Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army


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Thank God for all this. We want his presence. But if he is to<br />

‘rend the heavens and come down’ he must first br<strong>in</strong>g conviction.<br />

The Hebrides Awaken<strong>in</strong>g began when a man confessed<br />

his s<strong>in</strong>s. In the American revivals F<strong>in</strong>ney thrust <strong>in</strong> the sword<br />

before po<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g to the Lamb of God.<br />

‘Too many souls,’ wrote Frank Bartleman, ‘are dragged from<br />

the womb of conviction by force. They have to be <strong>in</strong>cubated<br />

ever after.’ 71 This is why we lack power. Repentance is shallow<br />

and we are plagued by the self-life. It needs burn<strong>in</strong>g out.<br />

Tues. 21 Jan. All around Brita<strong>in</strong> we hear of grace but who<br />

speaks of the fear of God? Enterta<strong>in</strong>ment replaces awe. Peace!<br />

Peace! they say, and the wound is healed lightly. We want the<br />

mounta<strong>in</strong> tops but refuse Gethsemane. ‘Don’t s<strong>in</strong>g!’ Evan<br />

Roberts would cry. ‘It’s too terrible to s<strong>in</strong>g!’ How easily it<br />

thrust away God’s presence.<br />

Wed. 22 Jan. How have these recent changes come about?<br />

Partly from frustration. We have sought to be the ‘friends of<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ners’. Many are drawn <strong>in</strong>to evangelism, whether <strong>in</strong> the<br />

front l<strong>in</strong>e, <strong>in</strong> prayer, or as deacons and caterers. Whole afternoons<br />

are spent <strong>in</strong> ‘saturation evangelism’ when the church<br />

is out <strong>in</strong> force. We br<strong>in</strong>g folk back but few come through. So<br />

much travel and energy! The reap<strong>in</strong>g is hard and the church<br />

is weary. Our great need is for God.<br />

‘Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down!’ (Is<br />

64:1). That was the burden of Noel’s m<strong>in</strong>istry as we entered<br />

the new year. Our <strong>hearts</strong> leapt as we considered the revivals<br />

of the past. Maybe it could happen here. But it had to beg<strong>in</strong><br />

with us. ‘Bend the church and save the people’ was the motto<br />

of the Welsh Revival.<br />


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