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In the eighth chapter of the Jnatasutra and in Avashyak Niryukti these twenty practices are mentioned. Intense practice of even one or two of these practices may lead to the earning of Tirthankar-nam-karma. In the Mahapurana and the Tattvarth Sutra there is a mention of sixteen practices of feelings or attitudes. These encompass all the above twenty practices. Importance has been given to spiritual practices in both these sets of practices. APPENDIX 3 THE UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES OF A TIRTHANKAR (A) THE THIRTY FOUR UNIQUE „±üü ATTRIBUTES ¿¢¢Ý¢² OF A TIRTHANKAR ½±¼é J The Tirthankars are worshipped as the loftiest beings in this world because they acquire infinite knowledge, perception, and purity of conduct and power by destroying the four vitiating Karmas as spiritual level. This gives rise to unique attributes in them, both at spiritual and physical levels. In canonical terms those are known as Atishaya or out of ordinary. They are- 1. There is no growth of hair on the body. 2. The body remains free of any ailment. 3. The blood and flesh are milky white. 4. The breath is fragrant like lotus. 5. Food intake and excretion are invisible. 6. Above the head there are three canopies (umbrellas) in the sky. 7. A wheel, symbolic of religion, moved ahead and behind him in the sky. 8. At both flanks there are white whisks in the sky. 9. The throne is made of crystal quartz. 10. The flag of Indra moves ahead of him. 11. Wherever he stays there is an Ashok tree. 12. There is a divine aura around him. 13. The land around him is pleasant. 14. Thorns get reversed. 15. The seasons are pleasant and favorable. jainuniversity.org 16. Pleasant wind blows. 17. Dust is settled due to moisture. 18. There are heaps of five types of lifeless flowers around him. 19. There is absence of unpleasant sound, form, smell, color and touch around him and pleasant things appear. 20-21. His voice is heard with same volume and clarity upto a distance of one Yojan. 22. His discourse is in Ardha-Magadhi language. 23. All present in the audience understand his discourse in their respective languages. 24. In his proximity the natural enemies forget their animosity. 25. His opponents become amiable. 26. His dissenters become speechless. 27-28. Twenty-five Yojans around him there is no epidemic or death. 29-33. Wherever he goes there are no afflictions self-inflicted or inflicted by others including flood, drought, diseases, etc. 34. The touch of his feet pacifies all the earlier disturbances of the area. (B) THIRTY FIVE UNIQUE ATTRIBUTES OF SPEECH After gaining omniscience the Tirthankars give discourses aimed at public welfare. They utter only that which they have directly experienced, thus in their speech there is nothing but the truth. Their life is free of all 18 vices. Their speech also has unique qualities. The scriptures mention 35 unique attributes. Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 50 www.jainuniversity.org

