Yellow Jacket Times - Jefferson County Public Schools

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Alyssa Allen Considerable Options How many animals would you allow in your home? Do you love your dogs so much that you don’t care to neuter them, having liters that you can’t keep? According to the ASPCA, there are millions of stray cats and dogs on the streets, and many more killed in animal shelters each year. Purebreds are fading out, and huge outbreaks of mutts are roaming the streets, not wanted by those who allowed their existence in the first place. If people gave up a few trips to McDonalds, and spent that money to neuter their animals, there would be a lot less stray pets. People don’t get their animals neutered because they don’t want to make them suffer or take away their “man-hood.” All three of my dogs got neutered, and it was out of love. PETA’s resources page showed me that neutered animals have longer lives, and keeps them from getting uterine or ovarian cancer. Plus, we couldn’t afford the puppies that would come. Too many people leave their unneutered animals to roam outside. The price is just right, only about forty-five to a hundred thirty five dollars, depending on weight of animal. Most community shelters reduce prices based upon the income of the owner. There are many incentives for neutering your pet, but all that matters is that you go about it! For instance, the Doris Day Animal Foundation holds an annual Spay Day USA every February with a goal of sterilizing 155,000 cats and dogs across the country. Price doesn’t matter, what does is making your animal sterile. Both stray cats and dogs suffer cruelties thing like being put to death by gas chambers. Some shelters engage in “pound seizure,” meaning they sell homeless or sheltered animals to research laboratories for experimentation. All of this and much more could be avoided if only people thought about their pets as much as they do themselves. It isn’t like we’re asking you to give up an arm or leg for your pet, but to give up the negative circumstances that can come from this. Animals are a part of the world and have a lot to offer, let’s stop overpopulation and neuter our animals. Stray dogs and cats on rise during economic down times Read more:

Stupidity at its Finest Jamila Johnson Everybody has something that really grinds their gears, and what really gets me is stupidity. The dictionary definition of stupidity is, “the quality or condition of being stupid,” but what does stupid mean? To me, it means doing something you know you shouldn’t, but you do it anyway for whatever reason. I put stupidity in three categories. People that do everything others do. People who don’t learn from their past, and people who think being stupid is ok. I’m sure after understanding each category, your gears will explode. If there’s one thing I hate more than crust on my bread, it’s a person that follows the crowd. Now I know we’re teens and we are expected to do this, but come on people. Why can’t we just be ourselves? Following the crowd often leads to others getting hurt. If someone doesn’t have the newest shoes or wear the best clothes, so what? It shouldn’t matter. All that should matter is if they are a good person. Now I’m not going to say that beauty is on the inside and all of that, because even though it’s true, 99.9% of people don’t care about that, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok. Why can’t you be the bigger person for once and do the right thing? I even know people who have changed everything about themselves to fit into a certain group. Why do we do this? If you don’t like something, then you don’t like it. You shouldn’t have to force yourself to like someone else just to feel accepted. I’m short, and there are people out there who don’t like short people, but I’m not going to go out and get some extra shin installments. This might sound a little more outrageous than what you’re doing, but it’s really the same thing. If you don’t do this, you’re a “lame;” If you dislike someone, you’re a “hater.” Why is it so wrong to be an individual? Canadian author, L.M Montgomery said, “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” Well actually it is, but not if you make the same mistakes you did yesterday. We are supposed to make mistakes; we have to, but we do them so we won’t have to make them again. You’re supposed to learn from your mistakes. If you do the same thing over and over and you expect a new outcome each time, I’m almost sorry to say that you’re insane. Every day, I hear people complaining about their grades and blaming the teachers. How is it the teacher’s fault that all you do is sleep or talk? If you do this every day, why are you surprised you got a U? You deserved it; just be honest with yourself. I know some mistakes may take a while to learn from, but this is crystal clear. If doing nothing in class is getting you nowhere, then guess what will? I don’t think I have to say it. Next up on this train of stupidity are people who think being stupid is ok. This deals with doing nothing in class again. I know I just discussed that, but this usually happens in pairs. Because your friend doesn’t do a thing in class, you think it’s ok for you not to. What sense does that make? Telling someone they’re crazy because they actually do their work, rather than play around, doesn’t seem right. Why is it so wrong to be a good student and get good grades? Why can’t it be cool to want to be somebody later in life? Why do the words, “college” or “career,” seem to be foreign to so many? It’s really sad that people think it’s ok to fail. Oh, and here’s a little tip guys. Girls do not like stupid boys. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t any stupid girls out there, because there are, but I think we can all agree that we see it more with boys: laughing when they fail a test, or if they get a U on a test. Yeah, it may be funny to you, but to us, it’s repulsive. Being stupid and not caring about yourself isn’t attractive. Remember, just because you make her laugh, doesn’t necessarily mean she’s laughing with you. “Stupidity isn’t punishable by death. If it was, there would be a heck of a population drop.” Fantasy writer, Laurell K. Hamilton said this, and although I may not have read any of her books, she couldn’t be any more right. Why this world is filled with such stupid people beats me. The more important question should be, “Why are most of them in a building built for education?” Stupidity isn’t taught, and to be honest, I don’t even think it’s learned. You don’t have learn how to come to class and do work. You do it or you don’t; that’s it; it’s that simple. You’re not performing brain surgery. You’re a student; all you have to do is act like it.

Alyssa Allen<br />

Considerable Options<br />

How many animals would you allow in your home? Do you love your<br />

dogs so much that you don’t care to neuter them, having liters that<br />

you can’t keep? According to the ASPCA, there are millions of stray<br />

cats and dogs on the streets, and many more killed in animal shelters<br />

each year. Purebreds are fading out, and huge outbreaks of mutts are<br />

roaming the streets, not wanted by those who allowed their existence<br />

in the first place. If people gave up a few trips to McDonalds, and<br />

spent that money to neuter their animals, there would be a lot less stray pets.<br />

People don’t get their animals neutered because they don’t want to make them suffer or take away their<br />

“man-hood.” All three of my dogs got neutered, and it was out of love. PETA’s resources page showed me that<br />

neutered animals have longer lives, and keeps them from getting uterine or ovarian cancer. Plus, we couldn’t<br />

afford the puppies that would come. Too many people leave their unneutered animals to roam outside.<br />

The price is just right, only about forty-five to a hundred thirty five dollars, depending on weight of animal.<br />

Most community shelters reduce prices based upon the income of the owner. There are many incentives for<br />

neutering your pet, but all that matters is that you go about it! For instance, the Doris Day Animal Foundation<br />

holds an annual Spay Day USA every February with a goal of sterilizing 155,000 cats and dogs across the<br />

country. Price doesn’t matter, what does is making your animal sterile.<br />

Both stray cats and dogs suffer cruelties thing like being put to death by gas chambers. Some shelters engage<br />

in “pound seizure,” meaning they sell homeless or sheltered animals to research laboratories for<br />

experimentation. All of this and much more could be avoided if only people thought about their pets as much<br />

as they do themselves. It isn’t like we’re asking you to give up an arm or leg for your pet, but to give up the<br />

negative circumstances that can come from this. Animals are a part<br />

of the world and have a lot to offer, let’s stop overpopulation and<br />

neuter our animals.<br />

Stray dogs and cats on rise during economic down times<br />

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