Jesus Life 71 Quarter one 2006 - The Jesus Army

Jesus Life 71 Quarter one 2006 - The Jesus Army

Jesus Life 71 Quarter one 2006 - The Jesus Army


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esus<strong>Life</strong><br />

#<strong>71</strong><br />

<strong>one</strong>/<strong>2006</strong><br />

FREE<br />

✚ MEN<br />

✚ New Monasticism<br />

✚ Talking to Jonathan Oloyede<br />

Bread & Wine Covenant Brothers<br />

A UK JESUS PEO PLE MAGAZINE from the Multiply Network and Je sus A UK Fel JESUS low ship/modern PEO PLE MAGAZINE JESUS army from (mJa) the Multiply Network and Je sus Fel low ship/modern JESUS army (mJa)

c o n t e n t s<br />

5-7 MEN<br />

Why men hate going to church<br />


Fad or future?<br />

14-16 TALKING TO<br />

Jonathan Oyelode<br />

22-24 MJA TRIBES<br />

Focus on Coventry<br />

31 RANT & RAVE<br />

Grassroots mJa members have their shout<br />

3-4 Church Alive<br />

8 Prisons Page<br />

12-13 Spiritual Search<br />

17-18 <strong>Jesus</strong> Centres<br />

19 Changed Lives<br />

20-21 Multiply<br />

25 Electronic Postbag<br />

26-27 Revival Fires<br />

28-29 Spiritual Search<br />

30 <strong>Jesus</strong> People Shop/National Events<br />

THE JESUS FEL LOW SHIP CHURCH, which is also known<br />

as the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> and in cludes the New Cre a tion Chris tian<br />

Com mu ni ty, up holds the his tor ic Chris tian faith, be ing<br />

re formed, evan gel i cal and char is mat ic.<br />

It practises believer’s bap tism and the New Tes ta ment<br />

reality of Christ’s Church; be liev ing in Al mighty God: Father,<br />

Son and Holy Spirit; in the full divinity, aton ing death and<br />

bodily res ur rec tion of the Lord <strong>Jesus</strong> Christ; in the Bible as<br />

God’s word, fully in spired by the Holy Spirit.<br />

This Church desires to wit ness to the Lord ship<br />

of Je sus Christ over and in His Church; and, by holy<br />

char ac ter, righteous society and evan gel i cal tes ti mo ny to<br />

de clare that Je sus Christ, Son of God, the only Saviour,<br />

is the way, the truth and the life, and through Him al<strong>one</strong><br />

can we find and enter the king dom of God.<br />

This church proclaims free grace, jus ti fi ca tion by faith<br />

in Christ and the sealing and sanc ti fy ing baptism in the<br />

Holy Spir it.<br />

© <strong>2006</strong> Je sus Fel low ship Church, Nether Hey ford, Northamp<br />

ton NN7 3LB, UK. Reproduction in any form re quires<br />

writ ten per mis sion. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> Fel low ship does not<br />

nec es sar i ly agree with all the views ex pressed in ar ti cles<br />

and in ter views print ed in this mag a zine. Pho to graphs<br />

in this mag a zine are cop y right Je sus Fel low ship Church<br />

un less oth er wise not ed. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship is part of<br />

Mul ti ply Christian Net work. Both the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship and<br />

Multiply Christian Network are members of the Evan gel i cal<br />

Alliance UK.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 2<br />


Comments from Noel Stanton and<br />

members of the Apostolic Team,<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship UK/mJa<br />

churchALIVE<br />

bread & wine<br />

covenant brothers<br />


Mass, Eucharist,<br />

Holy Communion,<br />

the Lord’s Supper,<br />

breaking bread! It<br />

all depends on the<br />

Christian brand,<br />

and must be rather<br />

confusing to today’s<br />

searchers. We prefer<br />

the simplicity of<br />

the New Testament<br />

model. Here are <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

and His disciples<br />

at the “last supper”,<br />

with <strong>Jesus</strong> announcing<br />

that the bread<br />

He was breaking was<br />

“His body” and the<br />

wine He was pouring<br />

was “His blood”. It<br />

was simple, it was<br />

powerfully dramatic<br />

and it pointed<br />

directly to His<br />

crucifixion. So for<br />

us it’s simply “bread<br />

and wine”, whether<br />

in our houses, when<br />

we meet as Sunday<br />

church, or at our<br />

big UK celebration<br />

events.<br />

To remember<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> in this way and<br />

to celebrate the reality<br />

of the covenant<br />

with God through<br />

His body and blood,<br />

brings God’s love<br />

and mercy directly<br />

to us. It is important<br />

that we recognise<br />

and celebrate our<br />

vertical covenant<br />

unity with God<br />

through the redemption<br />

in His Son’s<br />

crucifixion. But<br />

there is also a vital<br />

horizontal dimension.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sharing of<br />

the bread and wine<br />

is a reaffirmation<br />

of our brotherhood<br />

covenant. Through<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Christ we have<br />

become God’s sons<br />

and daughters together<br />

in <strong>one</strong> family.<br />

We therefore meet at<br />

the “table of brotherhood”<br />

at which we<br />

sit in unity and love,<br />

men and women of<br />

every age, every race,<br />

all sexualities, those<br />

with disabilities or<br />

sickness, and all<br />

social classes and<br />

backgrounds. At<br />

this table we praise<br />

God for saving us by<br />

sending His Son, we<br />

humble ourselves,<br />

confess sins, and, as<br />

we pass the bread<br />

and wine to <strong>one</strong><br />

another, we grip our<br />

brother or sister’s<br />

hand as a sign of<br />

committed brotherhood.<br />

“Love the brotherhood”<br />

is a New Testament<br />

command<br />

to believers. We are<br />

to show that we are<br />

born of God by our<br />

love for <strong>one</strong> another.<br />

And when such a<br />

strong church brotherhood<br />

is properly<br />

functioning, we fully<br />

care for <strong>one</strong> another,<br />

sharing our wealth<br />

to meet the needs of<br />

poorer brothers and<br />

sisters. We bond together<br />

to be a church<br />

with covenant unity<br />

in the Holy Spirit,<br />

with faith determination<br />

to achieve<br />

real church growth<br />

and to impact the<br />

wider society with<br />

the gospel.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship<br />

Church is a national<br />

covenant church<br />

and each of its 65<br />

church households<br />

is a covenant household.<br />

As disciples of<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> we cannot be<br />

anything other than<br />

a covenant bonded<br />

“bread and wine”<br />

church, so welded<br />

together in brotherhood,<br />

that we are a<br />

powerful force moving<br />

in <strong>Jesus</strong> Christ’s<br />

name, witnessing to<br />

the people with His<br />

compassion, mercy<br />

and forgiveness,<br />

serving the poor, the<br />

rejected, the sinful<br />

and inviting them<br />

to receive Christ as<br />

their Saviour and<br />

Lord and sit with<br />

us at the “table of<br />

brotherhood”.<br />

Dangerous<br />

leadership for<br />

the church<br />

of the 21st<br />

century<br />

Ian Callard<br />

WHEN I was a young Christian,<br />

the emphasis was on conforming<br />

to the way to do things. A copy<br />

of Wesley’s 44 Sermons was essential<br />

for lay preacher training.<br />

<strong>The</strong> shame is, this Christianity<br />

didn’t “do it” for its generation.<br />

Perfectly reasonable comfortable-standard-of-living<br />

choices<br />

buried the possibilities of radical<br />

discipleship. Nobody exposed,<br />

questi<strong>one</strong>d, or contradicted it.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was little of the violence<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> said entering the Kingdom<br />

could involve. This sad<br />

legacy calls for a more dangerous<br />

church leadership today.<br />

God wants you to be moveable.<br />

Are you, <strong>2006</strong> version, the<br />

same as the 2005 version, or 2004<br />

<strong>one</strong>? <strong>The</strong>n what hope for 2007?<br />

Moses killed an Egyptian slave<br />

master. Not the right response,<br />

but at least he moved. God could<br />

use Moses later, starting when he<br />

turned aside to see the burning<br />

bush.<br />

Once we’re moveable, God<br />

has a point in sending His Holy<br />

Spirit to stir us. Distress is a great<br />

stirrer; so is anger. Love should<br />

be, too. We’ve got to get stirred<br />

beyond our fears, our dread of<br />

failure, our fatigue, our distaste<br />

for risk, uncertainty and conflict.<br />

I found that growing in<br />

ministry responsibility seemed<br />

another conformist journey,<br />

broadly compatible with my natural<br />

abilities, until <strong>one</strong> day, the<br />

Holy Spirit said to me, “Notice<br />

the difference between David in<br />

Bethlehem, and in Ziklag”. David<br />

the shepherd makes modest,<br />

predictable increase. David the<br />

outlaw amassed resources for his<br />

dynasty by plunder (1 Samuel 27,<br />

29, 30).<br />

<br />

<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 3

Dangerous leadership<br />

starts when you shift from<br />

what you can and can’t do,<br />

to what must be d<strong>one</strong>. Saul<br />

blocked and confined David<br />

and attempted to stop him<br />

emerging as king. At Ziklag<br />

David got hold of who he’d<br />

been commissi<strong>one</strong>d to be.<br />

He started to do what a ruler<br />

must. Never try to do just by<br />

character what God’s anointing<br />

al<strong>one</strong> will accomplish.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Final Mix<br />

Noel Stanton<br />

But be warned: when<br />

you’re moving from passion,<br />

you can be really hurt<br />

by failure or obstacles. David<br />

messed up bringing the Ark<br />

into Jerusalem. He was angry,<br />

afraid of (this unpredictable)<br />

God, and unwilling to do any<br />

more (2 Samuel 6). Passion<br />

is dangerous; it drives – and<br />

cripples – leaders. But it is<br />

essential if leadership is to be<br />

real – and dangerous.<br />

In 2005 the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship target for new members<br />

was 450 throughout our UK regions. We fell just short of<br />

this, with some 95% new baptisms in water and Spirit<br />

and only some 5% joining us through transfers from<br />

other churches or returning from backsliding in our<br />

own church. Certainly, 2005 saw waves of baptisms. <strong>The</strong><br />

church in Northampton had 153 baptisms, an average of<br />

almost 3 per week. <strong>The</strong> smaller church in Sheffield had<br />

54 baptisms, many of these being Slovakians. We have<br />

now committed ourselves to similar targets for <strong>2006</strong> and<br />

expect even quicker church growth.<br />

Bless you, every<strong>one</strong>, for your prayers, your love and<br />

your gifts. You’re so important to us as we proclaim <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

around the UK and build His church.<br />


Mick Haines<br />

PSALM 24 asks:<br />

“Who may ascend<br />

the hill of the Lord?”<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer? “He<br />

who has clean hands<br />

and a pure heart”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most important<br />

thing I can do<br />

is to keep my heart<br />

clean. <strong>The</strong> blood of<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> and the sanctifying<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

can wash me clean<br />

from all impurities if<br />

I simply ask.<br />

If my heart is defiled<br />

or unclean life<br />

becomes like living<br />

in a room with the<br />

curtains drawn, in<br />

the murky half light.<br />

I am the first to suffer<br />

a lack of love and<br />

joy from within, but<br />

also those around<br />

me will suffer. <strong>The</strong><br />

Body of Christ can<br />

end up contaminated<br />

if my heart is<br />

unclean.<br />

We can give<br />

ourselves three tests<br />

to check our purity<br />

of heart. Firstly, our<br />

response to authority,<br />

both within the<br />

church and outside.<br />

<strong>The</strong> unclean heart<br />

will speak against,<br />

criticise and reject<br />

authority, whereas<br />

the pure heart will<br />

submit to godly<br />

authority within the<br />

church and respect<br />

civil authority.<br />

A second test is<br />

how we respond<br />

to life’s crucible<br />

experiences; life’s<br />

difficult, trying and<br />

challenging times.<br />

This could mean<br />

bereavement, disappointments,<br />

broken<br />

relationships, and<br />

so on. <strong>The</strong> unclean<br />

heart easily blames<br />

God or other people,<br />

becomes bitter,<br />

switches off, gives up<br />

and withdraws into<br />

lesser, meaningless<br />

pursuits. <strong>The</strong> pure<br />

heart still feels the<br />

pain, but grows and<br />

expands through<br />

these difficult times<br />

and becomes more<br />

effective for the<br />

kingdom of God. I<br />

believe emotional<br />

healing from past<br />

hurts is released in<br />

us much more easily<br />

if our heart is pure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> third test is<br />

in our relationships.<br />

<strong>The</strong> unclean heart<br />

can live with unresolved<br />

relationship<br />

difficulties. <strong>The</strong> pure<br />

in heart quickly get<br />

reconciled to their<br />

brother or sister because<br />

they are aware<br />

of the effect of the<br />

unresolved issue on<br />

the Body of Christ:<br />

a loss of power and<br />

less light shining.<br />

So let’s get our<br />

hearts purified; then<br />

more light will shine<br />

through us.<br />

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<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 4<br />

