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The Joseph Badger Local Board of Education met in special session November 14, 2007 at 6:00<br />

p.m. in the Library/Media Center with Mrs. Bonar, Mr. Hynes, Mrs. Logan, Mr. Mathews and<br />

Mr. Toth present.<br />

206-07 Regular Meeting, October 17, 2007<br />

Moved by Mr. Hynes seconded by Mr. Toth to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2007<br />

Regular Meeting<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

207-07 Financial Accounts<br />

Moved by Mr. Mathews seconded by Mrs. Bonar to approve the financial accounts, reports, and<br />

bills paid for October 2007<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

208-07 Personnel - Employment of Certified Substitutes<br />

Moved by Mr. Hynes seconded by Mr. Toth upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to<br />

employ the following certified substitute personnel in accordance with the Trumbull County<br />

adopted substitute list<br />

1. Marcia Bianco 2. Robert Dray<br />

3. Laura Elsea 4. John Hontula<br />

5. Barbara Likens 6. Sherry Nold<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

209-07 Personnel - Employment of Classified Substitutes<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mr. Hynes upon the recommendation of the superintendent,<br />

to employ the following classified substitute personnel<br />

1. Cheri Aulizio 2. Kimberly Champ<br />

3. Rita Gilliland 4. Kim Maenpa<br />

5. Diane McDowell 6. Patty McGhee<br />

7. David Siekkinen 8. Susan Tricker<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

210-07 Personnel - Contract Employment - Supplementals<br />

Moved by Mr. Mathews seconded by Mrs. Bonar upon the recommendation of the<br />

superintendent, to employ the following personnel for the listed supplemental positions for the<br />

2007-2008 school year<br />

1. Ryan Fitch - Power of the Pen (BMS)<br />

2. Debi Small - BMS Newspaper<br />

3. Debi Small - BMS Yearbook<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

Regular Meeting, November 14, 2007, Joseph Badger Local Board of Education (cont’d)

211-07 Personnel - Contract Employment - Supplementals (non-certified)<br />

Moved by Mr. Toth seconded by Mr. Hynes upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to<br />

adopt the following resolution:<br />

WHEREAS this Board has posted the position(s) as listed below, as being<br />

available to employees of the district who hold educator licenses, and no such<br />

employee meeting all of the Board’s qualifications has applied for, been offered,<br />

and accepted such position, and<br />

WHEREAS this Board then advertised this position as being available to<br />

licensed individuals not employed by this District, and no such person meeting all<br />

of the Board’s qualifications has applied for, been offered, and accepted such<br />

position,<br />

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the individuals listed below are<br />

non licensed individuals employed as described for the 2007-2008 school year<br />

1. Mike Veres - Basketball Boys 7 th<br />

2. Matt Vukevic - Basketball Girls 7 th<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

212-07 Adoption - Commencement Date, 2008<br />

Moved by Mr. Mathews seconded by Mrs. Bonar upon the recommendation of Edwin Baldwin,<br />

Principal, Badger High School that Sunday, May 25, 2008 be the Commencement date for the<br />

Class of 2008<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

213-07 Recognition: American Education Week: November 11-17, 2007<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mrs. Logan to recognize all teachers and support personnel<br />

for the tremendous effort put forth in honor of American Education Week, this year’s theme:<br />

“Together, We’re Making Great Public Schools for Every Child”<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

214-07 Federal/State Programs and Approval of New Funds<br />

Moved by Mr. Toth seconded by Mr. Mathews to approve Federal/State programs listed and<br />

identification of new funds, allocations subject to program funding<br />

Title I $119,335.85<br />

Title II-A $ 47,892.53<br />

599 9008 Title II-D $ 1,232.07<br />

Title IV $ 3,484.23<br />

Title V $ 1,481.40<br />

IDEA-B $218,720.77<br />

452 9008 School Net Prof. Dev. $ 2,430.00<br />

One-Net $ 9,000.00<br />

EMIS $ 5,000.00<br />

499 9001 Ohio Core Curriculum Grant $ 24,055.00<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

