Untitled - الخدمات الطبية الملكية

Untitled - الخدمات الطبية الملكية Untitled - الخدمات الطبية الملكية

1 st Scientific Day of Quality and Inspection Department/ Royal Medical Services<br />

Hand by Hand for Healthcare Quality and Safety<br />

Thursday 9 / 5 / 3112<br />

Scientific Program<br />

03:8 – 0388 Opening Ceremony at KHMC/ Prince Hamzah Auditorium<br />

9321 – 11351 Session 1 Moderators: Maj. Gen. (Dr) Hasan Malkawi , Brig. Gen.(RN) Nouf Al Baddawi<br />

03:8 – 03:8 1. Healthcare Quality Improvement Projects at RMS Dr. Atallah AL Issa, RMS<br />

03:8 – 18388 2. Clinical Risk Management Dr. Ibrahim AL Faouri, KAUH<br />

18388 – 18328 :. Sharing Success Story in Implementing<br />

Medication Reconciliation in Specialty Hospital<br />

18328 – 183:8 :. Integrating Patients’ Safety Concepts In Nursing<br />

Curriculum<br />

183:8 – 11388 5. The Trigger Tool: Used In A Hospital To Identify<br />

Possible Adverse Events.<br />

Dr. Sahar Almasri, Specialty Hospital<br />

Dr. Dalal Basher Yehia, AL Zaytoonah<br />

University<br />

Mr. Hussein Bataeneh, Prince Hamza<br />

Hospital , MOH<br />

11388 – 11328 6. Collaborative Model For Achieving Break Through Selvia Al Rabadi HSS<br />

Improvement .<br />

11328 – 113:8 7. HCAC Presentation Thaira AL Madi, HCAC<br />

113:8 – 12:88 Discussion , Break<br />

13:11 – 12311 Session 3 Moderators: Maj. Gen. (Dr) Suleiman Abbadi, Dr. (Pharm) Sahar Almasri<br />

12388 – 12318<br />

8. Environmental Safety: Environmental<br />

Health Elements In Hospitals<br />

المهندسة ميسون بسيسو-‏ وزارة الصحة/‏<br />

مديرية صحة البيئة<br />

12318 – 12328 9. Pain Management Project Ekhlas Khalid Abu Sharkh, AMC<br />

12328 – 123:8 11. Utilizing The Society Of Critical Care Medicine<br />

Strategic Goals To Implement Evidence Based<br />

Medicine And Improve Patient Safety<br />

123:8 – 123:8 11. The Breast Imaging Unit Implements An<br />

Effective Quality Improvement Regarding Repeat /<br />

Reject Analysis<br />

123:8 – 12358 13.Laboratory Biorisk Management<br />

At Princess Iman Lab. & Research Center<br />

Lama Nazer, Pharm D, BCPS ,KHCC<br />

Kamelia kamel RT, Breast Imaging<br />

Unit. RMS<br />

Ibrahim Jbara MSc , Princess Iman<br />

Lab. & Research Center<br />

12:58 – 1:388 Discussion , Break<br />


12311 – 10311 Session 2 Moderators: Brig. Gen. ( Dr) Muen Habashneh , Dr.(RN) Ibrahim AL Faouri<br />

12<br />

.<br />

د . عبد اهلل الصمادي<br />

وزارة الصحة<br />

رضى المرضى المراجعين عن الخدمات الطبية في المستشفيات و – 1:318 1:388<br />

المراكز الصحية الحكومية في قصبة اربد<br />

1:318 -1:328 10.Use Of Morse Scale To Evaluate Risk Of Falls In<br />

Hospitalized Patients At RRC<br />

Dr. Naheyah Almuhtaseb, RRC<br />

/<br />

عقيد ريم محادين ‏/مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ادارة انظمة االمن والسالمه المهنيه والصحيه في المستشفيات – 1:3:8 15 1:328<br />

1:3:8 – 1:3:8 11. Complexities And Barriers That Influence<br />

Nursing Documentation In Clinical Practice .<br />

1:3:8 – 1:: 58 11. Quality Improvement Method Implemented At<br />

Prince Ali-Bin Al-Hussein Hospital To Decrease<br />

The Percentage Of Wrong-Site Surgery<br />

1:358 – 1:388 Discussion<br />

Abdullah AL-Khawaldeh, RN, MSc<br />

Prince Hashem –Bin Al-Hussein<br />

Hospital, RMS<br />

Col. Montaha Habashneh , Prince<br />

Ali-Bin Al-Hussein Hospital,RMS<br />

1:388 – 15388 Lunch<br />

15311 – 11321 Session 0 Moderators: Brig. Gen.( Dr.) Abdelkarim Aledurgham, Col. (RN) Manal Betawy<br />

15388 – 15318 18.Factors Affecting Medication Errors Among<br />

Registered Nurses In Queen Rania Children Hospital<br />

15318 – 15328 19. Maintaining Thermal Regulation By Delaying<br />

Bathing For Neonates At Queen Alia Military Hospital<br />

Wafa karadsheh, Queen Rania Children<br />

Hospital<br />

Mervat Shubat , RN, MSc , Queen Alia<br />

Military Hospital.<br />

15328 – 153:8 31. Workplace Violence Nuha Remon, RN, RMS<br />

153:8 - 153:8 31. Quality In Medical Equipment Risk Management<br />

Contribute To Patient Safety<br />

153:8 – 15358 33. The Effects of Working Hours, Fatigue of RNs<br />

On Patient Safety<br />

15358 – 16388 32.<br />

مدى<br />

3113<br />

30. Nurses Attitude Toward Evidence Based<br />

16388-16318 Practice At Prince Rashed Hospital<br />

16,18-16.28 35. Effect Of Ventilation System Preventive Maintenance<br />

On Quality Of Care At The Hyperbaric Department<br />

تاثير تطبيق تقييم الموردين على اداء الموردين<br />

المعتمدين لدى مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية عام<br />

16.28-16.:8 31. The Role Of Medical Support Command In Clinical<br />

Safety In Joint Special Operation Command<br />

Ibrahim S. Aldajeh, BME , RMS<br />

Arwa Ramadan RN, RMS<br />

الرائد ادارة مستشفيات رسمي محاسنه الخدمات<br />

الطبية ا لمكية<br />

/<br />

Mai Ishtawi, RN.MSc , Prince<br />

Rashed Hospital<br />

Owaid Tarawnh BMT Princes Haya<br />

Hospital<br />

Dr. Samir Mohamed Al- Ofeishat, , JB,<br />

RMS<br />


الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

جودة وسالمة الرعاية الصحية على طريق التميز وتحسين األداء<br />

رسالة الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

المستمر .<br />

تقديم خدمة طبية متميزة وآمنة ذات جودة عالية وبكلفة معقولة مع اإللتزام بالتطوير والتحسين المستمر<br />

واإلستخدام األمثل للموارد المتاحة من خالل الكوادر الطبية المؤهلة والتقنيات الحديثة بهدف المساهمة<br />

الفاعلة في رفع مستوى الرعاية الصحية في األردن<br />

رؤية الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

الصدارة في تقديم خدمة طبية متكاملة توا كب التقدم الطبي العالمي<br />

الخدمات الطبية الملكية تحصل على شهادة اعتماد المستشفيات من قبل مجلس اعتماد المؤسسات الصحية<br />

للمستشفيات<br />

مستشفى الملكة رانيا العبد اهلل لالطفال<br />

مركز الملكة علياء المراض و جراحة القلب<br />

مركز التاهيل الملكي<br />

مركز االمير حسين بن عبداهلل الثاني ألمراض وجراحة الكلى وزراعة األعضاء<br />

مستشفى االمير علي بن الحسين<br />

وحدة تصوير الثدي<br />

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1. Healthcare Quality and Continuous Improvement Projects<br />

Dr. Atallah AL Issa, Quality and Inspection Department, RMS, Nehad Rajeh RN<br />

