Page 1 Scemh. " Ch ....... nn Ch,ol TiroJ hreann 1I, .al,tt er oC tha ...

Page 1 Scemh. " Ch ....... nn Ch,ol TiroJ hreann 1I, .al,tt er oC tha ...

Page 1 Scemh. " Ch ....... nn Ch,ol TiroJ hreann 1I, .al,tt er oC tha ...


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<strong>Scemh</strong>. " <strong>Ch</strong> ....... <strong>nn</strong> <strong>Ch</strong>,<strong>ol</strong> <strong>TiroJ</strong> hrea<strong>nn</strong><br />

<strong>1I</strong>, .<strong>al</strong>,<strong>tt</strong> <strong>er</strong> <strong>oC</strong> <strong>tha</strong> F<strong>ol</strong>k ~ .... sic Soeiety of Ire1Lnd<br />

It.U I tne:.mb<br />

tlng a l<br />

l'JaO<br />

o , , , , ,<br />

":B<strong>al</strong>lade I n En&l1ah In t h, Oult.<strong>Ch</strong>t"<br />

" Sb.a..Ii:,.pear. ' . '.'o<strong>ol</strong>len plpea'ft<br />

"lIuaic ot tile Pontine Oreeks"<br />

"The i.T.E. a r chlv" of Irish tradit i on<strong>al</strong> mu .. l c "<br />

"C<strong>al</strong> d , an U{ /1 .. 111"<br />

"Th. dove"<br />

' •• t cs nteen ' uinglng In India<br />

"Tb, banks ot br"ndy .. ln,"<br />

Out ot rea ch<br />

Out of hea ring<br />

Crad<strong>al</strong>lJ She~I" ut Bw..<strong>ol</strong>ll/The SeLn 0 Boyle award<br />

s<br />

,.,.<br />

Tired ot Castletown and Abbeyleh? Int<strong>er</strong> es t ed In ea rly priOl8tea ?<br />

Early O' C"sey , electricsl r l:".lrlng, t.nem.nt cHc, g entrification?<br />

EIgbt.entb-c.nt .... ry w"llpap<strong>er</strong>, Strump. t .£!..!.l, th. 8cand<strong>al</strong>o"a Cardin<strong>er</strong><br />

retrl e co<strong>nn</strong>e ction, w. st John Olen, ph." t e r " ork, t 0 1 k .. " a 1 c·<br />

, "<br />


of tl:e Socl,t y .. 111 tu. place tl:1 e year et 8 p .... on Sat ... rdlLJ' :?8<br />

JWI' In the n , w Geor glLn headquart<strong>er</strong>e ot lI a P{obair! Uillea<strong>nn</strong>, currently<br />

undor!!,otllg r estoraticn , at 15 lienrie<strong>tt</strong>a St, !lubUn 1.<br />

Election.<br />

ot <strong>Ch</strong>d">"" , lien . Secr.tary, Hon . Treasur<strong>er</strong>, and a h : eomi<strong>tt</strong><br />

....... b.re .ill tnke place. 1i"",lnaUons .bc ... ld r each t he lion .<br />

Secretary, lilch<strong>ol</strong>au Carclan, 151 Clar ... ont Cour t , Clasnev1n , Dublin<br />

11 , b1 Saturda1 :?l JWle 1980 . Onl)' paid-up .. emb<strong>er</strong>e may be Propond<br />

Or . a)' pr opeea e r . econd n om i nationa.<br />

A hom<strong>al</strong>), and provldon<strong>al</strong> d,cor ..t11 con t r ibute, a<strong>tt</strong><strong>er</strong> t he .. eating<br />

at a bout 9 , t o an 0 t C 11 E C H B 0 I L with me .. b<strong>er</strong> a o f M. P!obat<br />

h. Ulllea<strong>nn</strong> and the Sociaty ..... d t hd r frian dB .<br />

,<br />

,<br />

5<br />

6<br />

10<br />

'0<br />

W<br />

n<br />


,<br />

~Sb.ort<br />

oon1rlb"tlon.~<br />

s ;/ 0 a T<br />


An evening of ahort contributions fr<strong>ol</strong>l> .. e mb<strong>er</strong>" took place In BUBwe11'"<br />

