Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks


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Junos 10.4 <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

Minimum Policer <strong>Configuration</strong><br />

}<br />

premium {<br />

if-exceeding {<br />

bandwidth-limit bps;<br />

burst-size-limit bytes;<br />

}<br />

then {<br />

policer-action;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

interface-set interface-set-name {<br />

interface-name;<br />

}<br />

family family-name {<br />

filter filter-name {<br />

accounting-profile name;<br />

interface-specific;<br />

}<br />

prefix-action name {<br />

count;<br />

destination-prefix-length prefix-length;<br />

policer policer-name;<br />

source-prefix-length prefix-length;<br />

subnet-prefix-length prefix-length;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

load-balance-group group-name {<br />

next-hop-group [ group-names ];<br />

}<br />

three-color-policer name {<br />

action {<br />

loss-priority high then discard;<br />

}<br />

logical-interface-policer;<br />

single-rate {<br />

(color-aware | color-blind);<br />

committed-information-rate bps;<br />

committed-burst-size bytes;<br />

excess-burst-size bytes;<br />

}<br />

two-rate {<br />

(color-aware | color-blind);<br />

committed-information-rate bps;<br />

committed-burst-size bytes;<br />

peak-information-rate bps;<br />

peak-burst-size bytes;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

To configure a policer, you must perform at least the following tasks:<br />

294<br />

Copyright © 2010, <strong>Juniper</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>, Inc.

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