PowerPoint Template - 대한내과학회

PowerPoint Template - 대한내과학회 PowerPoint Template - 대한내과학회

임상시험이란 ?<br />

분과전문의로서의 역할<br />

Young Suk Park, M.D.<br />

Samsung Medical Center

임상시험에서 고려할 사항<br />

• Speed : 빠른 심사, 계약, 피험자 등록<br />

• Quality : 믿을수있는자료<br />

• With ICH-GCP guideline

Speed<br />

• 행정<br />

– 병원 행정 part 의 지원<br />

– IRB 의 체계적인 운영<br />

– 병원 집행부의 의지<br />

• 연구자<br />

• 환자

Speed : 연구자<br />

• 환자와 상담할 시간이 없다.<br />

• 상담과 권유에 익숙치 않다.<br />

• 새로운 임상시험이면 본인도 잘 모른다.<br />

• 상담 기술을 배운다.<br />

• 임상시험의 이익에 대해 확인/확신한다.<br />

• 도와줄 인력을 확보한다.

Speed : 환자<br />

• 암 환자가 임상시험 참여를 결정하는 요인<br />

선호하는 요인<br />

점수(%)<br />

치료에 대한 기대 83<br />

의료진의 관심 80<br />

의학발전에 대한 참여 75<br />

병에 대한 많은 정보 75<br />

새로운 치료를 받음 72

Speed : 환자<br />

• 암 환자가 임상시험 참여를 결정하는 요인<br />

거부하는 요인<br />

점수(%)<br />

환자 스스로 치료를 결정치 못 함 25<br />

의료진이 아닌 시험자체에서 치료의 결정<br />

24<br />

시험적 치료를 받을 가능성 15

Speed : Barriers<br />


• Doctor never discussed or offered<br />

• Unaware of trials as option<br />

• Concerns about insurance coverage<br />

• Fear of receiving placebo<br />


… …<br />

• Burdensome regulatory requirements<br />

- Institutional Review Board<br />

- Informed consent<br />

- Conflict of interest<br />

• Lack of time<br />

• Inadequate funding for personnel<br />

• Inadequate reimbursement<br />

• Resistance by third-party payers

Quality<br />

• 임상시험은 다음에 따라 실시, 기록되어야<br />

한다.<br />

‣ 시험계획서(Protocol)<br />

‣ 표준작업지침서(SOP)<br />

‣ 임상시험관리기준(GCP) 및 관련규정<br />

• 임상시험과 관련된 모든 자료는 정확, 완전,<br />

검증 가능해야 한다.<br />

• 그 결과로 자료는 신뢰를 받는다.

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• A variance from protocol-specified<br />

procedures that makes the resulting<br />

data questionable<br />

• Evidence of significant deviation from<br />

protocol treatment, data alteration, data<br />

falsification, or non-reporting of data<br />

that effects protocol eligibility,<br />

treatment or disease status

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Informed Consent<br />

• Eligibility<br />

• Treatment<br />

• Disease Outcome/Response<br />

• Toxicity<br />

• General Data Quality

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Informed Consent Form<br />

– missing<br />

– not signed and dated by the patient<br />

– signed after patient started on treatment<br />

– does not contain all required signatures<br />

– used was not current IRB-approved version<br />

at the time of patient registration<br />

– not protocol specific<br />

– does not include updates or information<br />

required by IRB.

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Eligibility<br />

– Review of documentation available at the<br />

time of the audit confirms patient did not<br />

meet all eligibility criteria as specified by<br />

the protocol<br />

– Documentation missing.<br />

• Unable to confirm eligibility<br />

– Enrollment of ineligible patients

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Treatment<br />

– Incorrect agent/treatment used<br />

– Additional agent/treatment used which is<br />

not permitted by protocol<br />

– Dose deviations incorrect (error greater<br />

than +/- 10%)<br />

– Dose modifications not per protocol<br />

– Treatment doses incorrectly administered,<br />

calculated or documented<br />

– Unjustified delays in treatment

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Disease Outcome/Response<br />

Failure to evaluate response according to the<br />

protocol, for example;<br />

– Inaccurate documentation of initial sites of<br />

involvement<br />

– Tumor measurements/evaluation of status<br />

or disease not performed according to<br />

protocol<br />

– Protocol-directed response criteria not<br />

being followed

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• Disease Outcome/Response<br />

