Report - Salto

Report - Salto

Report - Salto


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40<br />

Bridges for Recognition | Terms and Concepts - What do we mean when we say…<br />

Lynne Chisholm said that recognition is to acknowledge that something is there and to place<br />

a value on it. She drew the distinction between social recognition and codified or formal<br />

recognition. Social recognition is related to status and esteem that individuals receive as a<br />

result of participating, achieving or demonstrating something. Codified recognition is more<br />

formal or official and is most often associated with assessment and certification. Clearly Social<br />

and codified recognition are linked: The value of codified recognition can be reduced by low<br />

social recognition and vice versa. Forms of codified recognition were increasingly important in<br />

social society and at the same time there is a diversification of the ways in which achievement is<br />

recognised and evidenced.<br />

Both speakers referred to resources to help in the challenge of developing a common language<br />

for recognition: Lynne Chisholm had produced a “Cheat Sheet” of terms used in the recognition<br />

(see p. 41 below) and noted that it would need to be reviewed as the language – and the thinking<br />

– evolved. Bryony Hoskins referred to the new youth policy knowledge platform at www.<br />

youth-knowledge.net which would be launched at the Luxembourg Presidency Conference later<br />

in 2005.<br />

Lynne Chisholm also mentioned importance of the mediating bodies such as SALTO in promoting<br />

the language of recognition. Such bodies can help to create neutral “game rules” and take<br />

decisions. They can help to develop trust and confidence in recognition processes and terminology<br />

and they can foster transparency and consistency – fulfilling the role of gate keeper for many.<br />

The Cheat Sheet on Recognition Terminology (below) or Cedefop’s multilingual publication<br />

on Terminology in Vocational Education and Training could provide a starting point to<br />

understanding and negotiating meanings of different terms and possible realities behind it.<br />

Linking Further…<br />

Cheat Sheet on Recognition Terminology – available at<br />

www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/BridgesForRecognition/<br />

Cedefop’s “Terminology of Vocational Training Policy – A multilingual glossary for an enlarged<br />

Europe” (Tissot, 2004): www.cedefop.eu.int<br />

Youth Knowledge Platform of the Partnership on Youth Research between the Council of<br />

Europe and the European Commission – www.youth-knowledge.net

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