Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem


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Microwave dissolution : development<br />

and application of a new sample<br />

preparation technique<br />

28 refs. Practical options for microwave<br />

digestions<br />

solids (14 refs.) Applications of atomic spectrometry to<br />

the analysis of Advanced Materials<br />

sediment, sludges, soils, oils Evaluation of microwave detection<br />

techniques to prepare solid and<br />

hazardous waste samples for<br />

elemental analysis<br />

Cu wood, NIST SRM 1575 Flame atomic absorption spectrometric<br />

Al, As, Ba, Cr, Cu,<br />

Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni,<br />

P, Pb, Rb, Sr, Zn<br />

plant materials: NIST SRM 1572<br />

and 1575<br />

determination of copper-8-quinolinolate<br />

anti-stain on treated lumber surfaces<br />

Microwave digestion of plant material<br />

for trace element determination<br />

Jassie, Lois B. (1989) 252 pp. Avail.: Univ. Microfilms Int., Order No.<br />

DA9014653 From: Diss. Abstr. Int. B 1990, 50(12, Pt. 1), 5579-<br />

80<br />

(English)<br />

Kimber, Graham M.; Kokot, Serge Trends Anal. Chem. (1990), 9(6), 203-7<br />

(English)<br />

Marshall, John; Franks, Jeff Anal. Proc. (London) (1990), 27(9), 240-1<br />

(English)<br />

Grohse, Peter M.; Binstock, David A.; U. S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Res. Dev., [Rep.] EPA (1988),<br />

Gaskill, Alvia, Jr.; Kingston, Howard M.; EPA/600/D-89/189, Field Screening Methods Hazard. Waste<br />

Sellers, Charles<br />

Site Invest., 411-21<br />

(English)<br />

Stock, David J. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1990), 5(7), 631-4<br />

(English)<br />

Zunk, B. Anal. Chim. Acta (1990), 236(2), 337-43<br />

(German)<br />

SiO2 powd. carbonate rock samples Microwave digestion of carbonate rock Kemp, Anthony J.; Brown, Craig J. Analyst (London) (1990), 115(9), 1197-9<br />

samples for chemical analysis<br />

(English)<br />

butyltin, dibutyltin, marine ref. materials: CASS-2, Applications of ICP-MS in marine McLaren, J. W.; Siu, K. W. M.; Lam, J. Fresenius. J. Anal. Chem. (1990), 337(6), 721-8<br />

tributyltin, Hg<br />

LUTS-1, PACS-1<br />

analytical chemistry<br />

W.; Willie, S. N.; Maxwell, P. S.; Palepu, (English)<br />

sediment samples<br />

A.; Koether, M.; Berman, S. S.<br />

U - 238, U - 234,<br />

Th - 232, Th- 230<br />

granite, arkose, river sediment,<br />

nearshore marine sediment<br />

Microwave oven dissolution of<br />

geological samples: novel application<br />

in the determination of natural decay<br />

series radionuclides<br />

Alexander, W. R.; Shimmield, T. M. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (1990), 145(4), 301-10<br />

(English)<br />

K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, several std. samples of NBS and Use of microwave oven for the Lachica, M. Analusis (1990), 18(5), 331-3<br />

Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd, Pb, CBR<br />

determination of mineral elements in<br />

(English)<br />

As<br />

biological material<br />

trace and ultratrace geol. and biol. samples Microwave acid digestion of geological Noeltner, Thomas; Maisenbacher, Peter; Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.) (1990), 5(4), 49-53<br />

elements<br />

and biological standard reference<br />

materials for trace element<br />

determination by inductively coupled<br />

plasma-mass spectrometry<br />

Puchelt, Harald<br />

(English)<br />

Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn biol. samples Determination of trace metals in Isoyama, Hirofumi; Uchida, Tetsuo; Anal. Sci. (1990), 6(3), 385-8<br />

biological samples by inductively Oguchi, Kyoko; Iida, Chuzo; Nakagawa, (English)<br />

coupled plasma atomic emission Genkichi<br />

spectrometry with discrete nebulization<br />

after microwave decomposition<br />

S plant, NBS Citrus Std. Microwave digestion of plant samples Finch, Calvin R.; Pennington, H. Dale; Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. (1990), 21(7-8), 583-94<br />

for sulfur analysis<br />

Lyons, Calvin G.; Littau, Sara E. (English)<br />

Ga, Ge solid matrixes A rapid method for the determination Davidson, Robert A.; Harbuck, Donna D. At. Spectrosc. (1990), 11(1), 7-12<br />

