Streetpaper 83 - The Jesus Army

Streetpaper 83 - The Jesus Army

Streetpaper 83 - The Jesus Army


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modern JESUS army <strong>Streetpaper</strong> No. <strong>83</strong> Page 6<br />


<strong>The</strong> UK is taking a new approach to<br />

dealing with youth “gang” culture<br />

SOMEONE’S come up with a screamer<br />

of an idea to solve teenage anti-social behaviour:<br />

a device which emits a painful<br />

high-pitched noise (inaudible to ears aged<br />

more than 25 years). <strong>The</strong> “yobs” just can’t<br />

stand it – so they clear off. According to<br />

the BBC, “there are estimated to be 3,500<br />

of the devices, known as ‘the Mosquito’, in<br />

use across the country”.<br />

Wonderful. Let’s not encourage young<br />

people to find self-worth. Let’s not give<br />

them something positive to live for. Let’s<br />

forget about encouraging parents in their<br />

parenting. Never mind family cohesion<br />

and positive role-modelling.<br />

Young people are the enemy. Scream at<br />

them till they go away. Pesky kids. Come to<br />

think of it – why stop at mere sonic warfare?<br />

Tear gas! That’s what they need. That’d be<br />

what I call a real creative solution.<br />

Worryingly enough, you just may be<br />

reading this and nodding your head in<br />

agreement. So it’s worth being clear: what<br />

a load of bilge. Young people are looking<br />

for something worth their energy, something<br />

worth living for. <strong>The</strong>y need nurturing,<br />

believing in.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> has a vision to engage<br />

young people in something very, very positive<br />

– the mission of <strong>Jesus</strong>. Spreading real<br />

love; reconciling people to the God they’ve<br />

lost touch with.<br />

This cause is especially for the gangs in<br />

subways and on street corners. God is not<br />

screaming till they go away. He’s calling<br />

them to belong. And the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> want<br />

to be part of that call. How about you?<br />

Please send to:<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship,<br />


Nether Heyford,<br />

Northampton<br />

NN7 3BR, UK<br />

(No stamp needed in UK<br />

or Channel Islands)<br />

0845 166 8172<br />

f: 0845 166 8178<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

e: info@jesus.org.uk<br />

streetpaper@jesus.org.uk<br />

Scream<br />

until they<br />

go away<br />

>><br />


“I’LL BELIEVE it when I see it”. So runs<br />

the common remark and some people<br />

use this, or something like it, as a reason<br />

why they don’t believe in God.<br />

It must be a depressing life for such<br />

people because presumably they don’t<br />

believe in love. After all, no-one has ever<br />

seen that either.<br />

In fact, a good deal of the things we<br />

value most about life aren’t things we<br />

can actually see. Like the buzz you get<br />

when you hear an amazing song, the<br />

Life in clover: is a loving God too good to be true?<br />


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modern JE SUS army <strong>Streetpaper</strong><br />

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<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> Charitable Trust<br />

(Registered Charity no. 1091912)<br />

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mJa national events<br />

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Mark’s Gos pel<br />

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of modern JE SUS army<br />

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“I believe...” #3<br />

shiver that runs up your spine when you<br />

see a glorious sunset, or the spreading<br />

feeling of content when you wake up and<br />

remember you’re on holiday.<br />

Or – to change tack – think of oxygen.<br />

No-one can see it. But the thought of<br />

living without it? That’s enough to take<br />

anyone’s breath away.<br />

“God is Spirit” it says in the New Testament.<br />

You can’t see Him. But He’s always<br />

there. In fact, He’s the source of all<br />

being. He made everything. God is totally<br />

real – everything else gets its reality<br />

from God! (Viewed this way, a person<br />

saying they don’t believe in God is like a<br />

fish saying it doesn’t believe in water.)<br />

So how can we actually experience<br />

Him, if we can’t see Him?<br />

This is where we have to sit up and<br />

listen to the Man who said “If you have<br />

seen Me, you have seen the Father.” His<br />

name is <strong>Jesus</strong> – what was He talking<br />

about?<br />

(see page 8)<br />

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Power of<br />

prayer on<br />

show in<br />

Preston<br />

ONE FRIDAY night in Preston<br />

two <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> members<br />

walked the streets and talked to<br />

the many prostitutes in the area.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y sensed God’s presence<br />

as they for prayed for two girls in<br />

particular – one was in tears.<br />

That weekend they prayed for<br />

a young girl with a kidney infection.<br />

Her mother reported that<br />

when she was prayed for she<br />

felt some heat. <strong>The</strong> consultant<br />

later confi rmed that the infection<br />

had gone.<br />

A <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> leader in Preston<br />

commented “It seems like<br />

the heavens have opened”.<br />

Midlands<br />

mJa<br />

“love their<br />

neighbours”<br />

AT A JESUS <strong>Army</strong> house in Leicester<br />

last week, a man knocked on<br />

the door to ask for prayer for his<br />

wife who was in a coma.<br />

Menawhile, in Coventry, a<br />

Refugee Centre rang up and<br />

asked if the local <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

house could help accommodate<br />

a woman with no family, no<br />

passport and bad health.<br />

A <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> leader from<br />

Coventry commented: “We<br />

were happy to help as much<br />

as we could in both cases. We<br />

want our houses to be available<br />

for the great work of loving our<br />

neighbour.”<br />

“Yobs” doing a good job<br />

Street gang<br />

foil Milton<br />

Keynes<br />

robbery<br />

A GANG of street lads and girls<br />

foiled a robbery in Milton Keynes<br />

recently. <strong>The</strong>y pursued a thief as<br />

he fl ed from a shop, caught him<br />

and returned 24 bottles of beer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> shop assistant was still on<br />

the phone to the police and had<br />

to explain that they were no longer<br />

needed: a gang had retrieved<br />

and returned the stolen beer!<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> had been<br />

befriending the gang. One of<br />

them commented: “We hope the<br />

Christian infl uence is rubbing off<br />

on them. <strong>The</strong>y really are a sound<br />

crew and we’re praying for them<br />

to truly fi nd <strong>Jesus</strong>.”<br />

Christianpowered<br />

poetry in<br />

Oxford<br />

“HEAR THE Word” is a popular<br />

poetry night put on by the<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> in Oxford. It’s been<br />

described by one poet as “a<br />

Christian-powered, unplugged,<br />

spoken word club” and a “mixture<br />

of story-telling, folk music<br />

and poetry of many forms.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> poet in question, “Oliver”,<br />

particularly enjoyed “its Christian<br />

community quality with a<br />

large dollop of tolerance and a<br />

hectoring Marxist thrown in for<br />

good measure!”<br />

<strong>The</strong> event continues in 2008<br />

on the fi rst Monday of each<br />


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