Passivity as a Design Tool for Group Coordination - uni-stuttgart

Passivity as a Design Tool for Group Coordination - uni-stuttgart

Passivity as a Design Tool for Group Coordination - uni-stuttgart


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<strong>P<strong>as</strong>sivity</strong> <strong>as</strong> a <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Tool</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>Coordination</strong><br />

Murat Arcak, Senior Member, IEEE<br />

Abstract—We pursue a group coordination problem where the<br />

objective is to steer the differences between output variables of the<br />

group members to a prescribed compact set. To stabilize this set<br />

we study a cl<strong>as</strong>s of feedback rules that are implementable with<br />

local in<strong>for</strong>mation available to each member. When the in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

flow between neighboring members is bidirectional, we show that<br />

the closed-loop system exhibits a special interconnection structure<br />

which inherits the p<strong>as</strong>sivity properties of its components. By exploiting<br />

this structure we develop a p<strong>as</strong>sivity-b<strong>as</strong>ed design framework,<br />

which results in a broad cl<strong>as</strong>s of feedback rules that encomp<strong>as</strong>s<br />

<strong>as</strong> special c<strong>as</strong>es some of the existing <strong>for</strong>mation stabilization<br />

and group agreement designs in the literature. The p<strong>as</strong>sivity approach<br />

offers additional design flexibility compared to these special<br />

c<strong>as</strong>es, and systematically constructs a Lurie-type Lyapunov function<br />

<strong>for</strong> the closed-loop system. We further study the robustness of<br />

these feedback laws in the presence of a time-varying comm<strong>uni</strong>cation<br />

topology, and present a persistency of excitation condition<br />

which allows the interconnection graph to lose connectivity pointwise<br />

in time <strong>as</strong> long <strong>as</strong> it is established in an integral sense.<br />

Index Terms—Cooperative systems, distributed control, Lyapunov<br />

methods, p<strong>as</strong>sivity.<br />


THE incre<strong>as</strong>ing number of feedback applications in sensor<br />

networks, cooperative robotics, and vehicle <strong>for</strong>mations<br />

have brought group coordination problems to the <strong>for</strong>efront of<br />

control theory. The main challenge in these applications is to<br />

achieve a prescribed group behavior with local feedback rules,<br />

rather than with centralized controllers. A major focus of research<br />

in group coordination is <strong>for</strong>mation stability, where such<br />

local rules have been proposed in the <strong>for</strong>m of artificial attraction<br />

and repulsion <strong>for</strong>ces with neighboring vehicles [1]–[3]. A<br />

related topic of wide interest is the agreement problem, where<br />

the objective is to steer variables of interest (position, heading,<br />

ph<strong>as</strong>e of oscillations, etc.) to a common value across the network<br />

[4]–[8]. The application are<strong>as</strong> <strong>for</strong> the agreement problem<br />

range from the study of flocking and schooling behaviors in<br />

groups of natural organisms [9], to distributed computing [10],<br />

and to <strong>for</strong>est fire surveillance [11].<br />

Manuscript received September 26, 2005; revised July 11, 2006. Recommended<br />

by Associate Editor D. Nesic. This work w<strong>as</strong> supported in part by the<br />

Air Force Office of Scientific Research under award No. FA9550–07–1–0308,<br />

and by the Center <strong>for</strong> Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS) under a<br />

block grant from the New York State Office of Science, Technology, and Academic<br />

Research (NYSTAR).<br />

The author is with the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering,<br />

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180 USA (e-mail: arcakm@rpi.edu).<br />

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online<br />

at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.<br />

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAC.2007.902733<br />

In this paper, we <strong>for</strong>mulate a coordination problem that is applicable<br />

to <strong>for</strong>mation stabilization and group agreement <strong>as</strong> special<br />

c<strong>as</strong>es, and present a cl<strong>as</strong>s of feedback laws that solve this<br />

problem with local in<strong>for</strong>mation. These feedback laws <strong>as</strong>sume<br />

that, if a comm<strong>uni</strong>cation link exists between two members of<br />

the group, then both members gain access to each other’s in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