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by David Murrow<br />

FIVE YEARS ago, my faith in<br />

Christ was hanging by a thread.<br />

I loved God, but hated going to<br />

church. Sunday morning would<br />

find my body in the pews, but<br />

my heart was elsewhere. I was so<br />

desperate I began exploring alternative<br />

religions, including Islam.<br />

Did I mention I was an elder in<br />

my church?<br />

I was not al<strong>one</strong>. Truth is, a lot<br />

of faithful, churchgoing men are<br />

not all that excited come Sunday<br />

morning. Quite a few attend out<br />

of habit, surviving on the memories<br />

of victories won years ago.<br />

Others attend services simply<br />

to keep their wives happy. Most<br />

guys do nothing midweek to grow<br />

in faith. Few churches are able to<br />

sustain a viable men’s ministry.<br />

Why are men so bored in our<br />

churches? Of course, there are<br />

hypocrites. But even men who<br />

are born again, Spirit-filled, longtime<br />

Christians are clamming up<br />

and dropping out. What’s going<br />

on?<br />

A business guru once said,<br />

“Your system is perfectly designed<br />

to give you the results<br />

you are getting.” Christianity’s<br />

primary delivery system, the local<br />

church, is perfectly designed to<br />

reach women and older folks.<br />

That’s why our pews are filled<br />

with them. But this church system<br />

offers little to stir the masculine<br />

heart, so men find it dull and<br />

irrelevant. <strong>The</strong> more masculine<br />

the man, the more likely he is to<br />

dislike church.<br />

What do I mean? Men and<br />

young adults are drawn to risk,<br />

challenge and adventure. But<br />

these things are discouraged in<br />

the local church. Instead, most<br />

congregations offer a safe, nurturing<br />

community – an oasis of<br />

stability and predictability. Studies<br />

show that women and seniors<br />

gravitate toward these things. Although<br />

our official mission is <strong>one</strong><br />

of adventure, the actual mission<br />

of most congregations is making<br />

people feel comfortable and safe<br />

– especially long-time members.<br />

Continued...<br />

<br />

<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 5


<br />

<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 6<br />

At the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship’s<br />

Men Alive for God<br />

day, about 800 men<br />

met at Northampton<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre for a day<br />

of worship, teaching,<br />

seminars and “cut and<br />

thrust” brotherhood.<br />

One young man,<br />

Danny Driscoll, 17,<br />

writes about the day:<br />

MEN ALIVE for God? A<br />

day for men... it’s a day<br />

that is all about love.<br />

“What? How can you<br />

have love without a<br />

woman?” you may say.<br />

For me, a day like<br />

Men Alive for God always shows the<br />

greatest love. <strong>The</strong> love of <strong>Jesus</strong>. From<br />

the moment you walk through the<br />

door of the place to the end when<br />

you joyfully walk out – it’s all about<br />

love.<br />

This is the main reason why I – a<br />

17 year old lad – get involved in the<br />

church at all. Because of love. In this<br />

world, there is so much conditional<br />

love. Love that demands something<br />

Continued...<br />

HOW DID Christianity, founded<br />

by a man and His twelve male<br />

disciples, become the province<br />

of women? <strong>The</strong>re is a pattern of<br />

feminisation in Christianity going<br />

back at least 700 years, according<br />

to Dr Leon Podles, author of <strong>The</strong><br />

Church Impotent: the Feminization<br />

of Christianity. But the ball<br />

really got rolling in the 1800s.<br />

With the dawning of the Industrial<br />

Revolution, large numbers of<br />

men sought work in mines, mills<br />

and factories, far from home and<br />

familiar parish. Women stayed<br />

behind, and began remaking<br />

before it is given. But in the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship and at days like Men<br />

Alive, love without conditions shines<br />

through.<br />

Picture it. 800 men, calling themselves<br />

brothers... Brothers, because<br />

each <strong>one</strong> loves each other as you<br />

would love your own family, even<br />

more so.<br />

Now this love compels men,<br />

compels me, to make sure that I am<br />

loving, to make sure that I am keeping<br />

true to God and to my brother.<br />

Because I’m so grateful to God and<br />

to my brothers for love. <strong>The</strong> whole<br />

thing is all because of gratitude: worship<br />

is because of gratitude...<br />

At the end of the day we were<br />

called to (literally) dive into the kingdom,<br />

to claim things out loud – the<br />

things we want to move into, things<br />

we want to change about our lives,<br />

like “getting baptised” or “giving up<br />

smoking”. <strong>The</strong>re were brothers at<br />

the bottom of the stage catching us<br />

as we shouted and jumped off into<br />

their arms. We were showing love<br />

– in that we want to change and that<br />

we trusted that they were gonna<br />

catch us when we fell – and our<br />

mile<br />

brothers were showing love because<br />

us and put us back on the path of<br />

love! It’s all about love.<br />

mar<br />

Men for <strong>Jesus</strong>: this is a love no<br />

they loved us and were gonna catch<br />

earthly thing can match!<br />

the church in their own image.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Victorian era saw the rise of<br />

church nurseries, Sunday schools,<br />

lay choirs, quilting circles, ladies’<br />

teas, soup kitchens, girls’ societies,<br />

potluck dinners etc.<br />

Soon, the very definition of<br />

a good Christian had changed:<br />

boldness and aggression were<br />

out; passivity and receptivity were<br />

in. Christians were to be gentle,<br />

sensitive and nurturing, focused<br />

on home and family rather than<br />

accomplishment and career. Believers<br />

were not supposed to like<br />

sex, tobacco, dancing or other<br />

“Churches and<br />

communities<br />

haveBOYS B<br />

““Churches and<br />

providing opportunities<br />

to play<br />

communities<br />

providin<br />

have<br />

a vital role to play<br />

opportunities<br />

that blend adventure,<br />

th<br />

blend adventure<br />

have milest<strong>one</strong>s that<br />

belief<br />

adulthood<br />

and<br />

– rather<br />

cerem<br />

than<br />

enabling the<br />

young to have<br />

into<br />

belief and ceremony<br />

enabling the young to<br />

mark their journey into<br />

drifting through it with a<br />

sense of being lost.”<br />

”<br />

Boys Becoming Men, published by Spring<br />

Harvest Publishing and Authentic Media.<br />

Young men were called<br />

to shout declarations<br />

for God as they stage<br />

dived into the arms of<br />

their older brothers.<br />

rather than d<br />

worldly pleasures. <strong>The</strong> godly were<br />

always calm, polite and sociable.<br />

This feminine spirituality still<br />

dominates our churches. Those<br />

of us who grew up in church<br />

hardly notice it; we can’t imagine<br />

things any other way. But a male<br />

through h<br />

it with a<br />

visitor detects the feminine spirit<br />

the moment he walks in the sanctuary<br />

door. He may feel like Tom<br />

Sawyer in Aunt Polly’s parlour; he<br />

sense of bei<br />

must watch his language, mind<br />

his manners and be extra polite.<br />

It’s hard for a man to be real in<br />

church because he must squeeze<br />

himself into this feminine mould.<br />

Boys Becoming M ,p<br />

Harvest Publishing and Authenti<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />


at<br />

,<br />

ECOMING MEN...<br />

Boys becoming men...for God<br />

TWO THOUSAND years ago, a young man<br />

called <strong>Jesus</strong> gathered around Him twelve<br />

other young men. He discipled them in such<br />

a way as to provide the Church He founded<br />

with rock-solid apostles who “turned the<br />

world upside down”.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship aims to be a Church that<br />

dares to put into practice the revolution that<br />

ony<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> began, not shirking some of His tougher<br />

demands. Such a call to “do the difficult<br />

thing” appeals to young men; pain is not<br />

unattractive to them if it’s in the interests of<br />

a cause. “No pain, no gain” may be a cliché,<br />

but it also happens to be true – and its truth<br />

rings true for boys in the deepest part of what<br />

it means for them to be becoming a man at<br />

all. <strong>The</strong> painful taking up of a new identity is a<br />

basic part of the shedding of infancy.<br />

Many cultures have rites of passage, symbolic<br />

milest<strong>one</strong>s which mark boys’ transition<br />

from childhood to adult manhood. Nelson<br />

Mandela, in his autobiography Long Walk To<br />

Freedom, tells of his, within the Xhosa tribe in<br />

South Africa. For six weeks, Xhosa boys about<br />

to come of age would leave home and live in a<br />

tent where they would be circumcised. No cry<br />

ey<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is an urgent need for churches to be able to call young men in<br />

a way which captures them – their energy, their imagination… their<br />

whole life. James Stacey reports.<br />

of pain was allowed. While they were healing,<br />

they would lie under a blanket which would<br />

be burnt just before returning home as an<br />

adult man.<br />

This fierce ritual makes receiving the key<br />

of the door seem lightweight – but even such<br />

a simple act can have symbolic meaning.<br />

<strong>The</strong> important thing is that young men are<br />

given the opportunity to “cross the line”.<br />

Lowell Sheppard, in his book Boys Becoming<br />

Men, urges churches to provide what he calls<br />

“PROPs” for young men – Puberty Rites Of<br />

Passage. He advocates such deliberate acts of<br />

transition at age 10 or 11, again at 14 or 15 and<br />

finally on arrival into full adulthood. <strong>The</strong> content<br />

can vary, but should contain elements<br />

of challenge, spiritual discovery and celebration<br />

of the young man’s growth by the wider<br />

family and community. Challenge provides<br />

a humbling encounter with his limitations<br />

as well as an opportunity to overcome them;<br />

time, often al<strong>one</strong>, discovering his spirituality<br />

affords the opportunity to authenticate<br />

his faith as a grown man; celebration affirms<br />

the young man as accepted and loved – and<br />

genuinely valued by the community.<br />

<strong>The</strong> form these rites of passage take is secondary:<br />

whether it be climbing a mountain,<br />

spending some days al<strong>one</strong>, or a symbolic dive<br />

into the arms of their older brothers: the essential<br />

thing is that churches see the need that<br />

young men have for such rites, and respond<br />

to it with imagination and courage. And it is<br />

churches who express and practice the radical<br />

ideals of the kingdom of <strong>Jesus</strong> that are best<br />

positi<strong>one</strong>d to inspire young men to embrace<br />

Christian discipleship: an initiation into manhood<br />

is not the same as a baptism into faith,<br />

but the two can – and should – be linked.<br />

In today’s UK, many young men are rootless,<br />

lacking direction. Previous generations<br />

were more likely to be trained by older men<br />

or their fathers in a trade, establishing a sense<br />

of “passing on” skills and identity. Today’s<br />

young men often do not have a stable fatherfigure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> result is all too common: young<br />

men express their testoster<strong>one</strong>-charged development<br />

in sullen rebellion or in anti-social,<br />

even violent behaviour. May the churches rise<br />

to the challenge, live radical and call young<br />

men to the painful, fruitful way of Christian<br />

manhood.<br />

JL<br />

y p g<br />

Media.<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

Men, if you’ve felt out of place<br />

in church, it’s not your fault. If<br />

you’ve tried and failed to get a<br />

men’s ministry going in your<br />

church, it’s not your fault. If you<br />

can’t get your buddies interested<br />

in church, it’s not your fault.<br />

<strong>The</strong> church system is getting the<br />

results it’s designed to get. Until<br />

that system changes – radically<br />

– men will continue to perish,<br />

both inside and outside our<br />

congregations.<br />

Some of you don’t know what<br />

I’m talking about. A feminized<br />

church? Some guys are happy<br />

with church just as it is, and see<br />

no reason for change. Others are<br />

the sensitive type and actually<br />

like the macho-deficit. But try to<br />

see church through the eyes of a<br />

typical guy. It’s intimidating for<br />

a man to hold hands in a circle,<br />

to cry in public, or to imagine<br />

falling deeply in love with another<br />

man (even if his name is<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>).<br />

If we’re going to be fishers of<br />

men, we’ve got to do a better<br />

job considering men’s needs<br />

and expectations. <strong>Jesus</strong> did it; so<br />

must we.<br />

This article by David Murrow, director of Church for Men,<br />

Alaska, USA, was first published in New Man magazine,<br />

May/June 2005, and is used with permission.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 7



finding my place<br />

Graham Galloway is<br />

a member of the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship and lives<br />

in Northampton<br />

Your time’s<br />

d<strong>one</strong>, and<br />

you’re out.<br />

But what’s<br />

church<br />

really like?<br />

A lifer on<br />

licence<br />

writes<br />

“ ”<br />

WHEN I came out of prison, after<br />

16 years of fantasising about this<br />

great Church from the safe confines<br />

of my cell, my expectations<br />

were well ahead of reality. Well,<br />

what else can a bloke expect? I<br />

moved straight into a community<br />

house in London, and straight<br />

into a blitz of criticism over my<br />

smoking, foul language, general<br />

irritability and lack of respect for<br />

just about every<strong>one</strong>, apart from<br />

the house leader, of course!<br />

A good example would be a<br />

couple of screaming matches I<br />

had with my elder, Tim. He saw<br />

more in me than I saw in myself,<br />

and he hated the silliness I was<br />

going through. I soon realised he<br />

acted because he loved me - as I<br />

loved him. After all, he’d stayed<br />

faithful to me for 10 years by letters<br />

and visits.<br />

This house had all the freedom<br />

the world has to offer, along with<br />

a structured regime that I so<br />

badly needed after years of not<br />

having my own mind. But it is a<br />

settled, long-established house,<br />

and I am not; so I left and got my<br />

own flat, keeping in touch quite<br />

closely.<br />

Soon after leaving,<br />

I met a lovely girl and<br />

got married, all with the<br />

close involvement of<br />

the church. Ann loved<br />

the church at first sight.<br />

Tim prayed with her<br />

and things got better<br />

and better from then<br />

on. I had a small business,<br />

plumbing, and all<br />

was rosy in my world.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n Steve came<br />

to stay for the odd<br />

night. That was great,<br />

“Two years after<br />

leaving jail, I’m<br />

doing great; and<br />

all credit for that<br />

lies firmly with<br />

my <strong>Jesus</strong> and my<br />

church”<br />

and he invited us to visit him in<br />

his Northampton community<br />

house. We did, a week or so later,<br />

and a great love affair started; at<br />

last, I’d found my place in the<br />

church. Apart from a few sticks<br />

of furniture Steve came and got<br />

for us, we left all and followed<br />

him! Not quite biblical, but<br />

who’s perfect?<br />

Two years after leaving jail,<br />

I’m doing great; and all credit<br />

for that lies firmly with my <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

and my church; I could never<br />

have d<strong>one</strong> it al<strong>one</strong>, and that’s the<br />

truth. We still don’t live in community,<br />

but we’re right in the<br />

thick of the vision of the Church.<br />

What’s more, I’ve a nice flat from<br />

the council, and a nice wife to<br />

delight my days!<br />

More importantly though, I<br />

now have a worthwhile cause to<br />

struggle for. I believe I am valued<br />

at the community house, and<br />

certainly value the opportunities<br />

the house gives me. I’ve enjoyed<br />

the freedom Steve gave<br />

me to reorganise the<br />

garden, and do other<br />

work on the house. I am<br />

also privileged to help<br />

some of the very needy<br />

and suffering brethren<br />

Steve ministers to, a<br />

humbling experience in<br />

many ways. Structure<br />

and purpose: great,<br />

eh? And me a lifer on<br />

licence! God is indeed<br />

good and full of grace<br />

toward me.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 8<br />


Mo<br />

r future<br />

NEW MONASTICISM: fad or future?<br />

As the Christian Church in the UK seems increasingly to<br />

lose its way, many leaders are talking of the need for a<br />

return to ancient ways, a “new monasticism”.<br />

James Stacey investigates.