Failure to evaluate response according to the<br />

protocol, for example;<br />

– Claimed response (PR, CR, etc) cannot be<br />

verified<br />

– Failure to detect cancer (as in a prevention<br />

study) or failure to identify cancer<br />


Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• AE/SAE<br />

Failure to assess and report AE and SAE<br />

according to the protocol<br />

– Grades, types, or dates/duration of SAE<br />

inaccurately recorded<br />

– Follow-up studies necessary to assess<br />

AE/SAE not performed<br />

– Failure to report a toxicity that would require<br />

filing an Adverse Event Report (AER)<br />

– Recurrent under- or over-reporting of AE/SAE

Major Deficiencies/Deviation<br />

• General Data Quality<br />

– Recurrent missing documentation e.g.,<br />

charts<br />

– Protocol-specified laboratory tests not<br />

documented<br />

– Protocol-specified diagnostic studies not<br />

documented<br />

– Frequent data inaccuracies<br />

– Errors in submitted data<br />

– Delinquent data submission

Lesser Deficiency/Minor Deviation<br />

• Deficiency that is judged to not have a<br />

significant impact on the outcome or<br />

interpretation of the study and is not<br />

described above as a major deficiency.<br />

• Transcriptional errors<br />

• An unacceptable frequency of lesser<br />

deficiencies(exceed 5%) should be<br />

treated as a major deficiency in<br />

determining the final assessment of a<br />


For Speed & Quality<br />

• Monitoring<br />

• 인력<br />

– 전임의/전공의 ?<br />

– 일반 간호사 ?<br />

– 임상시험 관련 전문인력

Clinical Research Coordinator<br />

• Clinical Research Nurse, CRN<br />

• 의뢰자와 시험자 사이에서 조정자<br />

– 시험책임자의 감독하에<br />

– 임상시험 관련규정의 원칙에 따라<br />

– 전문적인 지식과 기술<br />

– 환자의 존엄성과 피험자의 권리를 보호<br />

– 신뢰성 있는 자료를 수집, 기록, 보관<br />

– 윤리적이고 과학적인 임상시험을 추구<br />

– 실질적인 조정과 수행에 책임, 건강전문가

Clinical Research Coordinator<br />

환자<br />

CRC<br />

Sponsor<br />


CRC의 자격요건<br />

• 지식<br />

– 의약학 관련분야 전공<br />

– 임상약리학, 면역학, 생화학 등의 지식<br />

– 임상시험 수행 훈련<br />

– 임상시험 관련 각종 규정, 지침서 및 임상시험계획서<br />

• 기술<br />

– 임상간호술 및 임상경험<br />

– 의사소통 및 상담기술<br />

– 기록, 컴퓨터 및 어학능력<br />

• 태도<br />

– 임상시험 질 향상에 공헌하려는 마음가짐과 태도

임상시험에서 CRC의 위치<br />

• 교육자<br />

• 피험자의 대변자<br />

• 직접 간호 제공자<br />

• 임상시험 진행자<br />

• 의견의 충돌<br />

– 의사결정, 책임한도의 갈등<br />

– 환자를 위한 윤리적, 도덕적 문제<br />

• 피험자 보호

어떠한 임상시험을 할 수 있을까 ?<br />

• Hypothesis<br />

• Know what has been done before<br />

– Systematic review or meta-analysis<br />

– Trials & literatures search<br />

• Safe dose, evidence of activity ?<br />

• Comparative trial, sufficiently strong ?