of gallium and germanium in solid<br />

samples by atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry<br />

Hammargren, Dwight D.<br />

(English)<br />

Microwave digestion using a closed- Grillo, Angelo C. Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.) (1990), 5(1), 14, 16, 55<br />

vessel system<br />

(English)<br />

food, soils, sediments Application of closed-vessel<br />

Xu, Liqiang; Shen, Wangxing; Zhu, J. Environ. Sci. (China) (1989), 1(2), 69-75<br />

microwave digestion method for the<br />

determination of multi-elements in<br />

environmental samples by sequential<br />

ICP-AES<br />

Jingfang<br />

(English)<br />

The simulation of EPA method 3050 Kammin, William R.; Brandt, Michael J. Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.) (1989), 4(6), 22, 24<br />

using a high-temperature and highpressure<br />

microwave bomb<br />

(English)<br />

Analysis of biological reference Friel, James K.; Skinner, Craig S.; Analyst (London) (1990), 115(3), 269-73<br />

materials, prepared by microwave<br />

dissolution , using inductively coupled<br />

plasma mass spectrometry<br />

Jackson, Simon E.; Longerich,Henry P. (English)<br />

14 refs. New sample pretreatment method for Chen, Chun Min Shih Yu (Taipei) (1989), 25(1), 17-33<br />

atomic absorption and inductively<br />

coupled plasma-atomic emission<br />

spectroscopy- microwave digestion -<br />

extraction technique<br />

(Chinese)<br />

marine sediments Microwave digestion technique for the Millward, Christopher G.; Kluckner, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1989), 4(8), 709-13<br />

extraction of minerals from<br />

environmental marine sediments for<br />

Paul D.<br />

(English)<br />

analysis by inductively coupled plasma<br />

atomic emission spectrometry and<br />

atomic absorption spectrometry<br />

17 refs. Microwave digestion techniques Dan, Dezhong Huaxue Tongbao (1989), (10), 46-9<br />

(Chinese)<br />

NIST SRM 5277 and 1566, Analysis of biological reference Friel, James K.; Skinner, Craig S.; Analyst (London) (1990), 115(3), 269-73<br />

IAEA CRM H4 Animal Muscle materials, prepared by microwave<br />

dissolution , using inductively coupled<br />

plasma mass spectrometry<br />

Jackson, Simon E.; Longerich,Henry P. (English)<br />

P, S, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, whole blood, human serum Multielement determination of trace Prange, A.; Boeddeker, H.; Michaelis, W. Fresenius' Z. Anal. Chem. (1989), 335(8), 914-18<br />

Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Pb, elements in whole blood and blood (English)<br />

Mn, Ni serum by TXRF<br />

Se NIST 1577a Determination of selenium in bovine Martin, Carolyn K.; Williams, James C. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1989), 4(8), 691-5<br />

liver by Zeeman-effect atomic<br />

absorption spectrometry using a<br />

palladium-copper chemical modifier<br />

(English)<br />

Fe, Mn, Se pig liver<br />

Application of closed-vessel Xu, Liqiang; Zhu, Jinfang; Zhang, Linjun; Lihua Jianyan, Huaxue Fence (1988), 24(5), 278, 306<br />

microwave digestion method -<br />

determination of iron, manganese and<br />

selenium in pig liver<br />

Qiu, Chengjuan (Chinese)<br />

72 refs. Present status of microwave sample Matusiewicz, Henryk; Sturgeon, Ralph E. Prog. Anal. Spectrosc. (1989), 12(1), 21-39<br />

dissolution and decomposition for<br />

elemental analysis<br />

(English)<br />

Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, food samples<br />

Determination of nine elements in food Xu, Liqiang; Shen, Wangxing Fenxi Shiyanshi (1989), 8(5), 33-4<br />

Zn, Sr, Br, P by ICP-AES with pressurized vessel<br />

microwave digestion<br />

(Chinese)<br />

Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, solid brewing samples Microwave digestion of brewing McCarthy, Stephen L. J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. (1989), 47(4), 91-3<br />

Mn, Na, Zn materials (English)<br />

metals plant tissue samples A rapid microwave dissolution method Nieuwenhuize, J.; Poley-Vos, C. H. At. Spectrosc. (1989), 10(5), 148-53<br />

for the determination of trace and<br />

minor elements in lyophilized plant<br />

material<br />

(English)<br />

Literatur-MW-Aufschluß 152

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