Hotel , M<strong>ol</strong>e s lll ortb. St, Dublin, on II 4prll.<br />

B a. 1 1 " d 11 , " Engllab , " , , .<br />

i'r<strong>ol</strong>n~i. .. ~<br />

6 Conl"",ln presented """' .. n" .. ple" of D'lgll",l>-lane,:uagll b<strong>al</strong>lads<br />

,,'hich 1: .. c <strong>ol</strong>lected In the )) e)ntlg<strong>al</strong> Gaeltacbt e of Owudorless<br />

",ncred Gwe e doJ'e from th" En<strong>er</strong>Hsh-s"..akln<strong>er</strong> e rea" or D"rry "nd Tyr-<br />

00" •. b,re I)one· ,"ust leav" y ou In a heavy accent~d<br />

Oa1.·" y sin,;ine in Iri ~h .<br />

e tyle, WllH.e <strong>tha</strong>t of<br />

These 80ntl8 probsbly Came to hlro via Am<strong>er</strong>ica<br />

.. h<strong>er</strong>e m<strong>nn</strong>y Ar an e lnc <strong>er</strong>o learned Englleh-lsngu"ge song ...<br />

---- - - -<br />

'.0011en pip" ,,'<br />

IIlch<strong>ol</strong>"8 C~roh.n<br />

docwr,ented tbe history of th" <strong>er</strong>roneou" lC:ee tb .. t<br />

Sh"k .. 9pee,re r e f e r ... ,d to the uillee<strong>nn</strong> pipe" and <strong>tha</strong>t they th<strong>er</strong>"for" b ....<br />


C • 0 I T { r • J<br />

contln~ •• 1t • • ~l . t anca, h.vlng b.,n put t orward by Frenc!a C<strong>ol</strong>llne on in<br />

Tb. b. gpipe (1915)•• book th.t 111 likely t o be .. a tend<strong>er</strong>d work tor the<br />

toro ••' abl, tutur.. Tb. idea haa <strong>al</strong>re.dy g.ined addad clroul.tion through<br />

C<strong>ol</strong>l1naon.<br />

A 'wo<strong>ol</strong>1an bagpipe' I , lIkely to h.ve bean for Shakespe.r • • 1mply a<br />

mouth-blo.n bagpipe at wbich the b.g . e. mad e at aheepakin wlth the t1.,0.<br />

tu..".d out.ards .<br />

---.---- --<br />

A1t WacLoeblai<strong>nn</strong> pre •• nted .o",e publ1eb.d record­<br />

Inga at the ~uel0 of tb. PontIne Greeke, • people<br />

who .<strong>er</strong>. e~pelled to m.lnl and Oreece. und.r (am<strong>al</strong><br />

Ataturk around 1920 frOll the c<strong>ol</strong>ony in Ael e I!.inor<br />

whic!! they h.d inbabited fro:. .arly post-eleuia­<br />

.1 tlma. . Th.y Gtlll pr ••• rv. tbair a.parst.<br />

id.ntity end r ega rd oth<strong>er</strong> Gr.eke .a corrupted by<br />

contact ."itb tbe 'e.t. Tbey cl<strong>al</strong> .. to prenrv.<br />

ancIent Gr.ek clvl11aa110n, Including ita ~elct<br />

.nd their mudc l e c<strong>er</strong>tdnly e(><strong>al</strong>. kllld of r.pr ....<br />

• entetion of early European .. ueic. Tb.ir cbi.f<br />

inatr"",en, •• played by •• Il-p.id profeasion<strong>al</strong> p.rform. r. et . eddlng • •<br />

h , Uv<strong>al</strong>a ate., el·e the lyr. , a thr . .... s tring.d baud InBtr ..... nt tun.d in<br />

fourth •• with a net bridga, ""d play.d on tb. knee wit!! a good deel of<br />

drone. the t oub ... , a , h • • pekin bagpi pe witb fiv .... b<strong>ol</strong>. neu"o ..., par<strong>al</strong>lel<br />

melody pipe. but ... itb no drone a , o.nd "tb. no,h.ra, a .ir-b<strong>ol</strong>e .nd-blown<br />

flut •• 1 th • r.a r tbu.,b-b<strong>ol</strong>e. ~o,t of the a.l.otione ucorded .<strong>er</strong>e i~<br />

