Solid State Theory Solution Sheet 5

Solid State Theory Solution Sheet 5

Solid State Theory Solution Sheet 5


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<strong>Solid</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

<strong>Solution</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong> 5<br />

FS 13<br />

Prof. M. Sigrist<br />

Exercise 5.1<br />

Coulomb interaction - excitons<br />

We want to study the influence of the electron-electron interaction on the excitation<br />

spectrum of the half-filled chain.<br />

1. In the following we show that the repulsive interaction between the electrons leads<br />

to an attractive interaction between the electrons in the conduction band and the<br />

holes in the valence band.<br />

We consider the following repulsive interaction:<br />

Û = U<br />

N/2<br />

N∑<br />

∑<br />

n i n i+1 = U n 2i (n 2i−1 + n 2i+1 ). (1)<br />

i=1<br />

i=1<br />

We want to find a simple expression in terms of the operators a k and b k . We start<br />

with the density operator n j = c † j c j.<br />

n 2j = 1 ∑∑<br />

e i(k−k′ )2j c † k<br />

N<br />

c k ′<br />

k k ′<br />

= 1 ∑′∑′ e<br />

i(k−k ′)2j (c † k<br />

N<br />

c k ′ + c† k c k ′ +π + c † k+π c k ′ + c† k+π c k ′ +π)<br />

k k ′<br />

= 1 ∑′∑′ e<br />

i(k−k ′)2j (c † k<br />

N<br />

+ c† k+π ) (c k ′ + c<br />

} {{ } } {{ k ′ +π)<br />

}<br />

k k ′ ≈− √ 2b † ≈− √ 2b<br />

k<br />

k ′<br />

≈<br />

2 ∑′∑′ e<br />

i(k−k ′)2j b † k<br />

N<br />

b k ′. (2)<br />

k k ′<br />

Here, we used that u ±π/2 = −v ±π/2 = 1/ √ 2, and where the ∑′ runs over the reduced<br />

Brillouin zone. Note that the above approximation is only valid in the vicinity of<br />

k = ±π/2. However, for u ≪ v, t this is the region which is most affected by the<br />

interaction and the approximation is justified in this limit. In a similar way one<br />

shows<br />

n 2j±1 ≈ 2 ∑′∑′ e<br />

i(k−k ′)(2j±1) a † k<br />

N<br />

a k ′. (3)<br />

k k ′<br />

In the vicinity of the band gap, namely for k ≈ ±π/2, the ’a-particles’ live solely<br />

on the odd lattice sites whereas the ’b-particles’ are exclusively on the even lattice<br />

sites. In other words, the electrons near the Fermi surface (for U = 0) have optimally<br />

arranged themselves to gain as much energy as possible from the potential ˆV . This<br />

means that if an electron-hole pair is created we find that the electron will mainly<br />

be on the even sites while the hole will be on the odd sites. This is in fact the<br />

reason why we need a non-local interaction between the electrons (as modeled by<br />

Û) in order to have an attractive interaction between holes and electrons. A local<br />

interaction (which anyway is not possible for spinless fermions) would not be able<br />

to do this job.<br />


Using Eqs. (2), (3) and (1) we obtain<br />

Û ≈ 4U<br />

≈<br />

∑<br />

′ N/2<br />

N 2<br />

k 1 ,...,k 4 j=0<br />

4U<br />

N<br />

∑<br />

With the substitution<br />

∑<br />

e i(k 1−k 2 +k 3 −k 4 )2j (e i(k 3−k 4 ) + e −i(k 3−k 4 ) )b † k 1<br />

b k2 a † k 3<br />

a k4 (4)<br />

k 1 ,...,k 4<br />

′<br />

δk1 +k 3 ,k 2 +k 4<br />

cos(k 3 − k 4 )b † k 1<br />

b k2 a † k 3<br />

a k4 . (5)<br />

k 1 → k k 2 → k ′ k 3 → k ′ + q k 4 → k + q (6)<br />

the constraint k 1 + k 3 = k 2 + k 4 is automatically fulfilled and we obtain<br />

