Report - Salto

Report - Salto

Report - Salto


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22<br />

Bridges for Recognition | Sketching the Framework - Offi cial Opening<br />

The case demonstrates the efficacy of youth work and the roles played by youth workers in<br />

introducing young people to new – potentially life changing – experiences, and in supporting<br />

them through those experiences.<br />

Linking Further…<br />

Youth and European Social work Forum (YES-Forum) – www.yes-forum.org<br />

European Voluntary Service – www.sosforevs.org or http://europa.eu.int/comm/youth/<br />

program/sos/index_en.html<br />

The Challenge of Recognition – Pierre Mairesse, European Commission<br />

Pierre Mairesse began by welcoming everyone and expressing the pleasure that the Commission<br />

had in facilitating this event. He saw the conference as being about the recognition of both the<br />

experiences of young people and the work of youth workers and social workers.<br />

Non Formal Education (NFE) and youth work are taking place in a changing world for young<br />

people: Youth now lasts longer and is less secure than previously; Human rights issues and<br />

volunteering are more to the fore and personal pathways have become more individualised.<br />

NFE is not well understood by politicians; there is concern about the effect it might have on the<br />

formal education sector and one of the challenges for the sector is to demonstrate its benefits<br />

in relation to wider political issues. NFE helps to bridge the gap between school and employment<br />

and to foster inclusion and participation in public life.<br />

The Lisbon Strategy and the Life Long Learning agenda both need to include Youth work and<br />

NFE, but it is not always clear how this should be done. There are issues of language, of image (it<br />

is not seen as “sexy”) and of not being held in high enough regard. But, Pierre Mairesse argued,<br />

youth work is vital for society; “imagine if we stopped – what would be the impact on society,<br />

the economy and young people themselves?”<br />

The white paper “A new impetus for European Youth” suggests that clearer definitions of the<br />

concepts, skills acquired and quality standards are required; that higher regard should be given<br />

to those who get involved and greater recognition given to these activities. In addition, greater<br />

complimentarity should be developed with formal education and training activities.

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