Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools

Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools
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Fences, by August Wilson. New York, New York, 1983 120 Pages. Antwone Sloss August Wilson presents many situations that are very similar to ones faced in real life in his books, one of which is racism. In the play, Fences, he stays true to his usual style. There is a father who abandons one of his sons, and also discrimination and racism in the workplace. There are also other situations, such as a boy who wants to go to college but is prompted by his father to stay in the town and get a job to help support his family, in addition to a mistreated brother who is a mentally incompetent war veteran. And also there is a man who is cheating on his wife and ends up getting another woman pregnant. Troy is an unsuccessful ex Negro League baseball player. In the beginning of the book he is a father of 2 children, but as the book progresses he cheats on his wife and has a third child. He works as a garbage man with his best friend Bono. Troy grew up during a racist period in time, and he believes that his son shouldn’t try to do the things that black people weren’t accustomed to doing. Troy is having trouble relating to both his kids and his wife. There are money issues and other family problems that take place within the household. However, throughout the play, Troy’s wife (Rose) and the mother of one of his children, Cory, is worried about keeping the family united. Troy and some of the other African American garbage men at the company are starting to think there is some discrimination within the company’s management. Troy is sick of collecting trash while the white men get to drive the truck. Although Troy doesn’t have a license to drive he still believes this is serious dilemma with the colored employees. Because of the consequences that the colored workers may face, Bono warns Troy that filling a complaint isn’t the best thing he should do if he intends to keep his job. Troy ends up talking to his boss directly and he avoids the problem by telling Troy to take it up with the Union. At this point of the story, Troy only has two children, Cory, which he and his wife are currently raising, and Lyons, who Troy had by another woman but abandoned shortly after his birth. Lyons is a free spirited young adult who doesn’t quite know what he wants to be later in life. Lyons seldom visits his dead beat dad, except when he is in need of cash. Troy eventually encounters more problems when he finds out that his son Cory, who he has been with since birth, decides he wants to follow the path of education and go to college, so that he can continue his football career. Troy, who is still living in the past, tells Cory that he must go out and get a job because black people don’t belong in sports, or in college. Cory starts to believe that his dad doesn’t love him, and when he goes to confront him, his father tells him that his belief that his role as a father is to, “Provide shelter and food and the gift of life to a son and nothing more.” Most of this story takes place in the yard by the half built fence. Every Saturday, Troy tells Cory that that they are going to go work on the Fence that Rose wants them to build in front of the house. Cory and Troy don’t understand why Rose wants them to build the fence so bad, but later in the story Bono tells them that, “Some people build fences to keep people out and other people build fences to keep people in." But every Saturday, Troy blows off building the fence by telling his family he is going to the bar to have a drink and to watch the game. Secretly, every Saturday, Troy is sneaking off to meet a girl from Tallahassee who he is having relations with. The story takes a surprising twist when the Tallahassee girl gets pregnant and Troy tells his family he no longer wishes to be a part of their lives. August Wilson turns worse into worst when the mother of Troy’s new baby dies while giving birth and Troy has to try to earn the trust and respect of his family in order to survive. Rose lets Troy back into her life out of pity for him and respect for the newborn baby. After 7 years, Troy dies of a heart attack, but his death leads to an astonishing event. August Wilson brings joy to the reader even through moments of sorrow. Wilson gives the reader an affirmative mindset during the most miserable part of the book. As everyone is gathered around for Troy’s funeral, up the street comes Gabriel, Troy’s mentally handicapped brother. Gabriel comes running up the street playing his trumpet. He announces that St. Peter is going to open the gates of heaven for Troy. There is a moment of disbelief, but then a light shines down from above and Gabriel screams out, “That's the way that goes." pic