The voice of a Tirthankar is deep like the thunder of clouds and it is never devoid of purpose and result. Following are the 35 unique virtues- 1. It has quality, 2. It has lofty meaning, 3. It is free of colloquial terms, 4. Deep as thunder, 5. Resonant, 6. Simple. 7. Musical, 8. Profound meaning, 9. Free of ambiguity, 10. Respectful, 11. Free of doubt, 12. It does not expose faults of others, 13. Pleasing, 14. Relevant to the time and place, 15. It suits the subject-matter, 16. To the point and precise, 17. Lyrical, 18. Strictly relevant to the topic, 19. Sweet like nectar, 20. Not harsh or biting, 21. Supports quest for liberation, 22. Profoundly meaningful, 23. Free of self-praise and criticism for others, 24. To be emulated always, 25. Follows the rules of grammar, 26. Incites curiosity in the listener, 27. Full of eloquence and beauty, 28. Free of pauses, 29. free of double meaning, 30. Having interpretations, 31. Out of ordinary, 32. Capable of picturesque description, 33. Profound in content and effect, 34. Not annoying to self an others, 35. Completely logical and vivid. APPENDIX 4 „±üü ¿¢¢Ý¢² ½±¼é J BITRH-MARKS ON THE BODY OF A TIRTHANKAR (THE 1008 AUSPICIOUS MARKS) 1. Coconut tree, 2. Conch-shell, 3. Lotus, 4. Swastika, 5. Lancet (for elephant), 6. Arch, 7. Whisks, 8. White canopy, 9. Throne, 10. Flag, 11. Pair of fishes, 12. Two urns, 13. Tortoise, 14. Disc, 15. Ocean, 16. Pond, 17. Space vehicle, 18. Mansion, 19. Elephant, 20. Man, 21. Woman, 22. Lion, 23. Arrow, 24. Bow, 25. Meru mountain, 26. Indra (king of gods), 27. Divine damsel, 28. Town, 29. Gate, 30. The moon, 31. The sun, 32. Horse of good breed, 33. Fan, 34. Flute, 35. Vina (a musical instrument, 36. Mridang (a type of drum), 37. Garlands, 38. Silk, 39. Shop, 40. A head-dress, 41. Necklace, 42. Medal, 43. Necklet, 44. Bead string, 45. Bracelet, 46. Arm band, 47. Girdle, 48. Two rings, 49. Earing, 50. Ear-tops, 51. Two bracelets, 52. Gold-balls, 53. Bangle, 54. Plate, 55. Thread, 56. Orchard, 57. Farm, 58. Gem studded lamp, 59. Diamond, 60. Earth, 61. Goddess Laxmi, 62. Goddess Saraswati, 63. Divine cow, 64. Bull, 65. An ornament for forehead, 66. Great precious things, 67. Wishfulfilling tree * 68. Wishfulfilling tree 69. Wishfulfilling tree, 70. Wishfulfilling tree, 71. Wishfulfilling tree, 72. Wishfulfilling tree, 73. Wishfulfilling tree, 74. Wishfulfilling tree, 75. Wishfulfilling tree, 76. Wishfulfilling tree, 77. Gold, 78. Jambu tree, 79. Eagle, 80. Constellation, 81. Stars, 82. Royal palace, 83. Fire planet, 84. Sun, 85. Moon, 86. Mars, 87. Neptune, 88. Jupiter, 89. Venus, 90. An astrological conjunction-Rahu, 91. An astrological conjunction-Ketu, 92. Siddharth tree, 93. Ashok tree, 94. Gem studded throne, 95. Triple canopy, 96. Aura, 97. Divine sound, 98. Shower of flowers, 99. Whisks, 100. Divine drums, 101. Jug, 102. Urn, 103. Flag, 104. Canopy, 105. Swastika, 106. Whisks, 107. Mirror, 108. Fan. These are the 108 main signs. Combined with 900 mirror signs like mole etc. it totals to 1008 auspicious signs. APPENDIX 5 jainuniversity.org THE SYMBOL OF TIRTHANKAR: A STUDY There are twenty-four Tirthankars. Every Tirthankar has a specific representative symbol that is known as “Lanchan”. Generally all the idols of Tirthankars are similar except for Parshvanath which has a serpent hood over the head. Some idols of Rishabhdev show locks or a bun of hair on the head. Suparshvanath idols too have a serpent hood sometimes but there is a marked difference from that over Parshvanath. The hood over Suparshvanath has five serpent heads whereas that over Parshvanath has seven, nine, eleven or one thousand serpent heads. Besides there is hardly any difference between the idols of different Tirthankars. It is with the help of the symbols carved at the base of these idols that the specific Tirthankar is recognized. Where the symbol is absent the idol cannot be attributed to a specific Tirthankar. Sometimes an idol without symbol is taken to be of a future Tirthankar. In the field of Jain iconography the symbol of a Tirthankar occupies an important place because it is the only means of recognizing the specific Tirthankar. Any idol without a symbol, Shrivatsa and eight attributes is of a Siddha (liberated soul) in general. The points worth considering in this regard are-what is the purpose behind these signs or symbols? When the tradition of carving them on idols began and what is the classical view on this matter? Some of the thrones could be traced back to the earlier incarnations of the Tirthankars. For example during one of its incarnation the being that became Mahavir was a lion. (Mahavir’s sign is a lion). In earlier incarnation Bhagavan Parshvanath was closely associated with serpents. (Parshvanath’s sign is a snake). Bhagavan Rishabhdev was the originator of farming and its techniques and bull is closely associated with farming. (Rishabhdev’s symbol is bull). There is an incident from Bhagavan Neminath’s life when he blew a famous conch-shell. (Neminath’s symbol is conch-shell). All the Tirthankars laid emphasis on equality of all life forms. They also practiced and promoted compassion for all beings in the animal kingdom. This is reflected in the fact that seventeen out of the twenty-four Tirthankars have animals or birds as their symbols. Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 51 www.jainuniversity.org

The voice of a Tirthankar is deep like the thunder of clouds and it is never devoid of purpose and result. Following are the 35<br />

unique virtues-<br />

1. It has quality, 2. It has lofty meaning, 3. It is free of colloquial terms, 4. Deep as thunder, 5. Resonant, 6. Simple. 7. Musical,<br />

8. Profound meaning, 9. Free of ambiguity, 10. Respectful, 11. Free of doubt, 12. It does not expose faults of others, 13.<br />

Pleasing, 14. Relevant to the time and place, 15. It suits the subject-matter, 16. To the point and precise, 17. Lyrical, 18.<br />

Strictly relevant to the topic, 19. Sweet like nectar, 20. Not harsh or biting, 21. Supports quest for liberation, 22. Profoundly<br />

meaningful, 23. Free of self-praise and criticism for others, 24. To be emulated always, 25. Follows the rules of grammar, 26.<br />

Incites curiosity in the listener, 27. Full of eloquence and beauty, 28. Free of pauses, 29. free of double meaning, 30. Having<br />

interpretations, 31. Out of ordinary, 32. Capable of picturesque description, 33. Profound in content and effect, 34. Not<br />

annoying to self an others, 35. Completely logical and vivid.<br />

APPENDIX 4<br />

„±üü ¿¢¢Ý¢² ½±¼é J<br />



1. Coconut tree, 2. Conch-shell, 3. Lotus, 4. Swastika, 5. Lancet (for elephant), 6. Arch, 7. Whisks, 8. White canopy, 9.<br />

