Unmasking Unreported Crime: Idaho Crime Victimization Survey

Unmasking Unreported Crime: Idaho Crime Victimization Survey

Unmasking Unreported Crime: Idaho Crime Victimization Survey


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<strong>Unmasking</strong> <strong>Unreported</strong> <strong>Crime</strong>:<br />

<strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Victimization</strong> <strong>Survey</strong><br />

2008<br />

BJS/JRSA National Conference<br />

October 23 rd , 2009<br />

St. Louis, MO

Purpose:<br />

• In March through May of 2009, <strong>Idaho</strong> State Police in<br />

collaboration with the University of <strong>Idaho</strong> conducted a<br />

victimization survey.<br />

• The purpose of the survey was:<br />

▫ To add to previous victimization research by ISP.<br />

▫ To have a better understanding of the amount of<br />

non-reported crime occurring in <strong>Idaho</strong>.<br />

▫ To understand the number of victims of domestic<br />

violence, sexual assault and stalking.

Methodology:<br />

• Randomly sampled 7,000 landline households,<br />

of which 2,668 agreed to participate<br />

▫ response rate of 48.2% and a participation rate of<br />

64.1%<br />

• Also sampled 5,000 mobile lines with 566<br />

agreeing to participate<br />

▫ 20% response rate and 35.8% participation rate<br />

• Total sample response rate: 38.9% with 56.3%<br />

participation rate.

Methodology Cont.<br />

• Questions were asked concerning:<br />

▫ property crime<br />

▫ violent crime<br />

▫ sexual assault<br />

▫ domestic violence<br />

▫ perceptions of crime and neighborhood safety<br />

▫ satisfaction of police services

• Much of<br />

<strong>Idaho</strong> is<br />

covered by<br />

mountains.<br />

• Most (approx.<br />

75%) of<br />

<strong>Idaho</strong>ans live<br />

in the Snake<br />

River plain.<br />

• <strong>Idaho</strong> has 15.6<br />

people per<br />

square mile<br />

(2003 est.)

Results:<br />

• Demographics:<br />

▫ Median age: 54.4 (range 18-98)<br />

▫ Gender: 44.3% Male, 55.7% Female<br />

▫ Race: 93.2% White<br />

▫ Ethnicity: 5.1% Hispanic<br />

▫ Educational level: Only 6.1% had less than high school.<br />

• 72.4% had some college, technical school, or above<br />

▫ Living area: 63.3% Urban<br />

36.7% Rural<br />

▫ Employment: 44.1% full-time, 29.9% retired<br />

▫ Marital Status: 69.2% Married<br />

▫ Children in household under 18 = 38.3%<br />

▫ Median Income Range: $40,000 - $49,999<br />

▫ Average number of years in <strong>Idaho</strong>: 30.8

Reported versus <strong>Unreported</strong> <strong>Crime</strong><br />

• 65.3% of the total survey population experienced<br />

a crime in 2008.<br />

▫ Of these, 49.7% reported a crime.<br />

• Reported crime is dependant upon severity of<br />

crime and characteristics of victims.<br />

• Victims who have reported a crime have<br />

different perceptions of law enforcement.<br />

▫ Weigh the odds of whether the crime will be<br />

resolved better with law enforcement involvement<br />

or without.