Û ≈ − 4U N<br />

∑<br />

k,k ′ ,q<br />

′<br />

cos(k − k ′ )a k+q b † k b k ′a† k ′ +q<br />

+ 4U ∑ b †<br />

✟ ✟✟✟✟✟ k b k<br />

(7)<br />

k<br />

as on the exercise sheet. The minus sign in the above equation stems from the<br />

exchange of the fermionic operator a † k ′ +q<br />

with three fermionic operators. This minus<br />

sign is very important since it yields an attraction between electrons and holes. In<br />

addition, in Eq. (7) we dropped a term proportional to the total number of electrons<br />

in the conduction band which is irrelevant for the following discussion.<br />

2. The Hamilton operator H = H 1 + Û with the approximation (7) for Û separately<br />

preserves the number of electrons and holes and therefore we can use the following<br />

ansatz for the wave function of the exciton:<br />

|ψ q 〉 = ∑ k<br />

′<br />

A<br />

q<br />

k a k+qb † k<br />

|Ω〉. (8)<br />

Note that this ansatz yields exact eigenstates of H only in the case when Û is<br />

approximated according to Eq. (7). The exact Û does not preserve the number of<br />

electrons and holes separately and leads to a complicated many-body problem.<br />

The coefficients A q k and the excitation energy ω q of the exciton have to be determined<br />

such that<br />

( ˜H 1 + Û)|ψ q〉 = ω q |ψ q 〉 (9)<br />

where ˜H 1 = H 1 −E 0 , meaning that energies are measured with respect to the ground<br />

state energy E 0 . For this we need the action of Û on an exciton state,<br />

and the action of ˜H 1 ,<br />

Û|ψ q 〉 = − 4U N<br />

∑′∑<br />

k ′<br />

k ′′ ′<br />

A<br />

q<br />

k ′ cos(k ′ − k ′′ )a k ′′ +qb † k ′′ |Ω〉, (10)<br />

˜H 1 |ψ q 〉 = ∑ k<br />

′<br />

A<br />

q<br />

k (E k + E k+q )a k+q b † k<br />

|Ω〉. (11)<br />

Consequently, the Eq.(9) written component by component has to hold<br />

(E k + E k+q − ω q )A q k = 4U N<br />

2<br />

∑<br />

k ′<br />

′<br />

A<br />

q<br />

k ′ cos(k ′ − k) (12)

Figure 1: Graphical solution of Eq. (16), for q = 0, V/t = 1 and N = 8 (left) and<br />

N = 20 (right). We are looking for solutions with energy smaller than the band gap<br />

(indicated by dashed line in left plot), such that ω q=0 < 2V . The plots show that a<br />

solution exists for each such ω q=0 . The sum in Eq. 16 has a divergent term for each k<br />

(when ω q=0 = 2E k , corresponding to a particle-hole excitation energy), and so we expect<br />

as many divergencies as there are k values. This is illustrated by the two different plots<br />

for N = 8 and for N = 20, which due to their different lengths have a different number of<br />

allowed (discrete) k values. Notice also that if the energy of the exciton becomes larger<br />

than the difference between the valence band bottom and conduction band top, there are<br />

no more particle-hole excitations.<br />

We assume that U ≪ V, t. In this case the bound state will be strongly extended in<br />

real space, meaning that A q k<br />

is localized in k-space. Therefore, in Eq. (12) we can<br />

put the cos-factor out of the sum and approximate it by 1. 1 Then, dividing both<br />

sides by (E k + E k+q − ω q ) and summing over k yields<br />

1<br />

4U = 1 N<br />

∑<br />

k<br />

′ 1<br />

E k + E k+q − ω q<br />

. (16)<br />

The solutions of this equation for q = 0 for a small chain (N = 8) and a larger chain<br />

(N = 20) are shown in Fig. 1. Note that there is an exciton excitation with energy<br />

smaller than the gap ∆ = 2V . Now we have revealed a bound state called exciton.<br />

3. In the following we want to calculate the energy dispersion ω q of the excitons for<br />

1 The proper way how to solve the Eq. (12) is to use<br />

cos(k − k ′ ) = cos k cos k ′ − sin k sin k ′ , (13)<br />

and write down two self-consistent equations for F q 1 ≡ ∑ ′<br />

k ′ Aq k<br />

cos k ′ and F q ′ 2 ≡ ∑ ′<br />

k ′ Aq k<br />

sin k ′ by dividing<br />

′<br />

Eq. (12) by (E k + E k+q − ω q ), multiplying by cos k (or sin k) and subsequent summation over k:<br />

