Logbook for Conservative Residents

Logbook for Conservative Residents

Logbook for Conservative Residents


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Royal Medical Services<br />

Professional Training Division<br />

<strong>Logbook</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Conservative</strong> <strong>Residents</strong>

Explanatory Notes<br />

This is an important document. The logbook is an integral part of basic training<br />

and it will provide a record of your experience and your academic and educational<br />

activities. It will be part of your assessment as you move through basic training<br />

and it will be required <strong>for</strong> the final year of residency and Board examination.<br />

This logbook is intended to be a record of all procedures<br />

participate in as part of your training.<br />

you per<strong>for</strong>m or<br />

Training Posts Held<br />

On this page you are required to list, in chronological order, the posts which you<br />

have held during residency program at the completion of each post, the trainer or<br />

consultant to whom you have been attached must sign to indicate that you have<br />

satisfactorily completed the post. When you apply to sit the final assessment, the<br />

trainer or consultant with whom you are attached will verify that the log book is<br />

complete and authenticated.<br />

Educational and Academic Activities<br />

You must record the fact that you have sat <strong>for</strong> and succeeded the basic board<br />

examination. A copy of the Jordan Medical Council Primary board certificate<br />

should be included with your logbook. On this sheet, records of attendance at<br />

other training courses, meetings, and lectures should be recorded. It is not<br />

intended that you record educational activities within the unit to which you are<br />

attached. Publications and other personal contributions should be included as<br />

well as any involvement in research projects.

The logbook is divided into numbered segments, corresponding to the training<br />

posts held. Details of your record of practical procedures should be completed <strong>for</strong><br />

each of these posts. There is a consolidation page to summarize the record of<br />

procedures per<strong>for</strong>med.<br />

Personal details:<br />

Full Name in Arabic:<br />

Full name in English:<br />

National number:<br />

Start date of your residency program:<br />

Your signature: _________________________<br />

Head of the Department: _____________________________<br />

Signature & Stamp: ______________________<br />

Date: ___________

Training Posts Held<br />

Post<br />

Number<br />

Hospital<br />

Residency<br />

Year<br />

Start Date Finish Date Consultant Consultant<br />

signature<br />

1 st<br />

2 nd<br />

3 rd<br />

4 th<br />

5 th<br />

6 th<br />

7 th<br />

8 th<br />

9 th<br />

10 th<br />

11 th<br />

12 th<br />

13 th<br />

14 th<br />

15 th<br />

16 th<br />

17 th<br />

18 th<br />

19 th<br />

20 th<br />

This <strong>for</strong>m should only be signed by the consultant or trainer at the end of the post, provided that the trainee has<br />

finished the period of the training satisfactorily.

Educational and Academic Activities<br />

Mandatory Certificate (s):<br />

Jordan Medical Council First Part Board Examination Certificate:<br />

Date of Issuing the Certificate:<br />

Certificate Number:<br />

Other Courses:<br />

Course Date Location Course Director

Other activities, including CME hours:<br />

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<strong>Conservative</strong> Dentistry curriculum<br />

The duration of the program is a 3 years full time training program, upon successful completion<br />

of all requirements the trainees will be eligible to sit <strong>for</strong> the final Jordan board exam, and once<br />

the exam is passed successfully the Jordan board certificate will awarded.<br />

First year<br />

Theoretical requirements:<br />

I. Human Physiology<br />

1. Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism and Physiology of Bone<br />

Function of metabolism of Ca.<br />

Function of metabolism of P.<br />

Hormones regulate Ca and P metabolism.<br />

2. Physiology of Nerve + Synaptic and Junctional Transmission<br />

Histology: structure of nerve.<br />

Nerve impulse.<br />

Membrane potential.<br />

Excitability.<br />

All or None principle.<br />

Salutatory conduction.<br />

Speed of nerve impulse.<br />

Conduction across synapses.<br />

Excitatory transmission.<br />

Inhibitory transmission.<br />

Neurotransmitters.<br />

3. Physiology of Muscle<br />

Types.<br />

Physiology of contraction.<br />

Sliding filaments theory.<br />

Neuro muscular junction.<br />

Energy <strong>for</strong> contraction.