All <strong>Crime</strong> Victims:<br />

Reported crime:<br />

• Urban<br />

• HS grad<br />

• Employed part time*<br />

• Female*<br />

• Under $44,000<br />

• Non-white<br />

• Hispanic<br />

• 18 to 60<br />

• Living with partner,<br />

separated, divorced*<br />

Not reported crime:<br />

• Rural<br />

• College degree*<br />

• Student, homemaker*<br />

• Male*<br />

• Over $75,000*<br />

• White<br />

• Non-Hispanic<br />

• Over 60<br />

• Married, Single (never<br />

married)*<br />

*Significant Difference

Property <strong>Crime</strong>:<br />

Total Property <strong>Crime</strong>: 1450 incidents<br />

43% reported, 57% not reported<br />

• Pick-pocket: 32 victims<br />

▫ Reported 62.6% ; not reported 34.4%<br />

• Vandalism: 457 incidents, 295 victims<br />

▫ Reported: 50.8% reported; not reported 49.2%<br />

• Motor vehicle thefts: 352 incidents, 213 victims<br />

▫ Reported: 40.6%; not reported 59.4%<br />

• Larceny: 427 incidents; 238 victims<br />

▫ Reported 37.7%; not reported 62.3%<br />

• Theft from inside building: 182 incidents, 113 victims<br />

▫ Reported 37.4% of incidents, not reported 62.6%

Property <strong>Crime</strong> Cont. n=806<br />

• Not reported because (could answer more than one):<br />

▫ Incident not important, it was a minor offense (23.8%)<br />

▫ You believed the police couldn't do anything to help<br />

(19.4%)<br />

▫ You dealt with the incident in another way (7.2%)<br />

▫ You felt the crime was due to your own carelessness<br />

(5.4%)<br />

▫ You did not want to involve the police (4.7%)<br />

▫ The offender was a close family member or friend (3.3%)<br />

▫ Other (36.2%)

Property <strong>Crime</strong> Cont.<br />

Types of “Other” responses:<br />

▫ Didn’t know when it happened<br />

▫ Couldn’t prove it<br />

▫ Didn't even think to report it<br />

▫ Didn't want to go through the hassle/too busy

Property <strong>Crime</strong> Victim Characteristics<br />

Reported<br />

• Urban<br />

• Some college, associates<br />

• Employed full-time,<br />

retired<br />

• Over 60<br />

• Separated, divorced<br />

• Under $44,000<br />

• Female<br />

• Hispanic<br />

• Race, no difference<br />

Not reported<br />

• Rural<br />

• High School grad, Bachelor’s<br />

• Student, homemaker,<br />

unemployed<br />

• 18 –30 and 46 –60<br />

• living with partner, single<br />

• $45,000 to $75,000<br />

• Males<br />

• Non-Hispanic<br />

• Race no difference

Aggravated Assault:<br />

• 78 incidents/48 victims<br />

• Reported 47.4%; not reported 52.6%<br />

• Not reported because (could answer more than one):<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (32.0%)<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (28.0%)<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend (28.0%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help (20.0%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (8.0%)<br />

▫ Other (4.0%)<br />

• Afraid of losing job

Simple Assault:<br />

• 279 incidents/99 victims<br />

• Reported 26.9%; not reported 70.3%<br />

• Not reported because:<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (28.3%)<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (21.2%)<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend (20.2%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (13.1%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help (4.0%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (2.0%)<br />

▫ Other (11.2%)<br />

• Police were already involved, were already aware of<br />

situation<br />

• Happened at work<br />

• Don’t know

Robbery<br />

• 5 incidents/5 victims<br />

• Reported 80%, not reported 20%<br />

• Not reported because:<br />

▫ 100% incident not important, minor offense

Violent <strong>Crime</strong>: Aggravated Assault, Simple<br />

Assault, and Robbery<br />

Reported<br />

• Urban*<br />

• Associates degree<br />

• Employed<br />

• $25,000 to $44,000*<br />

• Females<br />

• 31 to 60<br />

• Married, living with<br />

partner<br />

• Ethnicity, no difference<br />

• Race, no difference<br />

Not reported<br />

• Rural*<br />

• Master’s or higher*<br />

• Not employed<br />

• Over $75,000*<br />

• Male<br />

• 18 – 30<br />

• Single*<br />

• Ethnicity, no difference<br />

• Race, no difference<br />

*Significant Difference

Lifetime Rape:<br />

• 267 incidents/132 victims<br />

• Reported 16.0%, not reported 83.4%<br />

• Not reported because:<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend (23.0%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (21.7%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help (11.1%)<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (7.6%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (7.2%)<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (4.3%)<br />

• Other (25.1%)

