Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - Jesus Army


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I left my job as a school technician <strong>in</strong> Northampton and<br />

began to grapple, weep and laugh my way through a story<br />

that was both epic and passionately dear to my heart. As I<br />

dug through the archives, listened to old tapes, and talked<br />

with the many characters, memories flooded back. Then I<br />

p<strong>our</strong>ed out my soul <strong>in</strong>to the word-processor and tried to capture<br />

the spirit and vision of those years. Mike got me to tidy<br />

it all up! As it’s seen somewhat through my eyes, you’ll have<br />

to bear with me when I (Simon Cooper) wander <strong>in</strong> and out of<br />

the story.<br />

Though this isn’t exactly an official history of the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship,<br />

there has been a good deal of hard research, discussion,<br />

polish<strong>in</strong>g and edit<strong>in</strong>g. We’ve also tried to provide some<br />

biblical framework for what God has led us <strong>in</strong>to and to set<br />

<strong>our</strong> own story <strong>in</strong> the context of the wider Christian scene.<br />

You’ll f<strong>in</strong>d that there are a lot of names <strong>in</strong> this book. We’ve<br />

tried to keep them dist<strong>in</strong>ct without resort<strong>in</strong>g to the formality<br />

of surnames too often. (With<strong>in</strong> the Fellowship we often give<br />

people unofficial ‘virtue’ names, and these are mostly used<br />

to describe people.)<br />

Neither of us could have produced this book on his own,<br />

but then that’s really the theme of the whole book. This isn’t<br />

a story by or about any one person. It’s too big for that. As<br />

we’ve worked through this text, we’ve often been unashamedly<br />

moved and humbled. For this is a story of a bunch of<br />

widely different <strong>in</strong>dividuals whom God blessed, though they<br />

didn’t often deserve it; changed, when they didn’t always want<br />

it; and jo<strong>in</strong>ed together — as a people with fire <strong>in</strong> <strong>our</strong> <strong>hearts</strong>.<br />


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