhcalmodulinV<br />

dependent protein kinase II =CaM kinase IIB@ in<br />

learning and memor3 using wildVt3pe and mutant<br />

*rosophila melanogaster. Her current research<br />

focuses on the role of CaM kinase II in time<br />

d e p r i F e d m u t a n t f r u i t f l i e s<br />

miVicking jet lag s3mptoms in humans. Her<br />

publications haFe appeared in such journals as<br />

the fournal of Molecular Neuroscience@ Planta@<br />

*eFelopmental Biolog3@ C the fournal of Cell<br />

Science.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n In tro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

*r. EFros bassiliou<br />

=Ph* Rutgersj<br />

w w w . k e a n .<br />

e d u h l e F a s s i l i h B<br />

teaches ImmunolV<br />

og3 =BII Z31cB@<br />

Basic Tissue CulV<br />

ture =BII 3Y20B C<br />

birolog3 =BII<br />

Z310B. Research<br />

focuses the immune s3stem and antiVinflammator3<br />

compounds@ specificall3 on the effects of PdE2 on<br />

human and murine dendritic cells. The current foV<br />

cus is to understand the role of each receptor subV<br />

t3pe and the characteristics of the immune reV<br />

sponse elicited b3 dendritic cells that haFe been<br />

eUposed to PdE2. The c3tokine profile upon stimuV<br />

lation and surface markers are also being studied. A<br />

number of techniques are being utilized in these<br />

inFestigations such as flow c3tometr3@ ELISA@ realV<br />

time PCR and RTVPCR. *r. bassiliougs publications<br />

haFe appeared in the fournal of Immunolog3@<br />

FASEB@ Cell Immunolog3@ fournal of Leukoc3te BiolV<br />

og3@ among others.<br />

* r . B r i a n<br />

Teasdale =MS<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

South Florida@<br />

Ph* UniFersit3<br />

o f N e w<br />

H a m p s h i r e B<br />

t e a c h e s<br />

Principles of<br />

Botan3 =BII<br />

2c00B C denes@ Irganisms@ and Populations =BII<br />

2Z00B C neUt summer will teach Marine Biolog3 in<br />

the Bahamas. *r. Teasdalegs research interests<br />

include algal s3stematics and seaweed<br />

biogeograph3@ including the eFolution of groupVI<br />

introns found in certain red algal =Rhodoph3taB<br />

species. He is also currentl3 inFolFed in<br />

collaboratiFe work stud3ing the taUonom3 of the<br />

morphologicall3 Fariable brittle star Iphioderma<br />

sp. found in the Bahamas. His publications haFe<br />

appeared in such journals as the fournal of<br />

Applied Ph3colog3@ Algae@ Ph3cologia and the<br />

European fournal of Ph3colog3.<br />

*r. Eric Boehm<br />

= M S @ P h *<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

M i n n e s o t a j<br />

www.kean.eduh<br />

l e b o e h m h B<br />

teaches Principles<br />

of Microbiolog3<br />

= B I I 3 3 0 c B @<br />

Senior Seminar<br />

=BII ZXe0B C Applied Microbiolog3 =BII Z32cB. *r.<br />

Boehm is a m3cologist whose current research<br />

inFolFes the molecular bios3stematics of an unusual<br />

transitional group of corticolous C lignicolous tree<br />

parasites belonging to the bitunicate ascom3cetes<br />

=H3steriaceae C M3tilinidiaceaeB. His research<br />

emphasizes field work to establish geneticall3 pure<br />

cultures@ PCR C *NA sequencing of taUonomicall3<br />

informatiFe genes@ and bioinformatics to deFelop<br />

gene genealogies in order to address eFolutionar3<br />

questions among these fungi. His publications haFe<br />

appeared in such journals as Molecular Plant<br />

Microbe Interactions@ M3cologia@ Ph3topatholog3@<br />

Current denetics @ Marine Biotechnolog3@ fournal<br />

of EUperimental Biolog3@ C The Canadian fournal<br />

of Botan3@ among others.<br />

*r. *aniela<br />

Shebitz =MS<br />

SUNi College<br />

o f E n F i V<br />

r o n m e n t a l<br />

Science and<br />

Forestr3@ Ph*<br />

UniFersit3 of<br />

! a s h i n g t o n B<br />

t e a c h e s<br />

Principals of Ecolog3 =BII 3o1ZB@ dIP =BII 2Z00B<br />

C Applied Ecolog3 =BII Zo1cB. *r. Shebitz is a<br />

plant ecologist whose research interests include<br />

ethnobotan3@ restoration ecolog3@ urban ecolog3<br />

and stud3ing the effects of human actiFit3 on<br />

plant communities. She has focused on working<br />

with indigenous groups to restore culturall3V<br />

important plants that haFe declined due to<br />

deFelopment@ unsustainable harFesting@ succession@<br />

and the absence of traditional ecological<br />

management =particularl3 anthropogenic burningB.<br />

Current research inFestigates the effects of<br />

inFasiFe plants on the ecolog3 of urban parks<br />

throughout Union Count3. Her publications haFe<br />

appeared in such journals as H3drobiologia@<br />

fournal of Ethnobiolog3@ Restoration Ecolog3 and<br />

the fournal of Ecological Anthropolog3.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n In tro duction to the Biolog y Faculty<br />

