KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka

KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka


040 ➔041 Report of the Board of Directors Due from Česká konsolidační agentura Amounts due from Česká konsolidační agentura decreased by 31.4% to CZK 24.3 billion. Loans in the total amount of CZK 18.5 billion were granted by Komerční banka to Česká konsolidační agentura, formerly Konsolidační banka Praha, s. p. ú. for the purpose of re-financing the transfer of the bank’s classified assets in August 1999 and March 2000. Loans and advances to customers Net loans and advances to customers (following the deduction of provisions) amounted to CZK 130.9 billion, which represents an increase by 8.0% compared to the end of 2002. The nominal volume of loans amounted to CZK 140.3 billion, including CZK 1.8 billion in debt securities acquired under initial offerings and not designated for trading, and the provisions for loan losses came to CZK 9.4 billion. Retail loans continued to grow dynamically. Mortgage loans increased year on year by 41.2% to a total of CZK 25.8 billion and consumer loans by 17.4% to CZK 9.0 billion. The share of retail loans in the total loan portfolio has continued to increase and stood at 25.2% at the end of 2003. During 2003 the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio kept improving. At the end of the year standard loans represented 80.1% of the total loan portfolio, which is an increase by 15.7 percentage points, whilst the share of loans under special review (substandard, doubtful, loss loans) fell by 11.7 percentage points to 7.4%. This significant improvement was influenced by the transfer of non-performing loans from the bank’s balance sheet to GE in the first half of the year with a positive impact on the level of loans under special review, continuous successful workout of non-performing assets within the bank and general improvement of the quality of the loan portfolio. The quality improvement of the loan portfolio, together with the release of the general provision led to the further decline of total provisions and reserves for loan losses by 45.5% to the amount of CZK 9.4 billion including the general provision in the amount of CZK 4.0 billion. The disposable value of collateral assuring customer loans amounted to CZK 58.6 billion of which CZK 32.4 billion, i.e. 55.3% was real estate. A significant part of the portfolio of non-performing loans of Komerční banka was covered until the end of the 2003 by the State Guarantee. As at 31 December 2003 the final nominal volume of guaranteed assets significantly decreased and amounted to CZK 1.3 billion, as a consequence of paid instalments, sales, write-offs and the displacement of part of the assets from the State Guarantee regime (for more details please see the Risk Management section). Securities available for sale The portfolio of securities available for sale comprised CZK 22.7 billion of securities, its total volume declined year on year by 7.0%. The bank sold its remaining participation certificates of Otevřený podílový fond Globální (Globální Open Mutual Fund). The carrying value of asset backed securities (CDO) declined during 2003 by 19.9% to CZK 8.4 billion mainly as a result of the CZK/USD exchange rate development. The bank also acquired Czech Government bonds in the nominal amount of CZK 4.7 billion. Investments held to maturity The volume of the portfolio of investments held to maturity significantly decreased to CZK 97 million. This year-on-year decrease from CZK 2.5 billion is connected with the full redemption of the subordinated debt issued by the Bank’s subsidiary Komercni Finance, B. V. made on 15 May 2003. Part of the subordinated bond in the total amount of CZK 2.4 billion was purchased by the Bank in 2002 and held in this portfolio until redemption. Investments in subsidiaries and associates Investments in subsidiaries and associates decreased by 10.3% compared to the year 2002 and amounted to CZK 1.4 billion. The bank decided to sell its 100% equity participation in Reflexim, 50% shareholding in CAC Leasing and 10% shareholding in CAC Leasing Slovakia with the result of a decrease in these investments by CZK 116 million. A decrease in the equity of Komerční pojišťovna led to an additional provisioning of this company by CZK 92 million.

LIABILITIES Amounts due to banks Amounts due to banks stood at CZK 19.0 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease by 15.9%. Amounts due to customers Amounts due to customers increased to CZK 349.5 billion, i.e. by 2.5% compared to the year-end 2002. Current accounts grew significantly to the total of CZK 202.3 billion and thus their share in total amounts due to customers increased from 50.1% to 57.9%. On the contrary term deposits and savings accounts fell by 17.1% to CZK 107.0 billion, representing 30.6% of the total. Certificated debt The total volume of certificated debt amounted to CZK 21.3 billion, which is an increase by 16.9% due to the increase in the volume of mortgage bonds. Part of the Certificated debt in the amount of CZK 17.2 billion will mature during the year 2004. Bonds represent 53.5% and mortgage bonds 46.5% of the total certificated debts. Accruals, provisions and other liabilities The bank received an up-front payment of CZK 5.9 billion from Česká konsolidační agentura in connection with the termination of the State Guarantee. Until the final settlement the advanced payment is reported in the item Accruals and deferred income. Subordinated debt On 15 May 2003, the bank, in accordance with the term and conditions of the notes, exercised an option for the early redemption of subordinated debt issued in 1998 in a principal amount of USD 200 million, due 2008. This subordinated debt was financed by a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank, Komercni Finance, B. V., which issued subordinated bonds guaranteed by the bank. The registration of the securities was cancelled following their redemption. At the end of 2003 the bank held no subordinated debt. Shareholders’ equity The bank’s share capital remained unchanged at the level of CZK 19.0 billion in 38 million ordinary shares. The total shareholders’ equity increased by 19.7% to CZK 40.4 billion mainly due to the increase in profit in the current period. The total shareholders’ equity represent 9.0% of its total assets.