F q 1 = 4U ∑′ F q 1 cos2 k + F q 2 cos k sin k<br />

, (14)<br />

N E k + E k+q − ω q<br />

F q 2 = 4U N<br />

k<br />

∑<br />

k<br />

′ F q 1 cos k sin k + F q 2 sin2 k<br />

E k + E k+q − ω q<br />

, (15)<br />

and the non-trivial solution of this homogeneous set of equations exist only if the determinant vanishes...<br />

As you see the approximation greatly simplifies the further analysis.<br />


small q. For this we write the sum as an integral<br />

1<br />

4U = I := 1 1<br />

2 N/2<br />

′∑ 1<br />

= 1 1<br />

E k + E k+q − ω q 2 π<br />

k<br />

∫ π/2<br />

−π/2<br />

dk<br />

E k + E k+q − ω q<br />

. (17)<br />

For small u the integral has to become large. Since the exciton energy lies within<br />

the gap the main contributions to the integral are from the vicinity of k = ±π/2.<br />

We therefore expand the denominator around k = ±π/2 and for small q’s:<br />

E k + E k+q ≈ 2V + 2t2<br />

V<br />

((k ∓ π 2 )2 + (k + q ∓ π 2 )2 )<br />

} {{ }<br />

2(k ∓ π 2 + q 2 )2 + q2<br />

2<br />

So the denominator has minima 2V + t 2 q 2 /V at k = ±π/2 − q/2. For small U, ω q<br />

is only little less then the minimum and almost all the contributions come from the<br />

vicinity of the minimum. Therefore, we introduce a cutoff Λ and write the integral<br />

symmetrically around 0,<br />

(18)<br />

I ≈ 1 ∫ Λ<br />

2π −Λ<br />

dk<br />

2V + t2 q 2<br />

− ω<br />

V q + 4t2 k 2<br />

V<br />

= 1<br />

√ ∫ V<br />

˜Λ<br />

dx<br />

2π 4t 2 −˜Λ a 2 + x , (19)<br />

2<br />

where we have defined a 2 = 2V − ω q + t 2 q 2 /V . Finally, we obtain<br />

I ≈ 1<br />

√<br />

V 1<br />

( x<br />

)∣<br />

√<br />

∣∣˜Λ V<br />

2π 4t 2 a arctan 1<br />

≈<br />

a −˜Λ 4t 2 2a . (20)<br />

Here we let the cutoff to infinity. <strong>Solution</strong> ω q of Eq. (17) yields the dispersion<br />

ω q = 2V − U 2 V<br />

t 2<br />

+ t2<br />

V q2 = 2V − U 2 V<br />

t 2 + q2<br />

2(2m ∗ )<br />

(21)<br />

where m ∗ = V/(4t 2 ) is the effective mass near the energy gap. Thus, the electronhole<br />

pair has twice the mass of a single electron or hole.<br />

4. To show how f(r − r ′ ) is related to A 0 k , we insert the Fourier expansion of<br />

a k<br />

= 1 ∫ L<br />

dre ikr a (r) , b † k<br />

2L<br />

= 1 ∫ L<br />

dr ′ e −ikr′ b † (r ′ ) , (22)<br />

−L<br />

2L −L<br />

into the continuous form of the exciton state (for now considering finite volume,<br />

thus k = nπ/L),<br />

|ψ q=0 〉 = ∑ k<br />

A 0 ka k<br />

b † k |Ω〉 = 1 ∫ L<br />

dx dx ′ 1 ∑<br />

A 0<br />

2L −L 2L<br />

ke ik(r−r′ )<br />

k<br />

} {{ }<br />

f(r−r ′ )<br />

a (r)b † (r ′ ) . (23)<br />

Now we do a limit L → ∞ to conclude that<br />

f(ρ) = 1 ∫<br />

dkA 0<br />

2π<br />

ke ikρ . (24)<br />

R<br />


In order to evaluate f(ρ), we use eq. (12) (note that the right-hand-side is a constant),<br />

so that A 0 k ∝ (2E k − ω 0 ) −1 ; plugging into Eq. (24) yields to<br />

∫ ∞<br />

f(ρ) ∝ m ∗ e ikρ<br />

dk<br />

k 2 + m ∗ (2V − ω 0 ) ; 2V − ω 0 > 0 ; (25)<br />

−∞<br />

which can be evaluated using the method of residues. Note that f(ρ) is real due to<br />