*r. feffr3 Fasick<br />

=MS@ Ph* UniFerV<br />

sit3 of Mar3land<br />

Baltimore Count3<br />

pUMBCqB teaches<br />

Anatom3 C Ph3siV<br />

olog3 =BII 3Z03@<br />

3Z0ZB. *r. FasickJs<br />

research interests<br />

fall into two quite<br />

diFerse fields@ cancer biolog3 and Fisual pigment<br />

biolog3 in marine mammals. His lab is currentl3<br />

working on deFeloping immunotherapeutics against<br />

colon and pancreatic cancer b3 deFeloping antiV<br />

bodies against tumor associated antigens. *r.<br />

Fasick is also eUamining the retinal la3er of the botV<br />

tlenose dolphin =Tursiops truncatusB e3e and charV<br />

acterizing a recentl3 discoFered light sensitiFe pigV<br />

ment@ melanopsin. Molecular characterization of<br />

the coding region of melanopsin from marine mamV<br />

mals will be compared to homologous regions from<br />

other animals to understand the eFolutionar3 presV<br />

sures placed on the adaptation of the melanopins<br />

to an aquatic enFironment. *r. Fasickgs publicaV<br />

tions haFe appeared in such journals as BiochemisV<br />

tr3@ bisual Neuroscience@ and Marine Mammal SciV<br />

ence.<br />

*r. Farshad Tamari<br />

= P h * i o r k<br />

UniFersit3@ Toronto@<br />

Canadaj www.kean.<br />

eduhlftamarihB is a<br />

plant geneticist. He<br />

is currentl3 teaching<br />

denes@ Irganisms@<br />

and Populations<br />

=BII 2Z00B@ denetics C Lab =BII3e0Zh3e0cB. As a<br />

graduate student@ *r. Tamarigs research focused on<br />

the genetics and eFolution of plant mating s3stems.<br />

Subsequentl3@ he completed a threeV3ear postV<br />

doctoral fellowship at the Human denetics<br />

*epartment at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine<br />

=MSSMB in New iork@ where he focused on the<br />

molecular and cellular biolog3 of the genetic<br />

neurodegeneratiFe l3sosomal storage disorder<br />

called NiemannVPick T3pe C =NPC1B. His<br />

publications haFe appeared in such journals as the<br />

International fournal of Plant Science@ Heredit3@<br />

the American fournal of Botan3 and the Canadian<br />

fournal of Botan3. His current research focuses on<br />

the molecular genetics C eFolution of dist3l3 and<br />

selfVincompatibilit3 in FlaU =Linum@ LinaceaeB.<br />

The Biolog3 *egreeS A degree in Biolog3 from<br />

Pean UniFersit3 prepares students for a wide<br />

range of careers as well as for further stud3. ReV<br />

cent graduates haFe been accepted intoS masterJs<br />

and doctoral programs in the biological sciencesj<br />

medical and dental schoolsj podiatric@ chiropracV<br />

tic@ and Feterinar3 schoolsj graduate programs in<br />

ph3sical and occupational therap3j and pharmac3<br />

and ph3sician assistant programs. The departV<br />

mentJs PreVHealth Professions !eb Page contains<br />

a wealth of adFisement materials for undergraduV<br />

ates interested in pursuing a career in medicine@<br />

dentistr3@ and allied health fields. Ither biolog3<br />

graduates haFe gone directl3 into the workforce.<br />

Some are emplo3ed b3 pharmaceutical companies<br />

or b3 federal or state goFernmental agencies@ while<br />

others are working in hospitals or are emplo3ed as<br />

teachers or enFironmental specialists. If 3ou are<br />

interested in the biological sciences and are thinkV<br />

