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Chetak’s elder son Simhabhadra (commander Simha) was the commander-in-chief of the army of the Vajji republic. Maharaj Chetak had seven daughters- 1. Chellana-Queen of king Bimbisar Shrenik of Magadh. 2. Shiva-Queen of king Chandapradyot of Avanti. 3. Mrigavati-Queen of king Shatanik of Kaushambi. 4. Padmavati-Queen of king Dhadhivahan of Champa (mother of Chandanbala). 5. Prabhavati-Queen of king Udayan (Udayi) of Sindhu-Sauvir. 6. Jyeshtha-Wife of prince Nandivardhan, elder brother of Bhagavan Mahavir. 7. Sujyeshtha-Did not marries. Became ascetic in Mahavir’s organization. Ajatshatru (Kunik), the famous warrior character in Jain and Buddhist literature, and king Udayan of Vats were own grandsons of Maharaj Chetak. „±üü ¿¢¢Ý¢² ½±¼é J Dreams: The Premonition One night mother Trishla is sleeping in her soft and cozy bed. Suddenly she dreams of auspicious things and gets up. She is filled with a hitherto inexperienced joy and ecstasy. (M-5) She leaves the bed, sits on a chair and contemplates, “So many divine and auspicious things together in my dream. I had such astonishing dream for the first time in my life, what does this indicate, indeed some benefits in the neat future?” he goes to king Siddharth and tells him about the dreams. King Siddharth beams with joy and says, “Devi! Your dreams are bounteous. We will gain wealth, pleasures, happiness and a son. We shall also have territorial gains. The interpretation of these dreams indicates that the son born to you will be the embodiment of the combined virtues of all the virtuous things and signs existing on this earth. (In scriptures like Acharang and Kalpasutra, it is mentioned that the descent of the soul that was to be Mahavir was originally into the womb of Devananda Brahmani. The foetus was then transplanted into the womb of Trishla Kshatriyani by god Harinaigameshi under instructions from Shakrendra.) After their morning chores, Maharaj Siddharth and Devi Trishla came and took their seats in the assembly hall. His younger brother Suparshva, his wife and other members of the royal family also took their seats nearby. Famous dream readers of Vaishali arrived into the assembly hall. Maharaj Siddharth and Devi Trishla greeted the dream readers and scholars of eight pronged system of augury, and offered them high seats. The king said to them, “Scholars of augury! Last night in the early hours of the morning, Priyakarini, Videhdinna Devi Trishla saw 14 auspicious dreams. Kindly interpret these dreams on the basis of your knowledge and experience of the science of augury and satisfy the curiosity of all of us”. jainuniversity.org The augurs listened to the details of the dreams from Devi Trishla and beamed with joy. Pondering over, they interpreted the dreams as follows- “O king of kings! Maharaj Siddharth! According to the science of dreams there are 72 auspicious dreams. Out of these, 42 indicate of ordinary benefits and remaining 30 of great benefits. The dreams the fortunate Devi Trishla has been are the fourteen great dreams that indicate extremely auspicious and divine gains in the near future. According to these dreams Devi Trishla will give birth to a son who will become a Chakravarti, but... Maharaj! According to the scriptures there already have been 12 Chakravartis, the prescribed number for this cycle of time. However, one Dharm-Chakravarti (Emperor of religion) is still to be born. As such, all the signs and circumstances point at the fact that your son, the benefactor of mankind, will be a Dharm-Chakravarti”. King Siddharth amply rewarded the dream-readers and sent them home with due honors (M-6). The Auspicious Birth It was springtime and the nature was in full bloom. The atmosphere was clean and pure. Cool and fragrant breeze infused joy in every particle in the nature. In the soundless quietude of the midnight, the sky was fluorescent with milky moonlight. The auspicious date was the thirteenth of the bright half of the month of Chaitra. The moon was in conjunction with the Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra (lunar mansion), the sign of victory. At that auspicious moment Mother Trishla gave birth to a divine child. The child was the embodiment of divine light. As soon as it was born, the world was filled with radiant light. It appeared as if, to behold this divine light even the blind were blessed with eyes. This light penetrated even the oppressingly dense darkness of the hell. The hell beings forgot their pain. Quarrels, fights and battles stopped. Those sufferings from a lifetime of hunger Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 32 www.jainuniversity.org