, Reyah Al Hadedi RN.<br />

Health care quality projects are designed for healthcare quality improvement; it<br />

introduces practical approaches in implementing modern methods of improvement<br />

through implementing best practice to fill the gap between current and desired levels of<br />

performance. Total Quality Management is recent term aims to continuous healthcare<br />

quality improvement to meet rather than to exceed its stakeholders’ requirements.<br />

Healthcare System Services Quality is the comparison between the perceived and the<br />

expected quality, so this system should be strive to provide services with quality<br />

standards higher than customer’s expectations.<br />

RMS is dedicated to plan the quality in every hospital rather than in every individual<br />

and keep caring about this plan to assure its compliance until quality becomes a culture.<br />

Together we can plan the healthcare quality; we can sustain the quality culture until all<br />

can use the same language, the quality language. Health sector is one of the most<br />

important sectors, because it touches a very sensitive group of people; the patients, who<br />

seek care and safety.<br />

RMS is responsible and involved in the healthcare quality, it implemented healthcare<br />

quality in all hospitals and medical centers and gain experience through participating in<br />

National and International Projects as:<br />

• King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government performance and<br />

Transparency.<br />

• Hospital Accreditation Projects.<br />

• Primary Health Care Accreditation Projects.<br />

• Quality Management Systems, ISO.<br />

• National Quality and Patient Safety Goals.<br />

• Developing and implementing healthcare quality management system.<br />

Success in quality management is a team work, the team is the basic unit of quality<br />

structure and no single individual can improve quality alone. Team work can improve<br />

healthcare quality; together we can sustain the quality culture until all can speak the<br />

same language, the quality language.<br />


2. Clinical Risk Management (CRM)<br />

Dr. Ibrahim Ghaleb Ali Al-Faouri, RN, PhD, KAUH<br />

Since the “To Err is Human” report was published in 1999, patient safety and<br />

risk management have been a central theme of healthcare policies worldwide. Risk<br />

defined as the possibility of loss or injury; a dangerous element or factor. Management<br />

defined as the act or art of conducting or supervising something or the judicious use of<br />

means to accomplish an end. Clinical risk management (CRM) is a systems approach to<br />

identifying, assessing, evaluating, minimizing and communicating risks associated with<br />

clinical activities in order to maximize safety for patients, visitors, employees and<br />

trainees. (CRM) involves developing flexible strategies aimed at preventing the negative<br />

event from occurring or, if not possible, minimizing the harm caused. Risk management<br />

is not about pointing blame but about promoting a culture that fosters learning and<br />

improvement as a result of errors.<br />

(CRM) has three main processes: identifying risk, analyzing risk and controlling<br />

risk. The most crucial step in risk management is risk assessment which comprises 5<br />

steps: look for the hazards, decide who might be harmed, evaluate the risks and decide<br />

whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done, record<br />

your findings and review your assessment and revise it if necessary. The General<br />

Principles for risk management are: provide all staff with education on CRM,<br />

create/promote a culture change (encourage staff to retroactively & proactively identify<br />

risks), reduce/eliminate FEAR and focus on process/system redesign –not just<br />

individuals.<br />

Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that hospitals develop comprehensive<br />

patient safety improvement plans based on data collected from internal incident<br />

reporting systems and other event detection methods. IOM advised hospitals to analyze<br />

these data to identify the causes of events and to develop strategies to prevent<br />

recurrence. Studies from the US suggest that approximately 23 to 03 of hospitalized<br />

patients suffer a serious adverse event. While studies from other developed nations,<br />

found that between 83 and 113 of hospitalized patients suffer an adverse event. A<br />

substantial proportion (between 213 and 513) of adverse events are preventable, and<br />

most cause substantial harm, likely contributing to the deaths of tens of thousands of<br />

people in each of these nations. Although one study of Mexican hospitals suggested that<br />

nearly one in four hospitalized patients developed a nosocomial infection.<br />


2. Sharing Success Story in Implementing Medication Reconciliation in Specialty Hospital<br />

Dr. Sahar Al-Masri Specialty Hospital<br />

Since the most frequent occurring medical error is a medication error and the most cited category<br />

of root causes for adverse events is ineffective communication The Specialty Hospital starts to<br />

implement the medication reconciliation.<br />

Medication Reconciliation is a process of comparing a patient's medication orders to all of the<br />

medications that a patient has been taking to avoid medication errors which should be done at<br />

every transition of care. According to the Specialty Hospital policy the physicians and the Pharm D<br />

are responsible for comparing the medication prior to admission and deciding the initial<br />

medication order.<br />

The medication reconciliation form should include the following:<br />

1) Drug name 3) Dose<br />

2) Route of administration 0) Strength<br />

5) Frequency 1) Diagnosis<br />

1) Time of last dose 8) Allergies<br />

9) Who is providing and collecting the information<br />

Goals of writing medication reconciliation form with admission and on discharge are:<br />

Obtain as accurate as possible a list of medications that the patient is receiving at home<br />

or other care setting.<br />

Ensure that a conscious decision is made to continue, discontinue, or modify current<br />

medications the patient is receiving when writing admission orders and when the<br />

patient is receiving from last transition point.<br />

Document discrepancies and resolve them if needed.<br />

Share with patient and providers as necessary .<br />

Challenges the Specialty Hospital faces with implementing medication reconciliation policy:<br />

No real understanding of the importance.<br />

Something new.<br />

More paperwork.<br />

No complete and accurate information.<br />

Patient recollection.<br />

OTC and other therapies.<br />

Engaging everyone in the process.<br />

Techniques we use to encourage staff:<br />

Share potential or actual errors that have occurred /or have been avoided.<br />

Publicize collaborative between providers of care.<br />

Show data that shows discrepancies are being reduced.<br />

Share processes that are working.<br />

Impact of implementing medication reconciliation on the hospital performance:<br />

Decrease medication errors by 013.<br />

Increase in the percentage of medication reconciliation compliance by 113 .<br />


0. Integrating Patients’ Safety Concepts in Nursing Curriculum<br />

Dalal Basher Yahiya, RN, PhD Al-Zaytoonah University, Faculty of Nursing<br />

There are progresses in the health care services and become sensitive to clients’ cultural<br />

dimensions. These progresses challenged nursing educators and clinical practitioners to<br />

understand the significant effects of these challenges. The concept of patient safety is one<br />

of these challenges which becoming a need to be a concept within the context of nursing<br />

education. Also, it is a challenge to involve the nursing students into patient safety in<br />

their undergraduate class, this will help them to understand the concepts of patient<br />

safety, quality, and quality improvement and integrate them during their different<br />

clinical teaching. Building students’ safety knowledge needs to occur throughout nursing<br />

schools.<br />

This presentation has the following aims:<br />

1- To explain the importance of integrating patient safety in nursing curriculum<br />

3- To discuss the role of nurse educator in the integration of patient safety in the<br />

theoretical content<br />

2- To discuss the importance of integrated patients safety into procedural skill<br />

training program.<br />

Patient safety education for nursing students is highly significant by providing<br />

evidence-based nursing care services and keep patients safety in the context of the<br />

human, clinical setting and workplace complexity.<br />

In conclusion, nursing programs needs to respond to vital initiatives such as<br />

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), nursing faculty needs to discover<br />

the important to share values exist between competency-based curricular models and<br />

the latest and updated knowledge and practices in safety and quality.<br />


5. The Trigger Tool: Used in a hospital to identify possible adverse events.<br />

Mr. Hussein Bataeneh, RN, Prince Hamza Hospital, MOH<br />

The idea is to revise randomly a 31 patient's file that already discharged from the<br />

hospital using a trigger which finally measure the harm that may occur to the patient<br />

retrospectively and measure the rate of adverse event by the time, the topics should be<br />

revised are:<br />

Discharge summary<br />

Medication administration record<br />

Lab. Results<br />

Operative notes<br />

Nurses notes<br />

Physician progress notes<br />

Consultant notes, ED notes.<br />


1. The Breakthrough Series: IHI’s Collaborative Model for Achieving Breakthrough<br />

Improvement<br />

Ms. Silvia R. Rabadi<br />

This presentation addresses a simple effective quality improvement methodology that<br />

had been conceptualized in late 1990 and was innovated in 1995 by the Institute for<br />

Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and was given the name of the "collaborative"<br />

approach--the Breakthrough Series (BTS; Institute for Healthcare Improvement [IHI].<br />

IHI developed this model (BTS) for achieving breakthrough improvement and to help<br />

health care organizations make improvements in quality while reducing costs by<br />

creating a structure in which they can easily learn from each other and from recognized<br />

experts in topic areas in which they want to make improvements. These quality<br />

collaborations encourage networking, support standardization of best practice processes<br />

and provide a potential significant impact on the quality and safety of healthcare<br />

services<br />

Key Elements of the BTS<br />

Key elements of the BTS include the following: 1. Topic selection.3. Faculty recruitment.<br />

2. Enrollment of participating organizations and teams. 0. Learning sessions. 5. Action<br />

periods. 1. The Model for Improvement. 1. Summative congresses and publications. 8.<br />

Measurement and evaluation.<br />


1. Accreditation is a Journey Toward Excellence<br />

Thaira Adnan Madi<br />

This session will provide an over view of the HCAC organization, accreditation. How to<br />

translate HCAC mission “to foster the continuous improvement of the quality and safety<br />

of health care facilities, services and programs through developing internationally<br />

accepted standards, capacity building and awarding accreditation” and use<br />

accreditation as a tool to continuous quality improvement particularly in the hospital.<br />

Accreditation is not just about standard-setting: there are self-improvement dimensions<br />

to the process. Accreditation helps the hospital enhance patient care through a<br />

continuous quality improvement process. In almost all cases this can be achieved without<br />

major investments in infrastructure. It also strengthens community confidence by<br />

highlighting the hospital’s commitment to provide safe and quality care to the<br />

community. The purpose of accreditation is to encourage and support health facilities to<br />

undergo comprehensive survey processes and achieve national benchmarks that<br />

demonstrate the highest standards of health care quality.<br />


3<br />

الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

جودة وسالمة الرعاية الصحية على طريق التميز وتحسين األداء المستمر<br />

مشاركة الخدمات الطبية الملكية ممثلة في مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ومدينة الحسين الطبية بجائزة الملك<br />

عبداهلل الثاني لتميز األداء الحكومي والشفافية<br />

المرحلة االولى‎3‎ مشاركة مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية و مدينه الحسين الطبية بالجائزة على مستوى التأهيل<br />

المرحلة الثانية مشاركة مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ومدينه الحسين الطبية بالجائزة لدورة الرابعة لعام<br />

مرحلة المؤسسات العامة والتي تشارك ألول مرة.‏<br />

.<br />

2880/2880<br />

3<br />

<br />

<br />

.1<br />

حصول مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ومدينة الحسين الطبية على شهادة ختم التميز تقديرا لتميز اداء الخدمات الطبية<br />

الملكية بالجائزة لدورة الرابعة لعام<br />

جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز فئة الموظف اإلداري/الفني لدورة الرابعة لعام<br />

2880/2880<br />

2880/2880<br />

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<br />

مشاركة مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ومدينه الحسين الطبية بجائزة الملك عبداهلل الثاني لتميز االداء<br />

المرحلة الثالثة حيث<br />

فئة المؤسسات الحكومية المشاركة بالجائزة ألكثر من مرة الدورة الخامسة لعام 2818/ الحكومي والشفافية حصلت على<br />

2811<br />

.<br />

.1<br />

.2<br />

.:<br />

جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز<br />

جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز<br />

-<br />

فئة الموظف القيادي/اإلشرافي<br />

.<br />

-<br />

فئة الموظف اإلداري/الفني<br />

.<br />

مشاركة مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ومدينه الحسين الطبية بجائزة الملك عبداهلل الثاني لتميز االداء الحكومي<br />

والشفافية,‏ فئة المؤسسات الحكومية المشاركة بالجائزة ألكثر من مرة في الدورة السادسة<br />

لعام .2812 /2811<br />

.:<br />

.5<br />

.6<br />

جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز<br />

جائزة الموظف الحكومي المتميز<br />

جائزة الموظف<br />

المساند المتميز<br />

-<br />

فئة الموظف القيادي/اإلشرافي<br />

.<br />

-<br />

فئة الموظف اإلداري/الفني<br />

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.<br />


8. Environmental Safety: Environmental Health Elements In Hospitals.<br />

Eng. Mayson Bseso, MOH. Environmental Health Directorate<br />


Environmental Health (EH) addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors<br />

external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviors. It encompasses the<br />

assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health.<br />

It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments.<br />

EH addresses all human-health-related aspects of both the natural environment and the<br />

built environment and includes: ambient and indoor air quality, management of<br />

hazardous materials, waste management, medical waste management, noise control,<br />

occupational health, exposure to toxic chemicals, radiological health, safe drinking<br />

water, wastewater treatment and disposal, food safety, vector control, disaster<br />

preparedness and response, climate change and its effects on health.<br />

Hospitals are complex institutions that employ large numbers of workers from various<br />

professions and where many activities take place. The primary function of hospitals is to<br />

provide healthcare services to the ill. Therefore, a major concern is the safety of their inpatients<br />

and outpatients, with respect to prevention and control of nosocomial infections<br />

(Infection Control and Prevention), and emergency preparedness, such as evacuation<br />

plans for fires. Moreover, hospitals are considered potentially hazardous workplaces, as<br />

they expose their workers to a wide range of physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic,<br />

and psychological hazards. Therefore, occupational health issues, including the<br />

anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of conditions arising in or from a<br />

workplace, which may cause illness or which could have an adverse effect on the health<br />

of workers, are a very important EH concern for hospitals.<br />

This paper reviews the key EH elements within hospitals and provides guidelines to<br />

maintain a healthful indoor environment as well as to protect the environment. It also<br />

sheds light on the connection between EH and patients’ safety, workers health, and the<br />

environment. The EH elements are categorized into seven areas, namely, physical<br />

facilities, utilities, hotel services, purchasing and supply, occupational hygiene,<br />

environmental pollution prevention, and disaster management and emergency<br />

preparedness.<br />


9. Pain Management Project<br />

Ekhlas Abu Sharkh RN, ( presenter) , Mohammad Saleh MD, Muntaha Qutesh RN,<br />

Mohammad Al-Hussenate RN, DR. Aziza Sowan RN, PhD, Afnan Reslan RN.<br />

Introduction:<br />

Pain management is a medical specialty that is rapidly growing in popularity and<br />

application. This specialty deals with the reduction of pain in the body by applying the<br />

principles of science and medicine.<br />

The management of pain is considered multi-model approach. The treatment method<br />

depends on various factors surrounding the history of the pain. These include the<br />

duration of the pain, its intensity, whether the pain is increasing in intensity or reducing,<br />

the contribution of the pain to other symptoms of illness and the physical cause of the<br />

pain.<br />

Objectives:<br />

Covering standard strategies and guideline for pain assessment and management in<br />

clinical areas, and raise the awareness of healthcare providers about acute pain<br />

management, by doing so, we will reach pain free for patients in AMC.<br />

Method :<br />

Creating a FOCUS-PDCA for acute pain and train staff on that project.<br />

We started with a small sample 013, when rates of compliance started to rise; we<br />

decided to increase the staff sample to 953.<br />

On daily bases, we started to collect data through closed chart review and open chart<br />

review in the clinical areas and monitoring.<br />

Findings :<br />

Since the beginning of this project in March 3111, we are following up, training staff,<br />

adopting a monthly indicator for compliance for pain assessment and management on<br />

every shift as this is a continuous project.<br />

Conclusion &recommendation:<br />

Because our goal is to reach 111% compliance in this area we preserve the changes and<br />

maintain development.<br />


11. Utilizing The Society of Critical Care Medicine Strategic Goals To Implement<br />

Evidence Based Medicine And Improves Patient Safety .<br />

Lama Nazer, Pharm D, BCPS (presenter) Feras Hawari MD, Aziza Salem RN, Najah<br />

