Bin Laden - The Bad News - Jesus Army

Bin Laden - The Bad News - Jesus Army

Bin Laden - The Bad News - Jesus Army


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modern JESUS army Streetpaper No. 92 7<br />

NO fear!<br />

Hayley Woods was afraid to go out of<br />

the house. Now she’s more outgoing<br />

than most. She told Streetpaper why.<br />

UP AND AT ‘EM Hayley’s had a new lease of life<br />

UP<br />

Looking for a<br />

Wanna make a<br />

JOIN THE <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> for<br />

a year!<br />

<strong>The</strong> modern <strong>Jesus</strong> army<br />

training year is an intensive,<br />

action-packed year, full<br />

of challenges to help you<br />

grow in faith. It’s particularly<br />

suitable for school leavers<br />

or those on a gap year.<br />

FOR IT?<br />



FOR INFO:<br />

jesus.org.uk/training or email training@jesus.org.uk<br />


is how Hayley, now<br />

25, describes her<br />

childhood.<br />

Her parents<br />

divorced when she<br />

was 7, but before that<br />

she witnessed her dad<br />

repeatedly abusing her<br />

mum.<br />

As if that wasn’t<br />

enough for a seven<br />

year old to cope with,<br />

Hayley was sexually<br />

abused “a few times, by<br />

different people.”<br />

Abuse and bullying<br />

caused Hayley to sink<br />

into a deep depression,<br />

when her teenage<br />

years hit.<br />

She had to start<br />

taking medication at<br />

16 for depression, and<br />

soon discovered that it<br />

had left her<br />

feeling too vulnerable<br />

to leave the house<br />

alone.<br />

“Most of my depression<br />

came from anger”<br />

reflects Hayley, “Anger<br />

at God – why did He<br />

let that happen to me?<br />

I thought it was my<br />

fault. I felt paranoid,<br />

like people were looking<br />

at me and thought I<br />

was this dirty, horrible<br />

person.”<br />

When she was 14,<br />

Hayley had a panic<br />

attack when her mum<br />

went into a shop and<br />

left her standing outside.<br />

From then on,<br />

she developed a type<br />

of agoraphobia. “I was<br />

too afraid to leave the<br />

house on my own.”<br />

says Hayley.<br />

“It carried on until<br />

I became a Christian.<br />

“God healed me.<br />

“I never really prayed<br />

about it, I just realised<br />

one day that I wasn’t<br />

afraid anymore.”<br />

Hayley’s mum and<br />

her brothers had met<br />

the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> in<br />

Briar Hill years before<br />

Hayley became a<br />

Christian herself. She<br />

was “wrapped up in<br />

her own little world”,<br />

with her boyfriend of<br />

six years and didn’t see<br />

her need of God.<br />

“One day, I don’t<br />

know why, but I asked<br />

my mum if I could come<br />

with her to church”<br />

she recalls, “I remember<br />

looking around,<br />

thinking, ‘you can feel<br />

the love’ – that sounds<br />

cheesy, I know! But it’s<br />

how I felt.”<br />

It triggered in<br />

Hayley a love for God,<br />

and for the <strong>Jesus</strong><br />

<strong>Army</strong>. In 2008, Hayley<br />

was baptised.<br />

“It wasn’t a ‘sparkly’,<br />

dramatic experience.<br />

But as soon as I came<br />

out of the water, I knew<br />

things were going to be<br />

different from then on.<br />

It was a definite turning<br />

point for me.”<br />

But not long after,<br />

Hayley moved into her<br />

own flat and started<br />

spending a lot of time<br />

in the pub and smoking<br />

weed. Her depression<br />

came back, stronger<br />

than ever.<br />

At a <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong><br />

celebration in London,<br />

there was a drama<br />

about <strong>Jesus</strong> dying for<br />

everyone’s sins, which<br />

moved Hayley to tears,<br />

and caused her to find<br />

deeper forgiveness and<br />

real love.<br />

It was her breakthrough<br />

moment.<br />

“I fell in love with<br />

<strong>Jesus</strong>” she says, simply.<br />

“I’d never known<br />

anything like this<br />

before.<br />

“God is amazing,<br />

really” enthuses Hayley;<br />

“He’s done so much in<br />

me. He’s healing me of<br />

depression. Recently, I<br />

got prayer from some<br />

friends, and since then,<br />

things have been much<br />

better.<br />

“Through <strong>Jesus</strong>, I’ve<br />

been able to forgive<br />

people who’ve hurt<br />

me. I would never have<br />

been able to do that on<br />

my own.”<br />

Hayley wants to<br />

share the reality of<br />

God’s love with others.<br />

She is helping to lead<br />

a youth group in Briar<br />

Hill, befriending and<br />

bringing love to young<br />

people who’ve had similar<br />

experiences to her.<br />

What about the<br />

future? “I’d love to see<br />

some of those young<br />

people get baptised,”<br />

says Hayley,<br />

“I feel like all the<br />

things I’ve been<br />

through have been for a<br />

reason.”<br />


AGORAPHOBIA is a term that is used<br />

to describe a number of related phobias<br />

(irrational fears) that are connected to<br />

situations such as:<br />

• leaving home<br />

• entering shops<br />

• being in crowds or public places<br />

• travelling alone on buses, trains or planes<br />

Mind, the mental health charity,<br />

estimates that in the UK there are around<br />

5 million people with agoraphobia.<br />

Agoraphobia is twice as common<br />

in women as men, and the condition<br />

usually starts between the ages of 18<br />

and 35.<br />

For help or information about<br />

agoraphobia, visit the following websites:<br />

• nhs.uk/conditions/agoraphobia<br />

• bbc.co.uk/health/emotional_health/<br />

mental_health<br />

• anxietyuk.org.uk/about-anxiety/<br />

anxiety-disorders/agoraphobia<br />

For prayer text the <strong>Jesus</strong> <strong>Army</strong> on<br />

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