NEW MONASTICISM: fad or future?<br />

THE CHURCH in the UK still makes the headlines<br />

occasionally. Take “GAY BISHOP RESIGNATION<br />

CATASTROPHE” for instance. <strong>The</strong>n there’s<br />



<strong>The</strong> uncomfortable truth is that most average Brits see<br />

the Church as at best quaint or – more likely – completely<br />

laughable. <strong>The</strong>re is not much to resemble the<br />

Church in the book of Acts which “enjoyed the favour of<br />

all the people” or whom “no-<strong>one</strong> dared join”. Today’s<br />

UK Church is rarely loved and hardly ever held in awe.<br />

It is partly in response to this withered Church that<br />

many Christian leaders are now looking back to a<br />

more muscular past to find inspiration. In the face of<br />

compromise in their day, heroes like Antony in Africa<br />

(read more about him on page 26), Benedict in Europe<br />

and Aidan in Britain pursued a way of holiness and<br />

sacrifice. <strong>The</strong>irs was the way of monasticism, a disciplined<br />

and rugged life centred on vows of poverty,<br />

chastity and obedience. <strong>The</strong>se monks took the words of<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> about “forsaking all”, “renouncing marriage” and<br />

“laying down your life” at face value. As <strong>one</strong> writer put<br />

it, they “swam for their life” against the disastrous tide<br />

of worldly culture. <strong>The</strong> result was a Christianity with<br />

the integrity and the tenacity to change the face of their<br />

times.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s a groundswell of interest in monasticism in<br />

evangelical circles in the UK. Many are looking into<br />

ancient monasticism as a blueprint of effective Christianity.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a lot of interest in those who first brought<br />

the gospel to Britain: Celtic monks, such as Aidan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Northumbria Community in Chatton, Northumberland,<br />

promotes a Celtic-style “new monasticism”<br />

which involves “a single-hearted seeking of God”. <strong>The</strong><br />

Will people abandon personal wealth and<br />

home, move in together and share their<br />

possessions, owning nothing?<br />

youth prayer movement “24/7 Prayer”, with its “Boiler<br />

Rooms”, is now using the monastic language of “vows”<br />

and “abbots”. Even John Stott, the elder statesman of<br />

British evangelicalism, has remarked that if he were<br />

young and beginning his Christian life again, he would<br />

establish a kind of evangelical monastic order for men<br />

vowed to celibacy, poverty and peaceableness.<br />

And the big success of the BBC’s documentary<br />

<strong>The</strong> Monastery, which followed the experience of<br />

five not-very-religious men who tried living as<br />

monks for forty days, demonstrates that interest<br />

in monastic spirituality is wider than just the<br />

Christian sphere.<br />

But is the present attention being given<br />

to monasticism really going to turn a feeble<br />

UK Church around? A lot will depend on<br />

whether its challenges are truly met. For<br />

all the talk of vows and the like, it seems<br />

horribly possible that many Christians, including<br />

leaders, will dodge the real issues<br />

and just flirt with monasticism without<br />

taking the real – and scary – steps that the<br />

early monks actually took.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is such a danger of flowery religious<br />

waffle. One article on new monasticism<br />

in a prominent Christian website<br />

quoted a leader who had “felt the Lord” say,<br />

“I’m not looking for poverty but for a prosperity<br />

of contentment, whether some<strong>one</strong> has a lot<br />

or a little… I’m not looking for unswerving obedience<br />

to a spiritual director or to a person or to<br />

an institution, or even to a way of doing things; rather, I<br />

desire a mutuality of submission.”<br />

Can any<strong>one</strong> really imagine wild Antony or dangerous<br />

Aidan (or, for that matter, <strong>Jesus</strong> of the Gospels) asking<br />

for a “prosperity of contentment”? And while “mutuality<br />

of submission” may be well and good, it is so vague as to<br />

lead almost inevitably back to each person doing as they<br />

please.<br />

<strong>The</strong> article goes on to describe the city of God being<br />

planted not “on a hill, but right in the midst of the ‘city<br />

of man’”. Not only does this flatly contradict the words<br />

of <strong>Jesus</strong>, it also reverses the core of monasticism. With-<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 10

out holy, distinctive apartness what is there left of monasticism<br />

at all? Monasticism starts with the premise<br />

that the only way to save the world is to demonstrate<br />

something fundamentally different.<br />

It gets worse. <strong>The</strong> online “blog” of <strong>one</strong> fairly prominent<br />

British “new abbot” contains reflections on the<br />

latest film he’s watched and some family photos<br />

– and not very much else. You may ask: is there anything<br />

wrong with outings to the Showcase and family<br />

albums? After all, isn’t that what every nice middle-class<br />

family does? But if “new monasticism”<br />

is going to bring to comfortable UK Christianity<br />

anything other than just a shallow makeover then<br />

surely its “abbots” must demonstrate something<br />

totally different to the cosy norm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> early monks did. For them, monasticism<br />

was not a romantic dream (with the faint sound of<br />

a Hollywood film score in the background). It was<br />

tough; sometimes agonising. It meant hard decisions<br />

and sacrifice. <strong>The</strong>y didn’t embrace poverty,<br />

chastity and obedience because they liked them:<br />

they saw that there was no other way to impact an<br />

infected society with the drastic and vital truths of<br />

the Kingdom.<br />

So: today in the UK? Will people abandon personal<br />

wealth and home, move in together and share their<br />

possessions, owning nothing? (<strong>The</strong> neighbours would<br />

be bound to notice, let’s face it.) Will people pi<strong>one</strong>er<br />

drastic purity, some of them choosing not to marry in<br />

order to be free “for the Kingdom”? Will people commit<br />

themselves together in a permanent and binding vow of<br />

brotherhood?<br />

<strong>The</strong> reality is that it will take more than a trendy historical<br />

fad to turn the UK to God. Christian consumers,<br />

shopping in the mall of history for packaged titbits, are<br />

not going to be enough. Only if Christians – lots of them<br />

– take some drastic steps will the Church stop being<br />

ignored.<br />

Imagine some different headlines: “TEN THOUSAND<br />




Now that could turn the tide.<br />

JL<br />

Just a silly little thought?<br />

Love lies behind Doris<br />

Kahnes’ choice to make<br />

a vow of lifelong celibacy<br />

It was a ‘silly little<br />

thought’ that crossed<br />

my mind when I<br />

was 18: “Why ‘make’<br />

more children when<br />

so many exist but live<br />

without love?”<br />

Two years later I left my home<br />

in Germany, fully convinced that<br />

God would eventually lead me to<br />

work in an orphanage in Africa.<br />

But He had different plans. I<br />

ended up in London and soon realised<br />

that those deprived children<br />

are everywhere, of any age and<br />

from all over the world. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

our neighbours, our workmates;<br />

they are found in every layer of society;<br />

top managers and cleaners,<br />

doctors and prostitutes, musicians<br />

and the unemployed - all are ‘children<br />

without love’.<br />

Ten years on I’m a celibate and<br />

live in a former convent. But I’m<br />

not a nun. <strong>The</strong> original mother<br />

house of the All Saints Sisters of<br />

the Poor is now home to two families<br />

with six children,<br />

two couples, seven<br />

single men and eight<br />

single women.<br />

Like the nuns I pray<br />

in the chapel; however,<br />

I don’t kneel down in<br />

the benches but sit in<br />

a comfy chair or walk<br />

around the coffee table. A few<br />

people have managed to play<br />

some wonderful old hymns on the<br />

organ, but mostly we play guitars,<br />

tambourines and bongos. I don’t<br />

know what the saints on the<br />

stained glass windows make of it!<br />

One of the most driving<br />

thoughts which led me to vow myself<br />

to celibacy aged 24 was “you<br />

never know how long you’ve got”.<br />

I want to make all my life count for<br />

eternity. Marriage is only for this<br />

present life. I had always wanted<br />

to get married and have my own<br />

children but reading the scripture<br />

in Matthew 19:12 (“He who is able<br />

to accept this, let him accept it”) I<br />

thought, “Yes! Surely only by the<br />

grace of God and ‘because it is<br />

given to me’ – but I can take it.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> All Saints Sisters centred<br />

their lives on prayer and service<br />

to the poor, especially children,<br />

and kept the traditional vows of<br />

poverty, chastity and obedience.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y recognised them as a ‘threefold<br />

cord by which the believer is<br />

bound to God – a binding of love<br />

through which <strong>one</strong> is set free’.<br />

We too are seeking to be ‘bound<br />

to God’ and as celibates to have<br />

less ‘attachments’.<br />

“I’m a celibate<br />

and live in a<br />

former convent.<br />

But I’m not a nun”<br />

This is why I am<br />

celibate. In this<br />

way I seek to love<br />

‘children’ who have<br />

not known much<br />

love. Not a silly little<br />

thought – but a<br />

gift from God.<br />

COMING SOON... ONE HEART AND SOUL - A brand new book<br />

on intentional Christian Community from Multiply<br />

Publications, to be released in <strong>2006</strong>. It combines gritty,<br />

challenging teaching with people’s own stories of life in<br />

community. For more details look on the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

website www.jesus.org.uk or contact 0845 166 8172<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship, Northampton NN7 3LB<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 11

Signp<br />

Signposts led over the edge<br />

“WE BOTH felt as if we were<br />

diving off a very high divingboard<br />

without being able to<br />

see fully what we were diving into!”<br />

This was how Peter Bayliss<br />

described the moment in August<br />

1976, when he and his wife, Gill,<br />

sold their home and joined another<br />

family and an elderly couple in a<br />

farmhouse in Northamptonshire<br />

as pi<strong>one</strong>ers of the New Creation<br />

Christian Community.<br />

“God was asking us to risk all.<br />

We had two young daughters,<br />

Ruth, nine years old<br />

and Jean, seven, and it was<br />

a huge step of faith!”<br />

All Peter’s life, since<br />

he became a Christian as<br />

a student, he says that God put<br />

signposts along his way to guide him along the right paths. Each new<br />

direction had meant costly decisions - but this new challenge was in<br />

a class of its own.<br />

“Quite h<strong>one</strong>stly,” says Peter, “I’ve needed those heavenly signposts.<br />

We couldn’t have moved into community if we hadn’t been<br />

certain that it was God’s calling to us. And we’ve always come back<br />

to that fact in the difficult times. It was a big decision but neither of<br />

us had any serious doubts about it - God was going to watch over us.<br />

I remember praying: ‘God, You’re going to have to get us out of a big<br />

mess if it all folds!’”<br />

Peter and Gill are not naturally the sort of people you would expect<br />

to pi<strong>one</strong>er community. Far from being an extrovert, Peter is naturally<br />

a private, cautious type, while Gill describes herself as ‘the only child<br />

of ancient parents’.<br />

“After spending twelve years of my childhood in boarding schools,”<br />

says Gill, “community living was definitely NOT on my agenda!”<br />

While Peter was working as a graduate engineering apprentice, Gill<br />

was studying music in Essex. <strong>The</strong>ir paths crossed for the first time in<br />

1963, on a stage in Colchester, where they were both singing in the<br />

chorus of a college musical. <strong>The</strong>y married in 1965 and, after a<br />

short time, moved to Rugby, Warwickshire.<br />

“We were both very serious about our faith,” says Peter. “Inside<br />

Gill’s wedding ring is inscribed from Psalm 127: ‘Unless the Lord<br />

builds the house, those who build it labour in vain’ and we both<br />

meant every word. We were faithful church-attenders and Bible class<br />

leaders, but after a while we both<br />

“God was asking<br />

us to risk all”<br />

felt that there was something<br />

missing from our Christian life.”<br />

In the late 60’s the young couple<br />

began to hear from different<br />

friends about something called<br />

‘the charismatic movement’ that was gathering momentum in the<br />

south of England. <strong>The</strong>y both sensed that God was setting up another<br />

signpost for them to follow.<br />

“Don Double and John McCloughlin came to a local housemeeting<br />

in 1969,” says Peter. “We both listened intently when Don<br />

explained ‘speaking in tongues’ and we agreed ‘that’s right!’ A year<br />

later, in another local house-meeting, Harry Greenwood from Chard<br />

was the speaker, and our hands shot up when he asked if any<strong>one</strong><br />

would like to receive the Holy Spirit. A hand was laid on both our<br />

heads together. I felt a warm sensation and for Gill the experience<br />

was like a cannonball exploding or a fountain springing into life. It<br />

was a powerful moment that changed our lives completely.”<br />

Sadly, the experience was spoken against by other local Christians.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 12<br />


osts<br />

God’s<br />

signposts led<br />

Peter and Gill Bayliss<br />

at key times in<br />

their lives including<br />

the giant step into<br />

Christian community.<br />

Nearly three decades<br />

have passed since<br />

then - plenty of time<br />

for them to answer the<br />

question ‘did we make<br />

the right choice?’<br />

EARCH<br />

Disillusi<strong>one</strong>d, but more determined than ever to pursue God’s fullness,<br />

Peter and Gill eventually found their way, in 1975, to the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship, at Bugbrooke Chapel, Northamptonshire, twenty miles<br />

away. <strong>The</strong> following year came the Holy Spirit’s call for the Fellowship<br />

to set up community. Peter and Gill were among the first to step<br />

out in faith and become part of it.<br />

“If we had any illusions,” says Gill, “that life was going to be<br />

trouble-free, they quickly disappeared! We’d only been living in<br />

community for some eight months, when Peter went to the doctor<br />

about a lump he’d discovered and came home to say that it might be<br />

malignant.<br />

“Within a week Peter was on the operating table at the local hospital<br />

and I had my eyes opened to the reality that his life could be in danger.<br />

“Before I was baptised in the Holy Spirit I had a particular fear<br />

about being left as a young widow. God knew this and when I received<br />

the Spirit so powerfully in 1970, the fear completely went. It<br />

was as if God prepared me for what lay ahead.<br />

“Peter had always been fit and well - to be struck down like this was<br />

very hard. But he just oozed faith and got through amazingly well.”<br />

At first everything went well and the cancer responded to radiotherapy.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, some months later, the cancer re-occurred. This time<br />

it had spread and become more serious.<br />

“After extensive chemotherapy and time dragging on,” says Peter,<br />

“there was a real sense of battle for my life. One dedicated brother<br />

came weekly to pray for me and anoint me with oil. I lost two st<strong>one</strong><br />

and all my hair.<br />

“ What a wonderful feeling, though, when the day came when I was<br />

told there had been a dramatic change in my condition. Praise God<br />

for my healing!”<br />

By the early 1980’s, the community began to spread out from its<br />

Northamptonshire roots and in 1981, Peter and Gill moved to a new<br />

household in rural Warwickshire, where they lived for a few years,<br />

before becoming part of the city team in<br />

Coventry, where they now live.<br />

Nearly thirty years later and both in their<br />

sixties, Peter and Gill are still fully active.<br />

Peter works for <strong>one</strong> of the church businesses<br />

and Gill is part-time domestic, fitting in<br />

other work.<br />

Both are volunteers at the Coventry <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Centre. <strong>The</strong>ir daughters are both married<br />

with families and are active Christians.<br />

Gill comments: “Community produces<br />

unusual situations which have their funny<br />

side afterwards, but can be hugely stressful<br />

at the time - like the night we came<br />

home late and tired from a meeting to<br />

find every <strong>one</strong> of our duvets had been<br />

stolen! Our experience has always been<br />

that whatever the challenge - big or small -<br />

God has always been faithful and brought<br />

us through.”<br />

Peter believes that community has presented an opportunity to<br />

be released from things that would have distracted him from his<br />

goal to build something lasting for God.<br />

“Quite often I’ll walk past private houses where couples are<br />

building homes just for themselves and their children. At first I’d be<br />

thinking: ‘Mmm. I’d quite like to be there.’ <strong>The</strong>n I’d think again and<br />

ask myself: ‘ but what cause have they got?’ Living in community<br />

we’ve got a far bigger, greater cause to be a part of. My life has an<br />

eternal value because I’ve chosen to give it to God in a real way. My<br />

goal is far bigger than community itself - community is just part of<br />

a much bigger picture of following <strong>Jesus</strong>, growing in knowledge of<br />

