Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem


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Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, K, Na, tree foliage Microwave digestion of tree foliage for Kalra, Y. P.; Maynard, D. G.; Radford, Can. J. For. Res. (1989), 19(8), 981-5<br />

Mn, P, S<br />

multi-element analysis<br />

F. G.<br />

(English)<br />

COD membrane filtered natural Chemical oxygen demand (COD) usingJardim,<br />

Wilson F.; Rohwedder, Jarbas Water Res. (1989), 23(8), 1069-71<br />

samples<br />

microwave digestion<br />

J. R.<br />

(English)<br />

As Ni-based alloy Determination of arsenic in a nickel Riby, Philip G.; Haswell, Stephen J.; J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1989), 4(2), 181-4<br />

based alloy using a microwave -<br />

digestion procedure and a continuous<br />

flow hydride generation atomic<br />

absorption system incorporating online<br />

matrix removal<br />

Grzeskowiak, Roman<br />

(English)<br />

soil sample NBS 1646 ICP-OES evaluation of microwave Kammin, William R.; Brandt, Michael J. Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.) (1989), 4(3), 49-50, 52-3<br />

digestion<br />

(English)<br />

Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, food Application of PTFE closed-vessel Xu, Liqiang; Sen, Wangxing Yingyang Xuebao (1989), 11(1), 65-70<br />

Cu<br />

microwave oven digestion method for<br />

analysis of elements in food<br />

(Chinese)<br />

samples at Rocky Mountain Technology assessment of field Jenkins, R. A.; Maskarinec, M. P.; Griest, Report (1988), ORNL/TM-10542; Order No. DE88015357, 107<br />

Arsenal<br />

portable instrumentation for use at W. H.; Dyer, F. F.; Moody, R. L.; pp. Avail.: NTIS From: Energy Res. Abstr. 1988, 13(21), Abstr.<br />

Rocky Mountain Arsenal: final report Buchanan, M. V.<br />

No. 49176<br />

(English)<br />

Fundamental relationships in acid Kingston, H. M.; Jassie, L. B. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (1988), 124(Microwave<br />

decomposition of samples for<br />

Process. Mater.), 121-8<br />

elemental analysis using microwave<br />

energy<br />

(English)<br />

cool ash samples Microwave digestion of coal ash for Osborne, Michael W.; Curry, Edward L. Proc. Conf. - Int. Coal Test. Conf. (1987), 6, 16-20<br />

elemental ash analysis<br />

(English)<br />

Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, sewage sludge Determination of cadmium, copper, Morales, A.; Pomares, F.; De la Guardia, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1989), 4(4), 329-32<br />

Zn<br />

iron, manganese, lead, and zinc in<br />

sewage sludges with prior acid<br />

digestion in a microwave oven and<br />

slurry introduction<br />

M.; Salvador, A.<br />

(English)<br />

Hg biol. materials Microwave dissolution for the Vermeir, G.; Vandecasteele, C.; Dams, Anal. Chim. Acta (1989), 220(1), 257-61<br />

determination of mercury in biological R.<br />

samples<br />

(English)<br />

Microwave dissolution : a new Batchelor, Jeremy P. Chem. N. Z. (1988), 52(2), 33-4, 37<br />

solution?<br />

(English)<br />

41 refs. of biol. materials Microwave oven digestion procedures De la Guardia, M.; Salvador, A.; J. Flow Injection Anal. (1988), 5(2), 121-31<br />

and flow injection for the analysis of<br />

biological samples<br />

Burguera, J. L.; Burguera, M.<br />

(English)<br />

An expert-database system for sample Settle, F. A., Jr.; Diamondstone, B. I.; J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. (1989), 29(1), 11-17<br />

preparation by microwave dissolution . Kingston, H. M.; Pleva, M. A.<br />

1. Selection of analytical descriptors<br />

(English)<br />

As soil samples A microwave dissolution technique for<br />

the determination of arsenic in soils<br />

Huang, J.; Goltz, D.; Smith, F. Talanta (1988), 35(11), 907-8<br />

(English)<br />

Zn, Cd human kidney, liver tissue Determination of zinc and cadmium in Burguera, M.; Burguera, J. L.; Alarcon,<br />

small amounts of biological tissues by O. M.<br />

microwave-assisted digestion and flowinjection<br />

atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry<br />

Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn,<br />

Zn<br />

food samples Study on the PTFE closed-vessel<br />

microwave digestion method in food<br />

elemental analysis<br />

Y complex nickel-base superalloys Determination of yttrium in complex<br />

nickel-base alloys using microwave<br />

dissolution and inductively coupled<br />

plasma optical emission spectrometry<br />

Anal. Chim. Acta (1988), 214(1-2), 421-7<br />

(English)<br />

Xu, Liqiang; Shen, Wangxing Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. (1988), 332(1), 45-7<br />

