JPMorgan - KASE

JPMorgan - KASE JPMorgan - KASE


Upstream Upstream production averaged 100,877 BOPD for 2001 compared to 84,090 BOPD for 2000. The following table sets out total production from our Upstream operations: 2001 2000 (MMbbls) (MMbbls) Opening inventory of crude oil ....................................... 0.39 0.04 Production ......................................................... 36.82 30.69 Crude oil purchased from third parties ................................. — 0.08 Salesortransfers.................................................... (36.47) (30.38) Pipelinelosses ...................................................... (0.04) (0.04) Closing inventory of crude oil ......................................... 0.70 0.39 The following table sets out total sales volume from our Upstream operations: 2001 2000 (MMbbls) (%) (MMbbls) (%) Crude oil exports ...................................... 18.15 49.8 1.08 3.6 CrudeoiltransferredtoDownstream ..................... 10.83 29.7 6.83 22.5 Crude oil transferred to Downstream and subsequently exported ........................................... 0.15 0.4 9.58 31.5 Crude oil transferred to Downstream by joint ventures (50%) 4.83 13.2 1.80 5.9 Crude oil sold to HOP in Quarter 1, 2000 .................. — — 6.29 20.7 Royalty payments ...................................... 1.69 4.7 1.32 4.3 Crude oil domestic sales ................................ 0.82 2.2 3.48 11.5 Totalcrudeoilsalesortransfers ......................... 36.47 100.0 30.38 100.0 Total consolidated revenue from crude oil sales amounted to $253.0 million in 2001 compared to $301.2 million in 2000. The $48.2 million decrease was primarily due to lower crude oil prices. Total crude oil revenue can be analyzed as follows: Quantity Sold 2001 2000 Net Realized Price Revenue Quantity Sold Net Realized Price Revenue (MMbbls) ($ per Bbl) ($000’s) (MMbbls) ($ per Bbl) ($000’s) CrudesalessoldFCA ......... 15.58 11.34 176,720 10.66 19.52 208,078 CrudesalessoldFOB ......... 0.39 17.72 6,910 – – – Kazgermunai export sales .... 2.33 18.16 42,307 – – – Royalty payments ........... 1.69 11.38 19,232 1.32 8.60 11,358 Crude oil domestic sales ...... 0.82 9.53 7,812 9.77 8.37 81,780 Total ...................... 20.81 12.16 252,981 21.75 13.85 301,216 The average FCA differentials for exports from Shymkent, to Brent crude oil price, per quarter for HKM sales only are set out below. 2001 2000 ($/Bbl) ($/Bbl) QuartertoMarch31 ..................................................... 12.50 9.88 QuartertoJune30....................................................... 11.95 9.39 Quarter to September 30 ................................................. 11.93 9.99 QuartertoDecember31 .................................................. 11.85 12.60 Average for the year ..................................................... 12.06 10.46 42

The increase in FCA differentials primarily resulted from increases in transportation tariffs across the board. Downstream We acquired the Shymkent refinery on March 31, 2000 and, accordingly, the comparative numbers in the tables for 2000 include only the nine months following the date of acquisition. Due to the size of the available market for refined products in Kazakhstan, the refinery operated at 51.5% capacity or 3,397,497 tonnes (approximately 26.3 MMbbls including tolling volumes) in 2001. The following table sets out the source of purchases and the movement in feedstock supplies for our refinery: 2001 2000 (MMbbls) (MMbbls) AcquiredfromHKM ................................................. 10.98 16.41 Purchased from joint ventures (100%) ................................. 9.66 3.61 Purchased from third parties ......................................... 0.59 1.05 Totalfeedstockacquired ............................................. 21.23 21.07 The following table sets out the source of inventory levels of feedstock: 2001 2000 (MMbbls) (MMbbls) Opening inventory of crude oil feedstock .............................. 0.08 0.19 Purchase and acquisition of feedstock ................................. 21.23 21.07 Recoverable feedstock from traps ..................................... 0.04 0.05 Feedstock sold for export ............................................ (0.15) (9.58) Feedstock sold domestically .......................................... — (0.05) Feedstock refined into product ....................................... (20.86) (11.60) Closing inventory of feedstock ........................................ 0.34 0.08 In addition to acquiring feedstock to refine into products, the refinery from time to time acquires refined product for resale. The following table sets out the movement in inventory of refined product: 2001 2000 (MMtonnes)* (MMtonnes)* Opening inventory of refined product ........................... 0.13 0.11 Refined product from feedstock ................................ 2.55 1.46 Refined product acquired ...................................... 0.09 0.15 Refined product sold .......................................... (2.55) (1.54) Refined product internal use and yield losses ..................... (0.02) (0.05) Closing inventory of refined product ............................ 0.20 0.13 * The inventory of products represents a mix of products for which no unique conversion from barrels to tonnes exists. The standard conversion used for crude oil by us is 7.746 Bbls to the tonne. The feedstock is refined into a number of products sold to derive the revenue from refined products. Refined product sales revenue for 2001 was $329.0 million and for the nine months of 2000 the revenue was $203.7 million. The $125.2 million increase was attributable to the refinery producing more crude oil in 2001. The following table sets out products sold for 2001 and 2000, the average price achieved and the total refined products revenue: 43