Hussein RN, Enas Younis MD.<br />

Introduction:<br />

The importance of glycemic control was well recognized by our ICU staff. However, the<br />

target glucose level was not consistent with the most recent guidelines and most cases of<br />

hyperglycemia were managed with sliding scale insulin. Furthermore, an assessment of<br />

the adverse drug events in our ICU patients demonstrated that insulin induced<br />

hypoglycemia was the most common drug related adverse event.<br />

Objective:<br />

To develop and implement evidence based policies and protocols for the management of<br />

hyperglycemia to ensure effective glycemic control while reduce the incidence of<br />

hypoglycemia.<br />

Method:<br />

An ICU subcommittee was formed. The subcommittee included an intensivist, clinical<br />

pharmacist endocrinologist, ICU nurse manager, and ICU nurse educator. The<br />

subcommittee recommended the following changes: increase target glucose level,<br />

eliminate the use of sliding scale insulin, increase the utilization of insulin infusions for<br />

the management of hyperglycemia and once stable, transition patients to basal/bolus<br />

insulin, and introduce correction factor algorithm. The Society of Critical Care<br />

Medicine's (SCCM) four strategic goals and objectives (learn it, deliver it, measure it,<br />

and improve it) were utilized to implement the changes.<br />

Results:<br />

Following extensive educational sessions, the protocols and policies were implemented.<br />

In the post-implementation phase, a 1 months assessment demonstrated that none of the<br />

patients was prescribed sliding scale insulin and most patients with persistent<br />

hyperglycemia were managed with insulin infusions and then transitioned to basal<br />

insulin, if needed. The incidence of hypoglycemia dropped significantly, from 8 cases per<br />

111 ICU admissions in the pre-implementation phase to 1 case per 111 ICU admissions<br />

post-implementation.<br />

Conclusion: Incorporating evidence based practice for glycemic control resulted in a<br />

significant reduction of hypoglycemia. Utilizing the SCCM’s strategic goals and<br />

objectives provided a structured frame-work to implement evidence-based practice and<br />

improve patient safety.<br />


11. The Breast Imaging Unit Implements An Effective Quality Improvement Regarding<br />

Repeat / Reject Analysis<br />

Kamelia kamel RT (presenter), Amal Smadi MD, Lubna Husban RT,<br />

Asma Suleiman RT, Hend Harahsheh MD, Omar Rawashdeh RT .<br />

Introduction:<br />

The radiographic quality assurance and quality control regarding repeat / reject<br />

analysis of breast imaging is the responsibility of all radiographers monitored by the<br />

senior radiographer in charge controlled and evaluated by the radiologist in breast<br />

imaging unit. The aim of study are to limit radiation dose to patients ,determine the<br />

causes of repeated mammogram , and minimize the number of women undergoing<br />

repeat examination and reduce cost to improve the quality of images in breast imaging<br />

unit .<br />

Method:<br />

The study was conducted in king Hussein medical center , breast imaging unit by<br />

studying number of repeated images over period of ten months . Collect<br />

all repeat views daily. There is an appropriate assignment of responsibilities for quality<br />

control actions. All staff in the breast imaging unit are educated to collect and analyzed<br />

the data of Repeat views , Result of quality control activities are evaluated promptly<br />

and accurately, Record numbers of Repeat views on log book of mammogram unit.<br />

After one month the number of Repeat views are counted and analyzed by technician<br />

using access sheet consider as database for mammogram unit . Corrective actions are<br />

taken in response to the results. The results are discussed with quality improvement and<br />

patient safety committee. The results are saved as indicator in the quality improvement<br />

and patient safety committee file.<br />

Results:<br />

The results were varied between 1.1 – 1.110 over the ten months but it was still beyond<br />

the international limits (3-5) %.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

The analysis of the repeat / rejected films rate indicate that it was within the<br />

international limits despite the deterioration amount compared to the last months<br />

results. The unit working on reducing the rate of repeated views without reducing the<br />

quality of images obtained<br />


13. Laboratory Biorisk Management At Princess Iman Research & Lab. Sciences<br />

Center<br />

Ibrahim JBARA MSc,Awatef Kaabneh MD ,Mohammad Maayta MD<br />

Samira Ibrahim BSc, Lana Al-Kalaldeh BSc. Manal Abbadi,BSc.<br />

Introduction:<br />

With a large increase in the number of persons employed in medical laboratories,<br />

exposure to a variety of biorisk agents increased including infective, chemical and physical<br />

hazards that it has become essential for more awareness and preparedness for identifying<br />

and containing those agents.<br />

Managing of medical laboratory risks have matured, harmonized and recognized on<br />

expectations in all aspects of our work necessary to ensure the health and safety protective<br />

measures and accountability against all types of valuable hazards for medical staff<br />

workers and environment to mitigate the harm and , if not , to determine additional<br />

precaution processes .<br />

Methods:<br />

Assessment of risk sources and mitigation processes of these risks by selecting<br />

appropriate approaches to implement biorisk policies, rules, and regulations for the<br />

personal and environmental protective facilities that were emerging from royal medical<br />

services policies and the national biosafety standards of ministry of health through the<br />

team work of biosafety and infection control committee at Princess Iman center between<br />

3111 – 3113.<br />

The assessment required setting specific goals including follow up the usage of personal<br />

protective equipments , implement the basic concepts of specimens handling and<br />

disinfectant of work area , give many lectures to ensure everybody in the center know<br />

about concepts of biorisk management and follow the vaccination schedule as<br />

prophylactic or therapeutic of accidental cases .<br />

Result:<br />

By continuous application and monitoring of biosafety guidelines there is a good<br />

achievement in implementation of biosafety culture that became a routine work, and<br />

personal responsibility of each worker against any risk has increased.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

The success of biosafety program required a current team work knowledge, application,<br />

follow up and supervision that performed.<br />

More cooperation between peripheral biosafety committees with the central infection<br />

control section in the royal medical services required.<br />


الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

جودة وسالمة الرعاية الصحية على طريق التميز وتحسين االداء المستمر .<br />

الخدمات الطبية الملكية تحصل على شهادة اعتماد الرعاية الصحية االولية<br />

من قبل مجلس اعتماد المؤسسات الصحية<br />

مركز طبي القويرة العسكري الشامل<br />

مركز طبي معان العسكري الشامل<br />

.<br />

.<br />

مركز طبي الشهيد محمد ضيف اهلل الهباهبة العسكري<br />

-1<br />

-2<br />

-3<br />

مركز طبي<br />

المفرق العسكري الشامل<br />

.<br />

-4<br />

الخدمات الطبية الملكية تحصل على شهادة تطبيق االهداف الوطنية لجودة وسالمة الرعاية الصحية من قبل مجلس<br />

اعتماد المؤسسات الصحية<br />

مستشفى الحسين<br />

مستشفى الملكة رانيا العبد اهلل لالطفال<br />

مركز الملكة علياء المراض و جراحة القلب<br />

مركز التاهيل الملكي<br />

مركز االمير حسين بن عبداهلل الثاني ألمراض وجراحة الكلى وزراعة األعضاء<br />

مستشفى االمير علي بن الحسين<br />

-1<br />

-3<br />

-2<br />

-0<br />

-5<br />

-1<br />


.12 رضى المرضى المراجعين عن الخدمات الطبية في المستشفيات و المراكز الصحي ة الحكومية في قصبة اربد<br />

,<br />

.<br />

د عبد اهلل الصمادي ‏,حنين القرعان ‏,رنيم الخطيب ‏,هبة عز الدين ‏,جالء الشختوري شفاء الخرنوبي<br />

مقدمة 3<br />

يالمس موضوع رضى المرضى المراجعين عن الخدمات الطبية جميع افراد المجتمع بشكل عام فالخدمات الطبية ليست اداء خدمة<br />

