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From the bank of Rijubaluka river Mahavir came to Madhyam Pava. A divine pavilion was created in the Mahasen jungle.<br />

During that month of Vaishakh Som Sharma had organized a great Yajna. Eleven famous and great scholars with their 4400<br />

disciplines had come to participate in this Yajna. Thousands of people from far and near were arriving to behold the pious<br />

flames of the Yajna. Thus, Madhyam Pava had become a place of pilgrimage.<br />

On hearing of the sudden arrival of Bhagavan Mahavir, Pandit Som Sharma became worried and disturbed due to the anti<br />

Yajna attitude of the Shraman culture. He went to the chief guide of the Yajna, Mahapandit Indrabhuti. They all confabulated<br />

but were short of ideas. Indrabhuti finally said, “Shraman Vardhaman is certainly a person to reckon with. He has the power<br />

of spiritual practice and fire of penance but still in knowledge he will prove to be no match for us. With our unmatched power<br />

of knowledge we should be able to defeat him now and subjugate a rising adversary in time. We need not worry. It is probable<br />

that this pious day may turn out to be the day of our ultimate victory”.<br />

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This hope filled assurance from Mahapandit Indrabhuti made all the other scholars happy. Som Sharma starting dreaming of<br />

the victory of the Brahman Yajna organization. Indrabhuti with his 500 disciples proceeded to confront Mahavir.<br />

Indrabhuti and the Self<br />

Indrabhuti’s mind got a shock the moment he put his first step inside the divine pavilion. His mind got agitated. From the<br />

distance he saw the astonishing glow on the face of Shraman Mahavir. When the powerful sunrays fall on the Himalayan ice<br />

starts melting. Similarly Indrabhuti’s ego started melting. He felt as it streams of doubt and uncertainty had started emerging<br />

and flowing.<br />

“Indrabhuti Gautam! You have arrived”?<br />

The deep resonant voice of Prabhu Mahavir fell on Indrabhuti’s ears the moment he entered the third gate of the assembly.<br />

“Mahavir recognizes me!” Indrabhuti was astonished; he thought, “Of course, he must have heard of me, the world famous<br />

scholar”. (M-28/1)<br />

“Indrabhuti Gautam, although you are a great scholar of Vedas, you are still doubtful of the existence of soul”. When these<br />

words in the imposing voice of Mahavir echoed in the ears of Indrabhuti he was stunned.<br />

Prabhu sweetly uttered in friendly tone, “Indrabhuti Gautam, your doubt about the soul is based on you knowledge of the<br />

Vedas. But the same Vedas contain undeniable proofs of independent existence of the soul. Have you ever thought what is<br />

a soul? Who is it? And who is it that has this doubt about soul? Knowledge and the awareness of knowledge are same-not<br />

different. Soul it is, that is filled with knowledge (it is exuberance of knowledge), and this knowledge is the cognizing factor of<br />

soul. Soul is an entity that is formless and beyond the sensory realm, it can be perceived not through the sense organs but<br />

through direct intuitive experience....”<br />

jainuniversity.org<br />

Listening to the Vedic aphorisms and irrefutable logic of Mahavir about the existence of soul, Indrabhuti’s doubts were<br />

removed. His ego melted. With the rising of humility the divine ray of truth became visible. The darkness within Gautam was<br />

dispelled. With overflowing respect and curiosity Gautam fell at the feet of Prabhu Mahavir.<br />

“Prabhu, I came with a desire to be victorious, but now I am only a seeker of knowledge. Please bestow on me the infinite<br />

knowledge of truth. I wish to become a disciple and sit at you divine feet”. (M-28/2)<br />

“You are welcome, O beloved of gods!” Mahavir uttered equanimously. Indrabhuti Gautam became the first disciple of<br />

Bhagavan Mahavir. Mahavir also initiated his five hundred disciples into the order. The sky reverberated with sounds of<br />

hailing.<br />

The news of initiation of Gautam brought shadows of gloom over the Yajna site where the scholars were waiting. But the<br />

second great scholar, Agnibhuti, summoned courage and said, “I will go and bring back my brother by defeating Mahavir”.<br />

Agnibhuti also arrived at the religious assembly with his five hundred disciples. As soon as he entered the pavilion and<br />

approached Mahavir, Mahavir said, “Agnibhuti, your senior has his cobwebs of doubt cleared, he has now become unambiguous.<br />

Now you should also remove your quandary about the fruits of Karma. As the existence of soul is self evident, it is also<br />

established that it is soul that is the doer of the Karma (action) and the sufferer of its consequences (fruit)”.<br />

The moment his doubt was removed the shackles of dogmas shattered. With the vanishing of ego a stream of faith started<br />

flowing within Agnibhuti. He also submitted before the omniscience of Shraman Mahavir. Agnibhuti became a disciple of<br />

Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir alongwith his 500 disciples.<br />

The youngest brother of Indrabhuti, Vayubhuti, also decided to try his luck with his 500 disciples. As a thirsty person stops at<br />

a source of clean water, Vayubhuti stayed with Mahavir and alongwith his 500 disciples joined Mahavir’s order.<br />

Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 44<br />


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