Upstream<br />

Upstream production averaged 100,877 BOPD for 2001 compared to 84,090 BOPD for 2000. The<br />

following table sets out total production from our Upstream operations:<br />

2001 2000<br />

(MMbbls) (MMbbls)<br />

Opening inventory of crude oil ....................................... 0.39 0.04<br />

Production ......................................................... 36.82 30.69<br />

Crude oil purchased from third parties ................................. — 0.08<br />

Salesortransfers.................................................... (36.47) (30.38)<br />

Pipelinelosses ...................................................... (0.04) (0.04)<br />

Closing inventory of crude oil ......................................... 0.70 0.39<br />

The following table sets out total sales volume from our Upstream operations:<br />

2001 2000<br />

(MMbbls) (%) (MMbbls) (%)<br />

Crude oil exports ...................................... 18.15 49.8 1.08 3.6<br />

CrudeoiltransferredtoDownstream ..................... 10.83 29.7 6.83 22.5<br />

Crude oil transferred to Downstream and subsequently<br />

exported ........................................... 0.15 0.4 9.58 31.5<br />

Crude oil transferred to Downstream by joint ventures (50%) 4.83 13.2 1.80 5.9<br />

Crude oil sold to HOP in Quarter 1, 2000 .................. — — 6.29 20.7<br />

Royalty payments ...................................... 1.69 4.7 1.32 4.3<br />

Crude oil domestic sales ................................ 0.82 2.2 3.48 11.5<br />

Totalcrudeoilsalesortransfers ......................... 36.47 100.0 30.38 100.0<br />

Total consolidated revenue from crude oil sales amounted to $253.0 million in 2001 compared to<br />

$301.2 million in 2000. The $48.2 million decrease was primarily due to lower crude oil prices.<br />

Total crude oil revenue can be analyzed as follows:<br />

Quantity<br />

Sold<br />

2001 2000<br />

Net<br />

Realized<br />

Price<br />

Revenue<br />

Quantity<br />

Sold<br />

Net<br />

Realized<br />

Price<br />

Revenue<br />

(MMbbls) ($ per Bbl) ($000’s) (MMbbls) ($ per Bbl) ($000’s)<br />

CrudesalessoldFCA ......... 15.58 11.34 176,720 10.66 19.52 208,078<br />

CrudesalessoldFOB ......... 0.39 17.72 6,910 – – –<br />

Kazgermunai export sales .... 2.33 18.16 42,307 – – –<br />

Royalty payments ........... 1.69 11.38 19,232 1.32 8.60 11,358<br />

Crude oil domestic sales ...... 0.82 9.53 7,812 9.77 8.37 81,780<br />

Total ...................... 20.81 12.16 252,981 21.75 13.85 301,216<br />

The average FCA differentials for exports from Shymkent, to Brent crude oil price, per quarter for<br />

HKM sales only are set out below.<br />

2001 2000<br />

($/Bbl) ($/Bbl)<br />

QuartertoMarch31 ..................................................... 12.50 9.88<br />

QuartertoJune30....................................................... 11.95 9.39<br />

Quarter to September 30 ................................................. 11.93 9.99<br />

QuartertoDecember31 .................................................. 11.85 12.60<br />

Average for the year ..................................................... 12.06 10.46<br />


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