antisymmetry of the imaginary part of the integral. Moreover, f(ρ) is symmetric, as<br />

f(−ρ) = f(ρ) ∗ = f(ρ). For ρ > 0, the contour may be closed in the upper half of the<br />

complex plane where there is a single simple pole located at ˜k = i √ m ∗ (2V − ω 0 ),<br />

so that λ = [m ∗ (2V − ω 0 )] −1/2 .<br />

Exercise 5.2<br />

Graphene<br />

f(ρ) ∝ m ∗ (2πi) ei˜k|ρ|<br />

2˜k ∝ e−|ρ|√ m ∗ (2V −ω 0 ) , (26)<br />

We want to calculate the π-energy bands of graphene using the tight-binding method.<br />

Those bonds are due to electrons in the 2p z orbitals. Graphene has two inequivalent<br />

carbon atoms per unit cell, which we call A and B.<br />

The primitive lattice vectors ⃗a i join atoms on the same sublattice (A or B), so that the<br />

reference points of the unit cells (the A-atoms in Fig. 2) form a triangular lattice. Setting<br />

the lattice constant a to unity they are given by<br />

(√ )<br />

3<br />

⃗a 1 =<br />

2 , 1 2<br />

(√ )<br />

3<br />

⃗a 2 =<br />

2 , −1 . (27)<br />

2<br />

The reciprocal lattice vectors ⃗c i can be found as usually by demanding that they satisfy<br />

⃗c i · ⃗a j = 2πδ ij . (28)<br />

This leads to<br />

(<br />

⃗c 1 = √ 4π<br />

√ )<br />

1 3<br />

3 2 , 2<br />

( )<br />

⃗c 2 = √ 4π 1<br />

3 2 , −√ 3<br />

2<br />

(29)<br />

With the reciprocal lattice vectors the Brillouin zone can be constructed and is seen to be<br />

a regular hexagon (Fig. 2). Note that after identifying points that differ by a reciprocal<br />

lattice vector only two of the corners are inequivalent.<br />

Next we find the general form of the tight-binding model for the bands originating in the<br />

p z -orbitals when only nearest neighbor hopping is taken into account. The p z -orbitals are<br />

symmetric under the rotations of the plane so that the hopping matrix elements do not<br />

depend on the direction. Hence we have only one hopping parameter, which we denote<br />


2<br />

3<br />

A<br />

b 1<br />

B<br />

y<br />

x<br />

a 1<br />

a 2<br />

Γ<br />

c<br />

K<br />

M<br />

k x<br />

k y<br />

c<br />

Figure 2: Left: Primitive lattice vectors for the honeycomb lattice. The vectors join points<br />

on one triangular sublattice. Right: Hexagonal Brillouin zone constructed from the reciprocal<br />

lattice vectors ⃗c 1 and ⃗c 2 .<br />

by t. Furthermore, every A-atom has neighbors in B only. The onsite terms have to be<br />

the same on both sublattices, so that they can be absorbed into the chemical potential<br />

(we work at fixed filling with two electrons per unit cell).<br />

To describe the hopping terms we define the vectors<br />

( )<br />

⃗ 1<br />

b1 = √3 , 0 ,<br />

(<br />

⃗ −1<br />

b2 =<br />

2 √ 3 , 1 )<br />

, and<br />

2<br />

(<br />

⃗ −1<br />

b3 =<br />

2 √ 3 , −1 )<br />

(30)<br />

2<br />

that point from an A atom to its three nearest neighbors. Denoting the postion of the<br />

