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Ian Callard<br />

HUMAN<br />

AGAIN<br />

MY EVANGELICAL credentials are<br />

near-perfect. Bible class as a child;<br />

Billy Graham as a teenager (soundly<br />

converted); Christian Union as a student;<br />

baptised by immersion. I struggled<br />

with receiving the fullness of the<br />

Holy Spirit, but when it progressively<br />

came, I was won over. Joining the<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship ticked the last box,<br />

the one marked “commitment”.<br />

Early in my forties, now with leadership<br />

ministry, something strange<br />

happened. I was sitting in the back<br />

row of a celebration event, with<br />

our children strung on either side.<br />

A warm glow came over me. I felt<br />

forgiven. Not just everyday forgiven<br />

– deeply forgiven. For all my past;<br />

for all my future. Profusely forgiven;<br />

comprehensively forgiven; compellingly<br />

forgiven; irrevocably forgiven. I<br />

felt… converted.<br />

I found myself on a brand new track.<br />

I began to address my self-condemnation<br />

– like any addict, by cutting down<br />

first. I could ask the children’s forgiveness<br />

for the times I’d been harsh.<br />

When leadership splits shattered our<br />

church household, the loyal remnant<br />

seemed paralysed. We talked openly<br />

about perfectionisms, abuse, abandonment,<br />

rejection, depressions. It was no<br />

narcissistic therapy-gospel stuff; we’d<br />

joined up for a life of active service. But<br />

unlikely new friends from criminal and<br />

hectic backgrounds began to love being<br />

with us! We were becoming friends<br />

of sinners.<br />

For many, baptism in the Holy<br />

Spirit simply supercharged our selfrighteousness.<br />

For others, previous<br />

non-believers, it was much sizzle and<br />

little sausage. We’ve needed a second<br />

conversion – from being “spiritual”<br />

into being human. How is it with you?<br />

Why does the wider church recruit<br />

record-holding celebrities to promote<br />

its courses and conferences? Because<br />

there’s a deep unease that being simply<br />

human, like you, or me – or <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

– isn’t good enough?<br />

Come on: let’s get a life.<br />

NOEL STAN<strong>TO</strong>N<br />

PASSES <strong>TO</strong> GLORY<br />

ON 20 MAY 2009, Noel Stanton, Apostolic<br />

Team Leader and founder of the<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship passed into glory.<br />

He spoke earlier this year of “completing”<br />

40 years of ministry since his<br />

baptism in the Holy Spirit in January<br />

1969. A few days before he died Huw<br />

Lewis and I took bread and wine to<br />

him. We anointed him with oil and<br />

commended him to the Lord. Like<br />

the apostle Paul, he was able to say,<br />

“I have fought the good fight, I have<br />

finished the race, I have kept the faith”<br />

(2 Timothy 4:7).<br />

We had an awesome thanksgiving<br />

service at Northampton <strong>Jesus</strong> Centre with<br />

some 1,700 attending, thankful for all<br />

that the Lord achieved among us through<br />

Noel’s dynamic, anointed leadership. It<br />

was encouraging to have Roger Forster<br />

give a short tribute to Noel and pray for<br />

the future of the <strong>Jesus</strong> Fellowship.<br />

Our apostolic team are now in the<br />

driving seat. <strong>The</strong> future is exciting. Please<br />

pray for us. We value your support.<br />

Mick Haines<br />

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