Muscle length and <strong>for</strong>ce of contraction.<br />

All or None principle.<br />

Kinds of contraction.<br />

4. Energy metabolism<br />

5. Metabolism<br />

Carbohydrate:<br />

fate of carbohydrate<br />

glucose catabolism<br />

glucose anabolism : glycogensis<br />

glycogenolysis<br />

gluconeogensis<br />

Lipid: fate of lipids<br />

Fat storage<br />

glycerol<br />

lipid catabolism fatty acids<br />

lipid anabolism lipogenesis<br />

Protein: fate of protein<br />

protein catabolism<br />

protein anabolism<br />

6. Nutrition:<br />

Essential dietary components.<br />

Caloric intake and distribution.<br />

Mineral requirements.<br />

Vitamins.<br />

7. Physiological function of thyroid gland:<br />

Formation, storage and release of thyroid hormones.<br />

Function and control of thyroid hormones.<br />

8. Physiological function of adrenal gland:<br />

Adrenal cortex: mineralcorticoids<br />

glucocorticoids<br />

gonadocorticoids<br />

Adrenal medulla: epinephrine<br />

nor epinephrine<br />

9. Control of adrenal hormones<br />

10. Physiological function of pituitary gland<br />

Hormones of adenohypophysis<br />

Hormones of neurohypophysis<br />

Control of pituitary hormones<br />

Physiological function of gonads<br />

11. Gastrointestinal secretion<br />

Mouth saliva<br />

Esophagus<br />

Stomach gastric juice and hormone stomach gastrin

Pancreas as endocrine and exocrine liver<br />

Gall bladder<br />

Intestine enzymes and hormones<br />

Digestion of carbohydrate, protein, fat, nucleic acid<br />

Absorption of carbohydrate, protein, fate, water and electrolytes<br />

Vitamins<br />

12. The circulatory system<br />

Blood<br />

Lymph<br />

Immune mechanism<br />

13. The heart as a pump<br />

Conduction system<br />

Blood flow through the heart<br />

Cardiac cycle<br />

Cardiac output<br />

Electrocardiogram<br />

14. Respiration<br />

Pulmonary function<br />

Gas transport between lungs and tissues<br />

Regulation of respiration<br />

15. Renal function<br />

Glomerular filtration<br />

Tubular reabsorption<br />

Tubular secretion<br />

Formation and excretion of urine<br />

16. Saliva<br />

Production<br />

Chemical characteristics (pH)<br />

Function<br />

17. Mastication and deglutition<br />

Requirements of proper mastication<br />

Stages of deglutition<br />

18. Dental caries<br />

Causes<br />

Theories<br />

Prevention<br />

II. human anatomy

1. Embryology of head and neck<br />

Pharyngeal aches<br />

Pharyngeal pouches<br />

Pharyngeal clefts<br />

2. Development and growth of:<br />

Face<br />

Jaws<br />

Teeth<br />

Tongue<br />

Palate<br />

Thyroid gland<br />

3. The skull<br />

4. Fascia of the neck<br />

5. The posterior triangle of the neck<br />

6. The anterior triangle of the neck<br />

Muscles<br />

Thyroid and parathyroid glands<br />

7. Trachea and larynx<br />

8. Oesophagus<br />

9. The suprahyoid region<br />

1o. The side of the neck<br />

11. The root of the neck<br />

12. The scalp and the muscles of the face<br />

13. Cranial nerves<br />

14. Blood supply of the face:<br />

Arterial blood supply<br />

Venous drainage<br />

Lymphatic drainage<br />

15. Nerve supply of the face:<br />

Sensory<br />

Motor<br />

Parasympathetic<br />

16. Contents of the infratemporal fosse<br />

17. Carotid artery and its branches<br />

External carotid<br />

Internal carotid<br />

18. The nose and paranasal sinuses<br />

19. Anatomy of the mouth:<br />

