Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem


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Al Determination of aluminum in serum byChen,<br />

Shiow-Ching; Lan, Chi-Ren; Yang, Anal. Sci. (1997), 13(3), 415-421<br />

electrothermal atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry with prior sample<br />

pretreatment by microwave digestion<br />

and solid-phase extraction<br />

Mo-Hsiung<br />

(English)<br />

Pb, Co, Mn 2+ , Fe 3+ natural waters, swamp water Segmented-flow analysis. Online Maksimova, I. M.; Morosanova, E. I.; Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. (1997), 357(7), 946-949<br />

microwave sample processing for the Kuz'min, N. M.; Zolotov, Yu. A.<br />

analysis of natural waters<br />

(English)<br />

total Al seafood, meat samples std. ref. Microwave Digestion with HNO3- Sun, Da-hai; Waters, James K.; J. Agric. Food Chem. (1997), 45(6), 2115-2119<br />

materials:<br />

H2O2-HF for the Determination of Mawhinney, Thomas P.<br />

(English)<br />

NIST 1566a (oyster tissues) Total Aluminum in Seafood and Meat<br />

NIST 1577b (bovine liver) by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic<br />

Emission Spectrometry<br />

Tl human hair Hair analysis. Part 2. Differential pulse Ciszewski, Aleksander; Wasiak, Wieslaw Anal. Chim. Acta (1997), 343(3), 225-229<br />

anodic stripping voltammetric Ciszewska, Wanda<br />

(English)<br />

determination of thallium in human hair<br />

samples of persons in permanent<br />

contact with lead in their workplace<br />

metallic wear debris lubricating oil Instrumental neutron activation analysisBennett,<br />

L. G. I.; Swanson, S. A.; Poland J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (1997), 216(1), 81-85<br />

in support of implementation of<br />

quantitative filter debris analysis<br />

J. S.; Alexander, R. T.<br />

(English)<br />

total elemental fine - earth (< 2 mm) and clay<br />

analysis<br />

(< 2. mu.m) from soils<br />

Hg<br />

biol. samples<br />

Total elemental analysis digestion Wilson, M. A.; Burt, R.; Lynn, W. C.; Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. (1997), 28(6-8), 407-426<br />

method evaluation on soils and clays Klameth, L. C.<br />

(English)<br />

Comparison of pretreatment methods Lu, Shiping<br />

of biological samples in determination<br />

of trace mercury by cold atomic<br />

absorption spectrometry (CAAS)<br />

Ar, Sb, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb municipal - waste incineration Studies on microwave digestion Torigai, Makoto; Ouyang, Tong;<br />

fly ash; certified ref. material procedures for the simultaneous Iwashima, Kiyoshi; Osako, Masahiro;<br />

BCR No. 176<br />

multielement determination of arsenic, Tanaka, Masaru<br />

NIST 1633b antimony, chromium, cadmium, nickel,<br />

and lead in municipal waste incineratio<br />

fly ash by ICP-AES<br />

Guangdong Weiliang Yuansu Kexue (1996), 3(8), 37-41<br />

(Chinese)<br />

Bunseki Kagaku (1997), 46(5), 401-406<br />

(Japanese)<br />

Ni<br />

oily matrixes, std. ref. materials Element determination in oily matrix Misselwitz, Rainer; Sengutta, Ulf LaborPraxis (1997), 21(4), 44,47-48<br />

SRM 1634b<br />

(German)<br />

sheep wool Determination of some trace elements Costache, Mihaela; Stanescu, Sorin; Rev. Chim. (Bucharest) (1997), 48(3), 232-234<br />

in wool fibers by inductively coupled<br />

plasma atomic emission spectrometry<br />

(ICP-AES)<br />

Capota, Petre (Romanian)<br />

As, Se, S, Sn 53 ref. (Boro)hydride techniques in trace Howard, Alan G. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1997), 12(3), 267-272<br />

element speciation<br />

(English)<br />

Al, Ca, Fe, Cr, Cu, marine sediments<br />

Microwave vacuum drying of marine Tanner, P. A.; Leong, L. S.<br />

Anal. Chim. Acta (1997), 342(2-3), 247-252<br />

Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, total C<br />

sediment: determination of moisture<br />

content, metals and total carbon<br />

(English)<br />

trace of rare earth tea certified ref. material Determination of 15 trace rare earth Liu, Husheng; Wang, Naifen; Wang, Fenxi Kexue Xuebao (1997), 13(1), 45-47<br />

