Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks


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Junos 10.4 <strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

• Simple filters are not supported for interfaces in an aggregated-Ethernet bundle.<br />

• Explicitly configurable terminating actions, such as accept, reject, or discard, are not<br />

supported. Simple filters always accept packets.<br />

• Simple filters support only the following action modifiers: forwarding-class, loss-priority,<br />

and policer.<br />

To configure simple filters, include the simple-filter statement at the [edit firewall family<br />

inet] hierarchy level:<br />

[edit firewall family inet]<br />

simple-filter filter-name {<br />

term term-name {<br />

from {<br />

match-conditions;<br />

}<br />

then {<br />

action-modifiers;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Example: Configuring a Simple Filter<br />

For more information about Ethernet IQ2 PICs and EQ DPCs and related features, see<br />

the Junos OS Services Interfaces <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> and the Junos OS Class of Service<br />

<strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>. For additional information about configuring the MX Series routers,<br />

on which EQ DPCs are supported, see the Junos Layer 2 <strong>Configuration</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />

Configure a simple filter to support Ethernet IQ2 PICs:<br />

[edit]<br />

firewall {<br />

family inet {<br />

simple-filter sf-1 {<br />

term 1 {<br />

from {<br />

source-address;<br />

destination-address;<br />

source-port 1024-9071;<br />

}<br />

then {<br />

forwarding-class fc-be1;<br />

loss-priority high;<br />

accept;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

term 2 {<br />

from {<br />

source-address;<br />

destination-address;<br />

}<br />

then {<br />

forwarding-class fc-ef1;<br />

loss-priority low;<br />

254<br />

Copyright © 2010, <strong>Juniper</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>, Inc.

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