Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem

Literaturliste Mikrowellen- aufschluß - Cem


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B tissues Chemical disposition of boron in<br />

animals and humans<br />

total metals cement kiln, feed streams A microwave digestion technique for<br />

trace element analysis of industrial<br />

furnace feed streams<br />

Cr, Ni, As, Pb, Se air particulate materials Microwave digestion and elemental<br />

characterization of air pollutants from<br />

disposal of munitions<br />

Moseman, Robert F. Environ. Health Perspect. Suppl. (1994), 102(Suppl. 7),113-17<br />

(English)<br />

Pedersen, Bruce A. Therm. Treat. Radioact., Hazard. Chem., Mixed, Munitions,<br />

Pharm. Wastes, Proc. Int. Incineration Conf., 13th (1994), 93-8<br />

Publisher: Univ. Calif., Irvine, Irvine, Calif.<br />

(English)<br />

Sun, Benjing; Asplund, Matthew; Hill, MaxTherm.<br />

Treat. Radioact., Hazard. Chem., Mixed, Munitions,<br />

W.; Lee, Milton L.; Mangelson, Nolan F.;<br />

Rees, Lawrence B.<br />

Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd lyophilized vegetal tissue Validation of microwave dissolution of Blanco, M. J.; Rbio, R.; Tomas, X.;<br />

lyophilized vegetal tissue for the<br />

subsequent determination of copper,<br />

Obiols, J.<br />

lead, chromium and cadmium by using<br />

atomic absorption spectrometry<br />

Pharm. Wastes, Proc. Int. Incineration Conf., 13th (1994), 689-<br />

95 Publisher: Univ. Calif., Irvine, Irvine, Calif.<br />

(English)<br />

Anal. Proc. (1994), 31(12), 353-6<br />

(English)<br />

water, soils, sludges Sample pretreatment by microwaves Bitsch, Roland LaborPraxis (1994), 18(4), 76-81<br />

(German)<br />

Tl nickel - based alloys Determination of trace amounts of Saraswati, Rajananda; Desikan, N. R.; J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1994), 9(11), 1289-91<br />

thallium in nickel-based alloys by<br />

electrothermal atomic absorption<br />

spectrometry<br />

Rao, T. H.<br />

(English)<br />

Fe, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd, TiO2 Determination of heavy metals in TiO2 Beer, Bernhard; Heumann, Klaus G. Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. (1994), 350(4-5), 284-5<br />

Pb, Tl, U<br />

with isotope dilution mass<br />

spectrometry<br />

(English)<br />

B, Cr, Fe, Si Ni alloy The determination of B, Cr, Fe, and Si Zehr, Bradley D. At. Spectrosc. (1994), 15(5), 213-15<br />

in Ni alloy<br />

(English)<br />

Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu citrus leave, apple leaves, Wet digestion using microwave Stryjewska, E.; Rubel, S.; Skowron, A. Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) (1994), 39(4), 491-6<br />

P-alfalfa, cabbage leaves irradiation for mineralization of organic<br />

samples before heavy metal<br />

determination by differential pulse<br />

anodic stripping voltammetry. I. Plant<br />

material<br />

(English)<br />

As, Co, Cr, Hg, Sb, clam, crab, prawn, swamp The accumulation and distribution of Yusof, A. M.; Rahman, N. A.;<br />

Biol. Trace Elem. Res. (1994), 43-45, 239-49<br />

Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb cerith,mussel samples, trace metals in some localized marine Wood, A. K. H.<br />

(English)<br />

sediments,<br />

std.:TORT - 1<br />

species<br />

total metals concns. cement kilns feedstreams A microwave digestion technique for Pedersen, Bruce A. World <strong>Cem</strong>. (1994), 25(4), 80,82-4<br />

trace elements analysis of industrial<br />

furnace feedstreams<br />

(English)<br />

Pb wine, beer, juice, fruit Determination of lead in wine, other Cabrera, Carmen; Madrid, Yolanda; J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1994), 9(12), 1423-6<br />

beverages and fruit slurries by flow<br />

injection hydride generation atomic<br />

absorption spectrometry with online<br />

microwave digestion<br />

Camara, Carmen<br />

(English)<br />

Se infant formulas GFAAS determination of selenium in Alegria, A.; Barbera, R.; Farre, R.; Nahrung (1994), 38(4), 382-5<br />

infant formulas using a microwave<br />

digestion method<br />

Moreno, A.<br />

(English)<br />

Se biol. tissues, NIST SRM 1577 Square wave cathodic stripping Prasad, Pamidi V. A.; Arunachalam, J.; Electroanalysis (N. Y.) (1994), 6(7), 589-92<br />

voltammetric determination of seleniumGangadharan,<br />

S.<br />

in small quantities of biological tissues<br />

(English)<br />

As, Sb, Sn, Bi, Se, Te<br />

high carbon alloy steels Robotic microwave digestion for the<br />

analysis of alloy steels<br />

Ball, C. H.<br />

steels<br />

Application of flow injection inductively Coedo, Aurora G.; Dorado, M. Teresa<br />

std. ref. materials:NIST 361-365, coupled plasma mass spectrometry to<br />

ECRM 088, BAS 097<br />

the simultaneous determination of<br />

arsenic, antimony, tin, bismuth<br />

selenium and tellurium in steels<br />

Proc. Chem. Conf. (1992), 44TH 29-39<br />

(English)<br />

J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (1994), 9(10), 1111-15<br />