Tongue, Hard and soft palate, floor of the mouth<br />

20. Enamel

Development<br />

Composition and structure<br />

21. Dentine<br />

Development<br />

Composition and structure<br />

22. Pulp<br />

23. Cementum<br />

24. Periodontal membrane<br />

25. The alveolar bone and jaws<br />

Structure and changes<br />

26. The mucous membrane of the mouth<br />

27. Teeth eruption and shedding<br />

III. Human PATHOLOGY<br />

1. Cell and tissue damage<br />

Degeneration<br />

Changes associated with accumulation of water<br />

Changes associated with accumulation of fat<br />

Chemical consideration of cell damage<br />

Cell death and necrosis<br />

Types of necrosis<br />

Changes in necrotic tissue<br />

2. Acute inflammation<br />

Causes<br />

Changes : vascular response<br />

Inflammatory exudate<br />

Local sequelae of acute infection<br />

3. Chronic inflammation<br />

Causes<br />

Classification<br />

Features and components of chronic inflammation<br />

General effects of chronic inflammation<br />

4. Wound healing<br />

Causes of tissue destruction<br />

Aspects of healing process<br />

Healing by primary intention<br />

Healing by secondary intention<br />


Organization<br />

Factors affecting wound healing<br />

Healing of skin wound fracture<br />

Healing of dental extraction wound<br />

Complications of wound healing<br />

5. Infection<br />

Body defences against infection<br />

Body response to infection<br />

6. Some important bacterial infections<br />

Pyogenic<br />

Anaerobic<br />

Mycobacterial<br />

Spirochetal<br />

7. Mycoplasmal infections<br />

Chlamydial infections<br />

Rickettsial infections<br />

8. Immune response<br />

Non specific immunity<br />

Specific immunity<br />

Humoral immunity<br />

Cell mediated immunity<br />

Antigen antibody union<br />

Factors influencing antibody production<br />

Functional steps in the immune response<br />

Hypersensitivity reaction<br />

Some autoimmune diseases<br />

9. Viral infection<br />

Viruses, general properties, classification<br />

Chemical constituents<br />

Life cycle and reproduction<br />

10. Some important viral diseases<br />

Hepatitis<br />

Mumps<br />

Herpes viruses<br />

Immunity to viral infections<br />

11. Disorders of growth<br />

Excessive growth<br />

Hyperplasia<br />

Pseudoneoplastic hyperplasia

Hypertrophy<br />

Diminished growth<br />

Atrophy<br />

Abnormalities of cellular differentiation<br />

Metaplasia<br />

Dystrophy<br />

12. Neoplasia<br />

Definition<br />

Possible causes<br />

Classification (Benign-malignant), (Canciroma-sarcoma)<br />

Stages of carcinogenesis<br />

Spread of malignancy<br />

Effect of benign and malignant tumours<br />

Pre-malignancy<br />

13. Ionizing radiation<br />

Effects of radiation on the body<br />

Effects of total body irradiation<br />

Radiotherapy<br />

14. Disorders of circulation<br />

Active hyperaemia<br />

Venous congestion<br />

Ischemia – thrombosis<br />

Embolism<br />

Haemorrhage<br />

Oedema<br />

15. Fever and hypothermia<br />

Mechanism of temperature regulation<br />

Fever: clinical features – pathogenesis<br />

Hypothermia: infants<br />

Adults<br />

16. Metabolic disorders<br />

Diabetes mellitus<br />

Gout<br />

Disorders of Ca. Metabolism<br />

17. Diseases of endocrine glands<br />

Hyperthyroidism<br />

Hypothyroidism<br />

Disease of hypothalamus<br />

Disease of adrenal gland (Cushings Syndrome)<br />

Disease of pituitary gland (hyper and hypo secretion)