من الخدمات فحسب بل هي خدمة تخص الحفاظ على االنسان في جميع مراحل عمره<br />

هدف الدراسه 3<br />

.<br />

هدفت هذه الدراسه الى معرفة رضى الراجعين للمنشأت و المراكز الصحية عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة لهم في قصبة اربد,‏<br />

حيث تعتبر هذه هذه المنشأت من اهم المنشأت التي تعمل للحفاظ على صحة المجتمع .<br />

منهجية البحث‎3‎<br />

)<br />

,<br />

(<br />

تكونت ادوات الدراسة من استبانة احتوت على اسئلة تتعلق ب الكادر الطبي توافر االدوية,‏ الخدمات الطبية العامة وتم<br />

اختيار عينة الدراسة العشوائية لمجتمع الدراسة من خمسة مراكز صحية و مستشفى في قصبة اربد ‏.وقد وزعت 319<br />

استبانه على عينة الدراسة الممثلة بالمرضى المراجعين للمستشفى و المراكز الصحية المذكورة<br />

نتائج الدراسة‎3‎<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

ال توجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من حيث الكادر الطبي مع متغيرات العمر,الجنس,‏ مكان<br />

التواجد و تخصص العيادة<br />

يوجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من الكادر الطبي مع متغير فئة التأمين الصحي.‏<br />

ال توجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من حيث توفر االدوية مع متغيرات العمر,الجنس,‏<br />

مكان التواجد و تخصص العيادة<br />

يوجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من توفر االدوية مع متغير مكان التواجد<br />

ال توجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من حيث الخدمات العامة مع متغيرات العمر,الجنس,‏<br />

فئة التأمين الصحي.‏<br />

يوجد عالقة بين رضى المرضى عن الخدمات الطبية المقدمة من الخدمات العامة مع متغير تخصص العيادة وعالقة<br />

ايجابية ضعيفة مع متغير مكان التواجد.‏<br />

.<br />

-1<br />

-3<br />

-2<br />

-0<br />

-5<br />

-1<br />

3 التوصيات<br />

ضرورة رفع رضى المراجعين عن الخدمات المقدمة لهم ليصبح هذا الرضى مرتفعا و مكافئا للمرضى المراجعين في<br />

المستشفيات و المراكز الصحية الخاصه.‏<br />

ضرورة اهتمام الكادر الطبي بشكل افضل و توفير العدد الكافي ليتالئم مع اعداد المرضى المراجعين<br />

توفر وسائل الراحة في غرف معاينة المرضى و اعتماد اقصى درجات النظافة في الوحدات الصحية و توفير مواد<br />

النظافة العامة فيها حيث ان النظافة بشكل عام تحقق مستوى مرتفع من الرضى لدى المريض.‏<br />

معاملة المرضى بالتساوي و العدل دون النظر الى الوضع االجتماعي للمريض او الواسطة<br />

اجراء مثل هذه الدراسة في المحافظات االخرى و مقارنة نتائج هذه الدراسة مع نتائج تلك الدراسات للحصول على صورة<br />

اوضح عن رضى المرضى المراجعين عن الخدمات الطبية في المستشفيات و المراكز الصحية الحكومية االردنية<br />

ضرورة االهتمام بالتوزيع الجغرافي للمنشأ الطبي بحيث يتناسب مع كثافة السكان في المنطقة.‏<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

,<br />

-1<br />

-3<br />

-2<br />

-0<br />

-5<br />

-1<br />


10. Use of Morse Scale to Evaluate Risk of Falls in Hospitalized Patients at RRC<br />

Dr Naheyah Almuhtaseb MD (presenter) , Rania Rateb RN, Nehad Rajeh RN, Nadia<br />

Salem RN<br />

Introduction:<br />

Falls are commonly encountered health problem, which might be a serious threat to<br />

patient’s health and a costly issue. Falls are common due to various medical (chronic<br />

health conditions, cognitive impairments, difficulties in ambulation, sensory defects etc.)<br />

and environmental causes. Falls might result in minor or severe injuries. Many reasons<br />

might be predictable and preventable.<br />

Objective:<br />

To document the numbers of patients in each category of the Morse scale in relation to<br />

total number of admissions. To document the total numbers of falls during the same<br />

time period.<br />

Evaluation of the policy to prevent falls and what measures are taken after a fall.<br />

Conclusions: falls are frequently underreported because no major harm is obvious after<br />

a fall; falls are not witnessed; and there are no protocols to be followed after a fall.<br />


.15<br />

ادارة انظمة االمن والسالمه المهنيه والصحيه في المستشفيات<br />

العقيد الصيدالنيه ريم ابراهيم محادين<br />

العقيد الصيدالنيه تغريد صالح الحباشنه<br />

المقدمة 3<br />

تسعى العديد من المؤسسات العالجية والمستشفيات في الوطن العربي الى االعتماد لضمان تقديم خدمة طبية ذات جودة عالية والتي بدورها تؤدي<br />

الى زيادة الطلب على أخصائين وخبراء في الجودة الطبية.‏ إن تعدد الخدمات المقدمة داخل المستشفى واختالف نوع الخدمه وذلك بناءاً‏ على عدة<br />

عوامل مختلفة منها)المريض واحتياجاته ‏،القسم ‏،الطبيب ‏،نوع المرض ‏،عمر المريض وغيرها والتى تؤدى الى اختالف نوع الخدمه المقدمة<br />

من مريض الخر<br />

الهدف<br />

)<br />

ان سالمة وامان المرضى تعتبر حجر الزاوية في الرعاية الصحية وفي جودة الخدمات الطبية المقدمة وبالتالي فأن اهمية المستشفى تكمن كونه<br />

المكان الذى يقصد للشفاء والمكان المفترض ان يكون على اعلى مستوى من االمن والسالمه والصحه وبالتالي فإن مسؤولي ومديري<br />

المستشفيات يتوجب عليهم السعي لتحسين االداء ونوعيه وسالمه الخدمات المقدمه الى المرضى والذي بدوره يعمل على تحسين النتائج والتي<br />

غالباً‏ ما يصحبها انخفاض معدالت اعاده الرعايه الصحيه للمرضى وانخفاض معدالت االصابه بالعدوى فى تلك المستشفيات وقلة عدد االخطاء<br />

الطبيه وتحسين اداره االدويه .<br />

منهجية الدراسة 3<br />

تمت الدراسه بناء على معاينة انواع االعمال والواجبات المعمول بها في بعض مستشفيات البلدان العربيه وخاصه دول الخليج الخذ التعليمات من<br />

قبل جهات صحيه ومؤسسات عالميه وتطبيقها او وضع معايير مثل<br />

كونه تم اعتماد قوانين محليه وعالميه واعتمادها كأساس في الدراسه ومالحظة تطبيقها<br />

ومحاولة الوصول الى النتيجه المطلوبه او المعيار الذي يجب تطبيقه على المستشفى.‏<br />

18111 OHSAS(occupational health and safety<br />

management system specifications )<br />

النتائج‎3‎<br />

إن ادارة االمن و السالمه المهنيه والصحيه المناطة بالجهة او االداره المعنيه والتى تتحمل المسؤوليات التالية ‎1‎‏.مسئولية 3 ادارة االمن<br />

وتطبيق اجراءات السالمه المهنيه ‎3‎‏.مالحظة مستوى الصحه المهنيه سواء للعنصر العامل المتمثل فى االداره واالطباء والممرضين والفنيين<br />

والعمال و المرضى ومن ثم الزوار 2. متابعة مستوى السالمه سواء للمبنى او المعدات او المتعلقات التى تستخدم ويتم اعادة تدويرها مثل<br />

االغطيه والشراشف والوسائد والمالبس وغيرها اواالدوات المستعمله وايضا مواد التنظيف<br />

‎0‎‏.متابعة اجراءات االمن كحماية كامله للمبانى والعاملين والمرضى والزوا ر<br />

التوصيات 3<br />

إن سياسة تطبيق أنظمة أدارة االمن والسالمة والصحة المهنية في المستشفيات أصبحت من االمور المهمة والشاغلة لجميع الدول التي تسعى<br />