ing about pursuing a career in biolog3 or a related<br />

field =such as teaching@ research@ biotechnolog3@<br />

enFironmental science@ medicine@ dentistr3@ or one<br />

of the allied health fieldsB@ Pean UniFersit3 has a<br />

program of stud3 that can help 3ou achieFe 3our<br />

goals. The *epartment of Biological Sciences proV<br />

Fides information and adFisement about graduate<br />

and professional schools@ internships@ and work<br />

opportunities. PeanJs Center for Academic Success<br />

also assists students and alumni in planning a caV<br />

reer and in obtaining professional emplo3ment<br />

upon graduation. For further information@ please<br />

s e e t h e * e p a r t m e n t a l w e b s i t e S<br />

httpShhwww.kean.eduhlbiolog3h.<br />

*egree IptionsS The *epartment offers a B.A.<br />

degree with three options@ a B.S. degree with two<br />

options@ and a Minor Program. The different opV<br />

tions in the B.A. program prepare the student for<br />

graduate stud3 in Farious fields of biolog3@ mediV<br />

cine@ dentistr3@ Feterinar3 medicine@ for teaching in<br />

elementar3 or secondar3 schools@ and for positions<br />

in industr3 or goFernment related to the biological<br />

sciences. The B.S. degree is designed to proFide<br />

students with the necessar3 skills and opportuniV<br />

ties for both intensiFe stud3 and research in bioV<br />

technolog3@ and in the broad scope of biological<br />

and medical areas of molecular biolog3@ enFironV<br />

mental biolog3@ biomedical research@ ecolog3 and<br />

behaFior@ and microbiolog3. Iptional majors inV<br />

cludeS B.S. Biotechnolog3@ B.A. Ph3sical Therap3<br />

Track@ B.A. Iccupational Therap3 Track@ B.A.<br />

Honors Iption@ C B.A. Teacher Certification IpV<br />

tion.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

Intro ducing the Biolog y A d ministration<br />

Pean UniFersit3 and UM*Nf Ph3sician Assistant =PAB Program<br />

UNIIN@ N.f. r As the fall 200o semester commenced@ Pean UniFerV<br />

sit3 and the UniFersit3 of Medicine and *entistr3 of New ferse3<br />

=UM*NfB began offering the jointl3 sponsored Ph3sician Assistant<br />

=PAB B.A.hM.S. Program. This oV3ear@ ;3 s 3 program< requires that<br />

students first attend Pean to complete three 3ears of undergraduV<br />

ate liberal arts and basic science education. Students are then reV<br />

quired to attend UM*Nf for an additional three 3ears@ in order to<br />

earn a B.A. in Biolog3 and an M.S. in the Ph3sician Assistant track.<br />

Elizabeth McdoFernS *epartmental<br />

folene PankoS Assistant SuperFisor of Academic<br />

Lab SerFices<br />

fennifer iatauroS Professional SerFices SpeV<br />

cialist Ib<br />

Panta PachrooS Program Assistant<br />

;This is a Faluable opportunit3 for Pean students and prospectiFe<br />

students to become a professional in the eUciting and rewarding<br />

medical world as a Ph3sician Assistant@ in less time than the tradiV<br />

tional undergraduate and masters degree would require@< *r. PatV<br />

rick Field@ AdFisor for the Pean Ph3sician Assistant Program.<br />

Students are eligible to appl3 to this professional program in April<br />

of their second 3ear. Applicants must haFe an oFerall d.P.A. of 3.0<br />

on a ZVpoint scale where Z.0 equals an ;A.< In cases where indiV<br />