040 ➔041<br />

Report of the Board of Directors<br />

Due from Česká konsolidační agentura<br />

Amounts due from Česká konsolidační agentura decreased by 31.4% to CZK 24.3 billion. Loans in the total amount of<br />

CZK 18.5 billion were granted by <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> to Česká konsolidační agentura, formerly Konsolidační <strong>banka</strong> Praha, s. p. ú.<br />

for the purpose of re-financing the transfer of the bank’s classified assets in August 1999 and March 2000.<br />

Loans and advances to customers<br />

Net loans and advances to customers (following the deduction of provisions) amounted to CZK 130.9 billion, which represents<br />

an increase by 8.0% compared to the end of 2002. The nominal volume of loans amounted to CZK 140.3 billion, including<br />

CZK 1.8 billion in debt securities acquired under initial offerings and not designated for trading, and the provisions for loan losses<br />

came to CZK 9.4 billion.<br />

Retail loans continued to grow dynamically. Mortgage loans increased year on year by 41.2% to a total of CZK 25.8 billion and<br />

consumer loans by 17.4% to CZK 9.0 billion. The share of retail loans in the total loan portfolio has continued to increase and<br />

stood at 25.2% at the end of 2003.<br />

During 2003 the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio kept improving. At the end of the year standard loans represented 80.1% of<br />

the total loan portfolio, which is an increase by 15.7 percentage points, whilst the share of loans under special review (substandard,<br />

doubtful, loss loans) fell by 11.7 percentage points to 7.4%. This significant improvement was influenced by the<br />

transfer of non-performing loans from the bank’s balance sheet to GE in the first half of the year with a positive impact on the<br />

level of loans under special review, continuous successful workout of non-performing assets within the bank and general<br />

improvement of the quality of the loan portfolio.<br />

The quality improvement of the loan portfolio, together with the release of the general provision led to the further decline of<br />

total provisions and reserves for loan losses by 45.5% to the amount of CZK 9.4 billion including the general provision in the<br />

amount of CZK 4.0 billion. The disposable value of collateral assuring customer loans amounted to CZK 58.6 billion of which<br />

CZK 32.4 billion, i.e. 55.3% was real estate.<br />

A significant part of the portfolio of non-performing loans of <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> was covered until the end of the 2003 by the<br />

State Guarantee. As at 31 December 2003 the final nominal volume of guaranteed assets significantly decreased and<br />

amounted to CZK 1.3 billion, as a consequence of paid instalments, sales, write-offs and the displacement of part of the<br />

assets from the State Guarantee regime (for more details please see the Risk Management section).<br />

Securities available for sale<br />

The portfolio of securities available for sale comprised CZK 22.7 billion of securities, its total volume declined year on year by<br />

7.0%. The bank sold its remaining participation certificates of Otevřený podílový fond Globální (Globální Open Mutual Fund). The<br />

carrying value of asset backed securities (CDO) declined during 2003 by 19.9% to CZK 8.4 billion mainly as a result of the<br />

CZK/USD exchange rate development. The bank also acquired Czech Government bonds in the nominal amount of CZK 4.7 billion.<br />

Investments held to maturity<br />

The volume of the portfolio of investments held to maturity significantly decreased to CZK 97 million. This year-on-year<br />

decrease from CZK 2.5 billion is connected with the full redemption of the subordinated debt issued by the Bank’s subsidiary<br />

Komercni Finance, B. V. made on 15 May 2003. Part of the subordinated bond in the total amount of CZK 2.4 billion was<br />

purchased by the Bank in 2002 and held in this portfolio until redemption.<br />

Investments in subsidiaries and associates<br />

Investments in subsidiaries and associates decreased by 10.3% compared to the year 2002 and amounted to CZK 1.4 billion.<br />

The bank decided to sell its 100% equity participation in Reflexim, 50% shareholding in CAC Leasing and 10% shareholding in<br />

CAC Leasing Slovakia with the result of a decrease in these investments by CZK 116 million. A decrease in the equity of<br />

<strong>Komerční</strong> pojišťovna led to an additional provisioning of this company by CZK 92 million.

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