Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University

Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University Dissertation_Paula Aleksandrowicz_12 ... - Jacobs University

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ZUS, 2007: Ważniejsze informacje z zakresu ubezpieczeń społecznych (Fundusz Ubezpieczeń Społecznych). 2006 r. (http://www.zus.pl/files/dane2006.pdf). Zwick, Thomas, 2006: "Erfahrungen mit Eingliederungszuschüssen, Entgeltsicherung und dem Beitragsbonus". In: Henning Pfannkuche; Joachim Lange (eds.): Und die Moral von der Geschicht´...? Die Evaluierung der Arbeitsmarktreformen ("Hartz I bis III"). Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 157-166. Zych, Adam, 2006: "Dylematy trzeciego filara ubezpieczenia emerytalnego", Praca i zabezpieczenie spoleczne (5/2006), 32-35. Żukowski, Maciej, 1998: "Zatrudnienie osób starszych a reforma systemu emerytalnego w Polsce". In: Józef Orczyk (ed.): Współczesne dylematy zatrudnienia. Zeszyty Naukowe, Seria I, zeszyt 265. Poznań: Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, 100-107. Weeklies Gocłowska, Monika, 2004: „Bezrobotny z wyboru“, Business Week 2.-15.09.2004, 26-28. Markiewicz, Wojciech, 2003: „Polska inwalidą Europy”, Polityka nr 40, 4.10.2003, 3-9. Solska, Joanna, 2002: „Dziadek czy wnuczek”, Polityka nr 15, 13.04.2002, 18-19. Solska, Joanna, 2004: „Będąc młodą emerytką”, Polityka nr 10, 06.03.2004, 38-39. Solska, Joanna, 2008: “Chorzy zawodowo”, Polityka nr 26, 26.06.2008, 40-42. 261

Annex A: Interview Guidelines (Example: Interview Guidelines used in Germany during the first interview wave in 2004) Interviewer: Paula Aleksandrowicz Date: / Time: / Organisation: / Interviewee: Way of arranging the interview: Preliminary information on the firm: Own material on the firm: Guideline • Short presentation of the project • Goals of the interview and means of utilisation • Confirmation of anonymity • Asking whether interview might be recorded Warm-Up • Purview of the interviewee • Areas of business of the firm, market situation, current problems • Can an impact of the demographic change on the firm be currently made out? How does the firm deal with that and in what departments? • What sectoral, company and works council agreements are valid in the firm and have an impact upon the employment situation of older workers? Older workers in the organisation • Number of employees, age structure of the workforce • How would you define an ´older worker´? • What do you perceive as the pros and cons of older workers? • What are the working conditions of older blue- and white-collar workers? Do working conditions make a continuation of working life until the 65 th year feasible? • How is the situation dealt with in your firm when an older worker is not capable of working until his/her 65 th year? Personnel policy towards older workers • General direction of personnel policy towards older workers: - age-blind policy; older workers do neither benefit nor suffer from age-diverse treatment; - protective measures focused on older workers (protection against dismissals, seniority wages, …); - older workers are preferentially laid off and sent on early retirement; - ... • Does your firm pursue singular personnel policy measures which treat older and younger workers in a different way? What are the reasons? Possible measures are: - seniority wages; according to what criteria are the wages calculated? What is the wage structure in your firm, e.g. what is a blue-collar/a white-collar worker paid at the age of 55? - protection against downgrading (demotion); 262

Annex A: Interview Guidelines<br />

(Example: Interview Guidelines used in Germany during the first interview wave in 2004)<br />

Interviewer: <strong>Paula</strong> <strong>Aleksandrowicz</strong><br />

Date: / Time: / Organisation: / Interviewee:<br />

Way of arranging the interview:<br />

Preliminary information on the firm:<br />

Own material on the firm:<br />

Guideline<br />

• Short presentation of the project<br />

• Goals of the interview and means of utilisation<br />

• Confirmation of anonymity<br />

• Asking whether interview might be recorded<br />

Warm-Up<br />

• Purview of the interviewee<br />

• Areas of business of the firm, market situation, current problems<br />

• Can an impact of the demographic change on the firm be currently made out? How does the firm deal<br />

with that and in what departments?<br />

• What sectoral, company and works council agreements are valid in the firm and have an impact upon the<br />

employment situation of older workers?<br />

Older workers in the organisation<br />

• Number of employees, age structure of the workforce<br />

• How would you define an ´older worker´?<br />

• What do you perceive as the pros and cons of older workers?<br />

• What are the working conditions of older blue- and white-collar workers? Do working conditions make a<br />

continuation of working life until the 65 th year feasible?<br />

• How is the situation dealt with in your firm when an older worker is not capable of working until his/her<br />

65 th year?<br />

Personnel policy towards older workers<br />

• General direction of personnel policy towards older workers:<br />

- age-blind policy; older workers do neither benefit nor suffer from age-diverse treatment;<br />

- protective measures focused on older workers (protection against dismissals, seniority wages, …);<br />

- older workers are preferentially laid off and sent on early retirement;<br />

- ...<br />

• Does your firm pursue singular personnel policy measures which treat older and younger workers in a<br />

different way? What are the reasons? Possible measures are:<br />

- seniority wages; according to what criteria are the wages calculated? What is the wage structure in<br />

your firm, e.g. what is a blue-collar/a white-collar worker paid at the age of 55?<br />

- protection against downgrading (demotion);<br />


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