Throne, 10. Flag, 11. Pair of fishes, 12. Two urns, 13. Tortoise, 14. Disc, 15. Ocean, 16. Pond, 17. Space vehicle, 18. Mansion,<br />

19. Elephant, 20. Man, 21. Woman, 22. Lion, 23. Arrow, 24. Bow, 25. Meru mountain, 26. Indra (king of gods), 27. Divine<br />

damsel, 28. Town, 29. Gate, 30. The moon, 31. The sun, 32. Horse of good breed, 33. Fan, 34. Flute, 35. Vina (a musical<br />

instrument, 36. Mridang (a type of drum), 37. Garlands, 38. Silk, 39. Shop, 40. A head-dress, 41. Necklace, 42. Medal, 43.<br />

Necklet, 44. Bead string, 45. Bracelet, 46. Arm band, 47. Girdle, 48. Two rings, 49. Earing, 50. Ear-tops, 51. Two bracelets,<br />

52. Gold-balls, 53. Bangle, 54. Plate, 55. Thread, 56. Orchard, 57. Farm, 58. Gem studded lamp, 59. Diamond, 60. Earth, 61.<br />

Goddess Laxmi, 62. Goddess Saraswati, 63. Divine cow, 64. Bull, 65. An ornament for forehead, 66. Great precious things,<br />

67. Wishfulfilling tree * 68. Wishfulfilling tree 69. Wishfulfilling tree, 70. Wishfulfilling tree, 71. Wishfulfilling tree, 72. Wishfulfilling<br />

tree, 73. Wishfulfilling tree, 74. Wishfulfilling tree, 75. Wishfulfilling tree, 76. Wishfulfilling tree, 77. Gold, 78. Jambu tree, 79.<br />

Eagle, 80. Constellation, 81. Stars, 82. Royal palace, 83. Fire planet, 84. Sun, 85. Moon, 86. Mars, 87. Neptune, 88. Jupiter,<br />

89. Venus, 90. An astrological conjunction-Rahu, 91. An astrological conjunction-Ketu, 92. Siddharth tree, 93. Ashok tree, 94.<br />

Gem studded throne, 95. Triple canopy, 96. Aura, 97. Divine sound, 98. Shower of flowers, 99. Whisks, 100. Divine drums,<br />

101. Jug, 102. Urn, 103. Flag, 104. Canopy, 105. Swastika, 106. Whisks, 107. Mirror, 108. Fan.<br />

These are the 108 main signs. Combined with 900 mirror signs like mole etc. it totals to 1008 auspicious signs.<br />

APPENDIX 5<br />

jainuniversity.org<br />


There are twenty-four Tirthankars. Every Tirthankar has a specific representative symbol that is known as “Lanchan”.<br />

Generally all the idols of Tirthankars are similar except for Parshvanath which has a serpent hood over the head. Some idols<br />

of Rishabhdev show locks or a bun of hair on the head. Suparshvanath idols too have a serpent hood sometimes but there<br />

is a marked difference from that over Parshvanath. The hood over Suparshvanath has five serpent heads whereas that over<br />

Parshvanath has seven, nine, eleven or one thousand serpent heads. Besides there is hardly any difference between the<br />

idols of different Tirthankars. It is with the help of the symbols carved at the base of these idols that the specific Tirthankar is<br />

recognized. Where the symbol is absent the idol cannot be attributed to a specific Tirthankar. Sometimes an idol without<br />

symbol is taken to be of a future Tirthankar. In the field of <strong>Jain</strong> iconography the symbol of a Tirthankar occupies an important<br />

place because it is the only means of recognizing the specific Tirthankar. Any idol without a symbol, Shrivatsa and eight<br />

attributes is of a Siddha (liberated soul) in general.<br />

The points worth considering in this regard are-what is the purpose behind these signs or symbols? When the tradition of<br />

carving them on idols began and what is the classical view on this matter?<br />

Some of the thrones could be traced back to the earlier incarnations of the Tirthankars. For example during one of its<br />

incarnation the being that became Mahavir was a lion. (Mahavir’s sign is a lion). In earlier incarnation Bhagavan Parshvanath<br />

was closely associated with serpents. (Parshvanath’s sign is a snake). Bhagavan Rishabhdev was the originator of farming<br />

and its techniques and bull is closely associated with farming. (Rishabhdev’s symbol is bull). There is an incident from<br />

Bhagavan Neminath’s life when he blew a famous conch-shell. (Neminath’s symbol is conch-shell).<br />

All the Tirthankars laid emphasis on equality of all life forms. They also practiced and promoted compassion for all beings in<br />

the animal kingdom. This is reflected in the fact that seventeen out of the twenty-four Tirthankars have animals or birds as<br />

their symbols.<br />

Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 51<br />


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