Lifetime Rape Cont.<br />

Types of “Other” responses:<br />

• Very young<br />

• Didn’t realize was rape until after<br />

• Embarrassed /ashamed<br />

• Blamed self/thought I would be in trouble<br />

• No proof/Didn’t think would be believed<br />

• Different time, did not talk about this then<br />

• Parents didn't want to report<br />

• Told it was their fault<br />

• Boyfriend so didn’t think had case<br />

• Was intoxicated<br />

• I don't know/just didn’t

Rape 2008<br />

• 4 incidents and victims<br />

• 75% reported, 25% not reported<br />

▫ Not reported because:<br />

• Afraid of offender (100%)

Sexual Assault (not including rape)<br />

• Lifetime Attempted Rape: 732 incidents; 224 victims<br />

▫ Reported 8.7%; not reported 90.8%<br />

▫ 2008 attempted rape: 12 incidents/12 victims<br />

• Reported 0%; Not reported 100%<br />

• Lifetime Sexual Assault with Object: 84 incidents/37<br />

victims<br />

▫ Reported 7.1%; not reported 92.9%<br />

▫ 2008 Sexual Assault with Object: 2 victims<br />

• Reported 0%; Not reported 100%<br />

• Lifetime Forcible Fondling: 1767 incidents/303 victims<br />

▫ Reported 2.5%, not reported 96.3%<br />

▫ 2008 Forcible Fondling: 24 incidents/13 victims<br />

• Reported 0%; Not reported 100%

Sexual Assault Cont. (not including<br />

rape)<br />

• Reasons for not reporting (could choose more than<br />

one):<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (24.1%)<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (20.1%)<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend (12.5%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (9.3%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (8.3%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help (7.8%)<br />

• Other (44.6%)

Lifetime Sexual Assault Cont.<br />

Types of “Other” responses:<br />

• Too young/naïve<br />

• Didn’t know what to do<br />

• No one believed<br />

• Different era /people didn’t do it back then/didn’t have option back then<br />

• Didn’t realize what happened till over /drinking<br />

• Embarrassment/didn’t want to hurt parents<br />

• Didn't know I could /didn’t know was an option<br />

• Attacker ran away/didn’t know who did it/couldn’t identify<br />

• Told parents, parents didn’t report<br />

• Out of country /in another state/police far away<br />

• Thought it was her fault<br />

• Never thought about involving the police/never occurred to him<br />

• Fear /feared getting in trouble<br />

• Blamed for it at the time it happened<br />

• Don't know why

2008 Sexual Assault (not including<br />

rape)<br />

• Reasons for not reporting (could choose more<br />

than one):<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense<br />

(42.3%)<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend<br />

(19.2%)<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (15.4%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help<br />

(15.4%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (7.7%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (3.8%)

Sexual Assault Victim Characteristics<br />

Reported<br />

• Rural<br />

• Less than 12 th and HS<br />

grad*<br />

• Employed full/part-time*<br />

• Living with partner,<br />

separated, divorced*<br />

• Less than$75,000*<br />

• Females*<br />

• Hispanic*<br />

• 18 to 45*<br />

• Race, no difference<br />

Not reported<br />

• Urban<br />

• Some college and college<br />

degree*<br />

• Not employed, homemaker,<br />

retired*<br />

• Married, single, widowed*<br />

• $75,000 and up*<br />

• Males*<br />

• Non-Hispanic*<br />

• 46 and up*<br />

• Race, no difference<br />

*Significant Difference

Lifetime Emotional Domestic Violence<br />

• 3868 incidents/436 victims<br />

• Reported 8.7%; not reported 89.8%<br />

• Not reported because (could answer more than one):<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (23.2%)<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (22.9%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (16.1%)<br />

▫ Believed the police couldn’t or wouldn’t do anything to<br />

help (14.9%)<br />

▫ Offender was a close family member or friend (14.9%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (13.8%)<br />

▫ Other (25.2%)