God and building His church in a practical way.”<br />

JL<br />

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<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 13

talking to Jonathan an Oloyede<br />

Huw Lewis<br />

Huw: Can you just tell us about<br />

how you found <strong>Jesus</strong>?<br />

JONATHAN: I come from a<br />

Muslim family in Nigeria, from<br />

the Yoruba tribe. My whole family<br />

were entrenched in Islam but have<br />

all now become Christians. My<br />

dad was the last to get saved, and<br />

the first to see <strong>Jesus</strong> face to face.<br />

I was born in England, but<br />

brought up in Nigeria where I<br />

trained as a medical doctor. <strong>The</strong><br />

two things my dad said to me<br />

when I was going to medical<br />

school was, ‘Jonathan, I don’t<br />

want you to marry any<strong>one</strong> outside<br />

our tribe, and don’t marry a<br />

Christian! Always remain a Muslim.’<br />

I broke both in a matter of<br />

six months because I was going<br />

out with a girl who was not from<br />

the Yoruba tribe and I became<br />

a Christian soon after going to<br />

medical school. But I couldn’t<br />

tell my parents for a long time.<br />

I was a devout Muslim. I was<br />

still searching for God but never<br />

seemed to get proper answers.<br />

At university I had a number<br />

of friends who were Christians<br />

and I used to ask them lots of<br />

questions. <strong>The</strong>y invited me to<br />

Christian meetings. One evening<br />

I went to a prayer service, and<br />

the minute I walked into the<br />

church, I felt a presence. Something<br />

deep within my heart said,<br />

‘this is what you’re looking for.’<br />

It wasn’t the worship, the praise<br />

or the preacher, but just the<br />

presence of God there - it felt like<br />

I’d come home.<br />

At the end of the service I<br />

walked to the front to give my<br />

life to <strong>Jesus</strong>. I was baptised in the<br />

Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues<br />

– all at once! This may sound<br />

controversial to evangelicals, but<br />

the presence I felt in that church<br />

was the same presence I felt in<br />

my heart when I was on my mat<br />

as a Muslim, when I said to God<br />

‘Where are you?’. I say to people<br />

that we don’t introduce <strong>Jesus</strong> to<br />

people, we unveil Him.<br />

What happened then?<br />

I saw my friends in eternal peril so I<br />

got down on my knees and began to<br />

pray for their salvation.<br />

Was it hard to separate yourself<br />

from your Muslim connections?<br />

I had a number of friends who<br />

were Muslims at the time who<br />

could not accept my radical,<br />

overnight conversion. When<br />

I finally told my parents, my<br />

dad disowned me and threw<br />

me out of the house. My dad<br />

said, ‘You’re no longer my son, I<br />

don’t want anything to do with<br />

Jonathan Oloyede is <strong>one</strong> of the Senior<br />

Pastors of Glory House, a multi-cultural<br />

church in East London. Glory House<br />

belongs to the local network of churches<br />

called ‘Transform Newham.’ He is an<br />

executive trustee of the African Caribbean<br />

Evangelical Alliance and the Team Leader<br />

of Soul in the City London, which aims to<br />

envision citywide events and projects in<br />

2008 and during the 2012 0lympics.<br />

In this interview, he talks to Huw Lewis,<br />

former editor of <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> and part of the<br />

Apostolic Team of the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship.<br />

you.’ So I had to go and live with<br />

Christian friends.<br />

That must have been painful?<br />

It was very hard, but it strengthened<br />

my faith. <strong>Jesus</strong> said that He<br />

came to bring a division, a sword,<br />

between father and mother. So I<br />

took these words quite literally.<br />

Soon afterwards my sister and<br />

my two brothers got saved. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />

in 2003 my mum came with my<br />

dad to the United Kingdom. She<br />

came to our church on Mothers’<br />

Day, I was preaching, and she gave<br />

her heart to <strong>Jesus</strong>. Subsequently,<br />

my dad got saved as well. He went<br />

to be with the Lord very recently.<br />

What brought you over to this<br />

country then?<br />

I was going to become a missionary<br />

doctor in northern Nigeria.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I thought about going to<br />

China, because I’d read about<br />

Hudson Taylor! After medical<br />

school, I planned to go to a Baptist<br />

missionary hospital in Nigeria.<br />

I came over to England on a<br />

three month holiday. But within<br />

24 hours of landing here, I felt the<br />

Holy Spirit calling me. He said,<br />

‘Jonathan, you’re not here<br />

by accident, you are here by<br />

divine design. You are here as<br />

part of my recruitment to this<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 14<br />


egion of the world in preparation<br />

for the coming of My Son<br />

and My kingdom.’<br />

What year was this?<br />

This was 1991. So I dropped my<br />

own agenda and picked up God’s<br />

programme. <strong>The</strong> call was so<br />

real I just knew it was God. But I<br />

struggled with it for six months.<br />

My mum flipped! She said, ‘Go<br />

and tell that God of yours to<br />

refund all the m<strong>one</strong>y I spent on<br />

your medical school!<br />

What happened next?<br />

A group of us started a small fellowship.<br />

Some of us had come<br />

out of university campus life<br />

- I’d just finished medical school<br />

and didn’t understand the<br />

term, ‘church’. We visited some<br />

churches to find out what they<br />

did on Sundays. So we ‘cut and<br />

pasted’ it all with some hymns,<br />

prayers and an offering! It was<br />

just all new to us.<br />

We looked for a building, then<br />

registered as a charity, and were<br />

told that we had to get a lease<br />

‘Jonathan, you’re not<br />

here by accident, you are<br />

here by divine design.’<br />

of us were giving donations and<br />

tithing as well, and that’s how<br />

the church started in March 1993.<br />

And this was just a group of<br />

Africans?<br />

Yes, most of us were Africans,<br />

sprinkled with a handful of Afro<br />

Caribbeans as well. <strong>The</strong> church<br />

started as Glory Bible Church in<br />

Leyton, East London with Dr Albert<br />

Odulele as the pastor. Within<br />

three years we had grown to about<br />

300 so we had two services in the<br />

building. By the time we came<br />

here in 1997, we were close to<br />

1,000. We have since planted a<br />

number of churches - <strong>one</strong> in Brussels,<br />

and three others in London.<br />

What caused the growth to be<br />

so rapid?<br />

Our church was almost like a<br />

holding bay to catch the new<br />

immigrants coming from Africa.<br />

Almost 80% of Africans and 65%<br />

of Afro Caribbeans in the UK<br />

live in London. We just found<br />

ourselves in a strategic position,<br />

ready to receive people as they<br />

came. Africans are very communal<br />

- if <strong>one</strong> person comes to<br />

your church, five people come<br />

into your church, because aunties,<br />

cousins and parents would<br />

invariably come.<br />

Also many Africans coming<br />

here are looking for a social hub<br />

and relationships. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

real faith and are also looking<br />

for a platform to express their<br />

faith. Many of them are single,<br />

upwardly mobile and coming<br />

from middle-class, educated<br />

families and meet other people<br />

from the same background. <strong>The</strong><br />

new churches are ideal for them.<br />

How did you find the spiritual<br />

climate of this country when<br />

you came over here from<br />

Nigeria?<br />

It was a culture shock, both<br />

spiritually and socially! Many of<br />

the heroes of the faith that I had<br />

in Africa came from England<br />

and America. For some reason,<br />

my mindset was that everybody<br />

went to church over here.<br />

So you can imagine my shock<br />

when I came here.<br />

Socially, I can remember clearly<br />

travelling on a bus with my sister. I<br />

wondered if there had been some<br />

sort of national tragedy or disaster<br />

as the silence and lack of communication<br />

was eerie. In Africa if you<br />

get on a bus it’s buzzing. It was<br />

very strange for me!<br />

So, how has the Glory House<br />

developed since then and what<br />

are your current activities?<br />

In the last 12 years we’ve grown<br />

from <strong>one</strong> church to a multiple<br />

network of churches, as we have<br />

planted in many places. We have<br />

set up a Bible school, and we<br />

have also transformed into a cell<br />

church, because when we hit the<br />

thousand mark, pastoral care<br />

became a bit unmanageable.<br />

We read all the books we<br />

could read about cell church and<br />

began to train our leaders for<br />

cell church. We now have home<br />

churches, which have a network<br />

of about 50 people in each of<br />

them. <strong>The</strong> membership of Glory<br />

House is about 3,000. Another<br />

3,000 see us as their church and<br />

attend during the festive seasons.<br />

You’re reaching out to the community<br />

quite strongly.<br />

Yes. We run a football academy.<br />

Most of the kids that come are<br />

white Eastenders. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

about 700 on this course. Many<br />

of the families would say Glory<br />

House is their church so, by<br />

linking in those families as well,<br />

there are many other people who<br />

are attached to us. We run programmes<br />

in the local schools.<br />

I don’t see us remaining as a<br />

black majority church for much<br />

longer, so I’m looking to shuffle<br />

the cards a bit in order to reflect<br />

‘...there’s a counter-culture<br />

within the black churches’<br />

years my vision is to make the<br />

church as multicultural as possible<br />

and really break into the<br />

local community.<br />

Why do you think that black<br />

majority churches have been so<br />

successful in the last ten years<br />

especially?<br />

I would say there’s a counterculture<br />

within the black churches.<br />

Firstly, the level of faith expectation<br />

within black majority<br />

churches is very high. Secondly,<br />

there’s a high level of respect for<br />

clergy and that breeds strong<br />

leadership. Clearly, some do it<br />

wrongly. Thirdly, churches grow<br />

with visionary leadership. A lot<br />

can be accomplished where<br />

creative leadership is allowed<br />

to take risks and explore new<br />

dimensions. That’s encouraged<br />

within the black churches.<br />

Fourthly, the congregations<br />

believe in the leadership, and<br />

they don’t get into a debate<br />

about issues. <strong>The</strong> democratic<br />

process is not really part of the<br />

culture. <strong>The</strong>re are principles of<br />

democracy in terms of trustees,<br />

and the leadership sit and talk,<br />

but it’s not an open debate.<br />

Fifthly, the black culture is<br />

still very communal and so a<br />

person comes into a community,<br />

not a just church. <strong>The</strong>y don’t<br />

just come to Glory House on a<br />

Sunday - all through the week<br />

they’re in contact, interacting<br />

with people. We ph<strong>one</strong> them,<br />

go to hospitals, visit them, attend<br />

some<strong>one</strong>’s baby’s naming<br />

– there are so many layers that<br />

overlap and interact and that<br />

allow people to bond strongly.<br />

That’s <strong>one</strong> of the principles that<br />

we saw within the cell church,<br />

and adopted into our church.<br />

Lastly, there’s a whole life approach<br />

in black churches. Many<br />

black churches give practical<br />

help with all aspects of your life<br />

- business, career, education, finance,<br />

marriage and family support<br />

etc. For example, we have<br />

meetings where women who are<br />

running their businesses, show<br />

other women how to run businesses<br />

– that’s a church meeting!<br />

I call it a Hebrew mentality,<br />

where your worship is beyond<br />

the building and you don’t compartmentalise<br />

between church<br />

and life.<br />

I would say 50 – 70% of the<br />

black population, in some way,<br />

go to church regularly – compared<br />

with 5-10% of the British<br />

population.<br />

Are we doing better at breaking<br />

down the barriers between black<br />

and white churches?<br />

<strong>The</strong> short answer is not really.<br />

I look at the conferences, the<br />

meetings, the expressions of<br />

faith and it’s still very divided.<br />

<br />

<br />

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<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 15

My passion is to see that broken<br />

down. One of the ways in which<br />

I’ve got involved is the ‘Soul<br />

in the City’ project. Right now<br />

we’re having a drive to connect<br />

the grassroots movements of<br />

networks within all the major<br />

boroughs of the city of London,<br />

linking the emerging leaders,<br />

youth workers and young people<br />

together, whether they are<br />

Hispanics, Latinos, Philippinos,<br />

Africans, Caribbeans or English.<br />

Whatever the nationality or ethnicity,<br />

we want to work on some<br />

projects together. I think that’s<br />

where we can begin to crack it.<br />

One of the things I feel anointed<br />

and called by God to do is<br />

link the church together through<br />

prayer. So we’re joining in the<br />

‘...it’s church uniting;<br />

it’s youth releasing, and<br />

community transforming’<br />

Global Day of Prayer, which<br />

emerged from a prayer movement<br />

in South Africa. I’m going<br />

to be pushing next year for the<br />

church to be doing something in<br />

London on Pentecost Sunday.<br />

I’ve also spoken to ‘Christianity’<br />

Magazine and they’ve featured<br />

two of my articles. I’ve suggested<br />

other writers to them and they’re<br />

going to begin to work more with<br />

ACEA (Afro-Caribbean<br />

Evangelical Alliance).<br />

So we’re far from it, but we’re<br />

getting closer. We’re not where<br />

we were a few years ago.<br />

What advice would you give to<br />

local churches in terms of being<br />

able to break down those barriers<br />

practically?<br />

I would say for me that there are<br />

two broad objectives. Firstly, for<br />

a local church that is completely<br />

black or completely white to<br />

become multicultural. Secondly,<br />

for local congregations to connect<br />

with other congregations of different<br />

nationalities.<br />

One of the practical things that<br />

a church in a large city can do is<br />

to diagnose the community. If<br />

you have a local Congolese community<br />

in your area, then find<br />

out who has a passion to communicate<br />

with this community.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, arrange to sit down with<br />

some of these people, eat with<br />

them and find out their needs.<br />

You can offer your service, invite<br />

them into your homes and connect<br />

with them. Sometimes it’s<br />

good to put on some specific<br />

event or service that meets a<br />

particular people group. If they<br />

don’t understand English we can<br />

set up ESOL classes.<br />

One of the things I find with indigenous<br />

English churches is that<br />

we can be strong on the humanitarian<br />

dimension, but not strong<br />

on the spiritual dimension. Black<br />

people are very spiritual people,<br />

and they want to feel touched by<br />

the power of God.<br />

How have you responded to the<br />

negative press coverage of some<br />

recent issues concerning black<br />

majority churches – like child<br />

abuse and witchcraft as well as<br />

financial irregularity?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a fault on both sides.<br />