إلى مجاراة المتغيرات في البيئه الخارجية سواء على المستوى الوطني أوالمستوى العالمي وذلك من خالل تطبيق أنظمة أدارة الجودة الشاملة<br />

والتي من شأنها وضع اي مؤسسة في مصاف التنافس عالي المستوى خصوصاً‏ في مجاالت الرعاية الصحية<br />

إن بيان اهمية وجود االمن والسالمه والصحه المهنيه فى المستشفيات والتي بالتالي يمكن ان يكون تأثيرها سلبيا فى حال عدم االهتمام فى<br />

ارشادات االمن والسالمه وبيان كيفية ادارة انظمة االمن والسالمه فى ادارة المخلفات والنظافه العامه وشروط ومواصفات عديده لعدد من<br />

االعمال وكيف يمكن السيطره عليها وتوفير بيئه مالئمه للعمل للعاملين تمنحهم الوقايه من العدوى واالمراض ان تم االلتزام بهذه االرشادات<br />

حسب االصول<br />


11. Complexities and Barriers That Influence Nursing Documentation In Clinical<br />

Practice.<br />

Abdullah AL Khawaldeh (presenter) , Sulieman AL-Husban, RN, Murad AL-Shdafat,<br />

RN , Essam AL-Zyoud, RN, Khaled Abu-Azzam, RN, Fatima AL-harahsha.<br />

Introduction:<br />

Nursing documentation is a basic element for professional practice and<br />

providing quality patient care. Nursing documentation is an essential part of a quality<br />

system and important for quality improvement and nursing research.<br />

Objective:<br />

To identify the complexities and barriers of nursing documentation in clinical practice.<br />

Methodology :<br />

A literature review search of the electronic databases MEDLINE and CINAHL for<br />

relevant articles. published between 3111 and above was done .<br />

Findings:<br />

In total, 31 studies were included. Three aspects of complexities in nursing<br />

documentation include: disruption, incompleteness and inappropriate charting.<br />

Barriers to nursing documentation comprised: lack of time and staff, workflow priority<br />

issues, lack of competence, motivation and confidence; ineffective nursing procedures;<br />

insufficient space and poor access to notes and inadequate nursing audit, supervision<br />

and staff development; organizational problems such as a lack of consistency; practical<br />

difficulties such as recording actions based on assessments; and translating an event into<br />

files.<br />

conclusion &recommendation:<br />

General complexities and barriers , which influence nursing documentation in clinical<br />

practice, need to be distinguished. To support nurses in documenting, we recommend<br />

taking a comprehensive perspective on complexities and barriers that influence nursing<br />

documentation.<br />


11. Quality Improvement Method Implemented at Prince Ali-Bin Al-Hussein Hospital To<br />

Decrease The Percentage of Wrong-site Surgery<br />

Montaha Habashneh RN , (presenter) Al-Nawaiseh Areen RN , Al- Zuriqat Sahar RN , Al-<br />

Jaafreh Thamer RN , Al Madanat Lamees RN.<br />

Introduction:<br />

Improving patient safety is an increasing priority for surgeons and hospitals .Wrong site<br />

surgery can be on procedure, the wrong person, organ or limb, or wrong vertebral level..<br />

Wrong site surgery cannot be reversed. Many times it is fatal mistake or one that leaves<br />

the patient significantly worse off than he or she before the surgery. Therefore, it will<br />

ultimately remain the surgeon's responsibility to ensure the correct site of operation is<br />

marked in every case.<br />

Objectives :<br />

To have an opportunity to Prevent Wrong-site Surgery by using marking technique to<br />

the surgeries that implemented at Prince Ali-Bin Al-Hussein Hospital .<br />

Materials and methodes:<br />

This descriptive study was conducted on total of (121 patients) who underwent to<br />

general surgeries at Prince Ali Bin AL- Hussein hospital between the period of( July<br />

3113 to January 3112) ,for all surgeries that should be marked before sent to operation<br />

room. The data was collected from the pre operative records in the recovery room and<br />

the patient’s medical record. A simple descriptive statistical method (percentage) was<br />

used to describe this study.<br />

Results:<br />

After analyzing data that documented in the recovery room about surgeries that must be<br />

marked the site of the operation exhibit an increasing of marking the sites as following<br />

percentage.<br />

The total number of general surgeries was done at July 3113 was 85 surgery ,( 013) of<br />

them was not marked while the period in between July 3113 until January 3112 total<br />

showed an obvious increasing of percentage of marking site of surgeries . On January<br />

3112 the marking site of surgeries result was 1113 from 111 surgeries done at that<br />

month.<br />

Conclusion :<br />

From the previous we must say that pre and intra operative check of marking site is<br />

an essential prevention strategies to get high level of patient safety and provide safe<br />

legal aspect to the all staff deal with that patient .<br />


الخدمات الطبية الملكية<br />

جودة وسالمة الرعاية الصحية على طريق التميز وتحسين االداء المستمر .<br />

تطبيق معايير ادارة الجودة الشاملة في مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية ( االيزو 9111 لعام 3118(<br />

مديرية التأهيل الفني وتنمية القوى البشرية<br />

مديرية التمريض<br />

-1<br />

-2<br />

-:<br />

-:<br />

-5<br />

-6<br />

-7<br />

-0<br />

-0<br />

-18<br />

-11<br />

مديرية التزويد الطبي<br />

مديرية الصيدلة والدواء<br />

كلية األميرة منى للتمريض<br />

معهد تكنولوجيا األجهزة الطبية<br />

دائرة الخدمات العامة والتغذية<br />

شعبة التأمين الصحي<br />

شعبة اإلدارة والقوى البشرية<br />

شعبة األثاث واللوازم غير الطبية<br />

شعبة المشتريات المركزية<br />

حصول مركز االميرة إيمان لألبحاث والعلوم المخبرية على شهادة اعتماد المختبرات شهادة المواصفة<br />

(ISO 1518933111) JAS الدولية أيزو<br />


18. Factors Affecting Medication Errors Among Registered Nurses In Queen Rania Al<br />

Abdulla Children Hospital<br />

Wafa karadsheh) RN, MSc presenter) , Rana Darwesh RN, Lobna Kildani RN, Tariq<br />

AL-Alabbade RN, Raghda Michel RN, Samer Karadsheh MD.<br />

Itroduction:<br />

Serious medication errors can have a great impact on nurses, both personally and<br />

professionally, reactions from significant others were central to the final outcome for<br />

nurses who made drug errors, they wanted to share their experiences, but this required<br />

confidence and trust<br />

Objectives:<br />

The purpose of this study is to express the experiences of nurses who had committed<br />

serious medication errors and to explore the meaning these experiences carried and to<br />

dig for some of the reasons stand behind medication in nursing environmental work.<br />

Method:<br />

We used "Gladstone survey" with some modifications to collect data for this study.<br />

Instrument content validity was determined acceptable by Osborne, Blais, and Hayes<br />

(1999) and Goldstone (1995). Conducting this study was under the permission of the<br />

hospitals directors and the nurse's manger.<br />

All participants assured that their responses would be confidential and information that<br />

might reveal their identity would not be recorded and only aggregate data would be<br />

communicated.<br />

We studied prescribing, administration and documentation errors.<br />

Results:<br />

Study shows that the top 2 ranked (out of 11) perceived causes of drug errors were the<br />

following:<br />

A. MD handwriting is difficult to read or illegible.<br />

B. Nurses are distracted<br />

C. Nurses are tired and exhausted<br />

Conclusion:<br />

Medication errors should be managed in constructive manner which includes exploring<br />

underlying causes and the counseling and support needs of the nurses involved. Using<br />

accreditation standards and practicing plam free incidence report useful tool to<br />

minimize medication errors.<br />


19. Maintaining Thermal Regulation by Delaying Bathing For Neonates In Queen Alia<br />

Alia Military Hospital<br />

Mervat Shubat RN, MSc (presenter) , Maha Abu Radwan RN,Lara Alfar RN, , Suha<br />

