Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army


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These young prodigals demonstrated that new birth, baptism<br />

<strong>in</strong> water and <strong>in</strong> the Spirit were power encounters with<br />

salvation. Alan had a lot of old life to bury. His eyes had grown<br />

so weak from drugs that he wore shades. When he came out<br />

of the water his eyes were healed. Baptism was no mere confession<br />

of faith: it was power.<br />

It was also an exit from the world’s value system. ‘Repent<br />

and be baptised,’ Peter had cried. ‘Save y<strong>our</strong>selves from this<br />

corrupt generation!’ (Acts 2:38, 40). It was go<strong>in</strong>g to be tough,<br />

but Alan was identify<strong>in</strong>g with the people of God.<br />

Around this time we discovered Love Not The World by<br />

Watchman Nee. Nee wrote: ‘Salvation is essentially a present<br />

exit from a doomed order... [In baptism] a whole world goes<br />

down with you. When you come up, you come up <strong>in</strong> Christ —<br />

<strong>in</strong> the ark that rides the waves. You have entered a new order<br />

of th<strong>in</strong>gs.’ 19<br />

Clearly the hippy culture was not the <strong>Jesus</strong> culture, but neither<br />

was the status quo. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the New Testament<br />

cried revolution, transformation and a new society. ‘If anyone<br />

is <strong>in</strong> Christ,’ declared Paul, ‘he is a new creation; the old<br />

has gone, the new has come!’ (2 Cor 5:17).<br />

New creation became <strong>our</strong> theme song as we broke new<br />

ground. New creation called for a reassessment of values that<br />

had been drummed <strong>in</strong>to us from birth. It meant hack<strong>in</strong>g out a<br />

hallowed spot from the tangle of worldl<strong>in</strong>ess. It put a question<br />

mark on everyth<strong>in</strong>g we did simply because everybody<br />

else did it. Television, theatre, sport, vacations abroad, religious<br />

festivals — they all came under the searchlight.<br />

Many questions arose as we glimpsed the magnitude of<br />

God’s will. ‘Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this<br />


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