(English)<br />

Vozzella, Paul A.; Condit, David A. Anal. Chem. (1988), 60(22), 2497-500<br />

(English)<br />

metals wastewater, sludge samples Ashing of wastewater and sludge in a Boffelli, Elia Inquinamento (1988), 30(5), 96-8<br />

microwave field<br />

(Italian)<br />

Al bone, brain tissue Clean room and microwave digestion Skelly, E. M.; DiStefano, F. T. Appl. Spectrosc. (1988), 42(7), 1302-6<br />

techniques: improvement in detection<br />

limits for aluminum determination by<br />

GF-AAS<br />

(English)<br />

Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, diet and fecal samples Wet microwave digestion of diet and Schelkoph, Gwen M.; Milne, David B. Anal. Chem. (1988), 60(19), 2060-2<br />

Mn, P, Zn<br />

fecal samples for inductively coupled<br />

plasma analysis<br />

(English)<br />

Hg wet fish muscle The use of microwaves in wet Schnitzer, G.; Pellerin, C.; Clouet, C. Lab. Pract. (1988), 37(1), 63-5<br />

digestion of a biological substance for<br />

mercury assay by atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry<br />

(English)<br />

Fe NBS CRM 1577a, split samples Rapid sample preparation for Van Wyck, David B.; Schifman, Ron B.; Clin. Chem. (Winston-Salem, N. C.) (1988), 34(6), 1128-30<br />

of mouse tissues<br />

determination of iron in tissue by Stivelman, John C.; Ruiz, Joaquin; (English)<br />

closed-vessel digestion and microwaveMartin,<br />

Debra<br />

energy<br />

Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, NBS-SRM 1577, NIES-CRM Pressurized microwave digestion of Kojima, Isao; Uchida, Tetsuo; Iida, Anal. Sci. (1988), 4(2), 211-14<br />

Mg, K, Na<br />

No. 1, No. 6 and No. 7 biological samples for metal<br />

determination<br />

Chuzo<br />

(English)<br />

trace elements marine biol. tissue, sediment Acid digestion of marine samples for Nakashima, Susumu; Sturgeon, Ralph E. Analyst (London) (1988), 113(1), 159-63<br />

samples<br />

trace element determination using<br />

microwave heating<br />

Willie, Scott N.; Berman, Shier S. (English)<br />

citrus juice samples Comparison of microwave and muffle Nikdel, Seifollah; Temelli, Cengiz M. Microchem. J. (1987), 36(2), 240-4<br />

furnace for citrus juice sample<br />

preparation and analysis using<br />

inductively coupled plasma - atomic<br />

emission spectrometry<br />

(English)<br />

Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Na, peat<br />

Application of microwave digestion to Papp, Clara S.; Fischer, Lynn B. Analyst (London) (1987), 112(3), 337-8<br />

K, Mn, Zn, Cu, Li<br />

the analysis of peat<br />

(English)<br />

total metals NBS SRM 1645, samples of the Microwave digestion techniques in the Mahan, Kent I.; Foderaro, Tom A.; Anal. Chem. (1987), 59(7), 938-45<br />

California Gulch, Colorado sequential extraction of calcium, iron, Garza, Tressa L.; Martinez, Russell M.; (English)<br />

sediment<br />

chromium, manganese, lead, and zinc Maroney, Gary A.; Trivisonno, Mike R.;<br />

in sediments<br />

Willging, Ellen M.<br />

Ca, Mg, P, Al, Cu, urinary calculi<br />

Simultaneous determination of major Wandt, Michael Alexander Erich; Analyst (London) (1986), 111(11), 1249-53<br />

Fe, K, Li, Mn, Mo,<br />

and trace elements in urinary calculi by Pougnet, Michel Andre Bruno (English)<br />

Na, Pb, S, Sr, Zn<br />

microwave-assisted digestion and<br />

inductively coupled plasma atomic<br />

emission spectrometric analysis<br />

biol. and botanical std. ref. Microwave energy for acid Kingston, H. M.; Jassie, L. B. Anal. Chem. (1986), 58(12), 2534-41<br />

materials decomposition at elevated<br />

temperatures and pressures using<br />

biological and botanical samples<br />

(English)<br />

Al, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, biol. samples Microwave digestion procedure for Pougnet, M. A. B.; Wandt, M. A. E. ChemSA (1986), 12(1), 16-18<br />

Mn, Na, P, Sr, Zn<br />

ICP-AES analysis of biological<br />

samples<br />

(English)<br />

Literatur-MW-Aufschluß 153

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