KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka

KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka KB prezent. angl - Komerční banka


036 ➔037 Report of the Board of Directors Human Resources Komerční banka continued to implement technological and organisational changes in order to optimise the number of employees. At the end 2003, the total KB headcount, including expatriates, was 8,233, of which 3,044 employees worked at headquarters and 5,189 in the distribution network. The headcount reduction was in line with the Bank‘s three-year plan, and compared to the end of 2002 the number of employees was down by 590, i.e. by 6.7%. The total headcount reduction between 2001 and 2003 was 2,470 employees, i.e. 23.1%. Evolution of the Headcount 15,000 12,000 9,000 13,356 10,708 9,299 8,823 8,233 6,000 3,000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 The number of staff was considerably influenced by the integration, in May 2003, of 212 employees from the subsidiary ASIS; this followed on from the previous transfer of 258 employees from the subsidiary Reflexim to the Bank in the second half of 2002. Without these transfers the decrease in the number of employees would have been even higher. The reduction in the headcount was influenced inter alia by the gradual shrinking of the Remedial Management unit; on the other hand, the number of employees was increased by the need to staff internal projects and increase the number of points of sale. In January, all employees were assigned to new positions and a new compensation system was fully implemented. At the same time, the process of aligning base salaries with the market level was started. As in previous years, wage developments were the result of an agreement between the Bank, represented by Human Resources, and the Bank’s trade unions. An integral part of the Bank‘s development is employee career building and the nurturing of the Bank’s own managers and professionals. The recruitment and training of young, prospective, and talented colleagues is one of the main priorities of the Bank. Last year, KB was awarded the prestigious prize of “Most Desired Employer of the Year” for university graduates in 2003 in a survey conducted among students from the most important Czech universities. This survey was run under the auspices of the international student organisation AIESEC. The prize was awarded in the scope of the “Employer of the Year” competition, where KB ranked among the top ten employers. The development of business activities and the introduction of new products requires constant improvements in employees‘ professional skills. Therefore, special attention is paid to the training in the product range and to courses on communication with customers. The Bank also provides its employees with language courses and training in information technologies and managerial skills. – During the year, the Bank provided the employees with 86,000 days of training, representing a year-on-year increase of 22%. – More than 90% employees participated in training courses. – On average, each employee spent an average of 11 days on training courses during the year. Komerční banka extended its social benefits to include an offer of capital life insurance with employer contributions. The maximum contribution by the Bank is CZK 500 per month; the Bank paid contributions totalling CZK 38.5 million. Between March and the end of the year, 6,085 contracts were concluded.

Corporate Citizenship – Company Activities Komerční banka’s sponsorship strategy is based on values professed by the whole of the Société Générale Group – i.e. professionalism, innovation and team spirit. In its role as a sponsor, Komerční banka focuses on culture, amateur sports and education. Its most important cultural project is the support of the artistic activities of the National Theatre, a symbol of Czech national identity and cultural history. It is a matter of prestige for Komerční banka to have its name connected with the number-one Czech theatre and to contribute to its further development and to the promotion of its exceptional position in the world of culture. Komerční banka also sponsors important concerts of the Prague Symphonic Orchestra and has made a donation to increase the quality of the orchestra’s instruments, intensifying the cultural experience enjoyed by those who attend the orchestra’s concerts. Komerční banka helps gifted young musicians attend the French-Czech Musical Academy in Telč, which offers young talents two-week stays in the company of prominent musical instructors from the Czech Republic and France. The portfolio of the cultural events sponsored by the Bank is rounded off by the French Film Festival. French films have traditionally been popular with Czech audiences, and this festival gives them the chance to see many interesting new movies as well as genre-specific specialities from the rich range of French film production. Komerční banka also helped Prague Zoo by contributing to some of the cost of transporting a new elephant and adapting the animal’s enclosure. An example of the Bank’s support of amateur sports is its continuing co-operation with the Czech Rugby Union. Komerční banka supports rugby in general, meaning that money is channelled not only into the national team, but also to all other teams active in the Czech Republic. Rugby is a sport in which the players need to work together to be successful – a sport in which the quality of individuals augments the quality of the team. It is a sport which honours the values advocated by Komerční banka and the Société Générale Group as a whole. Every year, Komerční banka also sponsors the Czech Association of Disabled Athletes. In 2003, KB’s contribution helped the Czech track and field team participate in the European Championships in Assen, the Netherlands, where Czech athletes ran up a tally of 21 medals, 13 of them gold. Co-operation with a number of Czech universities is also one of Komerční banka’s priorities. These institutions include the University of Economics, Prague, the University of Mining, Ostrava, and the Czech Technical University. In the scope of this co-operation, Komerční banka’s sponsorship focuses on professional conferences and support for selected scholarships, and on the financing of students’ short-term foreign placements. Komerční banka employees and managers give lectures at universities and offer consultation to students writing their dissertations. In co-operation with CEFRES (a French institution for social-science research), Komerční banka has financially supported selected work of Czech students studying economics, banking and finance. The Bank also considers its co-operation with the AIESEC international student organisation to be very important, and KB provides financial help in organising conferences and seminars, as well as job fairs where the Bank actively participates as the AIESEC’s chief partner. At these fairs, students have access to information from their fields and can find extensive, important practical experience. These gifted young people can then inject new ideas and insights into the Bank, and if they decide to work for Komerční banka their integration into the team is a guarantee that the dynamic development of Komerční banka will be maintained. As far as publicly beneficial work is concerned, Komerční banka is not only active as an institution – bank employees also participate through the Jistota Foundation. This Foundation is financed out of the Bank’s contributions and out of the contributions of individual employees. For example, the Jistota Foundation contributed to the renovation of the Children’s Optical Clinic in Karlovo Náměstí in Prague, the hospital in Sušice, and the maternity ward at Podolí. The Jistota Foundation also provides financial support to socially challenged and disabled citizens. Komerční banka is clearly one of the key players on the Czech banking market. It has attained this position thanks to the everyday fulfilment of its main motto – the client always comes first. But Komerční banka is also an important donor which is well aware of its position in the Czech economy and which develops its activities with an awareness of the society-wide context and responsibilities stemming from such an important position.