UNCONDITIONALLY SINGLE By: MARY B. MORRISON Book Review by Andrea Ford In the story, Unconditionally Single, by Mary B. Morrison, she gives very good descriptions of each of the characters in the story. She never fails to give the message of the women in the story, and how they are not the type you want to mess with; while most of the men are low down, grimy, and good for nothing dudes. In the book you have to stay on your toes and never think you know what to expect. Be prepared for the unexpected. Honey Thomas is the main character and her life is anything shy of being exciting. Her life is unpredictable and anything that can happen does. Honey is a very well-rounded woman. She’s smart, and pretty, but Honey has a past. Honey used to be a prostitute and madam for Valentino James. Luckily, Honey was able to let that chapter of her life go and move on to bigger and better things. Now she owns and runs a counseling center in Atlanta that she founded to help women, like her, make a better life for themselves. The bad thing is, Honey was only able to fund her business from the money she had stolen from Valentino. Now, her past is back to claim what rightfully belongs to him even if killing Honey is the only way he’ll get it. Valentino James, a cold blooded killer, is a straight thug and isn’t afraid to let you know what he’s about. Valentino will do just about anything to get his hands on some money, especially if it belongs to him. He and his wing man, Benito, kidnapped Honey in hopes of getting his money back easily, but if Honey didn’t give him his money back, Valentino was going to “bash her face in.” Pg. 9 Honey had a true love; she just didn’t want to admit it to herself until he came to her rescue. Grant Hill, is not the average guy he is much like Valentino in some ways. The only difference is Grant has money from hard work and he’s nowhere near a thug. Grant is so in love with Honey that he is willing to lose everything just to get her to realize how much he cares for her. Grant had traveled all the way from Washing, D.C. to save her life. Grant is “an honorable man who will sacrifice everything for family, for success, and love.” Pg. 23 Grant Hill also has a brother, Benito, who is self-centered and unappreciative.” Benito isn’t Grant’s blood brother so if Grant finds out that Benito has something to do with Honey’s kidnapping, things will get really ugly, really fast. Benito used to be a pro-football player, he was an outstanding athlete, but talked a better game than he played. Benito used Honey for everything she had while they were together. Honey had shared her house, jaguar, money, heart, and the key to her soul with Benito, but Benito is just like a leech and leeches suck blood until they drain their life support system; then move on to a fresh victim. Honey isn’t alone because she has a friend and bad ones at that. The number one chick to call when you’re in trouble is Red Velvet. “A woman’s strength was determined by how much she loved herself” Pg. 44 and Red Velvet loved herself a hell of a lot. This woman is crazy. Red is willing and capable of tracking down and killing any man living in America. The bad thing about it is she’s not afraid to do it or get caught. Sapphire and Onyx are also Honey’s loving friends who care a lot about her well-being. Honey has helped them both throughout their lives, so it’s only fair that they help her in return. Honey helped Onyx find her dead beat father and Sapphire to escape her abusive marriage. Unconditionally Single is a very well-written book and I’m sure lots of teens would enjoy reading it. It’s a thrill going through each chapter and trying to figure out what’s going to happen next. pic


Book Review by Andrea Ford<br />

In the story, Unconditionally Single, by Mary B. Morrison, she gives very good descriptions of each<br />

of the characters in the story. She never fails to give the message of the women in the story, and<br />

how they are not the type you want to mess with; while most of the men are low down, grimy, and<br />

good for nothing dudes. In the book you have to stay on your toes and never think you know what<br />

to expect. Be prepared for the unexpected.<br />

Honey Thomas is the main character and her life is anything shy of being exciting. Her life is<br />

unpredictable and anything that can happen does. Honey is a very well-rounded woman. She’s smart, and pretty, but<br />

Honey has a past. Honey used to be a prostitute and madam for Valentino James.<br />

Luckily, Honey was able to let that chapter of her life go and move on to bigger and better things. Now she owns and<br />

runs a counseling center in Atlanta that she founded to help women, like her, make a better life for themselves. The bad<br />

thing is, Honey was only able to fund her business from the money she had stolen from Valentino. Now, her past is back<br />

to claim what rightfully belongs to him even if killing Honey is the only way he’ll get it.<br />

Valentino James, a cold blooded killer, is a straight thug and isn’t afraid to let you know what he’s about. Valentino will<br />

do just about anything to get his hands on some money, especially if it belongs to him. He and his wing man, Benito,<br />

kidnapped Honey in hopes of getting his money back easily, but if Honey didn’t give him his money back, Valentino was<br />

going to “bash her face in.” Pg. 9<br />

Honey had a true love; she just didn’t want to admit it to herself until he came to her rescue. Grant Hill, is not the<br />

average guy he is much like Valentino in some ways. The only difference is Grant has money from hard work and he’s<br />

nowhere near a thug. Grant is so in love with Honey that he is willing to lose everything just to get her to realize how<br />

much he cares for her. Grant had traveled all the way from Washing, D.C. to save her life. Grant is “an honorable man<br />

who will sacrifice everything for family, for success, and love.” Pg. 23<br />

Grant Hill also has a brother, Benito, who is self-centered and unappreciative.” Benito isn’t Grant’s blood brother so if<br />

Grant finds out that Benito has something to do with Honey’s kidnapping, things will get really ugly, really fast. Benito<br />

used to be a pro-football player, he was an outstanding athlete, but talked a better game than he played.<br />

Benito used Honey for everything she had while they were together. Honey had shared her house, jaguar, money,<br />

heart, and the key to her soul with Benito, but Benito is just like a leech and leeches suck blood until they drain their life<br />

support system; then move on to a fresh victim.<br />

Honey isn’t alone because she has a friend and bad ones at that. The number one chick to call when you’re in trouble is<br />

Red Velvet. “A woman’s strength was determined by how much she loved herself” Pg. 44 and Red Velvet loved herself a<br />

hell of a lot. This woman is crazy. Red is willing and capable of tracking down and killing any man living in America. The<br />

bad thing about it is she’s not afraid to do it or get caught.<br />

Sapphire and Onyx are also Honey’s loving friends who care a lot about her well-being. Honey has helped them both<br />

throughout their lives, so it’s only fair that they help her in return. Honey helped Onyx find her dead beat father and<br />

Sapphire to escape her abusive marriage.<br />

Unconditionally Single is a very well-written book and I’m sure lots of teens would enjoy reading it. It’s a thrill going<br />

through each chapter and trying to figure out what’s going to happen next.<br />


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