Report - Salto

Report - Salto

Report - Salto


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Bridges for Recognition | What is Bridges for Recognition? - Introduction<br />

11<br />

Outcomes<br />

With so much information, and such a complex subject, it would have been easy to leave feeling<br />

overwhelmed. Over the three working days there were many pieces of information shared and<br />

understanding increased. Many new connections were made and there was much renewed<br />

commitment to recognising the work of young people and those who work with them.<br />

On the evaluation form of Bridges for Recognition, all participants declared to have gained<br />

more knowledge about recognition (79% a lot, 21% a little), 100% of respondents indicated an<br />

increased motivation to take recognition further (75% a lot, 25% a little) and all participants<br />

built up a network of recognition contacts at the conference (64% to large extent, 36% to some<br />

extent).<br />

The complete evaluation results are available on p. 82 and at<br />

www.SALTO-YOUTH.net/BridgesForRecognition/<br />

Bridges for Recognition created the awareness that recognition of youth work is an increasingly<br />

important issue and that the discussions seem to have moved from ‘whether or not to walk the<br />

way of recognition’ to ‘what type of recognition systems and procedures do we want’. The recognition<br />

debate moved into a phase of experiments and actions (see Good Practices p. 50). Lessons from<br />

these can be applied to more officially or structurally embedded recognition schemes.<br />

In summing up the conference, Jonathan Bowyer, the General Rapporteur, mentioned the<br />

following areas where our understanding had developed:<br />

Awareness of different types of recognition:<br />

recognition of individual skill ≠ social recognition of youth work by society<br />

Overview of different formats of recognition:<br />

certificates of attendance, certificate of skills, portfolios documenting skills, accreditations,…<br />

Different things that young people, youth workers and trainers can be recognised for:<br />

for participation, for taking on responsibilities, for proven skills and competencies, for their<br />

investment and enthusiasm,…<br />

Ways of recording and ways of working out what to and how to record

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