Hyperparathyroidism – hypoparathyroidism<br />

18. Disease of bone-muscle of joint<br />

Bone - developmental anomalies<br />

Fractures<br />

Infections<br />

Metabolic disorders<br />

Muscles - inflammation<br />

Atrophy<br />

Muscular dystrophy<br />

Myasthenia gravis<br />

Joint - Acute arthritis<br />

Tubercles arthritis<br />

Ankylosing spondylitis<br />

Osteoarthritis<br />

Specific disease of TMJ<br />

19. Some skin diseases with oral manifestation<br />

Dermatitis and eczema<br />

Papulesquamous eruptions<br />

Vesiculobollus disease<br />

Intra epidermal vesicles<br />

20. Diseases of the heart<br />

Congenital :<br />

Hypertensive heart disease<br />

Rheumatic heart disease<br />

Endocarditis<br />

Valvular heart disease<br />

Heart failure<br />

etiology<br />

Signs and symptoms<br />

Individual lesions of chronic heart diseases<br />

Acquired heart disease<br />

21. Diseases of the liver<br />

Function of the liver<br />

Degenerative conditions<br />

Fatty changes<br />

Hepatic necrosis<br />

Alcohol and the liver<br />


Cirrhosis<br />

Jaundice<br />

22. Disease of the salivary glands<br />

Developmental anomalies<br />

Infection (bacterial and viral)<br />

Obstruction and traumatic lesions<br />

Salivary duct fistula<br />

Mucocele<br />

Functional disorders<br />

Xerostomia<br />

Sialosis<br />

Sjogrens and Sicca syndrome<br />

23. Amyloidosis<br />

Classification of amyloid disease<br />

Effects of amyloid disease<br />

Nature and pathogenesis of amyloid<br />

24. Disorders of the blood<br />

Anaemias<br />

Polycythaemia<br />

Neutrophilia<br />

Neutropenia<br />

Lymphocytosis<br />

Monocytosis<br />

Eosinophilia<br />

Leukaemias<br />

Multiple myeloma<br />

Bone marrow aplasia<br />

Agranulocytosis<br />

Haemorrhagic disease<br />

25. Shock and Haemorrhage<br />

Haemorrhage: causes<br />

Types<br />

Effects<br />

Shock: Primary<br />

Secondary<br />

26. Diseases and tumours of the oral mucosa<br />

White lesions of oral mucosa<br />

Ulcerative lesions of oral mucosa<br />

Pigmented lesions of oral mucosa

Benign tumours of epithelial and connective tissue<br />

Malignant tumours of epithelial and connective tissue<br />

27. Salivary gland tumours<br />

Benign: Pleomorphic adenoma<br />

Monomorphic adenoma<br />

Cystadenolymphoma<br />

Maligant: Adenocarcinoma<br />

Malignant pleomorphic adenoma<br />

Adenocystic carcinoma<br />

Acinic cell carcinoma<br />

28. Diseases of blood vessels<br />

Diseases of arteries<br />

Diseases of veins<br />

Diseases of capillaries<br />

IV. Pharmacology<br />

1. Analgesic<br />

2. Antimicrobial<br />

Mechanism and action<br />

Clinical requirements:<br />

During the first year the resident should do :<br />

1- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 30 posterior teeth<br />

2- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 50 anterior teeth<br />

3- 100 amalgam fillings<br />

4- 100 composite fillings<br />

5- 15 amalgam build up<br />

6- 15 cases of posterior composite<br />

7- 15 cases of composite facing<br />

8- 5 cases of non vital bleaching<br />

9- 5 cases of vital bleaching<br />


After passing the first year exam the resident will be eligible to do primary exam(part one) Of<br />

the Jordan medical council board.

