Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks

Policy Framework Configuration Guide - Juniper Networks


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Chapter 9: Firewall Filter <strong>Configuration</strong><br />

from {<br />

icmp-code 3;<br />

}<br />

then accept;<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

• Applying Filters f2 and f3 as an input list<br />

[edit interfaces so-1/2/3]<br />

unit 0 {<br />

family inet {<br />

filter {<br />

input-list [ f2 f3 ]; # When you apply filter f2, it includes the referenced filter # f1.<br />

}<br />

}<br />

}<br />

When you configure a list of firewall filters and apply them to an interface using either<br />

the input-list or output-list statement, the filters are concatenated into one consolidated<br />

and renamed firewall filter, and all policers and counters are also renamed. Each filter in<br />

the list is evaluated in the order in which it is applied to the interface.<br />

The concatenated firewall filter is renamed based on the name of the interface and the<br />

direction in which the filter is applied:<br />

• A list of firewall filters applied as input filters on interface so-1/0/0 unit 0 becomes<br />

so-1/0/0.0-i.<br />

• A list of firewall filters applied as output filters on interface so-1/1/1 unit 0 becomes<br />

so-1/1/1.0-o.<br />

Any counters or policers in the filter list are also renamed. The interface name and the<br />

letter o or i to indicate the direction of the filter are added to the end of the original counter<br />

name as follows:<br />

• A counter named bad-packets in a filter applied in an output list to interface so-2/2/0<br />

unit 0 becomes bad-packets-so-2/2/0.0-o.<br />

• A counter named icmp-code-3 in a filter applied in an input list to interface so-3/3/0<br />

unit 0 becomes icmp-code-3-so-3/3/0.0-i.<br />

Understanding how firewall filter lists are displayed is important when you use the show<br />

firewall command to view information about configured firewall filters. For example, the<br />

entry for a firewall filter named c that is applied in an output list to interface at-1/0/1 unit<br />

0 is displayed as c-at-1/0/1.0-o.<br />

Related<br />

Documentation<br />

• Configuring Nested Firewall Filters on page 233<br />

• Applying Firewall Filters to Interfaces on page 235<br />

Copyright © 2010, <strong>Juniper</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>, Inc.<br />


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