i-th atom on sublattice A by ⃗ R a,i , the Hamiltonian is given by<br />

H = t ∑ i<br />

3∑<br />

j=1<br />

( ) ( [c † ⃗Ra,i c ⃗Ra,i + ⃗ ) ]<br />

b j + h.c. . (31)<br />

Now we use the Fourier transform given on the exercise sheet,<br />

( )<br />

c ⃗Ra,i<br />

1 ∑<br />

= √<br />

N<br />

to find<br />

H = t N<br />

= t ∑ k∈BZ<br />

( )<br />

c ⃗Rb,i<br />

∑<br />

k,k ′ ∈BZ<br />

(<br />

ã†<br />

k<br />

˜b†<br />

k<br />

ã † k˜b k ′<br />

=<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

) ( 0<br />

1 ∑<br />

√<br />

N<br />

⃗ k∈BZ<br />

ã k e i⃗ k· ⃗R a,i<br />

⃗ k∈BZ<br />

˜bk e i⃗ k· ⃗R b,i<br />

, (32)<br />

e i ⃗ R a,i (k ′ −k)<br />

3∑<br />

e i⃗ k ′·⃗b j<br />

+ h.c.<br />

j=1<br />

∑<br />

j ei⃗ k·⃗b j<br />

∑<br />

j e−i⃗ k·⃗b j<br />

0<br />

6<br />

) (<br />

ãk<br />

˜bk<br />

)<br />

. (33)

Figure 3: left: Dispersion of the two bands of graphene. At half-filling (one electron per p z -<br />

orbital), the Fermi ’surface’ consists of two points at the two inequivalent corners of the Brillouin<br />

zone. right: Dirac cone in the vicinity of the point ⃗ k = (2π/ √ 3, 2π/3)<br />

The dispersion is found by diagonalizing the 2 × 2-matrix Hamiltonian which yields<br />

(√ )<br />

ɛ k = ± t √ 3<br />

3 + 4 cos<br />

2 k x cos k y<br />

2 + 2 cos k y. (34)<br />

The two bands are shown in figure 3. With two electrons per unit cell the lower band is<br />

completely filled whereas the upper band is empty, so that µ = 0.<br />

Now we can find the position of the Fermi points displayed in figure 3 by solving<br />

3∑<br />

e i⃗ k·⃗b j<br />

= 0. (35)<br />

j=1<br />

Inserting the definition of ⃗ b j in (30) and writing equations for the real and imaginary<br />

parts separately we have<br />

( ) ( )<br />

qx<br />

qx<br />

(<br />

cos √ + 2 cos 3 2 √ qy<br />

)<br />

cos = 0 and (36)<br />

3 2<br />

( ) ( )<br />

kx<br />

qx<br />

sin √ − 2 sin 3 2 √ cos( k y<br />

) = 0, (37)<br />

3 2<br />

which has as solutions ⃗q 1 =<br />

( )<br />

√2π<br />

3<br />

, 2π and ⃗q<br />

3<br />

2 = ( )<br />

0, 4π 3 , i.e. the two inequivalent corners of<br />

the Brillouin zone. Note that both bands touch at these points. Next we obtain the low<br />

energy Hamiltonian by expanding (33) to linear order around the corners of the Brillouin<br />

zone, so that<br />

H eff ≈ − 3√ 3t<br />

8π<br />

∑<br />

k<br />

2∑<br />

i=1<br />

(<br />

Ψ † i (⃗ k) ˆσ x ⃗q i · ⃗k + ˆσ y (ˆɛ⃗q i ) · ⃗k<br />

)<br />

Ψ i ( ⃗ k), (38)<br />

where ˆɛ is the antisymmetric tensor and σ i are the Pauli matrices. The effect of the<br />

ansisymmetric tensor is as follows when summing over i: if i = 1 we have q 1 in the first<br />

term and −q 2 in the second (and vice versa). The Ψ i describe the electrons at the Fermi<br />

point q i , and have two components for each i describing the upper and the lower band.<br />


The momenta ⃗ k are relative to the Fermi points (i.e. shifted by ⃗q i ). The corresponding<br />

low energy dispersion is E = ±v F |k|, which resembles the relativistic energy-momentum<br />

relation E 2 = m 0 c 4 + p 2 c 2 for a massless particle and the speed of light replaced by the<br />

Fermi velocity. In fact, (38) is equivalent to the Dirac equation in (2 + 1)-dimensional<br />

spacetime. The Fermi sea below each Fermi point corresponds to the Dirac sea (vacuum<br />

for anti-particles), and the two Fermi points correspond to the two different chiralities of<br />

spin-1/2 particles in relativistic QFT. This fact allows studying some of the more puzzling<br />

aspects of the Dirac equation (such as the Klein paradox, see e.g. M. I. Katsnelson et al.,<br />

Chiral tunnelling and the Klein paradox in graphene, Nature Physics 2, 620 - 625 (2006)).<br />


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