어떠한 임상시험을 할 수 있을까 ?<br />

• If the difference between treatments in a<br />

clinical trial is declared “not statistically<br />

significant”, this does not mean that there<br />

are no clinically important differences<br />

between the two treatments.<br />

– Not enough evidence to draw any conclusions<br />

– Might be due to too low power(too small<br />

sample size)

어떠한 임상시험을 할 수 있을까 ?<br />

• Modified study and new evidence ?<br />

– Not truly randomized study<br />

– Changed gold standard<br />

– Statistically underpowered study<br />

– Lacking important outcome measure<br />

– Highly selected population<br />

– New combination and/or new indication

Has a safe dose or schedule been established in clinical use ?<br />

No<br />

Phase I study may be needed<br />

Yes<br />

Is there evidence of activity at this dose or schedule?<br />

No Not yet investigated Yes<br />

Abandon or review potential<br />

to enhance activity?<br />

Phase Ⅱ trial may be needed<br />

Has the treatment been used in a comparative trial? *<br />

No<br />

Is there sufficient evidence of<br />

potential improvement over standard to<br />

justify a randomized trial?<br />

Yes<br />

Has the trial(s) answered the<br />

questions of interest reliably?<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Randomized phase Ⅲ trial<br />

may be needed<br />

No<br />

Could a systematic review ±<br />

meta-analysis answer the question?<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Trial may not be required

Types of Clinical Studies<br />

• Efficacy<br />

• Randomized<br />

• Controlled<br />

• Investigators<br />

Clinical Trial<br />

• Trial subjects with eligibility<br />

• Case Report Form<br />

• Statistical power based on<br />

hypothesis<br />

• Small “N”<br />

• GCP required<br />

• Mandatory<br />

• Final Report<br />

Observational Study<br />

• Effectiveness<br />

• Observational<br />

• “Real World”<br />

• Investigators<br />

=Participating Physicians<br />

• Subject = patient in practice<br />

• Data Collection Form<br />

• Hypothesis generating (flexible)<br />

• Large “N”<br />

• GCP limitedbut, directed<br />

• Opportunistic<br />

• Ongoing Communication

삶의질관련<br />


PubMed Search : QOL / Cancer<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

Years<br />


삶의질: Quality of Life<br />

• Assessment of QOL into every new trial<br />

• Decision not to include QOL in a trial<br />

–“We don’t care about patients’ QOL”<br />

• Results of many trials with QOL<br />

– Largely irrelevant data<br />

– Use of considerable resources<br />

– Overburdening of patients

암치료와 삶의 질<br />

• Chance of cure<br />

– toxicity ↑ & QOL ↓ : reasonable<br />

• No chance of cure<br />

– Giving treatment with longer survival but<br />

poorer QOL<br />

– Reducing or stopping treatment with shorter<br />

survival but better QOL<br />

•‘Treatment can be recommended in<br />

metastatic cancer even without an<br />

improvement of survival, if it improves<br />

quality of life’ ASCO guidelines 1995

QOL in Clinical Trials<br />

• Determine your QOL objective<br />

• Choose an instrument<br />

• Select a design (time schedule) linked<br />

to your objective<br />

• Develop an analysis plan<br />

• To go or not to go ?

삶의 질 임상시험에서 고려할 사항<br />

• Who should assess QOL ?<br />

• Response shift<br />

• Timepoints<br />

• Compliance<br />

– questionnaire, item, patients, center<br />

• How many patients are required ?<br />

• Choosing the questionnaire<br />

• QOL coordinator<br />

• Information sheets<br />

• Quality and analysis of data

삶의 질에 대한 평가자의 차이<br />

25<br />

20<br />

Life quality (patient)<br />

Number of patients<br />

15<br />

10<br />

Physical<br />

condition(patient)<br />

Overall<br />

condition(physician)<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Improved Same Worse

삶의 질 관련 설문지의 번역

삶의 질 임상시험의 결정<br />

Is it a randomized trial?<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

Is the trial aiming for cure?<br />

QOL may not be relevant as<br />

interpretation of results may be difficult.<br />

Non-randomized trials can be used as a<br />

question test-bed.<br />

No<br />

Yes<br />

Is the likely to be an important<br />

difference in QOL?<br />

QOL may not be relevant as patients<br />

may be willing to accept a lower QOL<br />

if there is a chance of cure.<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

The small QOL differences detected<br />

may not affect the interpretation<br />

of the results.<br />

Include an assessment of QOL

임상시험에서<br />

내가할수있는<br />

일은 ?