<strong>The</strong> black churches have not<br />

always d<strong>one</strong> good PR, in terms of<br />

being able to project clearly what<br />

they believe, what they teach<br />

and what they stand for, in a way<br />

that gives people a clear view of<br />

who they are.<br />

On the other side there has<br />

been what I call irresponsible journalism,<br />

which has just repeated<br />

hear-say, or previous reports,<br />

without doing its homework. I’ll<br />

give you a practical example of<br />

a recent child abuse case where<br />

witchcraft practices were alleged.<br />

Thorough investigations found<br />

out that the incidents were by a<br />

person who was not a member of<br />

the named church. He was not in<br />

any church!<br />

Some recent misrepresentations<br />

were all caused by the fact<br />

that we have very few proper<br />

communication links between the<br />

black and white communities.<br />

We need some very healthy<br />

communication links with the<br />

media, so we can explain what<br />

is really happening.<br />

For example, I spoke to a<br />

journalist about what happens<br />

in black churches concerning<br />

deliverance ministry. I said<br />

that if I’m going to lay hands<br />

on some<strong>one</strong>, I do it in the<br />

presence of two or three other<br />

people with the permission of<br />

the person. I said I would never<br />

pray for some<strong>one</strong> with total<br />

demonic oppression without<br />

me explaining what I’m about<br />

to do. Deliverance does not normally<br />

happen with shouting and<br />

breaking glass. Also I explained<br />

that things like falling under the<br />

power of the Holy Spirit happen<br />

‘I want to see a<br />

thousand John Wesleys’<br />

in every charismatic church,<br />

whether it’s black or white.<br />

What exactly is ‘Soul in the City’?<br />

I first heard of it in 2002. I<br />

was leading church leaders in<br />

Newham in prayer for revival<br />

every Saturday for two years.<br />

Some<strong>one</strong> told me about Mike<br />

Pilavachi, whom I’d never heard<br />

of before, and he’d never heard<br />

of Glory House either! But<br />

in 2003 he came over to East<br />

London to speak to us and I was<br />

really blessed by it.<br />

For me, Soul in the City<br />

is three things – it’s church<br />

uniting; it’s youth releasing,<br />

and community transforming.<br />

I want to see London truly<br />

changed. I think the church<br />

can do it and carries enough<br />

of a critical mass, if it works<br />

together, to make it happen.<br />

What was its fruit?<br />

<strong>The</strong> fruit of Soul in the City is<br />

the unity between networks and<br />

churches that is beginning to develop<br />

and is growing. Many local<br />

boroughs know of Soul in the City.<br />

<strong>The</strong> police are full of praise for it.<br />

In some parts of London there<br />

has been a reduction in crime on<br />

whole estates. Part of our dream<br />

is to make that happen 24/7. It’s a<br />

high calling.<br />

Can you just say something<br />

about how you train your leaders<br />

or how you raise up a new<br />

generation of people who are<br />

going to carry on the work.<br />

One of the things we do is we<br />

drop people in at the deep end.<br />

Our vision is to get every member<br />

of Glory House involved in<br />

ministry. What we try to tell everybody<br />

is that, ‘you are a leader<br />

– go and pastor your workplace,<br />

your school, your business, you<br />

carry a responsibility for the<br />

souls in your estate, your street,<br />

your local area.’<br />

Is there anything else you<br />

wanted to share that you<br />

haven’t touched on that is a<br />

passion to you?<br />

My passion is to have a day<br />

to day walk with <strong>Jesus</strong>. That’s<br />

my highest passion - to know<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> and to make Him known,<br />

to love <strong>Jesus</strong> and to embrace<br />

His love. Because I know that<br />

if people just have a taste of<br />

that love, they will go after that<br />

beyond anything else.<br />

What do you feel God is saying<br />

to our nation?<br />

“I am coming!” Prophetically, I<br />

sense there are real rumblings<br />

in the distance. It’s almost<br />

like in Africa when it’s about<br />

to rain you hear the thunder,<br />

see the clouds gathering. If the<br />

church does not wake up in<br />

time and get herself together,<br />

God’s message will not be <strong>one</strong><br />

of joy but of judgment. <strong>The</strong><br />

whole prayer movement is His<br />

mercy, saying, “Repent, for the<br />

day of the Lord is at hand.”<br />

I want to see a thousand John<br />

Wesleys. I want to see a thousand<br />

Jeffery brothers in <strong>one</strong> generation.<br />

If we could have that, we<br />

would see the beginnings of our<br />

nation turning back to God.<br />

JL<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 16<br />


<strong>Jesus</strong><br />

jesus centres : NORTHAMPTON<br />

F.L.U.I.D<br />

Jane Darling plunges into<br />

a counter-cultural river of<br />

spiritual life<br />

10.30pm FRI-<br />

DAY NIGHT &<br />

something’s<br />

happening in<br />

the foyer of the<br />

Northampton <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre.<br />

‘FLUID’ (Flexible Loving Unexpected<br />

Intuitive Driven) is being<br />

created – tables and chairs set<br />

out, Faith Z<strong>one</strong> set up, drinks<br />

laid out, lights…action!<br />

Every Friday night a group of<br />

young people get together in the<br />

foyer for FLUID (doors open 12<br />

midnight, doors close – anytime<br />

between 2.30am and 4.30am!)<br />

It’s the counter-culture to the<br />

‘normal’ Friday night scene of<br />

alcohol & drugs, violence, pubs<br />

& clubs. Without the attitude<br />

and alcohol, but with atmosphere<br />

- tunes, visuals etc. Brings<br />

the whole idea of being spiritual<br />

onto your level (whatever that<br />

is). A whole load of people<br />

loving each other & accepting<br />

every<strong>one</strong> for who they are, not<br />

what they look like. God in the<br />

culture & more to discover.<br />

As soon as the doors open<br />

people are in, questions are<br />

asked, friends found: “What’s<br />

going on here?”, “What you all<br />

about?” Come & taste spirituality<br />

in the Faith Z<strong>one</strong> - take time<br />

out to reflect; take the bread<br />

& wine; renew a vow; make a<br />

pledge; say a prayer. Let’s wash<br />

your feet (a sign of love from the<br />

bible), chat, chill out, discover<br />

our spiritual side.<br />

‘FLUID’ describes the ability<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> had to flow with humanity<br />

and relate to the culture He<br />

lived in. Our brief is to do the<br />

same as Him.<br />

www.jesuscentre.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 17

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centres<br />

jesus centres : LONDON<br />

london opportunities<br />

<strong>The</strong> London <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Centre, due to open<br />

late <strong>2006</strong>, presents<br />

the challenging<br />

opportunity to<br />

express the care of <strong>Jesus</strong> to a<br />

hugely diverse local population.<br />

Rob Bentley, Project Manager<br />

for the <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, reports.<br />

THE RESIDENT population of Westminster<br />

is 222,000 but every week day there are 1.9<br />

million people in the borough.<br />

Only 55% of the population were born in<br />

the UK and 25% of it is made up of 18-29<br />

year olds.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 150 different languages spoken<br />

by school children.<br />

In 2004 there were 5,436 homeless applications<br />

and 2,944 families in temporary<br />

accommodation. 85% of all UK asylum<br />

seekers live in London.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vision is a place which will express<br />

the love and care of <strong>Jesus</strong> in this wildly diverse<br />

and unique community. <strong>The</strong>re will be<br />

day care services for the homeless and dis-<br />

advantaged, training facilities, a ‘gateway’<br />

to other services and a café. <strong>The</strong> challenge<br />

is to address the ever increasing needs of<br />

a fragmented society – nowhere more dramatically<br />

expressed than in central London<br />

– with a tangible expression of hope.<br />

Rob comments: “Empty rooms and<br />

empty desks, challenges and opportunities:<br />

the space available for the London <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Centre is just waiting to be filled. As we<br />

research the many needs of our area and<br />

plan the services we will offer I am excited<br />

by the potential that this amazing location<br />

offers, to the team of committed people<br />

who will be at the heart of the third <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Centre.”<br />

jesus centres : COVENTRY<br />

Speaking out<br />

Justice is what Coventry <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre support worker Val Hook longs for<br />

WHEN VAL HOOK saw the<br />

Support Worker post advertised,<br />

she thought, ‘yes!’ She had been<br />

working in the centre’s café but<br />

wanted to do something more<br />

specific to help people.<br />

Now she assists clients with<br />

applications for housing and<br />

other benefits, arranges crisis<br />

loans or accommodation, rings<br />

agencies to make appointments,<br />

and reads and writes letters for<br />

them if needed.<br />

“People feel that agencies<br />

don’t care,” says Val. “Support<br />

work is about helping them to<br />

have confidence. So we ring to<br />

make the appointment, but the<br />

client has to go themselves.”<br />

In <strong>one</strong> case, Val found a client<br />

a flat but he then went into<br />

prison. He wanted the tenancy<br />

kept open as he had been homeless<br />

for a long time. Val was able<br />

to sort the situation out with<br />

housing benefit.<br />

“You need to know a person’s<br />

rights,” she says. “<strong>The</strong>y have to<br />

pay housing benefit for a pris<strong>one</strong>r<br />

for 52 weeks.” She managed to<br />

keep the place open for him,<br />

which meant he didn’t get caught<br />

in the cycle of re-offending.<br />

Like <strong>Jesus</strong> and the 10 healed<br />

lepers, the response to the<br />

help offered can be varied!<br />

“Sometimes people can be a bit<br />

demanding, saying ‘I want a flat<br />

now!’” Val says. “But the guy<br />

from prison waited at reception<br />

for hours to thank me.”<br />

Her qualifications? ‘Only the<br />

love of <strong>Jesus</strong>’ and her own life experience.<br />

For example, her own<br />

struggle with depression has<br />

helped her to relate to people<br />

with mental health problems. Val<br />

has had to learn to be persistent.<br />

“I feel believed in by people here<br />

and this has meant a lot for me,”<br />

she says.<br />

In September the Coventry<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, together with a<br />

local estate agent, launched a<br />

bond scheme as a way out of<br />

the homelessness trap. “Lots<br />

of people can’t get started due<br />

to m<strong>one</strong>y problems and their<br />

lack of address,” explains Val.<br />

To qualify, the client needs to<br />

be on housing benefit, and to<br />

be some<strong>one</strong> who would benefit<br />

from the scheme. <strong>The</strong>y have to<br />

pay £130-150 rent in advance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> £50 bond is the <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre’s<br />

responsibility, £30 the client<br />

must find themselves.<br />

Val is very much inspired<br />

by the song ‘I will speak out for<br />

those who have no voices’.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> world’s such a mess and<br />

sometimes you think ‘what can<br />

I do?’” she reflects. “This centre<br />

is a little part of the kingdom of<br />

God and this is what I can do… a<br />

lovely thing.”<br />

JL<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 18<br />


If little girls are made of sugar and<br />

spice and all things nice, what are<br />

fourteen year old girls made of?<br />

“Music, fashion, makeup and boys”<br />

according to the tagline of <strong>one</strong> teenage<br />

girls’ magazine. Not so for these three<br />

fourteen year old revolutionaries.<br />


LIZZIE, Amy and Emmaline are all fourteen<br />

and have an enthusiastic and vibrant faith<br />

in God. All were brought up in Christian<br />

families and all have met God themselves in<br />

a compelling way.<br />

Amy knew the security of being surrounded<br />

by people who loved <strong>Jesus</strong>. When she<br />

encountered His life changing potency for<br />

herself, she found a growing desire to live<br />

for Him too. From a young age, she wanted<br />

to be filled with His Spirit and when she<br />

finally received this amazing gift at 13, after<br />

much longing and frustration, she shook,<br />

laughed and cried with joy. A new language<br />

bubbled up in praise to God.<br />

‘I was being filled with the love of God so<br />

much’, she recalls, ‘that I had to express my<br />

joy in some way. I didn’t want to stop it.’<br />

Once, she didn’t feel adequate to pray, but<br />

now she had a new prayer language (speaking<br />

in tongues) to communicate with God.<br />

A new boldness filled Amy and soon she<br />

was struggling to meet the demand for red<br />

crosses among her classmates at school.<br />

One friend found her latent faith rekindled<br />

as Amy spoke to her about the beautiful<br />

promises of heaven.<br />

Lizzie has grown up in New Creation<br />

Christian Community: to her, it’s been a<br />

privilege to be brought up in this way. A<br />

combination of loving discipline and the<br />

opportunity to know many different types of<br />

people has given her a rounded character.<br />

Seeing many healings and changed lives<br />

has proved God’s reality to her. She also has<br />

her own stories of answers to prayer, such<br />

as the time she and her older brother prayed<br />

every night for a much longed for baby<br />

brother. <strong>The</strong>ir mum wasn’t planning to have<br />

another child, but after about a month, she<br />

announced she was pregnant. Nine months<br />

later, her little brother George was born. An<br />

answer to childlike, faith-filled prayer.<br />

Earlier this year, Lizzie responded to God’s<br />

emphatic ‘Go!’ and was powerfully baptised.<br />

Emmaline is also grateful for her Christian<br />

upbringing. She can confidently<br />

relate to people of all types and ages. She<br />

is convinced of God’s existence through<br />

feeling the Holy Spirit from a young age and<br />

through the love she’s seen in the people<br />

around her.<br />

Emmaline knew she had to make her own<br />

profession of faith – a second hand faith was<br />

not good enough. Her parents had not been<br />

able to come to a church meeting that she<br />

attended and she was faced with the reality<br />

of God’s call on her life. She responded and<br />

– with her parents blessing – was baptised.<br />

‘I have become a different person; I’ve become<br />

more in-tune with the Holy Spirit and<br />

I’m longing to play my part in what He’s<br />

doing,’ she says.<br />

God’s also brought a new dynamic to the<br />

girls’ friendships. Emmaline puts it like this:<br />

‘It’s great to have people that think about<br />

you and genuinely care for you, people that<br />

you can relax with and feel comfortable<br />

with. <strong>The</strong> friendship is eternal, not fickle like<br />

so many friendships without God are.’<br />

As for the future? Serving God is top<br />

priority! All three see their future in New<br />

Creation Christian Community.<br />

Amy would like to use her talent for foreign<br />

languages to serve God in the Church.<br />

She particularly has a desire to help refugees<br />

and asylum seekers.<br />

‘I don’t know what plans God has,’ says<br />

Lizzie; ‘I want to do what He wants me to<br />

do and be what He wants me to be. It’s a<br />

challenge, but <strong>one</strong> I’m growing into and<br />

wanting to achieve.’<br />

As for Emmaline: ‘I want to do everything<br />

in my power to build the church. I owe so<br />

much to God – I have to do it!’<br />

JL<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 19

Stop being sweeties<br />

Niceness is the enemy<br />

of the church, heard<br />

delegates at the latest<br />

UK Multiply conference<br />

“WE ARE not here to be sweeties.”<br />

This was the word to the<br />

150 plus men and women<br />

gathered at Cornhill Manor for<br />

the 2005 UK Multiply Leaders<br />

Conference. Apostolic leader<br />

Steve Calam continued, “Out of<br />

strength comes forth sweetness,<br />

the scripture says. So many<br />

leaders are aiming to be warm<br />

and sweet. We should be redhot,<br />

edgy, on fire.”<br />

“Too much Christian leadership<br />

has become docile”,<br />

Multiply director Huw Lewis<br />

had kicked off the day by saying.<br />

This was to be a time of challenge<br />

and change.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conference continued<br />