Wrekat RN, Nawal Aldaaja RN.<br />

Introduction:<br />

Neonatal hypothermia often due to lack of attention by health care provider<br />

continues to be a very important cause of neonatal complication.<br />

Baby must be kept warm at the place of birth (home or hospital) and during<br />

transportation for special care either from home to hospital or within the hospital.<br />

Satisfactory control demands both prevention of heat loss and promotion of heat<br />

gain. Bathing should be avoided immediately after birth, before giving bath<br />

ensure that water temperature is normal, preferably give bath to normal baby on<br />

second day in summer, in winter bathing may be avoided for several days.<br />

Purpose:<br />

Purpose of this study was to preserve thermal regulation by specify cases that need<br />

bathing and decrease or delay bathing to newborn babies.<br />

Methodology:<br />

Cross sectional designs was used to conduct this study, all newborn babies<br />

born in Queen Alia Military Hospital (nursery unit) in 3113 data was collected<br />

from the unit records.<br />

Findings:<br />

Total number of deliveries in 3113 was (0121) delivery and total number of<br />

grunting patients admitted to NUICU (3113) was 01 cases. Total number of<br />

deliveries in 3111 was (0133) and total number of grunting patients admitted<br />

to NUICU (3111) 11 cases.<br />

Conclusion &recommendation:<br />

Delaying bathing of the baby decrease the admission of grunted babies as a result<br />

of thermal regulation.<br />

Health education to change the cultural concept of early bathing among families<br />

and nurses.<br />

Continue the routine of thermal regulation by post pone bathing for the babies<br />

except for needed cases.<br />

More studies to be conducted to support our study in the mean of thermal<br />

regulation<br />


31. Workplace Violence:<br />

Nuha Remon RN, (presenter) Refa Asfour RN , Aziza Matar RN, Nisreen Talaat<br />

Tohmaz RN , Emtiaz Al-Da’aja, RN .<br />

Introduction:<br />

The effect of workplace violence has increased significantly and received rising<br />

awareness globally in psychiatric, emergency and health care settings.<br />

Objective:<br />

The aim of this paper is to synthesize the body of literature on workplace violence, its<br />

factors and impact on health care personnel, and to identify strategies for violence<br />

prevention.<br />

Methodology:<br />

Literature review was done. To fulfill this aim Pub Med, Medline, CINAHL plus<br />

databases were searched.<br />

Findings:<br />

Most research focused on the prevalence of workplace violence in psychiatric,<br />

emergency, long term care settings and impact on staff worldwide and specifically in<br />

Jordan. The majority of victims of workplace violence were nurses and ambulance<br />

personnel including paramedics respectively. Themes of differences in perception of<br />

violence, incidents and types of violence, underestimated incidence rates of violence,<br />

antecedents and consequences of violence, and awareness and prevention of workplace<br />

violence were all main areas addressed in the literature.<br />

Conclusion & recommendation:<br />

Both patients and health care personnel have the right to be treated in a risk free<br />

environment that is harmless to health and wellbeing. Safety can be increased by<br />

training the staff to be able to evaluate the potential for violence, report any incident of<br />

violence among health care workers, patients, and visitors. Other component of<br />

prevention is crisis management.<br />


21. Quality in Medical Equipment Risk Management Contribute to Patient Safety<br />

Ibrahim S. Aldajeh, Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Biomedical Technology, Royal<br />

Medical Services<br />

Introduction:<br />

Medical devices are becoming more important in the health care sector, and the key<br />

advantage of a quality system represents a preventive approach to ensure consistency in<br />

the quality and provide the basis for greater reliability in safety and performance of a<br />

medical device.<br />

Purpose/aim:<br />

The aim of this study was to identify the value of the criteria and the maintenance<br />

programs used in ensuring safe equipments in creating early risk management.<br />

Methods:<br />

One hundred and twenty medical equipments were evaluated within the last six months<br />

using the Risk Management Assessment Tool.<br />

Setting:<br />

The study was carried out at one of the Jordanian Military Hospital using different<br />

medical equipments to provide medical and surgical health care services for patients at<br />

Queen Rania Hospital for children.<br />

Instrument:<br />

Risk Management Assessment Tool (medical equipment management program<br />

(MEMP)) was used to evaluate the reactive, preventive, predictive, and reliability<br />

centered maintenance .This tool describes the risk, safety, and management activities<br />

that System/Hospital Name has put in place to reduce the potential for adverse impact<br />

on the safety.<br />

Results<br />

The results of the study showed that 09 medical equipments (157) met the criteria for<br />

MEMP inventory, 15 medical equipments (12.57) met two criteria of the MEMP<br />

inventory criteria, and 15 medical equipments (12.57) not met the criteria of MEMP<br />

inventory. Furthermore, the results showed that the management of medical equipment<br />

hazards notice and recalls system not meets the MEMP regulatory requirements.<br />


33.The Effects of Working Hours, Fatigue of RNs on Patient Safety:<br />

Arwa Ramadan RN, MSc (presenter) , Shahinaz Mohammad RN,MSc , Suzan Jameel<br />

RN, Reeta Ammari RN, Amal Abbadi RN, Muneera Hijazi<br />

Introduction:<br />

The nursing profession, considered vital to patient safety and care in the hospital.<br />

Currently, nurses in acute care facilities work long hours and overtime ranging from a<br />

few hours to full shifts, missing breaks and lunches during these long stretches of work<br />

occurs regularly. Long work hours can and often does result in poorer patient outcomes.<br />

Examining the relationship between hours spent at the bedside without sufficient rest to<br />

the quality of care provided. Inadequate rest, sleep loss, and shift work schedules often<br />

contribute to fatigue, which is often characterized by a decreased ability to complete<br />

work and a subjective complaint of feeling tired and may diminish productivity and lead<br />

to errors and accidents.<br />

Purpose:<br />

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the working hours,<br />

fatigue of RNs and patient safety.<br />

Methodology:<br />

Literature review was done. To fulfill this aim Pub Med, Medline, CINAHL plus<br />

databases were searched<br />

Finding:<br />

There are hints that the fatigue associated with working twelve-hour shifts is<br />

contributing to absenteeism and job dissatisfaction among RNs. Fatigue related to length<br />

of shift or the potential of overtime at end of shift overtime, and number of hours<br />

worked per week had significant effects on nurses errors, nurses who were fatigued and<br />

stressed by high patient caseloads and understaffing, made frequent mistakes and<br />

procedural errors.<br />

Despite the lack of information about accident rates involving nurses, probed<br />

performance tests reveal that nurses working long shifts make more frequent errors on<br />

grammatical reasoning tasks and medical record reviewing. And finally there are no<br />

previous study done in Jordan to investigate the relationship between work hours,<br />

fatigue and patient safety.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

Fatigue can be exacerbated with increased numbers of shifts worked without a day off,<br />

and working more than four consecutive 13hours shifts is associated with excessive<br />

fatigue and longer recovery times. Furthermore, there was an impact of extended work<br />

shifts and the relationship of these work schedules to nurse and patient safety<br />

Recommendations:<br />

Adequate rest to be obtained between shifts, management must put a structure in place<br />

that allows staff to schedule time for breaks and meals. Also educate nurses about<br />

proper sleep hygiene and personal responsibility not working when too fatigued.<br />

Studies are needed to address the relationship between work hours, fatigue and patient<br />

safety among nurses in Jordan examining the relationship between hours spent at the<br />

bedside without sufficient rest to the quality of care provided.<br />


.32<br />

مدى تاثير تطبيق تقييم الموردين على اداء<br />

الموردين<br />

المعتمدين لدى مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية عام‎3113‎<br />

الرائد ادارة مستشفيات رسمي محاسنه<br />

عبداهلل البدارين النقيب ممرضة قانونية عائشة محاسنه<br />

المقدمة‎3‎<br />

; ) Presenter(<br />

النقيب المهندس ابراهيم الدعجه ; الرائد ادارة مستشفيات<br />

إن االرتقاء بالخدمات الطبية الملكية نحو التميز في تقديم خدمة طبية متميزة وآمنة ذات جودة عالية وباقل التكاليف وااللتزام<br />