Differences : Medicines, Medical devices, Surgery<br />

Characteristics<br />

Medicines<br />

Medical<br />

devices<br />

Surgical<br />

operations<br />

Patient<br />

protection Usually Sometimes Rarely<br />

Source of<br />

innovation &<br />

development<br />

Corporation<br />

Corporation<br />

Individual or<br />

group of<br />

professionals<br />

Cost of<br />

development Very high Moderate Low<br />

Double-blind<br />

methods<br />

Yes<br />

Seldom<br />

Almost never<br />

Placebo ?

Trials with Surgical Procedures<br />

1. Evaluation of medicines used during surgical<br />

procedures (e.g., neuromuscular blocking agents)<br />

2. Evaluation of disease treated either by surgery or<br />

medicines(e.g., angina, peptic ulcers)<br />

3. Evaluation of a disease(e.g., cancer) treated either<br />

by surgery or nonmedical modalities(e.g., radiation,<br />

hyperthermia)<br />

4. Comparison of surgical procedures (e.g., new<br />

versus old method, modified versus original<br />


Trials with Surgical Procedures<br />

5. Evaluation of one surgical procedure (usually a novel<br />

technique) compared with historical controls<br />

6. Comparison of a surgical procedure performed with<br />

and without medical adjunct therapy(neoadjuvant or<br />

adjuvant treatment)<br />

7. Evaluation of equipment used in surgery(e.g.,<br />

stereotaxic device, prosthetic heart valves), either<br />

used or implanted during surgical procedures<br />

8. Evaluation of surgical materials (e.g., adhesives,<br />

suture materials, pins, staples) used during surgery

외과 / 타과와의 임상시험<br />

• Comparison of procedures<br />

• new method vs. old method<br />

• modified method vs. original method<br />

• Methods :<br />

– Lumpectomy, TEM, laparoscopic surgery,<br />

VATS, EMR<br />

• Modality :<br />

– Neoadjuvant study, Adjuvant study

Considerations in Surgical Trials<br />

1. Preoperative period<br />

• Premedication : doses, time of administration<br />

• Preparation : bowel prep, patient’s diet, exercise<br />

2. During surgery<br />

• Anesthetic(s), neuromuscular blocking agent<br />

• Specific instrumentation and equipment<br />

3. Postoperative period<br />

• Postoperative care and monitoring<br />

• Outpatient or inpatient care

Considerations in Surgical Trials<br />

• Training and technique of personnel<br />

– Surgeons and the rest of the surgical<br />

team(e.g., fellows, residents, PA,<br />

anesthesiologists, pathologists, scrub<br />

team)<br />

– Training of the techniques<br />

– Single surgeon or a group of surgeons<br />

– Single or group of anesthesiologists<br />

– Replacing surgeon with another surgeon

Parameters with Surgery<br />

• During Surgery<br />

– Technical ease or difficulty of procedure<br />

– Amount of practice to perfect technique<br />

– Duration of surgery<br />

– Rate and nature of severe complications<br />

– Number and expertise of staff required

Parameters with Surgery<br />

• After Surgery<br />

– Morbidity and/or mortality rates<br />

– Improvements of endpoints :<br />

• Clinical e.g., recurrence, survival<br />

• Cosmetic<br />

• Performance<br />

– Length of hospital stay<br />

– Total Cost<br />

– QOL<br />

• Independent Review

임상시험에서 내과와 외과의 차이<br />

• 내과계<br />

– 치료를 위하여 여러 번 치료<br />

– 진단, 치료법은 같다.<br />

– 같은 약을 투여한다.<br />

– 내과적인 care 에서의 차이가 있다<br />

• 부작용에 대한 supportive care<br />

• 병발하는 질환에 대한 지식과 대처<br />

• 계속 치료할 것이냐 말 것이냐의 결정

임상시험에서 내과와 외과의 차이<br />

• 외과계<br />

– 한 번의 수술로 이루어지며 비가역적이다.<br />

– 새로운 수술법을 기존의 data 와 비교한다<br />

(historical control).<br />

– Randomized study ?<br />

• Surgeon Thinks<br />

– Shame vs. Fame

우리의 전략<br />

• 참여할 기회가 있으면 참여한다.<br />

• 본인이 idea 를 제시한다.<br />

• 다른 과를 참여시킨다.<br />

• 다른 과의 임상시험을 도와준다.<br />

• CRC 를 확보한다.<br />

• IRB 에 참여한다.

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