Regular Meeting, November 14, 2007, Joseph Badger Local Board of Education (cont’d)

215-07 Policies<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mr. Mathews to have a first reading of the following Board<br />

Policies<br />

1. 322.00 Anti-Harassment, Anti- Intimidation, Anti-Bullying<br />

Policy<br />

2. 849.00 Grading<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

216-07 Recognition of Student Athletes and Coaches<br />

Moved by Mr. Hynes seconded by Mr. Mathews to recognize the following team members and<br />

coaches for their athletic accomplishments<br />

Boys Golf - Coach Mike Cappuzzello<br />

First Team NAC - Russ Armstrong and Marcus Heath<br />

Second Team NAC - Brad Bates<br />

Individual Regional Qualifier - Russ Armstrong<br />

Team Members - Russell Armstrong, Bradley Bates, Kevin<br />

Difford, Victoia Difford, Spencer Godfrey, Marcus Heath, Gregory<br />

Hunkus, Lee Matson, Aaron Meardith<br />

Boys Cross Country - Coach Kurt Ward<br />

First Team NAC - Jason McDowell<br />

Team Regional Qualifier<br />

Individual Regional Qualifier- Michael Diehl and Jason McDowell<br />

Girls Cross Country - Coach Carrie Albert<br />

First Team NAC - Brianna Propst<br />

Individual Regional Qualifier - Brianna Propst<br />

Girls Soccer - Coach Ron Gordon<br />

Season Record - 10-6-1<br />

Team Award - District Academic Team Award<br />

State Academic Award - Katy Dvorak and Jenna Miller<br />

Second Team All District - Tara Sudon<br />

All-County - Tara Sudon and Amelia Deraway<br />

Honorable Mention All County - Katy Dvorak<br />

First Team Northeastern Athletic Conference - Tara Sudon,<br />

Amelia Deraway, Jenna Miller, and Katy Dvorak<br />

Honorable Mention NAC - Lauren Hall and Shawna McNeely<br />

Team Members - Maddie Anthony, Katy Dvorak, Lauren Hall,<br />

Amelia Deraway, Kate Miller, Taylor Phillips, Tara Sudon,<br />

Adrianna Braho, Michelle Dagres, Kelsey Flowers, Shawna<br />

McNeely, Amanda Peska, Cara Prior, Sara Smith, Cassandra<br />

White, Estonia Bryant, Stacy Deraway, Chelsea Grimm, Megan<br />

Hunkus, Monica Isner, Kayleen Meardith, Taylor Sherman,<br />

Courtney Walton, Hannah Wilhelm, Hope Zolovick<br />

Regular Meeting, November 14, 2007, Joseph Badger Local Board of Education (cont’d)