and thirst experienced a divine feeling of fulfillment. All around cool and fragrant breeze started blowing. Patients of chronic ailments felt cured. Natural enemies too had a surge of a feeling of mutual goodwill and love. All the three worlds (heaven, earth and hell) were filled with waves of happiness. With the birth of the child, the whole atmosphere underwent a strange change for sometime. Hearing the news of the birth of Bhagavan Mahavir all the inhabitants of the dimensions of gods danced with joy. First of all the king of gods, Shakrendra, came and bowed before the Bhagavan and then circumambulated mother Trishla three times. All the gods-goddesses and lower gods (Gandharva, Kinner etc.) sang and danced and celebrated the birth of the Tirthankar with gaiety. According to the Kalpasutra, on the night of the birth of the child, first of all 56 divine maidens from all directions (Disha Kumaris) performed the first cleaning and other necessary post birth duties. Shakrendra and other gods, then, took the child to the peak of the Meru Mountain and gave him the first bath and anointment. They sang songs in honor of the divine birth. „±üü ¿¢¢Ý¢² ½±¼é J At dawn a maid named Priyamvada rushed to king Siddharth and announced, “Congratulations Sire! Many congratulations! Queen Trishla was given birth to a male child”. Filled with joy and ecstacy the king gave away all the ornaments on his body, save state emblems, to Priyamvada. He also released her from slavery. Thus, a slave woman was freed of her life long slavery just because she was the bearer of the good news of the birth of the Tirthankar. Strange Celebrations King Siddharth called his Prime Minister and ordered, “Tell the officer-in-charge of celebrations to organize unique and special birth celebrations”. After the king’s order, all the highways, roads and lanes in the town of Kshatriyakund were cleared, perfumed water was sprayed, and buntings, garlands and leaves were lavishly put everywhere. Sweets and gifts were distributed. People danced with joy. The whole town echoed with felicitous songs and music. Maharaj Siddharth had an inspiration. He called the Prime Minister and said, “The celebrations of child birth in the royal family are part of the tradition. However, on this particular occasion I want something new, something unique.” The minister humbly submitted, “Sire! Express your wish and it will be carried out like an order”. King Siddharth said, “Today announce a general amnesty. Free all the prisoners; right off all the debts; distribute money to the needy; allow fifty percent subsidy on all purchases from all traders; open centers for distribution of food and clothes to the poor, old and invalid; and liberate old and sick slaves. Thus let the townsfolk join the celebrations free from misery, hunger and bondage. jainuniversity.org The order of king Siddharth was carried out. The celebrations continued for ten days with unprecedented enthusiasm. People hailed the occasion and muttered, “Some divine great soul has descended on the earth to liberate the world from pain and misery”. When the name giving ceremonies approached, king Siddharth said to Devi Trishla, “Devi! There has been a continued increase in our wealth, power and happiness. As such I think we should name the child as Vardhaman (ever increasing)”. Queen Trishla consented with joy, “Maharaj! You are absolutely correct. This child is certainly going to accelerate our alround development”. (M-7) Vardhaman: The Name On the Twelfth Day after the birth of the child, king Siddharth organized a great feast and invited all his relatives and friends. After meals and other state courtesies, king Siddharth addressed the guests, “Since the day this child was conceived, our family has been blessed with increasing goodwill, respect, wealth, and mutual affection. Cash, gold and gems have increased in our treasury. The public has descended; there has been a continued enhancement in our glory, wealth, health and fame. As such Devi Trishla and I have thought of a befitting name for this child “Vardhaman”. King Siddharth’s suggestion was unanimously approved and the child was formally named Vardhaman. (M-8) Fearless Vardhaman One day Shakrendra, while talking in the assembly of gods, stated, “There is no person more brave, courageous and strong than Prince Vardhaman”. Praising an eight-year-old boy’s bravery in the assembly of gods was a strange thing. A skeptic jokingly said Shakrendra was exaggerating. And he proceeded to test prince Vardhaman. Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 33 www.jainuniversity.org

and thirst experienced a divine feeling of fulfillment. All around cool and fragrant breeze started blowing. Patients of chronic<br />

ailments felt cured. Natural enemies too had a surge of a feeling of mutual goodwill and love. All the three worlds (heaven,<br />

earth and hell) were filled with waves of happiness. With the birth of the child, the whole atmosphere underwent a strange<br />

change for sometime.<br />

Hearing the news of the birth of Bhagavan Mahavir all the inhabitants of the dimensions of gods danced with joy. First of all<br />

the king of gods, Shakrendra, came and bowed before the Bhagavan and then circumambulated mother Trishla three times.<br />