. truroentel. Th. Pontine Gr.eke .in8 to t b. lyra, they b. ve no "".ceo.....<br />

panled eln81n8_ Tbe1 ad~i r e a pree&.d voi~e. Th. Inatru~ent,l mu eie l e<br />

v" r1 bus y, end of .~<strong>al</strong>l compa ••.<br />

~~R{llre<br />

,. , ,. T. g.<br />

• " " , , , 0,<br />

1 R 1 S , TRADITI O. , , • un ,<br />

At the tln<strong>al</strong> ordin.ry m.eting of the • ••• ctl, held<br />

In Bu8 •• 11'. Hot.l on >0 hy, e.th<strong>al</strong> Goan. Auht""t Libr.rl an ,<br />

Sound Arebiv .... ePok. M<br />

'"<br />

the bietory at the co .. p.ny'. inv<strong>ol</strong>vem.n t .ith

•<br />

"B.. T. B. A rc h lv • •<br />

"<br />

." e l o"<br />

the reco rdi ng end broadcasting ot IriBb tradition<strong>al</strong> mu ai e and song, and<br />

Il lustra t ed tba work of t t s c<strong>ol</strong>lec t ors and tbe range of .. a t orl.1 be Id by<br />

&. aelection o f Ht U ..... ltno.m recording • •<br />

Sin ce t~ .. f oundution of N"d i fire,."" 1n 1926, traditiona l OIu810 h ...<br />

been & a t apl e of broadcas t i ng , but none of 1t • • s recorded unt i l 1936<br />

" han studio f a ciH t ie s for OI",kin., acota t e d1808 b ee"", • • vath.bla. 11.­<br />

cor ding ..m ft<br />

.... guln .. bas l e b a.,,,,, . ·Ub tba introduction of t be Mobtle R<strong>tt</strong>cording<br />

Uni t 1n 19t.7 . Tbl e fl r e ! ., ... de fi e ld recording poe Bibl", on a e .....<br />

ta t.> ""d lat<strong>er</strong> on tap .. . Thr ough <strong>tha</strong> work of Sa ... u e En n! . , Se;,. ~ .c<br />

Reo",.,!n" Rnd Proins l ao 6 Coni ... !n wi th t ba 11 . R. U. , a llc h tradi t i on<strong>al</strong><br />

Fe r f orne", ,,,, 1'1>0",,,8 <strong>1I</strong>0r,,". 'N i l1 10 Clancy . J"" Dow-d, JObn Doba rt,., C<strong>al</strong>m<br />

6 Caoid!,e!iin bn d OIan y o t he r .. ... e r .. i rit r oduce.:! t o t he country a t large .<br />

The 1')50$ " e,.a <strong>tha</strong> tlo1d"n ,Year . o f t r adUIona l .,u"ic on r a dio . Int .. r­<br />

eH In t h~ mu~ ic ,,&9 on H,e upou rgo .. nd t he r e . ... " n o co",petiti"" rTOOI<br />

r l . Suc!:\ pr gn_eu a 9 Ce lh d re, ... mh r a in e [?,a ve" nchus e n d t h .. lat .. r<br />

R~ .. eBlre'lc!lt a n !l l ad~I!·h .. re a t l l l r~",c",h el·eJ . F'r"," 1'.15 5 t he c<strong>ol</strong>lecti n g<br />

\\~ v h:·" .. ly done by Cinrin L: .. c ;:at h{,na . Ke tnve lled " Ide ly end broad-<br />

C .. ll t e r t" ~$lv e l J. Although th\ .. a cti Vi ty d oubt l " "9 contributed t the<br />

lev e ll l l1g of r ""i"na l dis t inc t ion,. In t he ,"uai c , I t <strong>al</strong>e led 1 t be pra­<br />