on this challenging theme, interspersed<br />

with rich fellowship,<br />

traditional English lunch and<br />

French African style worship.<br />

“Very encouraging”, was <strong>one</strong><br />

delegate’s response, “It was<br />

wonderful to hear what God is<br />

doing.”<br />

DON’T MISS OUT...<br />



Saturday 3 June <strong>2006</strong> 10:30am - 9:30pm<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, Northampton<br />

For all leaders from the Multiply Network Churches and<br />

interested leaders from other churches and groups<br />

big challenge<br />

An encounter with Christian community<br />

clarified <strong>one</strong> Polish couple’s vision<br />


together with their son Nikodem,<br />

are part of an 80-member<br />

Baptist church called Kosciol<br />

Chrzescijan Baptystow in Glogow,<br />

west Poland. Leszek is an<br />

elder, and Ela runs the Sunday<br />

School and is secretary of the<br />

church’s English School.<br />

“I was born again 20 years<br />

ago, through a group in the<br />

Catholic Church who taught<br />

the way of salvation to me,”<br />

explains Leszek. “It was a process<br />

over many months and,<br />

later, I made many friends at<br />

the local Pentecostal Church:<br />

this is where I started to speak<br />

in tongues.<br />

“I had big problems with<br />

alcohol and smoking and, in<br />

1993, I decided that the best<br />

way to change my life was to<br />

go to the interdenominational<br />

Bible School in Cracow.<br />

“After our wedding, Ela and<br />

I returned to Glogow where we<br />

met a young pastor and his wife<br />

and decided to join them in<br />

helping to grow a small Baptist<br />

church. Maybe 1 per cent of<br />

the 40 million people in Poland<br />

are Christians – it is a spiritual<br />

desert.”<br />

In 2004, when Leszek lost<br />

his job in a foundry, he came<br />

over to the UK to work. It was<br />

here that he first met the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

<strong>Army</strong>. In April 2005, he and Ela<br />

were reunited in Poland and<br />

their visit to the European Multiply<br />

Conference a few weeks<br />

later was their first time in the<br />

the UK as a family.<br />

“Before I met the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

<strong>Army</strong>,” says Leszek, “I had<br />

never thought about Christian<br />

community, although Ela and<br />

I had both found living with<br />

other Christians at Bible School<br />

a very good experience.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Multiply Conference<br />

has helped us to feel clear<br />

about several aspects of our<br />

vision: first, that church needs<br />

to be open 24/7; second, that<br />

it must be absolutely radical;<br />

third, that it’s only through<br />

friendship that the church can<br />

be built.<br />

“Our visits to the businesses<br />

showed us how to make m<strong>one</strong>y<br />

and give it to God to use. Our<br />

church is opening a coffee<br />

house in Lubin, about 40 kilometres<br />

from our town. It’s a big<br />

challenge – please pray for us!”<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 20


Nigerian expansion<br />

Building the body of Christ was the<br />

theme of the second West Africa<br />

Multiply conference<br />

THE SECOND West Africa Multiply Leaders<br />

Conference was held in Lagos in December.<br />

Two <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship leaders, Victor Shefford<br />

and Clive Strudwick, attended. It was<br />

Victor’s eighth visit to Africa, and Clive’s first.<br />

Victor reports:<br />

“Matthew Oluwasesin, our apostolic<br />

Multiply man in Nigeria, has built together a<br />

group of 10 churches that really cooperate in<br />

all sorts of ways – practically and spiritually.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 45 delegates at the three-day conference<br />

included several pastors from Nigeria,<br />

five from Accra, Ghana, <strong>one</strong> from Benin state<br />

and <strong>one</strong> from Gabon, in addition to members<br />

of the host church of Glad Tidings and<br />

other Multiply Network churches.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme of the conference was ‘building<br />

the body of Christ’. Thursday was a welcome<br />

day. On Friday there was a symposium, in<br />

which delegates split into three groups to<br />

discuss what makes for peace and unity in<br />

the body of Christ. It came out strongly that<br />

you won’t get this peace and unity unless all<br />

the joints and ligaments in the body are disciples<br />

and willing to be trained and accountable.<br />

Saturday’s programme opened with a bible<br />

study from me on what the body of Christ<br />

is about. This was followed by a woman<br />

pastor, Sister Elizabeth from Divine Healing<br />

Ministries, sharing about two different<br />

types of love – convenient love and covenant<br />

love. Convenient love is where you love with<br />

anticipation of being loved back. Covenant<br />

love is sacrificial, where you give without expecting<br />

anything back. Matthew then spoke<br />

of the need for churches within Multiply<br />

Network to be separated from the world and<br />

not to indulge in the things of the world,<br />

then Pastor Samson Grace concluded this<br />

part of the day by stressing the importance<br />

of accountability for every<strong>one</strong> in the body of<br />

Christ.<br />

This session finished about 3pm. <strong>The</strong><br />

whole day was interspersed with singing and<br />

dancing in which Clive and I were encouraged<br />

to join. After the main conference we<br />

had a celebratory meal. Even though there<br />

was only a BBQ spit to cook over, all 100<br />

people in the church were fed.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is quite a lot of interest in Multiply<br />

in the region. Ten churches are already in<br />

Multiply, and Matthew is considering about<br />

another seven for inclusion.”<br />

JL<br />

Above: Clive (left) and Victor (centre) with Matthew<br />

(right of Victor) and other West African Multiply<br />

leaders; Below left: Worship inside Glad Tidings;<br />

Below right: Glad tidings Church in Lagos, Nigeria.

nomads no longer<br />

but we’re still on the move…<br />



• 250 people regularly involved<br />

• mJa Coventry first started in 1979/80<br />

• Made up of two “half tribes”: Coventry<br />

and Warwickshre<br />

• Three Christian community houses in<br />

Cov: Promise, Bright Flame, White St<strong>one</strong>.<br />

• Two Christian community houses in<br />

Warks: Kings (“very big house in the<br />

country”), Tree of <strong>Life</strong><br />

• Runs Coventry <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, Lamb<br />

Street: <strong>The</strong> Bridge drop-in for homeless,<br />

Gateway Hall venue, Upper Well Café<br />

• Average age: going down fast!<br />

<br />

Turned inside out<br />

Coventry <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, Lamb Street<br />

Coventry <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre has made a huge<br />

difference to Coventry mJa.<br />

BEFORE we opened the<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre in 2002, a typical<br />

conversation with a new<br />

friend when we wanted to<br />

invite them along to a Sunday<br />

meeting might go something<br />

like this:<br />

“Hello, I’m from <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship<br />

Coventry.”<br />

“Ok, great, nice to meet you.<br />

I’m a believer too.”<br />

“Cool. Would you like to<br />

come along tonight?”<br />

“Sure, where do you meet?”<br />

“ Well, …ah……it was the<br />

Sports Centre last week… or<br />

was it the Scout Hut…doh ….<br />

I’ll get back to you.”<br />

A sad scenario, but <strong>one</strong> that<br />

was repeated too often. Of<br />

course, we had our community<br />

houses and often people<br />

would come to them during<br />

the week, but when it came<br />

to Sundays we suffered the<br />

uncertainty of meeting, week<br />

by week, in an assortment of<br />

halls and venues that might<br />

or might not be available<br />

when you wanted them. We<br />

were a nomadic congregation<br />

in those days, as we trekked<br />

from sports centre, to dance<br />

hall, to scout hut – and even<br />

to a farmhouse in deepest<br />

Warwickshire!<br />

Fast-forward to the present<br />

and the Coventry congregation<br />

now meets in our very<br />

own <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, pleased to<br />

be able to invite <strong>one</strong> and all to<br />

“Come and have a cuppa with<br />

us at the <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre! It’s up<br />

on Lamb Street – big building<br />

with the rainbow all over the<br />

walls… you can’t miss it!”<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre has loads<br />

on and it’s kept us busy – but<br />

it’s also become a home for a<br />

growing congregation and a<br />

feature on the map of Coventry.<br />

A seismic<br />

shift has been<br />

occurring in<br />

what we do<br />

with Sunday<br />

evenings.<br />

SUNDAY nights used<br />

to be straightforward<br />

enough: song<br />

sandwich – rows<br />

facing front – twenty<br />

minute preach<br />

– a happy enough<br />

knees-up, but hard<br />

for new people to<br />

understand and get<br />

involved with.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final straw<br />

came when a few of<br />

us brought some new<br />

friends to the meeting.<br />

We sat behind<br />

the rows of people<br />

facing away from<br />

us singing songs<br />

the visitors didn’t<br />

know. It was simply<br />

impossible to do<br />

anything with them.<br />

Conversation was<br />

impossible. Sure, the<br />

gospel was expressed<br />

but there was little<br />

opportunity for our<br />

friends to ask their<br />

questions. It was all<br />

too tightly “packaged”.<br />

Something<br />

was wrong.<br />

<strong>The</strong> solution was<br />

simple but radical:<br />

we needed to change<br />

our “mindset” and<br />

acknowledge that<br />

these times were<br />

not just for us to<br />

enjoy for ourselves.<br />

Deconstruct any<br />

barriers stopping the<br />

newest among us<br />

meeting <strong>Jesus</strong>. Get<br />

out of our comfort<br />

z<strong>one</strong>s. Be outgoing<br />

on the streets. Invite<br />

new people in. Make<br />

conversation possible.<br />

Connect.<br />

So now we have<br />

café style Sunday<br />

nights: the Solid<br />

Rock Café. <strong>The</strong> rows<br />

have become tables<br />

around which people<br />

hook up: all are<br />

welcome. Bite-sized<br />

gospel and words of<br />

testimony pepper the<br />

evening. Intercessors<br />

support the work as<br />

teams lead evangelism<br />

on the streets.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s opportunity<br />

to pray and to “talk<br />

spiritual”.<br />

<strong>The</strong> result: we have<br />

more new people<br />

around on Sunday<br />

nights. <strong>The</strong>y’re finding<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>. We have<br />

baptisms. We have a<br />

church that is turning<br />

outwards.<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 22<br />


TRIBES<br />

FOCUS ON: Coventry<br />

<br />

God said: “Here<br />

come the Boffs<br />

and the Goths”<br />

Laurence Cooper, a leader in <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship Coventry,<br />

takes us behind the scenes of an innovative and energetic<br />

congregation in “the heart of the Midlands”.<br />

GOD SAID they were coming…<br />

Last year saw a big influx of<br />

teens into the congregation. In<br />

January at White St<strong>one</strong>, <strong>one</strong> of<br />

Coventry’s community houses,<br />

<strong>one</strong> of the leaders was seized<br />

by an inspiration in a meeting.<br />

He asked fourteen-year-old<br />

Bethan to leave the room and<br />

then come in through the door.<br />

She did so. He asked her to do<br />

it again. And again. This was<br />

repeated many times and the<br />

leader explained that he sensed<br />

God saying that many, many<br />

teenagers would be coming<br />

through their doors in 2005.<br />

Very soon they were. Thursday<br />

evening friendship meals at<br />

White St<strong>one</strong> saw up to twenty<br />

teenagers coming around. And<br />

very soon they turned up at the<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre on Sunday. What<br />

a change! A crowd of screaming<br />

“Goth” teenagers at the front of<br />

Solid Rock Café worship times<br />

brought a whole new feel to<br />

the meeting. We had to ban<br />

“body slamming” during the<br />

more lively songs, as there was<br />

a real danger of serious injury<br />

to those less experienced in the<br />

art of “moshing”… but it’s all a<br />

healthy challenge to the staid<br />

and respectable.<br />

Noise, energy, a certain<br />

amount of chaos, but in the<br />

midst of all of this: young<br />

people finding <strong>Jesus</strong>. Over the<br />

last several weeks it has been<br />

great to see a number of them<br />

baptised and daring to become<br />

real disciples.<br />

God has also been inspiring<br />

faith for students to come and<br />

join us.<br />

David Meakin and Jason Porter<br />

study at Coventry University,<br />

in the middle of the city. Both<br />

David and Jason have a strong<br />

vision to reach other students<br />

for <strong>Jesus</strong>.<br />

<br />

<br />

Continued...<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 23

God told David the<br />

names and faces<br />

of those he would<br />

meet in the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship<br />

Continued...<br />

David came in touch with the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship in a very remarkable way. He was<br />

praying and asking God to tell him what He<br />

wanted him to do with his life. As he prayed<br />

he saw a face that he didn’t know. As David<br />

continued to pray he saw in his mind’s eye<br />

a house which he knew was near where he<br />

lived in Coventry. He started walking towards<br />

the house and as he did so the name “Andy”<br />

came into his mind. When he arrived at the<br />

house, he knocked on the door and asked if he could speak<br />

to this person. <strong>The</strong> house – unbeknown to David – was Bright<br />