A key observation in the paper is that such bidirectional<br />

comm<strong>uni</strong>cation gives rise to a special interconnection structure<br />

which guarantees that the resulting feedback loop will inherit<br />

the p<strong>as</strong>sivity properties of its components. By exploiting this<br />

structure, we develop a design method which results in a broad<br />

cl<strong>as</strong>s of feedback laws that achieve p<strong>as</strong>sivity and, thus, stability<br />

of the interconnected system. The p<strong>as</strong>sivity approach also leads<br />

to a systematic construction of a Lyapunov function in the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

of a sum of storage functions <strong>for</strong> the subsystems. As detailed<br />

in the paper, several existing feedback rules <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mation stability<br />

and group agreement become special c<strong>as</strong>es in our p<strong>as</strong>sivity<br />

framework.<br />

The coordination t<strong>as</strong>k studied in this paper is to steer the differences<br />

between the output variables of group members to a<br />

prescribed compact set. This compact set is a sphere when the<br />

outputs are positions of vehicles that must maintain a given distance<br />

in a <strong>for</strong>mation, or the origin if the outputs are variables<br />

that must reach an agreement across the group. We thus <strong>for</strong>mulate<br />

this t<strong>as</strong>k <strong>as</strong> a set stability problem [12], [13] <strong>as</strong> defined in<br />

Section I-A, and use p<strong>as</strong>sivity <strong>as</strong> a tool <strong>for</strong> constructing a stabilizing<br />

feedback law and a Lyapunov function with respect to<br />

this set. We prove global <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability with additional<br />

<strong>as</strong>sumptions that guarantee appropriate detectability properties<br />

<strong>for</strong> trajectories away from the set.<br />

The subsequent sections are organized <strong>as</strong> follows: Section I-A<br />

introduces the notation and definitions used in the paper, and<br />

Section I-B presents the problem <strong>for</strong>mulation. Section II develops<br />

a p<strong>as</strong>sivity-b<strong>as</strong>ed design procedure by exploiting the<br />

structure of the interconnected system. It then gives the main<br />

stability result (Theorem I) and illustrates it with examples<br />

from <strong>for</strong>mation control and from synchronous operation in<br />

power systems. Section III focuses on the agreement problem<br />

<strong>as</strong> a special c<strong>as</strong>e of Theorem I. It first presents a corollary to<br />

Theorem I that yields a cl<strong>as</strong>s of continuous-time agreement<br />

protocols, and next develops a discrete-time analogue of this<br />

result (Theorem 2). It finally addresses time-varying comm<strong>uni</strong>cation<br />

topologies and employs the persistency of excitation<br />

concept from adaptive control to prove that group agreement is<br />

achievable when graph connectivity is established over a period<br />

of time (Theorem 3). This result is significant because it does<br />

not require pointwise connectivity of the graph, and is applicable<br />

to a cl<strong>as</strong>s of nonlinear agreement protocols. The proofs<br />

of the theorems are presented in Section IV. The conclusion is<br />

given in Section V.<br />

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A. Notation and Definitions<br />

• A function is said to be , if its partial derivatives exist<br />

and are continuous up to order .<br />

• Given a function we denote by its<br />

gradient vector, and by its Hessian matrix.<br />

• For a closed set , denotes the distance from the point<br />

to ,defined <strong>as</strong><br />

• A closed invariant set is <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>mly <strong>as</strong>ymptotically stable<br />

with region of attraction if <strong>for</strong> each there exists<br />

such that<br />

and, if <strong>for</strong> each and , there exists<br />

such that <strong>for</strong> every initial condition the resulting<br />

trajectory satisfies<br />

Several results on set stability and, in particular, converse<br />

Lyapunov theorems are presented in [12] and [13].<br />

• Following [13], we use the notation to indicate<br />

a sequence of points in converging to a point on the<br />

boundary of ,orif is unbounded, having the property<br />

.<br />

• The dynamic system<br />

is said to be p<strong>as</strong>sive if there exists a<br />

such that<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

(3)<br />

(4)<br />

storage function<br />

<strong>for</strong> some positive semidefinite function . We say that<br />

(4) is strictly p<strong>as</strong>sive if is positive definite. A static<br />

nonlinearity is p<strong>as</strong>sive if, <strong>for</strong> all ,<br />

and strictly p<strong>as</strong>sive if (6) holds with strict inequality<br />

.<br />

• The Kronecker product of matrices<br />

and<br />

is defined <strong>as</strong><br />

.<br />

(5)<br />

(6)<br />

. .. . . (7)<br />

where<br />

and<br />

is an identity matrix of arbitrary dimension , and<br />

are <strong>as</strong>sumed to be compatible <strong>for</strong> multiplication.<br />