~<strong>er</strong>v a tlQ~ of .. uch tba t would o t b' rwI8' ha v e b,. n loat. Tb. c<strong>ol</strong>l,cting ,<br />

ho· .. e v .. r , h .. d n o :sys U :n,.tic arc hiva l dl m~ na1on , being done prl"<strong>er</strong>lly for<br />

b roddcas t lng purp08e .. .<br />

Since the <strong>ol</strong>1 d- 60n t he r~eoTdlng f .. udc ha a e lowed do"" , a8 the I n­<br />

creasi ng aV8ila bllity o f c OOl .. arcl<strong>al</strong> r a cording 8 h88 l e 888n e d t he preas ur8<br />

on fi ndi ng bro"dcaa t .... t .. ria L<br />

But 80",a fI<strong>al</strong>d r ac:rdtng haa <strong>al</strong>"e,ya ba""<br />

done, and Pr o1neiaB 6 Conlu<strong>al</strong>n c ontinue. to c Ol l a c t e nga .nd lIIu a ic In<br />

t he CQ" u ~ t of docuunt<strong>er</strong>y r8cor

C , 0 1 T { r • ,<br />

vlr.1 ho14inge ot individu<strong>al</strong> produ~<strong>er</strong>.<br />

<strong>er</strong>l bli ng oopled and 1\ 1, hop.4<br />

tbllt th, archin, ot aad10 na a.,lt.cht • .,Ul bl 4uPUcahd at DOM1brook.<br />

a,o,u •• ot r.etrl~t1on,<br />

ot . tarr and tlohnic.l tacil1tie,. ho"v.r, 1t i e<br />

not enviaaged <strong>tha</strong>t aroblv. mat<strong>er</strong>tel ,tll ror the pre,.nt bl ~,d'<br />

~om~lrci,l ly<br />

or t hat t b, public .ill blIvI .cc •• , to it.<br />

'vailabll<br />

Ca<strong>tha</strong>} pla1ed r l CONUng' ot S"lIU8 E<strong>nn</strong>h and (o(obbh 11,2121021 (p1P.a).<br />

Pedrdg O'" .. te. »en1, MurphJ', Joha Dohe rt1 (f1ddl .. ) . II:NI Cro<strong>tt</strong>1 (conc<strong>er</strong>­<br />

Un,>, J<strong>ol</strong>le .ll.c»<strong>er</strong>mo<strong>tt</strong> (nute), and ot t he I\.IIgl'" add J'! GheOfl , c"u<br />

III AU!o,., <strong>1I</strong>0h, ut Ohrh<strong>nn</strong>., lIaggie <strong>1I</strong>, .. 1".,l and Seo .. .,b 6 hi,n,L<br />

1<br />

Ni oh<strong>ol</strong>., C,r <strong>ol</strong>an<br />

ot El1.en Co,t<strong>al</strong>lo ' a O,l"y<br />

pUbllDhed by t ha lrl.h r<strong>ol</strong>k<br />

the long h, lo, 1, given. "<br />

,.r ly Plrt ot tbl century (D. IO).<br />

-M<br />

7._coIsLe.in lIi l1~lll (H).<br />

I C.\~ TLI·: U'l'J.:lI,L.)<br />

S,..,1'1 'I,... )I."",, 11"' .....<br />

I:.·kb ••• To.',.<br />

, . ", \0. ....,r·•.•/. ~ .....<br />

.... _".u... .... _,••••.<br />

.. t ...... t ... 1 ... -'r"""'.<br />

.... r .,. .i < .... ~ 1.10 •••• , h ...... b ..<br />

n.;,lL<br />

•. c l. • • ~ • • r ............. ! ••• /.<br />

....;1. '";~ I.l., ' ~' r "'1.. 1._ "'...<br />

c ••• •·,hlt,",,;, "..••, r;, '"".<br />

'~ .. ~ll

"T h • Do... .~<br />

"T I! E D 0 V E"<br />

ro t he ~ay 1191 le8u8 of the DublIn maaa ~in e Anth<strong>ol</strong>ogla bibemice l a<br />

~ rief a rticle _as contributed by Th.ophllua (<strong>al</strong>l&9 Tadhg) O'Fla<strong>nn</strong>agan,2<br />

... The (<strong>ol</strong>lo... 1ng ia the 1 .. pr :llpt u o f an <strong>ol</strong>d Irish b&rd, ... bicb hS3<br />

b •• n .. uch &dtll1rad for ItQ eenulee poetic&l .. ~r1t , dellc&cy of<br />

thought, and true air of uent1"'~nt & 1 m"hncboiy. The language l a<br />

Pll!'e , ele6an t &rid cortcla", &nd t b. poetry p<strong>er</strong>hctly cOrrect, It<br />