Flame community house. “Andy” was upstairs and came<br />

down to welcome this stranger and introduce him to the<br />

church. David is now living at Bright Flame. And the face he<br />

saw when he was praying turned out to be that of Piers, <strong>one</strong><br />

of the main leaders of the congregation!<br />

Jason has strong<br />

vision for students<br />

Jason says: “It’s great to ‘rub off’<br />

godliness onto the students I’m<br />

with by being myself – in <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

– among them. I always wear my<br />

red cross and in my conversation I<br />

gently and naturally bring God into<br />

it, not pressurizing them, just giving<br />

them an opportunity to come<br />

into contact with the life of God in<br />

me.”<br />

Meanwhile, Zoe Biswas from<br />

the other University in town,<br />

Warwick University, has been<br />

bringing friends over to our meetings.<br />

We involve ourselves in<br />

Warwick’s Christian Union and<br />

are on the CU’s advisory council<br />

of local church leaders. Ten years<br />

ago we had a major invasion of<br />

young radicals from Warwick Uni.<br />

Could we be about to see a similar<br />

phenomenon happen? We hope<br />

so. We’re on the look out for a<br />

new crowd of ‘ready for anything’<br />

student firebrands to come and stir<br />

up the kingdom revolution.<br />

HEAT in the<br />

red light district<br />

Creative Wings<br />


brave, Andy, leads<br />

a group of evangelists<br />

on the streets<br />

on Wednesday<br />

nights in Hillfields,<br />

Coventry’s<br />

red light district.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y put into<br />

practice the words<br />

of <strong>Jesus</strong>: speaking<br />

good news,<br />

praying, healing<br />

people on the<br />

streets. <strong>The</strong> group<br />

call themselves<br />

“HEAT” which<br />

stands for “Hillfields<br />

Evangelism<br />

Action Team. It’s<br />

raw <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

action at its best.<br />

<strong>The</strong> death of <strong>Jesus</strong> is expressed dramatically at<br />

the Goldsmiths event<br />

CREATIVITY has been <strong>one</strong> of<br />

the hallmarks of our approach<br />

to evangelism. Outdoor events<br />

in the centre of Coventry have<br />

featured music, drama, dance,<br />

performance-poetry, art - all with<br />

the aim of broadcasting the very<br />

good news of new life in <strong>Jesus</strong>!<br />

24 hour worship times have<br />

included psalming, painting and<br />

silent dance!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Goldsmiths event is an occasional<br />

“big bash” multi media<br />

event where we present the gospel<br />

in an engaging and relevant<br />

fashion. <strong>The</strong>se times are good for<br />

new people to see church as it is<br />

meant to be: bold, alive, adventurous,<br />

humorous, compassionate,<br />

Spirit-filled and human. And<br />

Goldsmiths is good for all of us as<br />

we stretch our creative wings. JL<br />

Prayer by painting<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 24<br />


5El 2El<br />

tr<br />

cPo<br />

tb<br />


It was good to receive the<br />

magazines and I thank God<br />

for your ministry. We are<br />

a church that evangelises<br />

with door to door work and<br />

open air crusades as well as<br />

having a prison ministry and<br />

a hospital ministry. We also<br />

have schemes to help disciple<br />

new converts and train them<br />

in skills like carpentry and<br />

computers. Please pray for us.<br />

A.Kalema Entebbe<br />

UGANDA<br />


We are full time missionaries<br />

spreading the gospel to the<br />

under privileged. We are<br />

involved in various projects<br />

such as the poor Christian<br />

community project.<br />

<strong>The</strong> total population of<br />

Pakistan is 157 million, of<br />

who 97% are Muslims. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

have a strong hold over the<br />

economy and have superior<br />

positions in the government<br />

sector. Christians are deprived<br />

of high positions and are<br />

forced to do the menial jobs<br />

and low paid work. Christians<br />

can’t get high ranks in the<br />

army, Navy or Air Force or<br />

Police. This is part of the<br />

constitution of Pakistan.<br />

Many Christian children<br />

are deprived and illiterate<br />

and families struggle to meet<br />

expenses. I am an evangelist<br />

working among these people<br />

and helping them through<br />

their conflicts and problems<br />

– both spiritual and financial.<br />

Name and address supplied<br />


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We are a Christian community<br />

with our administrative office<br />

in Switzerland and three<br />

branches both in France and<br />

Israel. Do you know whether<br />

Trevor Saxby’s book, Pilgrims<br />

of a Common <strong>Life</strong>, has ever<br />

been translated into German?<br />

Looking forward to hearing<br />

from you.<br />

A. Joss<br />



Greetings. I am a Liberian<br />

refugee, living in Algeria<br />

and a Christian. I have a big<br />

problem here because the<br />

country is an Islamic <strong>one</strong> so<br />

things are difficult for me in<br />

my faith. I don’t have a Bible<br />

so I ask for your prayers.<br />

Name and address supplied<br />



I wish to express my sincere<br />

appreciation of the good<br />

work that God is performing<br />

through the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong>.<br />

God is using the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

to touch lives from many<br />

different backgrounds, races<br />

and orientations. <strong>The</strong> love and<br />

joy of the community vision is<br />

worth spreading to other parts<br />

of the globe.<br />

I have spent a year in the<br />

northern part of Nigeria – in<br />

an Islamic state where sharia<br />

law is enforced. I participated<br />

in a hospital and prison<br />

ministry, teaching the way of<br />

Christ to Muslims. At present,<br />

I am in eastern Nigeria,<br />

dominated by Christians, but<br />

there is still a need for more<br />

revolutionary work to be d<strong>one</strong><br />

as most of the church has<br />

been diluted and adulterated.<br />

C. Amaefula<br />



Thanks very much for<br />

remembering us and regularly<br />

sending us the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

magazine and Streetpaper. I<br />

was really impressed by you<br />

when I was in the UK and I<br />

am sure that when I go to the<br />

UK again I will be in contact<br />

with you. I think you are doing<br />

a great work.<br />

M.Ramsis<br />

EGYPT<br />

HIV LOVE<br />

I am involved in a ministry<br />

among children who are HIV/<br />

AIDS affected or destitute. We<br />

have a home for them and<br />

are able to supply them with<br />

free food, accommodation,<br />

clothing and education – as<br />

well as the love of Christ.<br />

I liked your <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> web<br />

page and found it useful to us!<br />

F.Solomon Tamil Nadu<br />

INDIA<br />


I was in London on July 23<br />

and saw your presentation on<br />

Trafalgar Square. I purchased<br />

a black tee shirt with a small<br />

red cross on the left breast.<br />

I wore it to church and our<br />

worship team really liked it. Do<br />

you have more? I would like<br />

to order some for shipment to<br />

Honolulu, where I live.<br />

J.Hochberg Honolulu<br />

HAWAII<br />

www.jesus.org.uk<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 25

adical pi<strong>one</strong>er<br />

ANTONY was a true pi<strong>one</strong>er,<br />

whose influence is still felt<br />

today. Born in Egypt about AD<br />

251, his parents died when he<br />

was young, leaving him a small<br />

fortune. One day he heard a<br />

Christian quote <strong>Jesus</strong>’ words: If<br />

you would be perfect, go sell all<br />

you have, give to the poor, and<br />

come follow Me (Matt.19:21).<br />

<strong>The</strong>y cut him like a knife. He<br />

sold his estate and became the<br />

disciple of a godly pastor.<br />

Yet his heart grew restless. He<br />

didn’t belong to the world he<br />

saw around him. He felt a strong<br />

pull to the desert beyond the<br />

Nile. Here hot and cold, flood<br />

and drought engaged men in<br />

a daily, physical battle for life<br />

itself. To Antony, this mirrored<br />

the human soul in its battle<br />

between flesh and spirit, love<br />

for God and love of self. Here<br />

too was a pi<strong>one</strong>ering adventure,<br />

where only the real would make<br />

it.<br />

So Antony went to live al<strong>one</strong><br />

in the desert. Friends sent food<br />

every few days; the rest depended<br />

on his survival skills. His<br />

experiences were later dictated<br />

to a follower - and what reading<br />

they make! He fought boredom<br />

and guilt, sexual temptations<br />

and hunger for possessions. He<br />

gives graphic accounts of battles<br />

with demons, but also of sweet<br />

times of intimate communion<br />

with <strong>Jesus</strong>. He also learned the<br />

importance of manual work for<br />

focussing the mind; he wove<br />

reed baskets and sold them in<br />

town.<br />

Gradually his reputation<br />

spread, and men came to<br />

the desert to be near Antony.<br />

Reluctantly, in AD 305, he left<br />

his solitude and spent six years<br />

drawing these disciples into a<br />

community of hermits. In time,<br />

some 5,000 were with him. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

lived al<strong>one</strong> or in pairs in the<br />

week, then came together on<br />

Sundays for worship, fellowship<br />

and mutual support. He taught<br />

them the foundational principles<br />

that he had based his own<br />

life on: love, patience, celibacy,<br />

gentleness and humility. Hate<br />

all peace that comes from the<br />

flesh, he taught. Gain your<br />

brother, and you have gained<br />

God. Offend your brother, and<br />

you sin against Christ.<br />

Finally, Antony withdrew<br />

deeper into the desert, where<br />

he lived to be 102. He appeared<br />

only twice: to strengthen persecuted<br />

brethren in Alexandria,<br />

and (at 101) to preach against<br />

a dangerous heresy. His burial<br />

place was kept secret, since he<br />

feared men’s idolatry. Today,<br />

Antony is acknowledged as the<br />

father of the monastic life; the<br />

man who broke the mould and<br />

let passion for <strong>Jesus</strong> create a<br />

new, living ‘wineskin’ for the<br />

Holy Spirit’s life.<br />

In the 4th Century, an<br />

astonishing movement of<br />

revolutionary Christianity<br />

started - in the desert.<br />

IN OCTOBER 312, the Roman Emperor,<br />

Constantine, claimed that the Christians’<br />

God had helped him crush his enemies<br />

and secure power at the Battle of<br />

Milvian Bridge. This marked the end of<br />

persecution and the apparent promotion<br />

of the Church to a privileged position in<br />

society. “Christendom” was born – the<br />

Church was wedded to the political<br />

power of the day.<br />

In reality, Christendom was a dreadful<br />

deception. <strong>The</strong> Church for the most<br />

part aband<strong>one</strong>d its call to be a countercultural<br />

embodiment of the Kingdom of<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> - which He had described as “not<br />

of this world”. Empire and Church were<br />

mingled. <strong>The</strong> proclamation of the gospel<br />

was largely drowned out in the clamour<br />

of the marching feet of imperial armies.<br />

“Love your enemies” morphed into “slay<br />

the barbarian”.<br />

Some, however,<br />

resisted this<br />

development. Men such<br />

as Antony, Pachomius<br />

and Macarius and<br />

other Desert Fathers<br />

forsook wealth and<br />

influence and moved<br />

to the desert. Here<br />

they formed visionary<br />

communities which<br />

demonstrated the need<br />

for God’s people to be<br />

an alternative culture<br />

to the violent, powerhungry<br />

world system.<br />

Egypt in the 4th Century<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 26<br />