Second year:<br />

Theoretical requirements :<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Defining dental caries.<br />

2. Microbiology of dental plaque biofilms and their role in oral health and caries.<br />

3. The caries environment: saliva, pellicle, diet, and hard tissue ultrastructure<br />

4. The chemistry of caries: remineralization and demineralization events with direct<br />

clinical relevance.<br />

5. Detection activity assessment and diagnosis of dental caries lesions.<br />

6. Implementing caries risk assessment and clinical interventions.<br />

7. Strategies <strong>for</strong> noninvasive demineralized tissue repair.<br />

8. Treatment protocols: nonfluoride management of the caries disease process and<br />

available diagnostics.<br />

9. Clinical threshold <strong>for</strong> carious tissue removal.<br />

10. Glass-ionomer cements as restorative and preventive materials.<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Mechanical properties.<br />

2. Physical properties.<br />

3. Chemical properties.<br />

4. Applied surface phenomena.<br />

5. Dental amalgams.<br />

6. Dental adhesive systems (Dentin bonding agents).<br />

7. Resin based restorative materials.<br />

8. Fiber rein<strong>for</strong>ced composites.<br />

9. Cements based on phosphoric acid.<br />

10. Cements based on organometallic chelate compound.<br />

11. Polycarboxylates cement.<br />

12. Glass ionomers cement.<br />

13. Resin modified glass ionomers (RMGI).<br />

14. Polyalkenoid modified composite resin (Compomers).<br />

15. Adhesive resin cements (Resin composite cement).<br />

16. Impression materials:<br />

a. Non-elastic impression materials.<br />

b. Elastic hydrocolloid impression materials.<br />

c. Elastic synthetic elastomers.<br />

17. Finishing & polishing materials.<br />

18. Dental gypsum products.<br />

19. Investments & refractory dies.<br />

20. Casting & soldering procedures.

21. Dental waxes.<br />

22. Dental casting alloys:<br />

a. High noble alloys (HN) (Gold alloys).<br />

b. Noble alloys (N) (Gold substitute alloys).<br />

c. Predominantly base alloys (PB) (Base metal alloys) (BMA).<br />

d. Porcelain fused to metal alloys.<br />

23. Dental ceramics:<br />

a. Porcelain fused to metal.<br />

b. All-ceramics:<br />

Slip cast ceramics.<br />

Heat pressed ceramics.<br />

CAD-CAM.<br />


1. Patient assessment, examination, diagnosis & treatment planning.<br />

2. Nomenclature, instruments & equipments.<br />

3. Isolation & moisture control of operative field.<br />

4. Principles of cavity design & preparation <strong>for</strong> direct intracoronal restorations.<br />

5. Pulp considerations (varnish, liner & base).<br />

6. Pulp therapy <strong>for</strong> primary & permanent teeth.<br />

7. Amalgam restorations Cl I, II.<br />

8. Complex amalgam restorations.<br />

9. Pin retained amalgam restorations.<br />

10. Cuspal coverage amalgam restoration.<br />

11. Bonded & sealed amalgam restorations.<br />

12. Direct anterior esthetic restorations Cl III, IV, VI.<br />

13. Direct posterior esthetic restorations Cl I, II.<br />

14. Indirect resin composite restorations.<br />

15. Class V restorations.<br />

16. VLC units.<br />

17. Diagnosis & treatment of root caries.<br />

18. Direct gold restorations.<br />

19. Dental trauma & management:<br />

a. Primary teeth.<br />

b. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth.<br />

c. Avulsion of permanent teeth.<br />

20. Non-carious tooth surface lost & management.<br />

21. Dentine hypersensitivity.<br />

22. Cracked tooth syndrome (CTS).<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Histology & physiology of the dental pulp.<br />