بالتحسين المستمر هو الهدف المنشود،‏ ان تقييم الموردين المعتمدين من اهم معايير الجودة والتي تساعد على الحصول<br />

على افضل المواد واالجهزة والمعدات واالالت والخدمات ‏...الخ الالزمة إلدامة العمل في مستشفيات الخدمات الطبية<br />

الملكية كمؤسسة رائدة في تقديم الخدمات الطبية على مستوى المنطقة والعالم ، لما تقدم جاءت هذه الدراسة لتبين اهمية<br />

تقييم الموردين على اداء الموردين المعتمدين لدى مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية.‏<br />

هدف الدراسة<br />

تهدف هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على اثر فاعلية تطبيق تقييم الموردين في مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية على اداء<br />

الموردين المعتمدين لديها خالل العام ‎2112‎مما ينعكس ايجابا ‏"أو سلبا ‏"على جودة الخدمة المقدمة من قبل هذه الشركات أو<br />

المؤسسات مما يساعد بالتالي على جودة وسرعة توفير االحتياجات المختلفة من المواد واالجهزة والمعدات والخدمات التي<br />

تتطلبها الدامة العمل بمستشفيات ووحدات الخدمات الطبية الملكية وتحقيق هدف الجودة الذي تسعى اليه<br />

منهجية الدراسة 3<br />

.<br />

<br />

<br />

ومن اجل تحقيق أهداف هذه الدراسة فقد اعتمد البحث المنهجية التالية:‏<br />

حصر موردي مختلف أنواع المواد واالجهزة والمعدات واالالت والمستهلكات الطبية وغير الطبية والخدمات<br />

‏)عقود صيانة – نظافة(‏ وذلك لحصر مجتمع الدراسة والذي هو عبارة عن كافة الموردين المعتمدين لدى مديرية<br />

الخدمات الطبية الملكية خالل عام‎2112‎ وعددها(‏‎151‎‏)‏ شركة ومؤسسة<br />

اعتمدت الدراسة نموذج التقييم المعتمد لدى مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية وفق نظام ادارة الجودة االيزو<br />

و توزيع نماذج التقييم إلى األقسام والدوائر المعنية لتقييم الموردين من المشرف أو المسؤول<br />

المباشر ‏/المختص عن تلك الخدمات.استالم النتائج وتحليلها وفق االوزان المحددة وفق النموذج المعد لذلك<br />

استخراج نتائج التقييم من واقع النموذج لكافة الموردين.متابعة أداء الموردين واتخاذ االجراءات بحق غير<br />

الملتزمين بتحسين مستوى التعامل .<br />

نتائج الدراسة:‏<br />

.<br />

2112-1111<br />

وتوصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج اهمها<br />

:<br />

.1<br />

.2<br />

ان مديرية الخدمات الطبية الملكية لديها نظام تقييم موردين فعال ‏،يعتمد على تطبيق نظام ادارة الجودة<br />

آيزو‎1111‎<br />

وجود عالقة ايجابية بين تطبيق تقييم الموردين في تحسين مستوى جودة الخدمة المقدمة وجودة المنتج،‏ وهي<br />

نتيجة تقاس سنويا.‏<br />

التوصيات واالقتراحات‎3‎<br />

ت و ص ي ا ل د ر ا س ة بْ‏ ا ت خ ا ذ ب ع ض ا ال ج ر ر ا ء ا ت ل ت ح س ر ي ن م س ر ت و ى ا ال د ا ء ل ر د ى م ر و ر د ي م د ي ر ي ر ة ا ل خ ر د م ا ت ا ل ط ب ي ر ة و ت ر ت ل خ ص ه ر ذ ه<br />

االجراءات كالتالي حسب نتائج الدراسة:‏<br />

ان تتم مشاركة العاملين وأخذ رايهم بتقييم اداء الموردين لتحسين الخدمات التي يتم تقديمها وآلية تطويرها<br />

العمل على عقد لقاءات مفتوحة ودورية مع الموردين وأخذ اراءهم واقتراحاتهم وشكاويهم<br />

العمل على زيادة التواصل الدوري بين االدارة والعاملين لزيادة جودة الخدمة المقدمة للعمالء والموردين.‏<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.1<br />

.2<br />

.3<br />


30. Nurses Attitude Toward Evidence Based Practice in Prince Rashid Hospital<br />

Mai Ishtawi, RN. MSc (presenter) Wafa' Abo-Rabe'RN, Noor Shafeq RN, Hanan<br />

Mahases RN, Rana Trad RN.<br />

Introduction:<br />

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is an approach to health care practice that enables<br />

nurses to provide the highest quality care based on the best evidence which is critically<br />

appraised and scientifically proven for delivering quality health care to meet the needs<br />

of their patients<br />

Objective:<br />

The objective of this study was to explore nurses’ awareness of, knowledge, and attitude<br />

toward EBP and factors likely to create barriers to carrying it. Also information sources<br />

used by nurses and their literature searching skills were also investigated.<br />

Method:<br />

A cross-sectional study was designed, The methodology applied consisted on a selfadministered<br />

survey using the instruments Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire,<br />

copies of the questionnaire were distributed to 111 registered nurses in different wards<br />

in prince Rashid bin-el Hassan hospital, in Irbid city, in the northern region. 39<br />

completed forms were returned, resulting in a response rate of 923.<br />

Result:<br />

113 of the nurses expressed a positive attitude toward the current promotions of EB.<br />

And 81.13 of the study sample says that the research finding is useful. 02.33 showed<br />

that nursing practice is evidence based. The top three barriers to carrying out EBP are<br />

lack of personal time (89.93), limited resources and facilities (153), EBP is not difficult<br />

to understand (223)<br />

Recommendation:<br />

nurses are in need for training to be able to achieve the use of EBP, and teaching them<br />

the search strategies portion of an EBP skills course. Hospital libraries should also play<br />

an active role in developing adequate information literacy skills among the nurses.<br />


35. Effect of Ventilation System Preventive Maintenance On Quality Of Care In The<br />

Hyperbaric Department.<br />

Owaid Tarawnh BMT, Waad Forsan RN,Ahmed Ali BMT, Omar Qtameen RN,<br />

Muhanned Mohammed BMT.<br />

Introduction:-<br />

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used in treating many clinical and diving related<br />

conditions .It must be available all time to provide care especially in emergency<br />

circumstances .Maintenance of the ventilation system is important to assure continuity<br />

of patient care.<br />

Purpose:-<br />

To assure that preventive maintenance of ventilation system important in the continuity<br />

of patient care.<br />

Method:-<br />

Retrospective study carried out in HBOT department at Princess Haya Hospital in<br />

which maintenance records of ventilation system were reviewed from 3111 to 3113.<br />

Data collected include number of malfunctions and how many days missed from<br />

providing care.<br />

Results:-<br />

10 defects were found and occurred at frequency of 5-1 months. Total days of chamber<br />

being out of order were 101 days.<br />

Conclusion:-<br />

Preventive maintenance of ventilation system every 0 month (before the expected time of<br />

defect) could save the chamber from many days of care interruption which improves the<br />

quality of care provided to patients.<br />


31. The role of Medical Support Command in clinical safety in Joint Special Operation<br />

Command<br />

Samir Mohamed Al- Ofeishat, MD, JB.<br />

Assess the medical experience (health care and awareness) among Joint Special<br />

Operations personnel in Jordan. The general medicine clinic providing excellent and<br />

safe medical service which is characterized by high quality, with commitment towards<br />

development, continuous improvement, and best utilization of available resources.<br />

Short review about special operations and the medical services provided<br />

1. Basic medical and dental care.<br />

3. For health education purposes, medical support team provided health awareness<br />

lectures, brochures, and regular first aid courses.<br />

2. Chemical warfare agents’ course was conducted in King Hussein Medical Centre.<br />

0. Battle field medicine course; clinical casualty management in the war zone<br />


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