Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University

Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University

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- protection against dismissals; - staffing of singular positions predominantly with younger or older workers; - internal age thresholds for singular positions? • In your opinion, what are the main fields of action with regard to the goal of labour market integration of older workers? - recruitment; - dismissals; - the job profile; - job rotation; - flexibilisation of working time; - promotion; - teamwork; - remuneration; - in-service training; - ...? • Does your firm pursue certain innovative measures which aim at a better integration of older workers? • Does your firm utilise certain active labour market measures in order to recruit or train older workers? E.g.: - integration grants; - subsidy to the unemployment insurance when recruiting a worker aged 55 or older; - time-limited employment of workers aged 52 or older; - job-creation measures (ABM)? - early retirement scheme; - ...? • Has the recent labour market legislation had an effect on the personnel policy of your firm towards older workers, or will it presumably have an effect in the future? E.g.: - the termination of §428 Social Code Book III as of 2006 (facilitated receipt of the earnings-related unemployment benefit); - shortened period of receipt of the earnings-related unemployment benefit for older workers from 32 to 18 months as of Feb. 2006; - expiry of the obligation to reimburse the jobcentre for the unemployment benefit paid to dismissed older workers (by Feb. 2006); - narrower range of criteria in case of social selection during dismissals (the criterion of labour market chances of the person to be dismissed is dropped); - …? • What (possible) need for action do you perceive with regard to the situation of older workers in your firm or the ageing of the firm´s workforce? • What do you perceive as the main barriers towards pursuing those fields of action? • What should change on the collective bargaining or statutory level in order to facilitate personnel policy towards older workers in your firm? Personnel reductions • Has your firm gone through large personnel reductions in the last 10-15 years? What was the procedure of dismissals, what groups of workers were affected, what were the framing conditions (natural turnover, 263

early retirement scheme, freeze on new hiring, freeze on filling vacancies, redundancy payments scheme, cancellation agreements, outplacement services)? Exit from Employment • Do older workers leave your firm usually upon filling standard retirement age, or earlier? Along what pathways does that happen? E.g.: - dismissals; - giving in one´s notice; - standard old-age pension; - seniority pension (´flexible retirement age´); - early retirement scheme; - pre-retirement scheme; - work incapacity pension; - old-age pension for women; - ´57 rule´; - …? • Is there a latent age threshold in your firm upon reaching which older workers usually leave? • In your opinion, what are the reasons for the early/regular/late exit of older workers from your firm? • How have the pathways of exit from your firm evolved during the last 10-15 years? [Ask the firm for numbers of persons participating in the early retirement scheme and for general turnover statistics] Early retirement options provided by the firm • What pathways of early exit are provided by your firm? What are the framing conditions (e.g. blocked or part-time model of the early retirement scheme, duration of the ATZ contract, maximum quota of persons participating in ATZ, compensation for pension deductions, redundancy payments, wage increases within the ATZ contract, assessment basis for the contribution to the old-age pension insurance)? Are ensuing vacancies generally filled? • To what extent are those measures utilised by the employees? [Ask for statistical data!] • Did your firm make use of the pre-retirement scheme or the ´59 rule´ in the past? • Usually, who initiates early exit – firm representatives or the employee? What are the reasons for that? Why is the firm/the individual worker interested in early exit? Impact of legislative regulations upon early exit • Have pension reforms altered early exit behaviour and preferences of workers in your firm? • Has the personnel policy in your firm reacted to that altered early exit behaviour or preferences? - no; - yes, in the form of better integration of older workers; - yes, in the form of larger incentives to early exit, e.g. in the form of higher severance payments; - ... • Have past or currently debated pension reforms had an impact upon early exit pathways offered by your firm, or do you expect an impact thereof in future? • Is a replacement to the early retirement scheme about to expire by 2010 currently discussed in your firm? Does the debated model consider the divergent career paths of men and women? • How should the pension system look like (e.g. with regard to the early retirement scheme) in order to facilitate personnel policy towards older workers in your firm? 264

- protection against dismissals;<br />

- staffing of singular positions predominantly with younger or older workers;<br />

- internal age thresholds for singular positions?<br />

• In your opinion, what are the main fields of action with regard to the goal of labour market integration of<br />

older workers?<br />

- recruitment;<br />

- dismissals;<br />

- the job profile;<br />

- job rotation;<br />

- flexibilisation of working time;<br />

- promotion;<br />

- teamwork;<br />

- remuneration;<br />

- in-service training;<br />

- ...?<br />

• Does your firm pursue certain innovative measures which aim at a better integration of older workers?<br />

• Does your firm utilise certain active labour market measures in order to recruit or train older workers?<br />

E.g.:<br />

- integration grants;<br />

- subsidy to the unemployment insurance when recruiting a worker aged 55 or older;<br />

- time-limited employment of workers aged 52 or older;<br />

- job-creation measures (ABM)?<br />

- early retirement scheme;<br />

- ...?<br />

• Has the recent labour market legislation had an effect on the personnel policy of your firm towards older<br />

workers, or will it presumably have an effect in the future? E.g.:<br />

- the termination of §428 Social Code Book III as of 2006 (facilitated receipt of the earnings-related<br />

unemployment benefit);<br />

- shortened period of receipt of the earnings-related unemployment benefit for older workers from 32 to 18<br />

months as of Feb. 2006;<br />

- expiry of the obligation to reimburse the jobcentre for the unemployment benefit paid to dismissed older<br />

workers (by Feb. 2006);<br />

- narrower range of criteria in case of social selection during dismissals (the criterion of labour market<br />

chances of the person to be dismissed is dropped);<br />

- …?<br />

• What (possible) need for action do you perceive with regard to the situation of older workers in your firm<br />

or the ageing of the firm´s workforce?<br />

• What do you perceive as the main barriers towards pursuing those fields of action?<br />

• What should change on the collective bargaining or statutory level in order to facilitate personnel policy<br />

towards older workers in your firm?<br />

Personnel reductions<br />

• Has your firm gone through large personnel reductions in the last 10-15 years? What was the procedure of<br />

dismissals, what groups of workers were affected, what were the framing conditions (natural turnover,<br />


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