elements<br />

GBW 07605<br />

elements in tea by microwave acid<br />

digestion ICP-MS<br />

Xiaoyan; Liu, Ming<br />

(Chinese)<br />

Pb, Cd, Cu,Se cereal samples<br />

Comparison of closed-vessel and Gawalko, Eugene J.; Nowicki, Thomas J. AOAC Int. (1997), 80(2), 379-387<br />

focused open-vessel microwave W.; Babb, Jeff; Tkachuk, Russell; Wu, (English)<br />

dissolution for determination of<br />

cadmium, copper, lead, and selenium<br />

in wheat, wheat products, corn bran,<br />

and rice flour by transverse-heated<br />

graphite furnace atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry<br />

Shaole<br />

Ca, Cu, Fe, S, K, P, kernel of 19 almond cultivars Inductively coupled plasma application Prats-Moya, Soledad; Grane-Teruel, J. Agric. Food Chem. (1997), 45(6), 2093-2097<br />

Na, Mn, Mg, Zn<br />

for the classification of 19 almond Nuria; Berenguer-Navarro, Vicente; (English)<br />

cultivars using inorganic element<br />

composition<br />

Martin-Carratala, M. Luisa<br />

Se<br />

fish samples<br />

Application of the slurry technique to Januzzi, Gustavo S. B.; Krug, Francisco J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1997), 12(3), 375-378<br />

the determination of selenium in fish<br />

samples by electrothermal atomic<br />

absorption spectrometry<br />

J.; Arruda, Marco A. Z.<br />

(English)<br />

Cd<br />

human urine<br />

Microwave digestion and matrix Chen, Shiow Ching; Shiue, Meei Yun; Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. (1997), 357(8), 1192-1197<br />

separation for the determination of<br />

cadmium in urine samples by<br />

electrothermal atomization atomic<br />

absorption spectrometry (ETAAS)<br />

using a fast temperature program<br />

Yang, Mo Hsiung (English)<br />

Std. ref. samples of milk powder, Microwave-pressurized digestion with Kainrath, Peter; Weber, D. Oesterr. Chem. Z. (1997), 98(1), 15-16<br />

residual oil, bovine muscle and the new multiwave system. What<br />

(German)<br />

liver, chocolate<br />

advantages are to be expected from<br />

transparent sample preparation?<br />

Pt, Pd, Rh, Ti Determination of platinum, palladium,<br />

rhodium and titanium in automotive<br />

catalytic converters using inductively<br />

coupled plasma mass spectrometry<br />

with liquid nebulization<br />

Borisov, Oleg V.; Coleman, David M.;<br />

Oudsema, Kristine A.; Carter, R. O., III<br />

J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1997), 12(2), 239-246<br />

(English)<br />

Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl - Hg fish (walleye, lake trout, whitefish Effects of commonly used cooking Morgan, Jeffrey N.; Berry, Maurice R.; J. Exposure Anal. Environ. Epidemiol. (1997), 7(1), 119-133<br />

liver)<br />

practices on total mercury<br />

concentration in fish and their impact<br />

on exposure assessments<br />

Graves, Robert L.<br />

(English)<br />

Microwave assisted chemical Barclay, David A.; Jennings, William PCT Int. Appl., 27 pp.<br />

processes<br />

Edward; King, Edward E.<br />

(English)<br />

photoresists epoxy resins, Determination of ultratrace amounts of Takenaka, Miyuki; Kozuka, Shoji; Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.) (1997), 122(2), 129-132<br />

liq. cristals metallic and chloride ion impurities in Hayashi, Masaru; Endo, Hiroshi<br />

organic materials for microelectronics<br />

devices after a microwave digestion<br />

method<br />

(English)<br />

Ni rock, soil, sediment, sewage A generalized method for the Chakraborty, Ruma; Das, Arabinda K.; Anal. Lett. (1997), 30(2), 283-303<br />

sludge, mussel tissue, rice flour determination of nickel in different Cervera, M. Luisa; De La Guardia, (English)<br />

samples by ETAAS after rapid<br />

microwave-assisted digestion<br />

Miguel<br />

Hg<br />

solid waste<br />

Information analysis of variance Sarbu, Costel<br />

Anal. Lett. (1997), 30(5), 1051-1063<br />

applied to method-comparison. A<br />

comparative study<br />

(English)<br />

Capsule-based microwave digestion Legere, Jean-Guy Joseph (1995) 234 pp. Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No.<br />

(polyacrylamide)<br />

DANN12410 From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 1997, 57(10), 6223<br />

(English)<br />

Literatur-MW-Aufschluß 136

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