Boys Soccer - Coach Karl Martin<br />

Season Record 17-1-1 District Champions<br />

NAC 1 st Team - Lee Matson, Mike Diehl and Sam Miller<br />

NAC Honorable Mention - Jeff Ashcroft<br />

All Trumbull County - Lee Matson, Mike Diehl and Jeff Ashcroft<br />

Trumbull County Honorable Mention: Sam Miller<br />

All District 1 st Team: Lee Matson (Div III District Player of the<br />

Year) and Mike Diehl<br />

All District 2 nd Team: Jeff Ashcroft and Sam Miller<br />

Team Members - Jon Chachko, Michael Diehl, Lee Matson,<br />

Anthony Mazzocco, Jeffrey Ashcroft, Andrew Bryant, Brock<br />

Elsea, Glenn Hall, Marcus Heath, Nathan Hurst, Kyle Kellogg,<br />

Brian Logan, Vince Meloni, Sam Miller, Ben Onstott, John<br />

Whitman, Matt Wilson, Shawn Brainard, Paul Dunfee, Andrew<br />

Gordon, Devan Dickson, Troy Elsea, Nick Fiest, Greg Foust,<br />

Tanner Jewell, Vince Mazzocco, Daniel Miller, Robert<br />

VanKanegan<br />

Middle School Cross Country - Coach John Davis<br />

NAC Meet- 1 st place- Sean Dunfee<br />

5 th place- Jerod Ford<br />

County Meet 2 nd place- Sean Dunfee<br />

3 rd place- Sarah Bonar<br />

Volleyball - Coach Rebecca Johnson<br />

NAC Honorable Mention - Ashley Gooding, Megan Brainard and<br />

Alecia Hughes<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

217-07 Leave of Absence<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mr. Toth upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to<br />

grant an unpaid leave of absence as indicated to the following personnel<br />

1. Pat Burnett - October 1-5, 2007<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

218-07 Resolution of Necessity - Property Tax<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mr. Toth to adopt the following resolution to submit the<br />

question of renewing the emergency five year tax levy to provide funds for the operating<br />

requirements of the school district, pursuant to Sections 5705.194 to 5707.197 inclusive of the<br />

Ohio Revised Code<br />

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Joseph Badger Local<br />

School District, Trumbull County, Ohio:<br />

SECTION 1: That it is hereby found and determined that the revenue<br />

which will be raised by the Board of Education of the Joseph Badger Local<br />

School District by all tax levies which this school district is authorized to impose,<br />


Regular Meeting, November 14, 2007, Joseph Badger Local Board of Education (cont’d)<br />

combined with state and federal revenue available to this school district, will be<br />

insufficient to avoid an operating deficit and that it is therefore necessary to<br />

renew the Emergency Operating Levy originally passed in 1988, which in excess<br />

of the ten-mill limitation for the purpose of providing funds for the emergency<br />

requirements of the Joseph Badger Local School District, in order to raise<br />

$425,379.00 each year for a period of five years, commencing with the levy on<br />

the 2008 tax list and duplicate.<br />

SECTION 2: That the question of levying such a tax at such rate<br />

necessary to raise $425,379.00 each year for a period of five years, commencing<br />

with a levy on the 2008 tax list and duplicate, the proceeds of which would be<br />

first available to this board in the calendar year 2009, for the purpose of<br />

providing funds for the emergency requirements of the Joseph Badger Local<br />

School District, under the provision of Sections 5707.197, inclusive of the Ohio<br />

Revised Code shall be submitted to the electors of the Joseph Badger Local<br />

School District at a general election to be held on the 4 th day of March, 2008, as<br />

authorized by law, and said election shall be held at the regular places of voting in<br />

said district, as established by the Board of Elections of Trumbull County, or<br />

canvassed and certified in the manner provided by law.<br />

SECTION 3: That the Treasurer of the Board is hereby directed to certify<br />

a copy of the Resolution to the County Auditor of Trumbull County for the<br />

calculation of the annual levy expressed in dollars and cents for each one-dollar<br />

of valuation, throughout the life of the levy which will be required to produce the<br />

annual amount herein-above set forth, assuming throughout the life of the levy as<br />

the amount of the tax list for the current year, and if this is not determined, the<br />

estimated amount submitted by the Auditor to the County Budget Commission<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

219-07 Personnel<br />

Moved by Mrs. Bonar seconded by Mr. Hynes to adjourn to executive session to discuss<br />

personnel<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

220-07 Motion to Adjourn<br />

Moved by Mr. Hynes seconded by Mr. Mathews to adjourn the November 14, 2007 special<br />

meeting at 7:05 p.m. The next scheduled meeting will be held on December 19, 2007 in the<br />

Library/Media Center at 6:00 pm.<br />

Vote: Ayes: Bonar, Hynes, Logan, Mathews, Toth<br />

___________________________________<br />

(President)<br />

___________________________________<br />


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