All the gods-goddesses and lower gods (Gandharva, Kinner etc.) sang and danced and celebrated the birth of the Tirthankar<br />

with gaiety. According to the Kalpasutra, on the night of the birth of the child, first of all 56 divine maidens from all directions<br />

(Disha Kumaris) performed the first cleaning and other necessary post birth duties. Shakrendra and other gods, then, took<br />

the child to the peak of the Meru Mountain and gave him the first bath and anointment. They sang songs in honor of the divine<br />

birth.<br />

„±üü ¿¢¢Ý¢² ½±¼é J<br />

At dawn a maid named Priyamvada rushed to king Siddharth and announced, “Congratulations Sire! Many congratulations!<br />

Queen Trishla was given birth to a male child”.<br />

Filled with joy and ecstacy the king gave away all the ornaments on his body, save state emblems, to Priyamvada. He also<br />

released her from slavery. Thus, a slave woman was freed of her life long slavery just because she was the bearer of the<br />

good news of the birth of the Tirthankar.<br />

Strange Celebrations<br />

King Siddharth called his Prime Minister and ordered, “Tell the officer-in-charge of celebrations to organize unique and<br />

special birth celebrations”.<br />

After the king’s order, all the highways, roads and lanes in the town of Kshatriyakund were cleared, perfumed water was<br />

sprayed, and buntings, garlands and leaves were lavishly put everywhere. Sweets and gifts were distributed. People danced<br />

with joy. The whole town echoed with felicitous songs and music.<br />

Maharaj Siddharth had an inspiration. He called the Prime Minister and said, “The celebrations of child birth in the royal family<br />

are part of the tradition. However, on this particular occasion I want something new, something unique.”<br />

The minister humbly submitted, “Sire! Express your wish and it will be carried out like an order”.<br />

King Siddharth said, “Today announce a general amnesty. Free all the prisoners; right off all the debts; distribute money to the<br />

needy; allow fifty percent subsidy on all purchases from all traders; open centers for distribution of food and clothes to the<br />

poor, old and invalid; and liberate old and sick slaves. Thus let the townsfolk join the celebrations free from misery, hunger<br />

and bondage.<br />

jainuniversity.org<br />

The order of king Siddharth was carried out. The celebrations continued for ten days with unprecedented enthusiasm.<br />

People hailed the occasion and muttered, “Some divine great soul has descended on the earth to liberate the world from pain<br />

and misery”.<br />

When the name giving ceremonies approached, king Siddharth said to Devi Trishla, “Devi! There has been a continued<br />

increase in our wealth, power and happiness. As such I think we should name the child as Vardhaman (ever increasing)”.<br />

Queen Trishla consented with joy, “Maharaj! You are absolutely correct. This child is certainly going to accelerate our alround<br />

development”. (M-7)<br />

Vardhaman: The Name<br />

On the Twelfth Day after the birth of the child, king Siddharth organized a great feast and invited all his relatives and friends.<br />

After meals and other state courtesies, king Siddharth addressed the guests, “Since the day this child was conceived, our<br />

family has been blessed with increasing goodwill, respect, wealth, and mutual affection. Cash, gold and gems have increased<br />

in our treasury. The public has descended; there has been a continued enhancement in our glory, wealth, health and<br />

fame. As such Devi Trishla and I have thought of a befitting name for this child “Vardhaman”.<br />

King Siddharth’s suggestion was unanimously approved and the child was formally named Vardhaman. (M-8)<br />

Fearless Vardhaman<br />

One day Shakrendra, while talking in the assembly of gods, stated, “There is no person more brave, courageous and strong<br />

than Prince Vardhaman”. Praising an eight-year-old boy’s bravery in the assembly of gods was a strange thing. A skeptic<br />

jokingly said Shakrendra was exaggerating. And he proceeded to test prince Vardhaman.<br />

Amar Muni - Tirthankar Charitra - Surana # 33<br />


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