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Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools

Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools


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They’re Still Human<br />

Amber Tuttle<br />

Some believe it’s a form of contraception, in all truth, it’s a form of murder. There are many views on<br />

abortion, but pro-life has the most logical evidence. As we all know, life begins at conception. We also know<br />

condoms are cheap and there are numerous forms of birth control. In the logical mind, there isn’t a reason for an<br />

abortion to take place.<br />

In everyday American life, we see people sentenced to years behind bars for murdering a human. That<br />

makes sense to us, but what makes abortion different? Life begins at conception. Within the first twelve weeks,<br />

everything is present and most even having function. A fetus is human, so why don’t these people go to jail for<br />

murder?<br />

People come in all forms, colors, shapes, and sizes. A fetus is a person, right? It has body parts and<br />

functions the way we do. So how can people kill a fetus and claim it’s okay, but when a grown human kills<br />

someone else it’s totally wrong? In my eyes it’s the same; murder is murder no matter what stage of life it happens<br />

in.<br />

With today’s doctors and medicine, there are many forms of birth control. It’s encouraged once a girl<br />

becomes sexually active, that they start using a form of birth control. Although birth control isn’t 100 %<br />

pregnancy preventable, there is rarely a case of a female becoming pregnant with the effective use of birth control.<br />

Many claim they don’t use birth control due to the cost and insurance problems. There are cheap condoms.<br />

Many gas stations have machines in the bathroom and for 4 quarters you can have a condom. If a condom doesn’t<br />

work, instead of committing murder to an innocent baby, you could choose adoption. There are many women who<br />

dream of having kids but aren’t given that privilege. You can always give your child to someone like that. You<br />

always have the option to close the adoption or keep it open. Closed means you sign the baby away and don’t see<br />

it again. Open means you send and receive pictures every 6 months and you have the option to see them once a<br />

year. Sounds better than murdering an innocent child, doesn’t it?<br />

With abortions come life-long, intense, psychological stress and pain. Many women abort a child and<br />

expect to have an easy time when they feel ready to start a family. With abortion comes higher risk of ectopic<br />

pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and miscarriage. Also, through the process, you increase your chances to<br />

develop uterine, cervical and breast cancer. Abortion can become a lifetime regret. Eventually might decide you<br />

want a baby, but it’s too late because you’ve developed a complication. You also have to face the guilt of killing<br />

an innocent child. No child asks to be born, it just happens.<br />

We can all agree abortion is a form of murder. People take the life of an innocent child because of a<br />

mistake they made. If people can go to jail for murdering a physically present human everyone can see, why can’t<br />

we charge the people who kill the human inside a woman’s uterus? Murder is defined as killing a human; abortion<br />

is killing a human. They should carry the same charges.<br />

Resources:<br />

- http://www.Christian action.org/za/articles/10rguments.htmhttp://www.pregnancy.ygoy.com/2011/02/16/top-facts-against-abortion/

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