" a a speken by a bard belonging to t b. house of O' Brien , upon bea ....<br />

i.~g a ~o \' . ceo , as b~ paaced by , (1'010 tb, ruin of tile h ",ily aen t<br />

of L£In:;A('l! i n the county of <strong>Ch</strong>re, I n the h.st century. 1 fear<br />

It ca<strong>nn</strong>ot be done justlc e to i.n "n >;Ildl1nh tran<strong>al</strong>ation dthl n tb.<br />

H",\.t8 of its 0"" .... asure; nOr do I tll1nk a Ht<strong>er</strong>ai Pl on tr .. n .....<br />

la<strong>tt</strong>on can convey its ucellenc .. to ..n Dlg l1ch r " ad<strong>er</strong> . I bav e ,<br />

b~~· ev~ ., subJOin ed an a t t ... pt in both •••<br />

Tuar guil, a chuil",. do cbe<strong>ol</strong> ,<br />

~. o c!.roidhe nl beo dba bhrigh ,<br />

Do b br eacai& .. 0 dhe;'r 0 .. r06g,<br />

TruHeb nacb ad tho" t do bhie t<br />

Li ten.l 'fran$latl on in I'r08e.<br />

Presage of laClcntation , 0 : dove, is tb.y .. u81",<br />

J.!y he art " not <strong>al</strong>ive fro" ita fore.,<br />

Tbou ba8 t fla<strong>tt</strong><strong>er</strong>ed ~y t.a r (rom mi n • • y. ,<br />

Sad t b~t<br />

it 1,. "ot i n tb.y silence tbou bad'st been~<br />

The A<strong>tt</strong>empt in V<strong>er</strong>ea .<br />

Pensl ~o, 0 do~e le thy not.,<br />

~y h.ar t ca<strong>nn</strong>ot bear t h8 'ad etra lnl<br />

'rom mina eye t he eeft t ea r thou h.a t a ~ ot .,<br />

Thy dhnce hed aev' d ... t bi. pa1n~<br />

FrOm tbe kindnees of L~"B "<br />

J<br />

~<strong>er</strong>rlOQ Eaq . & etudent of tb, Univu ...<br />

a ity, I ... e nabled to t:1ve t be mU81c, a nd fr Olll hl . known t<strong>al</strong>ent<br />

in tbs t e legant department I muet belt.v. i t "orr.ct. 4<br />

Fa"i n g t be a r ti"le i 8 tbe "URic given on tb, n.z t Paee. 5<br />

The chi.f 1nt e r e8 t of tbL8 piec. 1. <strong>tha</strong>t it aeaoclata . aD Irla h

c , 0 1 T { r ,<br />

THE DovE.,<br />

3i'!=e-~J¥.t=J , ti~&:""<strong>1I</strong><br />

l\()(e,Wy he .. n u"" .. t. b~.~U\" r:o<strong>ol</strong>.<br />

entlr. poem 18 an I mpromp\u,<br />

1<br />

po ... In 8yUabl" metre<br />

dt!> a ..,10

8 "T h e D .. y . ~<br />

. oul d he a t odd • • lth the ",.aning. Ev e" with .. epeUtion a<strong>1I</strong>d "",,,ndation,,,<br />

the Irl. ~ worda do not tit the melody wi t h t he n • • t" .... of the £ngll.b.<br />

the entire pieee in r~ct<br />

rat a . a mo r e dlfflc"ltlo, <strong>tha</strong>n It elu<strong>ol</strong>dat •••<br />

Ho. ~o •• " ' s poken ' i mprom ptu 00"''' to bava mu<strong>al</strong>e " . "o<strong>ol</strong> .. ted .. Ith It? la<br />