Corporate Citizenship – Company Activities<br />

<strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong>’s sponsorship strategy is based on values professed by the whole of the Société Générale Group – i.e.<br />

professionalism, innovation and team spirit. In its role as a sponsor, <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> focuses on culture, amateur sports and<br />

education. Its most important cultural project is the support of the artistic activities of the National Theatre, a symbol of Czech<br />

national identity and cultural history. It is a matter of prestige for <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> to have its name connected with the<br />

number-one Czech theatre and to contribute to its further development and to the promotion of its exceptional position in the<br />

world of culture. <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> also sponsors important concerts of the Prague Symphonic Orchestra and has made<br />

a donation to increase the quality of the orchestra’s instruments, intensifying the cultural experience enjoyed by those who<br />

attend the orchestra’s concerts. <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> helps gifted young musicians attend the French-Czech Musical Academy<br />

in Telč, which offers young talents two-week stays in the company of prominent musical instructors from the Czech Republic<br />

and France. The portfolio of the cultural events sponsored by the Bank is rounded off by the French Film Festival. French<br />

films have traditionally been popular with Czech audiences, and this festival gives them the chance to see many interesting<br />

new movies as well as genre-specific specialities from the rich range of French film production. <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> also helped<br />

Prague Zoo by contributing to some of the cost of transporting a new elephant and adapting the animal’s enclosure.<br />

An example of the Bank’s support of amateur sports is its continuing co-operation with the Czech Rugby Union. <strong>Komerční</strong><br />

<strong>banka</strong> supports rugby in general, meaning that money is channelled not only into the national team, but also to all other teams<br />

active in the Czech Republic. Rugby is a sport in which the players need to work together to be successful – a sport in which<br />

the quality of individuals augments the quality of the team. It is a sport which honours the values advocated by <strong>Komerční</strong><br />

<strong>banka</strong> and the Société Générale Group as a whole. Every year, <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> also sponsors the Czech Association of<br />

Disabled Athletes. In 2003, <strong>KB</strong>’s contribution helped the Czech track and field team participate in the European<br />

Championships in Assen, the Netherlands, where Czech athletes ran up a tally of 21 medals, 13 of them gold.<br />

Co-operation with a number of Czech universities is also one of <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong>’s priorities. These institutions include the<br />

University of Economics, Prague, the University of Mining, Ostrava, and the Czech Technical University. In the scope of this<br />

co-operation, <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong>’s sponsorship focuses on professional conferences and support for selected scholarships, and<br />

on the financing of students’ short-term foreign placements. <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> employees and managers give lectures at<br />

universities and offer consultation to students writing their dissertations. In co-operation with CEFRES (a French institution<br />

for social-science research), <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> has financially supported selected work of Czech students studying economics,<br />

banking and finance. The Bank also considers its co-operation with the AIESEC international student organisation to be very<br />

important, and <strong>KB</strong> provides financial help in organising conferences and seminars, as well as job fairs where the Bank actively<br />

participates as the AIESEC’s chief partner. At these fairs, students have access to information from their fields and can find<br />

extensive, important practical experience. These gifted young people can then inject new ideas and insights into the Bank,<br />

and if they decide to work for <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> their integration into the team is a guarantee that the dynamic development of<br />

<strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> will be maintained.<br />

As far as publicly beneficial work is concerned, <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> is not only active as an institution – bank employees also<br />

participate through the Jistota Foundation. This Foundation is financed out of the Bank’s contributions and out of the<br />

contributions of individual employees. For example, the Jistota Foundation contributed to the renovation of the Children’s Optical<br />

Clinic in Karlovo Náměstí in Prague, the hospital in Sušice, and the maternity ward at Podolí. The Jistota Foundation also provides<br />

financial support to socially challenged and disabled citizens.<br />

<strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> is clearly one of the key players on the Czech banking market. It has attained this position thanks to the<br />

everyday fulfilment of its main motto – the client always comes first. But <strong>Komerční</strong> <strong>banka</strong> is also an important donor which is<br />

well aware of its position in the Czech economy and which develops its activities with an awareness of the society-wide<br />

context and responsibilities stemming from such an important position.

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