FATHER<br />

to thousands<br />

PACHOMIUS was born<br />

in Egypt about AD 291. As a<br />

young man he was press-ganged<br />

into the Roman army. One day<br />

some Christians showed such<br />

care to his unit that he determined<br />

to find <strong>Jesus</strong> himself. He<br />

was converted in his twenties.<br />

In AD 318, he was walking in the<br />

desert when he felt God prompt<br />

him to found a monastery at<br />

that very spot (an old Roman<br />

fort called Tabennisi). So he and<br />

a friend did just that.<br />

Numbers grew rapidly, and in<br />

time there were seven monasteries<br />

for men and two for women,<br />

several numbering over a thousand<br />

souls! <strong>The</strong>re were major<br />

underground healer<br />

differences between Tabennisi<br />

and the collection of hermits that<br />

St Antony had formed. This was<br />

a carefully structured organisation<br />

where the brothers lived<br />

together at all times, followed a<br />

Rule (set of precepts) and had<br />

their set jobs and ministries for<br />

the good of all.<br />

<strong>The</strong> monks lived in communal<br />

houses according to the<br />

work they did (carpentry, basket-weaving,<br />

etc.). Each house<br />

held around 40, and there might<br />

be 30 houses to a monastery - a<br />

large undertaking! <strong>The</strong>re was a<br />

senior leader (abbot) over the<br />

whole monastery, and leaders<br />

for each house. At weekends the<br />

whole monastery met for worship<br />

and the bread and wine; in<br />

the week they met together in<br />

their houses. <strong>The</strong>y wore a simple<br />

white tunic and shared two<br />

simple meals a day - unless they<br />

chose to fast. <strong>The</strong>ir crafts and<br />

industry were such that they<br />

had their own boats on the Nile<br />

to ferry goods to market.<br />

Pachomius was a gifted<br />

leader. What he built was not<br />

equalled for 1,000 years. He<br />

was a deeply spiritual and loving<br />

man. He spoke in tongues<br />

and saw frequent visions, but<br />

kept his monks focussed: <strong>The</strong><br />

greatest vision you can have, he<br />

taught, is of a pure and humble<br />

man. His leadership style was<br />

to insist on the same basic rules<br />

for every<strong>one</strong>, for the sake of selfdiscipline,<br />

while encouraging<br />

brothers to go beyond it according<br />

to their zeal and strength.<br />

Spiritual fatherhood was a<br />

key issue for him. He taught<br />

that a leader must be a man<br />

of scripture, prayer, humility,<br />

service and miracles. In all his<br />

communities it was a rule that<br />

leaders should serve: lay tables,<br />

answer the door, and tend the<br />

sick. He led the way himself. He<br />

truly loved the monks as sons,<br />

frequently addressing them as<br />

‘my little children’. No wonder<br />

he became father to thousands.<br />


was born in Egypt in<br />

AD 300, of Christian<br />

parents. He had<br />

a soft conscience<br />

and strong sense of<br />

justice. He was called<br />

the “aged youth” in<br />

his village, because<br />

he had great spiritual<br />

wisdom even in his<br />

twenties. For a while<br />

he worked as a<br />

camel-drover, but in<br />

330 he withdrew to<br />

the desert and sought<br />

out St Anthony to<br />

disciple him.<br />

He relocated to<br />

Scetis, south-west of<br />

the Nile Delta, and at<br />

first lived as a hermit.<br />

But soon other men<br />

were joining themselves<br />

to him and a<br />

community began.<br />

It was particularly<br />

active in healing ministry.<br />

People from far<br />

and wide made their<br />

way to the desert<br />

to be prayed for by<br />

Macarius. According<br />

to his biographer,<br />

there was an average<br />

of five or six healings<br />

a day. He always had<br />

other monks with<br />

him, to learn healing.<br />

He also taught them<br />

to use spiritual gifts<br />

of words and discernment.<br />

Sometimes<br />

Macarius withdrew<br />

– with the help of an<br />

underground passage<br />

to a remote cave<br />

– because he heard<br />

the praise of men.<br />

Another mark of<br />

his community was<br />

fatherly humanity.<br />

He urged full renunciation<br />

of m<strong>one</strong>y and<br />

property on all the<br />

monks, but at times<br />

broke his own rules<br />

out of love. Once he<br />

travelled to Alexandria<br />

in person to<br />

buy some sherbet to<br />

soothe the throat of<br />

a young brother who<br />

had fever.<br />

<strong>The</strong> third characteristic<br />

was Macarius’<br />

stress on the Holy<br />

Spirit. Every Christian<br />

should pray to be<br />

filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit, because it is<br />

the Spirit who transforms<br />

us and stamps<br />

us with Christ’s image,<br />

“as a gold coin<br />

is imprinted with the<br />

king’s image and is<br />

then fit for the royal<br />

treasury”.<br />

Macarius was deported<br />

for a time, but<br />

returned to Scetis,<br />

where he died in his<br />

nineties.<br />

JL<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 27

‘MONK’<br />

MODERN<br />

NELSON-LIKE on his fifty-foot rocky<br />

pillar in the Syrian desert, Simeon<br />

Stylites was the celebrity saint of<br />

the fifth century. <strong>The</strong> pillar was his home<br />

for thirty-six years without roof or shelter:<br />

crowds flocked to hear him speak, emperors<br />

climbed the ladder to seek his advice, and<br />

– most mind-boggling of all – other seekers<br />

joined him, on their own stony pillars.<br />

In his childhood-fantasy world, Jake<br />

dreamed of becoming a famous mystic or<br />

orator like Simeon. Or a famous politician.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n again, perhaps a writer – or a footballer?<br />

Whatever – he was going to make his<br />

mark on the world.<br />

But in fact, Jake was an insecure child.<br />

After having lived with his bohemian<br />

parents in Spain in his very early years, he<br />

arrived at respectable Hertfordshire and the<br />

respectable school of a respectable village.<br />

<strong>The</strong> alternative young “hippy” was considered<br />

to be “out of control”. This, combined<br />

with his asthma and eczema, alienated Jake.<br />

Behind the walls of his imaginary world, he<br />

“showed them all”, but reality was bleak.<br />

His teens brought bravado: Jake “reinvented<br />

himself” and began to be seen as the<br />

leader he ached to be. Politics became the<br />

big thing. Seeing a poor man in Portugal<br />

wash himself in a muddy puddle and other<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> One/<strong>2006</strong> Page 28<br />


Part of a messedup,<br />

“fatherless<br />

generation”,<br />

God’s healing<br />

has enabled Jake<br />

Organ to father<br />

others through<br />

the genius<br />

of celibacy<br />

and Christian<br />

community.<br />

experiences had made a deep impression<br />

on him. His anger at the world, combined<br />

with his desire to make his mark on it,<br />

forged in him dreams of becoming a Marxist<br />

hero. And he began to drink. At thirteen.<br />

By sixteen, the “reinvention” was well<br />

underway. “My first year at tertiary college<br />

in Harlow was a good year in all the wrong<br />

ways”, Jake now says. “Parties and raves,<br />

acid, dope and drink. And women became<br />

a feature. I was the leader of the pack, but<br />

I began to have these<br />

Jake dreamed of becoming a<br />

famous mystic or orator<br />

strange feelings about<br />

it all: I began to despise<br />

my friends as the very<br />

kind of people who had<br />

rejected me in my childhood.”<br />

More than this, Jake had begun to despise<br />

himself “for being shallow and for using<br />

people, especially girls”. As Jake’s gang<br />

became increasingly submerged in drink,<br />

drugs and violence, his life became a tangle<br />

of lies. In the chaos, Jake started to wonder<br />

who he really was.<br />

Still, a talent for exams got him good<br />

enough A levels to go to Cambridge. “I used<br />

to enjoy giving everything up three weeks<br />

before an exam and totally focusing myself”,<br />

Jake recalls. (Something of Simeon Stylites<br />

lingered under the drink and drugs.) <strong>The</strong><br />

successful image preserved, Jake moved on.<br />

But the Harlow street-fighter didn’t really fit<br />

in with the independent-school types who<br />

strolled around the college backs. Jake left<br />

Cambridge, three years later, with depression,<br />

a barely-contained drink-drug habit,<br />

and a degree in History.<br />

Jake and his Harlow crew had put on a<br />

huge party in the summer of 1991, “the<br />

legendary rave summer”. Jake was in his<br />

element, “a god among gods”; but all night<br />

he kept thinking of a song he’d sung at<br />

school. “Who is the Lord of the Dance?” he<br />

kept asking his mates. <strong>The</strong>y thought he was<br />

losing his mind. And he was – but he was<br />

also beginning to perceive Some<strong>one</strong> calling,<br />

through the cloud of confusion.<br />

Aged 21, Jake set off for India, the land of<br />

mystics and seekers. Not that he saw himself<br />

as a “seeker”. Ironically, the first thing he<br />

found in India was the Western drugs scene.<br />

Nevertheless, a brush with death in the Hindu<br />

holy city of Varanasi – Jake, high on drugs,<br />

fell off a tall building – and an encounter with<br />

an Indian Christian who, as he remembers,<br />

“looked into my eyes and just seemed to<br />

know me” began to reach through to him.<br />

He had no m<strong>one</strong>y and was “living on<br />

blag”. In Manali, in the Himalayas, – “the<br />

most beautiful place in earth” – Jake<br />

found himself hanging out with<br />

some of the most dubious characters<br />

on earth (or at least, in Manali).<br />

One day, he felt an asthma attack<br />

coming on and realised that if he<br />

passed out his dodgy companions<br />

could hardly be relied upon to look<br />

after him.<br />

Beginning<br />

to panic, he<br />

glanced out of<br />

the window<br />

at the majestic mountains and a<br />

thought hit him – there was no way that such<br />

beauty could have happened by chance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re had to be a God. At the precise moment<br />

of this revelation, Jake’s lungs cleared.<br />

From this time on, Jake knew that God<br />

was real and started to look for other signs<br />

of His reality.<br />

Back in the UK, however, life began to<br />

unravel fast as the years of pandemonium<br />

took their toll. He ended up in psychiatric<br />

hospital, having reached the brink of<br />

suicide. “I’m not allowed to tell you this”,<br />

whispered the ward sister, “but it was <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

who brought you here!” Jake was getting the<br />

message loud and clear.<br />

Once discharged, Jake went along to a<br />

local Anglican church. “I can tell he’s just<br />

proud and stuffy”, he thought about the<br />

vicar. A moment later, the vicar’s mouth fell<br />

open, he gasped and staggered backwards<br />

in his pulpit. <strong>The</strong> sermon quickly ended,<br />

but the next week, the same vicar explained<br />

how he’d met God as he’d been preaching<br />

– and that God had told him that he was<br />

proud and stuffy. “I know that the reality of<br />

God has begun to change me”, announced<br />

the vicar, who then invited people forward<br />

to receive prayer. Jake pressed forward<br />

and burst into tears as all the pain of his<br />

childhood came back to him. “Let Me touch<br />

this”, God seemed to say, and Jake experienced<br />

an incredible sensation of healing. It<br />

was his conversion moment.<br />

After the initial euphoria, Jake realised<br />

with horror that he had to be a Christian<br />

now: “What do you actually do as a Christian?”<br />

But when a rehab worker took Jake to<br />

Living Faith, the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong>’s community<br />

house in Oxford, Jake immediately found<br />

the answer to his question and the destination<br />

of the journey he’d been on. It was<br />

November 1994 and Jake was 23.<br />

Three months later, Jake was baptised<br />

and moved into Living Faith; two and a half<br />

years later, he made a vow of celibacy. “One<br />

of the ways that celibacy really inspired me<br />

is the way it proclaims <strong>Jesus</strong>”, says Jake.<br />

“I can say: you may think you know about<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>, but he’s captivated me. I’m married<br />

to Him: He’s truly the Son of God.” And<br />

Christian community? “It’s spiritual family.<br />

And it shows that the heart of God towards<br />

people is central to our faith: unless you<br />

discover how to lay down your life for others<br />

you haven’t understood Christianity”. Jake<br />

describes his explorations of celibacy and<br />

community as a journey from a (Simeonlike)<br />

“solitary mystic” ideal to a new vision:<br />

a big-hearted lover of people; a “father” who<br />

lays his life down in love.<br />

JL<br />

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Saturday 25 March <strong>2006</strong><br />

11:00am, 11:30am, 12:45pm,<br />

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Fri 14 - Mon 17 April <strong>2006</strong><br />

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Cornhill Manor, Pattishall<br />




Fri 26 - Mon 29 May <strong>2006</strong><br />

Giant Marquee<br />

Cornhill Manor, Pattishall<br />




Saturday 3 June <strong>2006</strong><br />

10am - 4pm<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Centre, Abington Square<br />


Info: <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship, FREEPOST, Nether Heyford, Northampton NN7 3BR<br />

t: 0845 123 5550 e: info@jesus.org.uk www.jesus.org.uk

<strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Life</strong> hears<br />

from grassroots mJa<br />

members about what<br />

makes them bubble<br />

with excitement... and<br />

what makes them boil<br />

with rage.<br />

“Those who breach an ASBO<br />

need to receive a substantial<br />

sentence that impacts on their<br />

freedom.” [Northampton<br />

Chronicle and Echo]<br />

WE HAVE a new scourge in<br />

society with their hoodies and<br />

baseball caps, rebels without a<br />

cause – ASBOs the media calls<br />

them: Anti Social Behaviour<br />

Orders.<br />

Many fit the basic criteria:<br />

wear the wrong clothes and look<br />

offensive. Hoodies are banned.<br />

All those “worthless human<br />

beings”, “clearly up to no good”,<br />

these “yobs”, these “problem<br />

youths”. “<strong>The</strong>y’re bad, they’re<br />

sick, they’re dirt! Give them<br />

what they deserve!”<br />

What about taking action to<br />

give them something better<br />

rather than spending months or<br />

even years just trying to name<br />

and shame?<br />

Attention is now also steering<br />

towards what are known as<br />

BABY ASBOs for children under<br />

the age of ten.<br />

Unloved, from broken<br />

families, gangs on large council<br />

estates – does any<strong>one</strong> care?<br />

<strong>The</strong> eyes and ears of the<br />

respectable community see<br />

them as yobs and hate them;<br />

they want their names on a list<br />

and to see these young men arrested<br />

– just wearing the wrong<br />

clothes? Hanging around? No<br />

wonder the lads feel they’ve<br />

been rejected, placed low and<br />

therefore they fight for space,<br />

sorting out their own status, doing<br />

what they want.<br />

“It’s not just about curtailing<br />

these young people, it’s about<br />

letting the community know<br />

that we are taking their concerns<br />

seriously and that action<br />

will be taken.” [Northampton<br />

Chronicle and Echo]<br />

So what about us loving<br />

them instead of just “curtailing”<br />

them? What about “taking<br />

action” to give them something<br />

better?<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> loves and forgives. He’s<br />

a friend of the ASBOs. He wants<br />

to give them all a new style. And<br />

it’s a better style than the stuck<br />

up, self-righteous hypocrisy of<br />

many lawyers, Home Secretaries,<br />

most MPs, some senior<br />

police officers, and countless<br />

local government authorities.<br />

- Sam Nichols<br />

WELL, I’ve been shouted at,<br />

screamed at, told that I was into<br />

idol worship and all because<br />

I wear a red cross. Positive<br />

response, eh? <strong>The</strong>re is no doubt<br />

that the red cross provokes<br />

reactions and I’m glad it does.<br />

What kind of Christian would I<br />

be if I was ashamed to promote<br />

the cause of <strong>Jesus</strong> and rave<br />

about what He has d<strong>one</strong> in my<br />

life! Come on! <strong>The</strong> red cross<br />

flies in the face of mainstream<br />

Christianity that hides behind<br />

its “niceness”. I don’t want to<br />

be a nice Christian; I want to<br />

be a disciple. You may think<br />

that I have a bit of an attitude<br />

about this issue – well I do! By<br />

wearing my red cross I am not<br />

making some kind of fatuous<br />

fashion statement, I am saying<br />

that I identify with <strong>Jesus</strong> and<br />

the resurrection power that He<br />

has given to all who believe in<br />

Him. How could you find that<br />

offensive? And yet people do,<br />

lots of them do.<br />

<strong>The</strong> red cross intrigues people,<br />

it’s a talking point and it<br />

certainly attracts attention. One<br />

time when I was evangelising in<br />

Brighton, a woman came up to<br />

me and told me that she hated<br />

my cross. I was glad she did, it<br />

stirred her into reacting. <strong>The</strong><br />

cross represents who I am and<br />

who I was truly made to be. I<br />

want to be flamboyant and bold<br />

in my display of it, because it<br />

speaks without me having to<br />

say a word. One last time: I love<br />

wearing a red cross.<br />

- Claire Mallon JL

At the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

Fellowship Praise-<br />

Day in Sheffield,<br />

people were<br />

invited to renew<br />

their baptismal<br />

pledge to God in<br />

a dramatic way.<br />

A large trough of<br />

water was placed<br />

at the front of<br />

the auditorium.<br />

Those who<br />

wanted to offer<br />

their actions to<br />

God again, were<br />

called to dip their<br />

hands in the<br />

water; those who<br />

wanted to offer<br />

their thinking to<br />

Him, their heads.<br />

Many took the<br />

opportunity<br />

to rededicate<br />

themselves to<br />

God in this way.

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