""<br />

"e8m3 to ba tb. .. t ",pH c a Hon of hia (in<strong>al</strong> J>

C • 0 1 T { r • 17 9<br />

appeared mon tbly from Jp. 1793 to Dec . 1794 iIlC)"elve . It.at<br />

und<strong>er</strong> unknown edltors blp, but t be antiquari ana Joaepb Coop. r W<strong>al</strong>ke<br />

r, Ed ..." rn. u and 2nd .d" 1935.<br />

P. 515. I Idy <strong>al</strong>s o "pp."ra in Fitul,"ona snd SmUh Iris h mlnst r . l,y,<br />

c. 1B16, p. 2'?-33 . with the HU. 'Pens iv. Oh Il(>ve' , eet to crl8'"<br />

In<strong>al</strong> words b)' Flt~~lmon s . Tbey to(>k it frem the ... nthelogia and<br />

a ce.pt.d It aa an &~ci e nt m.lody .<br />

6 ~e u.egra d~nta Il ( 1927) 155-6, 209-12. O'Fla<strong>nn</strong>a6 dn publhhed the<br />

fin<strong>al</strong> vorn of tb. pO.

10 Q u. • l' 1 • •<br />

' 'I' E T C A JlTEE JI ' SIHOI JlO<br />

"<br />

I JI D I A<br />

rh, qUlry frO!ll C;ordon Coz in tb, l i lt "umblT of tll, n,.<strong>al</strong>,nlr h,. Pr .....<br />

I\lced fI reply from Jhn 1/.0\114", In which b,<br />

give •• tut o f the l ong<br />

r equired entitled 'Le: bim ' -;1 o ' <strong>er</strong> tbe bl11.1d,' and blai<strong>nn</strong>1ng 'Tbl<br />

Ifray dawn h"d crept 0 ' 1 1' tb, Itl11"e". of coming', It I , t aken tr ....<br />

'''Ir101! Fireside Songs" (. "'ri,. of 64 lIookhta,<br />

10', 11 and 12 a ra U.., knO"lI t o Ot. ) ' 09 " !'atrIot' , TNI"ul'J"~<br />

12 In <strong>al</strong>l of _bieh<br />

publ1,hld<br />

by hl t o "'~. Dublin I bousht by ... ,bout 1964 . .. Tb, booklet, ba"l no ...<br />

' een ,,,-,,,,,,pod in W,lton' ,<br />

late r M.ri ••..• ) '_ J.II.<br />

Ilia t:.v~ c ""'PO Nd \I,. tlzt In tb, 'r..... ... .. p.d· ·.... lion' s tra,I " 1'1 or<br />

(rid: &On ":l <strong>nn</strong>d b<strong>al</strong>ladS , Dublin n. d . (fo r .... or4 dnhd 1 9~7) ,<br />

P. 20) dtll<br />

, ~ , on. J o hn 11&, •• " t and <strong>nn</strong>d t ha", v<strong>er</strong>b<strong>al</strong>ly and typographicdly in Ire<br />

t &(; r. "" e,,;.<br />

J OM edds t be lnfo naatio" \lIst t be long Is Iliv. n in<br />

)c:l n l c ~'! II " n lrel<strong>nn</strong>d .o. inss , Es s u lIudc Ltd, London 1965 ( no 21) , .. HII<br />

llo te i d,ntif ying t be e<strong>ol</strong>d le r a. '!.ance-Cor por<strong>al</strong> Dely'.<br />

-----<br />


r ba qu. r i e s (rOOD !::dHb !'owke <strong>al</strong>ao includ.d In t ba i •• , nu-bar, ' Son~<br />

qu<strong>er</strong>i oa f r ""_ Can"d,,', ba v. pr oduc. d one r8 f .ranca t o tU8 e ung, a,nt by<br />

1'om ~·. u <strong>nn</strong> . l1y .<br />

To," wrile. tbat t b. first V8ne occu r . in • c<strong>ol</strong>lection of<br />

fU!>3'8n t . · """8 .t AI!!:<strong>er</strong>lcan wak •• In Doneg.l' I n ~S<br />

Inah F<strong>ol</strong>klore Dept, Univ.nity C<strong>ol</strong>lage, Dublin.<br />

1411 , P. 6-7 of tll.<br />

o " , o , It 1: A C H<br />

'Irish t radi tion.l .,,,1110 bas • big futur. In Mutll dupit. the ~OIIg<br />

_ben na <strong>tt</strong>v. tune' we r e •• 1010. h.ard In tb, county.<br />

lull<br />

Till, i , tb. con fl ~ld vi •• of • ~an ~<strong>1I</strong>0 hop,. t o b. In tb. tblck or<br />

thi s pro."IGed reviv.l. Ke 10 72 y.ar Blrn. y McKe<strong>nn</strong>. rrom "..,