2. Endodontic microbiology.<br />

3. Endodontic diagnostic procedures.

4. Diagnosis of pulpal pathosis.<br />

5. Diagnosis of periradicular pathosis.<br />

6. Diagnosis of orofacial pain & headache.<br />

7. Pain control.<br />

8. Treatment planning.<br />

9. Isolation.<br />

10. Endodontic radiograph.<br />

11. Endodontic instruments, materials & devices.<br />

12. Endodontic pharmacology: irrigation & intracanal medicaments.<br />

13. Tooth morphology & access cavity preparation.<br />

14. Working length determination; RG & apex locater.<br />

15. Manual cleaning & shaping <strong>for</strong> the root canal preparation.<br />

16. Rotary cleaning & shaping <strong>for</strong> the root canal preparation.<br />

17. Obturation of the cleaned & shaped root canal system.<br />

18. Endodontic retreatment.<br />

19. Endodontic emergency.<br />

20. Endodontic surgery.<br />

21. Endodontic problems & management.<br />

22. The periodontal/endodontic interface.<br />

23. Management of traumatized teeth.<br />

24. Endodontic in children.<br />

25. Management of incomplete <strong>for</strong>med roots; apexification & apexogenesis.<br />

26. Root resorption & management.<br />

27. Regeneration endodontic therapy.<br />

Clinical requirements:<br />

During the second year the resident should do:<br />

1- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 30 posterior teeth<br />

2- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 50 anterior teeth<br />

3- 100 amalgam fillings<br />

4- 100 composite fillings<br />

5- 15 amalgam build up<br />

6- 15 cases of posterior composite<br />

7- 15 cases of composite facing<br />

8- 5 cases of non vital bleaching<br />

9- 5 cases of vital bleaching<br />

10- 3 cases of endodontic surgery


Third year:<br />

Theoretical requirements:<br />

In addition to the topics required in the second year the following<br />

topics are required:<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Introduction of fixed prosthodontics.<br />

2. Treatment planning <strong>for</strong> single tooth restorations.<br />

3. Treatment planning <strong>for</strong> the replacement of missing teeth.<br />

4. Indications & C/I <strong>for</strong> crowns.<br />

5. Types of crown.<br />

6. Designing crown preparations.<br />

7. Occlusal considerations.<br />

8. Planning & making crowns.<br />

9. Indications <strong>for</strong> bridges.<br />

10. Types of bridges.<br />

11. Components of bridges: retainers, pontics & connectors.<br />

12. Pontics & edentulous ridges.<br />

13. Designing & planning bridges.<br />

14. Principles of tooth preparation <strong>for</strong> fixed dental prosthesis:<br />

a. Biological considerations.<br />

b. Mechanical considerations.<br />

c. Esthetic considerations.<br />

15. Preparations <strong>for</strong> full veneer metal crowns.<br />

16. Preparations <strong>for</strong> full veneer metal-ceramic (ceramic-metal) (porcelain-fused to<br />

metal) crowns.<br />

17. Preparation <strong>for</strong> full veneer all-ceramic restorations.<br />

18. Preparations <strong>for</strong> partial veneer crowns: 3/4 crowns & 7/8 crowns.<br />

19. Preparations <strong>for</strong> intra-coronal restorations: inlays & onlays.<br />

20. Preparation <strong>for</strong> resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (minimal preparation bridges).<br />