Lifetime Emotional Domestic Violence<br />

Types of “Other” responses:<br />

• Never occurred to her/thought part of being married/seemed normal<br />

• Shame/embarrassment<br />

• Police wouldn’t have done anything back then<br />

• Very young and immature/too young to know better<br />

• Trying to make things work/try to make marriage work<br />

• Thought the person would change<br />

• The abuser was policeman/would ruin career<br />

• Felt like deserved it, was her fault<br />

• Was manipulative/brainwashed by relationship<br />

• Didn't want to embarrass children<br />

• Unsure /just didn’t go<br />

• Frustration<br />

• Drunk<br />

• In the military<br />

• Fear spouse would be deported

Emotional Domestic Violence: 2008<br />

• 542 incidents/62 victims<br />

• 3.0% reported; 97.0% not reported<br />

• Reasons for not reporting (could answer more than<br />

one):<br />

▫ It was a private matter (30.9%)<br />

▫ The abuse wasn’t that bad (27.3%)<br />

▫ The police wouldn’t or couldn’t do anything to help<br />

(18.2%)<br />

▫ The abuse would get worse (14.5%)<br />

▫ It might endanger the children (5.5%)<br />

▫ The offender wouldn’t allow a report (3.6%)<br />

▫ Other (23.6%)

Emotional Domestic Violence: 2008<br />

Types of “Other” Responses:<br />

• Afraid<br />

• “Can’t quantify”<br />

• Relationship ended<br />

• Trust issues<br />

• Didn’t feel it was appropriate<br />

• Political reasons<br />

• Marital spat<br />

• Shame<br />

• Just didn’t care to

Lifetime Physical Domestic Violence<br />

• 1942 incidents/351 victims<br />

• Reported 18.3%; Not reported 81.7%<br />

• Not reported because:<br />

▫ Dealt with crime in another way (23.6%)<br />

▫ Afraid of offender (18.2%)<br />

▫ Offender was close family member or friend (13.9%)<br />

▫ Incident was not important, minor offense (12.3%)<br />

▫ Did not want to involve the police (10.0%)<br />

▫ Believed the police could do nothing to help (7.7%)<br />

• Other (21.1%)

Lifetime Physical Domestic Violence<br />

Types of “Other” responses:<br />

• Shame/embarrassment<br />

• Young/stupid<br />

• Women just didn't report back then<br />

• Felt deserved it/both at fault<br />

• Offender was in military /police officer/deputy sheriff<br />

• Hoped it would stop on its own<br />

• Didn’t realize was illegal<br />

• Didn't want to split home/lose marriage<br />

• Didn't want the abuser prosecuted<br />

• Taught to not say anything<br />

• Offender was drinking alcohol<br />

• Unsure /just didn’t/no reason

Physical Domestic Violence: 2008<br />

• 82 incidents/20 victims<br />

• 9.8% reported, 90.2% not reported<br />

• Not reported because:<br />

▫ The abuse wasn’t that bad (25.0%)<br />

▫ It was a private matter (15.0%)<br />

▫ Dealt with it in another way (10.0%)<br />

▫ The abuse would get worse (5.0%)<br />

▫ The police wouldn’t do anything (5.0%)

Domestic Violence Victim Characteristics<br />

Reported<br />

• Rural<br />

• Less than HS, HS grad,<br />

associates*<br />

• Employed full, part time*<br />

• Living with partner*<br />

• Females*<br />

• Hispanic<br />

• Race no difference<br />

• Under 45*<br />

• Under $44,000<br />

Not reported<br />

• Urban<br />

• Bachelor’s, Masters<br />

degree*<br />

• Not employed, retired*<br />

• Married*<br />

• Males*<br />

• Non-hispanic<br />

• Race no difference<br />

• Over 60*<br />

• Over $45,000<br />

*Significant Difference

Conclusions:<br />

• Reporting of crime is dependant upon the<br />

severity of the crime and characteristics of the<br />

victim.<br />

• Need to keep examining reasons why crime is<br />

not reported to have a better understanding of<br />

how and why victims utilize the criminal justice<br />

system.<br />

▫ Top two reasons given for not reporting crime:<br />

was a minor offense or the victim dealt with the<br />

situation in another way.

Thank You!<br />

• For questions concerning this research, please<br />

contact:<br />

Janeena Wing<br />

<strong>Idaho</strong> State Police<br />

Principal Research Analyst<br />


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