Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks


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Junos 10.4 <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

first policy of a chain sets a route’s metric to 500, this route matches the criterion of<br />

metric 500 defined in the next policy.<br />

For information about how the policy framework software evaluates routing policies and<br />

policy chains, see “Evaluating a Routing <strong>Policy</strong>” on page 29.<br />

Effect of Omitting Ingress Match Conditions from Export Policies<br />

In export policies, omitting the from statement in a term might lead to unexpected results.<br />

By default, if you omit the from statement, all routes are considered to match. For example,<br />

static and direct routes are not exported by BGP by default. However, if you create a term<br />

with an empty from statement, these routes inadvertently could be exported because<br />

they matched the from statement. For example, the following routing policy is designed<br />

to reject a few route ranges and then export routes learned by BGP (which is the default<br />

export behavior):<br />

[edit]<br />

routing-options {<br />

autonomous-system 56;<br />

}<br />

protocols {<br />

bgp {<br />

group 4 {<br />

export statics-policy;<br />

type external;<br />

peer-as 47;<br />

neighbor;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

policy-options {<br />

policy-statement statics-policy {<br />

term term1 {<br />

from {<br />

route-filter orlonger;<br />

route-filter orlonger;<br />

}<br />

then reject; # reject the prefixes in the route list<br />

}<br />

term term2 {<br />

then {<br />

accept; # accept all other routes, including static and direct routes<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

However, this routing policy results in BGP advertising static and direct routes to its peers<br />

because:<br />

• term1 rejects the destination prefixes enumerated in the route list.<br />

• term2, because it has no from statement, matches all other routes, including static<br />

and direct routes, and accepts all these routes (with the accept statement).<br />

58<br />

Copyright © 2010, <strong>Juniper</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>, Inc.

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