21. Restoration of endodontically treated teeth: post & core restorations.<br />

22. Preparations <strong>for</strong> periodontically weakened teeth.<br />

23. Fluid control & soft tissue management.<br />

24. Impression making.<br />

25. Registration of intermaxillary relationship: face bow & articulators.

26. Provisional restorations (interim restorations) (temporary restorations).<br />

27. Communicating with the dental laboratory.<br />

28. Definitive cast & dies.<br />

29. Wax patterns.<br />

30. Framework design & metal selection <strong>for</strong> metal-ceramic restorations.<br />

31. Pontic design.<br />

32. Investing & casting.<br />

33. Description of the color, color-replication process & esthetics.<br />

34. Full metal restorations.<br />

35. Metal-ceramic restorations.<br />

36. All-ceramic restorations.<br />

37. Resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses.<br />

38. Luting agents & cementation procedures.<br />

39. Finishing & polishing.<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Development of teeth.<br />

2. Chronology of teeth.<br />

3. Morphology of teeth.<br />

4. Masticatory system (stomatognathic system): teeth, articulatory sys & periodontium.<br />

5. TMJ anatomy, innervations & blood supply.<br />

6. Masticatory muscles anatomy, innervations, blood supply & action.<br />

7. Static occlusion CR, CO, ICP, MIC, PJP.<br />

8. MD. Movement axes & planes.<br />

9. Types of MD. Movements: basic, border & mastication movements.<br />

10. Determinants of MD. Movements.<br />

11. Effects of anatomic determinants on morphology of occlusal surface.<br />

12. Occlusal interferences & principles of occlusal adjustment (selective grinding).<br />

13. Ideal occlusion concepts.<br />

14. Organization of the occlusion.<br />

15. Examination of the occlusion.<br />

16. Recording of the occlusion.<br />

17. Articulators & facebows.<br />

18. TMD.<br />

19. Splint therapy<br />


Subjects:<br />

1. Esthetic parameters.<br />

2. Multidisciplinary approach in esthetic dentistry.<br />

3. Shade-color selection.<br />

4. Natural tooth bleaching.<br />

5. Micro- & macro-abrasion.<br />

6. Anterior resin composite restorations:<br />

a. Proximoincisal restorations.

. Midline diastema closure.<br />

c. Tooth reshaping.<br />

7. Resin composite laminate veneers.<br />

8. Posterior resin composite restorations Cl I, Cl II.<br />

9. Porcelain laminate veneers.<br />

10. Abrasive finishing & polishing in restorative dentistry.<br />

11. Esthetic considerations when splinting with fiber-rein<strong>for</strong>ced composites.<br />

Implantology<br />

Clinical requirements :<br />

1- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 24 posterior teeth<br />

2- Root canal treatment <strong>for</strong> 26 anterior teeth<br />

3- 3 cases of endodontic surgery<br />

4- 52 amalgam fillings<br />

5- 52 composite fillings<br />

6- 12 amalgam build up<br />

7- 12 cases of posterior composite<br />

8- 12 cases of composite facing<br />

9- 5 cases of vital bleaching<br />

10- 21 cases of porcalin laminate veneers<br />

11- 75 units of crown and bridge, including :<br />

-30 anterior units<br />

-45 posterior units<br />

12- two cases of fixed prosthodontics with implants (not less than six implants)<br />

13 – two cases of single tooth implant<br />


Procedure Log<br />

Date<br />

Patient’s<br />

name<br />

Case diagnosis Procedure Mentor’s<br />


Patient’s Name: ______________ Age: _________ Gender:_______<br />

Chief Complaint:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Medical History:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Dental History:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________<br />

Extra-oral Examination:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________<br />

Intra-oral Examination:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________<br />

Vitality Testing:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Radiographic Findings:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Diagnosis:_______________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

Treatment Plan:<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />


Journal club<br />

Date Title Mentor’s<br />


Courses, workshops, meetings – Log<br />

Date Title Mentor’s<br />


Summative evaluation:<br />

5: excellent 4: very good 3: good 2: poor 1: unacceptable<br />

Clinical and technical skills 5 4 3 2 1<br />

Problem identification<br />

Patient management<br />

Emergency treatment<br />

Procedure skills<br />

Descriptive evaluation :<br />

Personal and professional maturity 5 4 3 2 1<br />

Punctuality<br />

Emotional and professional maturity<br />

Relationship with other medical personnel<br />

Appling ethical principls in patient care<br />

Communication skills<br />

Descriptive evaluation :<br />

Overall per<strong>for</strong>mance<br />

Descriptive evaluation :<br />

5 4 3 2 1

Recommended to sit <strong>for</strong> exam: Yes No<br />

If No why:<br />

The resident eligibility <strong>for</strong> exam should include:<br />

1. Overall evaluation should not be less than 3<br />

2. Lack of any documented misconduct or unethical behavior<br />

Supervisor name and signature ___________________________________________________<br />

Program director signature _____________________________________________________<br />

Chief of department name and signature ___________________________________

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