C e 0 1 T { r e 1 1 1 1<br />

o 0 T o , HEARINO<br />

' Kl0 ocl entlf1c Ilbrll.r), wu bequeathed to the 110)'11.1 lr18h Ac" d","y , Ar>otb<strong>er</strong><br />

b aqueet. of wbich I have no det<strong>al</strong>la, .,.a to a lady who had earned<br />

b18 admiration for h<strong>er</strong> skill "S a OIucidan. AB a ),0=;; "'an at Cress<br />

Caetle ~1 :rw~n bad shown int<strong>er</strong>es t in Iri s h ~uslc. encouraging the travelling<br />

plp<strong>er</strong>a and fiddl<strong>er</strong>s, aO th"t the ",a,"""nte' b<strong>al</strong>l w<strong>al</strong>l a popular resort<br />

whare <strong>al</strong>l we r e welc",".. Lat<strong>er</strong>, when Ed .. ard Bunting waB c<strong>ol</strong>l"c<strong>tt</strong>ng<br />

",at<strong>er</strong>hl for hi s "Ancient :.lu~ i.c of Irela nd", Klrw.:.n . ·aa of great essist­<br />

&nce in e %ploI"lng tba e""'r""a in Co. O"lwo,)' . 11" .·~ nt .Itb S=t1ng aho<br />

Into Co . Donesa1, but the hmU <strong>tha</strong>r" wa ~ much lea" ~UCC8 SHru l.<br />

Accordlns to Lady Morgan , Ki r wan ' e mu sic<strong>al</strong> taat" .a" c orn plet"ly elt<strong>er</strong>ed<br />

durine hie a ta)' In SI'l!;land . She had eung tor hi,. "Esmo<strong>nn</strong>-an-cnoc"<br />

to harl' accOlDp.anl .. ent and wa a touched to find hiOl we e ~lng. ~o,..ev<strong>er</strong> , he<br />

quickly e%pl<strong>al</strong>n." th/lt He howl of a d)oing dog would havs the ."",e effect.<br />

"101)' dellr cillld" , he a<strong>al</strong>d, "t;lve up your lrl"h harp , . nd )'our Iri<br />

s h howl , snd e tudy Ita lian OlUe!C ; you <strong>er</strong> .. worthy of 1aI0.·ing it, you<br />

heve e true ",ua\csl o q :8nlestio.'1, but it I,. P<strong>er</strong>v<strong>er</strong>ted ." Hi s dau!>hhr",<br />

w~re a~ fond /IS Lady ~orea n of the traditiona l Irieh elra but, out ot<br />

r espec t for their fath<strong>er</strong>'e feelings , pr.ctl s~d only ~hen they kne. he<br />

was out of hesring. '<br />

_ 1'. E . Dlxon 'lIieha rd Kirwan , the Dublin philosoph<strong>er</strong> [1733-1812]'<br />

In Dubli n historic<strong>al</strong> record XXIV 111 (1971) 59-60. Klro

(l 11 A D A 11 SHE ;. , uf BHAOILL<br />

l' 'i E S [ A 11 OB O YLE A I A 11 D<br />

A f e'. fri e n d" or Ze ... ~<br />

0 Boyle bav" been dl"C'J8e1ng tb" notion of _:11"<br />

;; h ld ~ f nHuto to 1:.18 ",,, ,,,orl' He wu a .",n ",bose td"n<strong>ol</strong>"hip we ""lu"d,<br />

-oh oc" gi flo w. "".,Irod , who"8 na~ure w" loved. OU r trib"te ,,110,,14 b"<br />

nu:,,!!. but a t tb" BB"''' H ",,, it . bou}d be one t bat would b" wopr"t_<br />

tl OU~ . l1 k ~ Selln hillu lf. ""d ''''~1 10 " d. ' lni ~ ur.<br />

A ~ I b., ,"c::: ~" t, !I t th .. r"q .... "' or hin h ml ly, tb" 8c .. lptor Cliodn!l<br />

C\I ~ ~ " n I " pr~p" rlng " h" .. ~~ tO

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