Fiduals ma3 show high potential b3 improFed performance@ eUcepV<br />

tions to this requirement ma3 be considered. Additionall3@ personal<br />

interFiews will be required of those applicants being considered for<br />

admission. The interFiew serFes to determine the applicantJs emoV<br />

tional and intellectual maturit3@ abilit3 to communicate and the<br />

potential to achieFe career satisfaction within the Ph3sician AssisV<br />

tant role.<br />

If the applicant is accepted into the program@ it will be contingent<br />

on maintaining a 3.0 dPA through the end of the third undergraduV<br />

ate 3ear@ and all requirements for the undergraduate degree are<br />

met before the beginning of the fourth 3ear. Students must then<br />

formall3 appl3 for admission for their professional coursework to<br />

the UM*NfVSHRP Ph3sician Assistant Program.@ application mateV<br />

rials accessible through the webpage of the Biolog3 deptS<br />

www.kean.eduhlbiolog3hj click on Student Resourcesj click on<br />

UM*Nf Ph3siciangs Assistant Program with Pean UniFersit3j<br />

download track form@ application@ letters of reference forms etc.<br />

on the UM*Nf webVsite. NoteS Application on this webVsite states<br />

that application is due b3 Februar3 1V this is incorrect@ applications<br />

for PeanhUM*Nf PA program are due on fune 1 as stated.<br />

Students who are accepted into the professional program will beV<br />

gin this phase at the beginning of their senior 3ear. At the end of<br />

the senior 3ear@ these students will receiFe a Bachelor of Arts deV<br />

gree conferred b3 Pean UniFersit3. After completion of the remainV<br />

ing two 3ears of the Ph3sician Assistant Program@ graduates will<br />

receiFe a Master of Science degree awarded b3 UM*Nf.<br />

Current and prospectiFe Pean students wishing to appl3 to the<br />

program should contact *r. Patrick Field@ program coordinator for<br />

Pean UniFersit3@ at X0YVe3eV3ooe or Fia eVmail at<br />

pfield]kean.edu. All applications for the 200YV200X Academic<br />

iear must be receiFed b3 fune 1@ 200Y. Final notices of acceptance<br />

will be made b3 August 1@ 200Y. This press release is also aFailable<br />

online atS httpShhwww.kean.eduhabouttpress.html.<br />

!<strong>iophilia</strong>!<strong>Kean</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Biology Department Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1 (October 2007)

A n n ouncements<br />

The Institute for Urban Ecolog3<br />

=IUESB Seminar SeriesS Seminars<br />

are at 3S30pm on Monda3s in Rm.<br />

113 Hennings Hall. *r. Catherine<br />

Burns =UniFersit3 of MaineB<br />

recentl3 presented ;Small<br />

M a m m a l s i n t h e<br />

Metropolitan AreaS Understanding<br />

patterns of abundance and<br />

d i F e r s i t 3<br />

along an urbanVrural gradient< on<br />

Ict. 22. *r. Lora Billings<br />

=Montclair StateB will present<br />

; A n t i b o d 3 d e p e n d e n t<br />

e n h a n c e m e n t S<br />

CompleU d3namics in the eFolution<br />

of diseases< on NoF.1Zth. And@<br />

fennifer IJ*a3 will be presenting<br />

on *ec. Zth on ;Iccupational<br />

T h e r a p 3 B e 3 o n d B o r d e r s S<br />

*eliFering Humanitarian IT<br />


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