(English)<br />

U, metals aquatic environmental systems, Adsorption voltammetric techniques forSander,<br />

Sylvia; Henze, Guenter Fresenius' J. Anal. Chem. (1994), 349(8-9), 654-8<br />

polluted water samples the determination of uranium(VI) with<br />

2,5-dichloro-3,6-dihydroxy-1,4benzoquinone<br />

as complex forming<br />

reagent<br />

(English)<br />

Al Fe ores and steels One-step microwave digestion Del Monte Tamba, Maria Grazia; Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.) (1994), 119(9), 2081-5<br />

procedures for the determination of Falciani, Roberta; Dorado Lopez, (English)<br />

aluminum in steels and iron ores by<br />

inductively coupled plasma atomic<br />

emission spectrometry<br />

Teresa; Gomez Coedo, Aurora<br />

Au, Pt - group metals three ref. ores Evaluation of ICP-MS/microwave oven Nowinski, Piotr; Hodge, Vernon At. Spectrosc. (1994), 15(3), 109-14<br />

preparation for the rapid analysis of<br />

ore samples for gold and the platinumgroup<br />

metals<br />

(English)<br />

Determination of trace elements in Naohara, Jun; Satou, Akihiko; Kawasaki, Okayama Rika Daigaku Kiyo, A (1993), 29A, 139-48<br />

environmental sample by ICP-MS. (2) Naoyoshi; Oonishi, Satoshi; Yamashita, (Japanese)<br />

Analysis of trace elements in biological Eiji; Ishii, Takeshi; Shige, Yoshitsugu<br />

reference materials (NIES tea leaves)<br />

using ICP-MS<br />

metal oxides water Development of continuous flow Kim, Youn Doo; Lee, Gae Ho; Kim, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. (1994), 15(9), 786-91<br />

microwave digestion procedures for Hyung Seung; Kim, Dong Soo; Park, (English)<br />

analysis of trace metal oxides in water Kwang Kyu<br />

using ion chromatography<br />

W, Ti, Nb, Cr, Ni, Mn, Cu alloy<br />

Application of pressurized sample Borszeki, Janos; Halmos, Pal; Gegus, Talanta (1994), 41(7), 1089-93<br />

V, Cu, S, P<br />

preparation methods for analysis of<br />

steels and copper alloys<br />

Erno; Karpati, Peter<br />

(English)<br />

total Cr, Cd, Zn, Cu, soils, sediments<br />

Field Screening of Chromium, Olsen, Khris B.; Wang, Joseph; Setiadji, Environ. Sci. Technol. (1994), 28(12), 2074-9<br />

Pb<br />

Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, and Lead in Rossi; Lu, Jianmin<br />

Sediments by Stripping Analysis<br />

(English)<br />

Hg waste samples<br />

Mercury analysis by microwave Maw, Richard; Witry, Lynn; Emond, Spectroscopy (Eugene, Oreg.) (1994), 9(6), 39-41<br />

digestion preparation<br />

Thomas<br />

(English)<br />

Cu, Zn, Cd<br />

mollusk, fish, crustacean Low-volume microwave digestion of Baldwin, S.; Deaker, M.; Maher, W. Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.) (1994), 119(8), 1701-4<br />

marine biological tissues for the<br />

measurement of trace elements<br />

(English)<br />

Se biol. samples<br />

Comparison of two digestion methods Ducros, Veronique; Ruffieux, Daniel; Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.) (1994), 119(8), 1715-17<br />

for the determination of selenium in<br />

biological samples<br />

Belin, Nicole; Favier, Alain<br />

(English)<br />

n - alkanes feces A note on the use of alternative Vulich, S. A. Ir. J. Agric. Food Res. (1994), 33(1), 71-3<br />

saponification procedures for the<br />

determination of n-alkanes in feces<br />

(English)<br />

N<br />

The Kjeldahl determination of nitrogen: McKenzie, Hugh A.<br />

Trends Anal. Chem. (1994), 13(4), 138-44<br />

retrospect and prospect<br />

(English)<br />

Literatur-MW-Aufschluß 144

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