B. Problem Statement<br />

We consider a group where each member<br />

is<br />

represented by a vector that consists of variables to<br />

be coordinated with the rest of the group. The topology of in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

exchange between these members is described by a<br />

graph. We say that the th and th members are “neighbors” if<br />

they have access to the relative in<strong>for</strong>mation , in which<br />

c<strong>as</strong>e we let the th and th nodes of the graph be connected by a<br />

link. To simplify our derivations we <strong>as</strong>sign an orientation to the<br />

graph by considering one of the nodes to be the positive end of<br />

the link. The choice of orientation does not change the results<br />

because in this paper the in<strong>for</strong>mation flow between neighbors is<br />

<strong>as</strong>sumed to be bidirectional. Denoting by the total number<br />

of links, we recall that the incidence matrix of the<br />

graph is defined <strong>as</strong> [14]<br />

if th node is the positive end of the th link<br />

if th node is the negative end of the th link<br />

otherwise.<br />

(10)<br />

Because the sum of its rows is zero, the rank of is at most<br />

. Indeed, the rank is when the graph is connected,<br />

that is when a path exists between every two distinct nodes,<br />

and less than otherwise. The columns of are linearly<br />

independent when no cycles exist in the graph.<br />

Our objective is to develop coordination laws that are implementable<br />

with local in<strong>for</strong>mation (the th member can use the<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation if the th member is a neighbor) and that<br />

guarantee the following two group behaviors:<br />

B1) Each member achieves in the limit a common velocity<br />

vector<br />

prescribed <strong>for</strong> the group; that is<br />

, .<br />

B2) If th and th members are neighbors connected by link<br />

, then the difference variable<br />

if<br />

if<br />

is the positive end<br />

is the positive end<br />

(11)<br />

converges to a prescribed compact set ,<br />

.<br />

Examples of such target sets include the origin if s are<br />

variables that must reach an agreement within the group, or a<br />

sphere in if s are positions of vehicles that must maintain<br />

a prescribed distance. The <strong>for</strong>mulation B1-B2 can thus be employed<br />

to design and stabilize a <strong>for</strong>mation of vehicles, or to synchronize<br />

variables in a distributed network of computers, satellites,<br />

power generators, etc.<br />

Note that if the columns of are linearly dependent, that is<br />

if the graph contains cycles, then s are mutually dependent.<br />

Indeed, from (11), the concatenated vectors<br />

and satisfies the properties<br />

(8)<br />

(9)<br />

satisfy<br />

(12)<br />

(13)<br />

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Fig. 1 The t<strong>as</strong>k of the internal feedback design is to render the plant p<strong>as</strong>sive<br />

from the external feedback signal u to the velocity error y . The resulting p<strong>as</strong>sive<br />

block is denoted by H .<br />

where is the identity matrix and “ ” represents the<br />

Kronecker product, which means that is constrained to lie in<br />

the range space<br />

. Thus, <strong>for</strong> B2 above to be fe<strong>as</strong>ible,<br />

the target sets must be consistent in the sense that<br />


(14)<br />

A. <strong>Design</strong> Procedure<br />

We now present our p<strong>as</strong>sivity-b<strong>as</strong>ed design to achieve objectives<br />

B1-B2 above. We <strong>as</strong>sume that an internal feedback loop<br />

h<strong>as</strong> been designed <strong>for</strong> each node<br />

to render its<br />

dynamics p<strong>as</strong>sive from an external feedback signal to the velocity<br />

error<br />

(15)<br />

A complete characterization of the cl<strong>as</strong>s of systems which can<br />

be rendered p<strong>as</strong>sive from to is beyond the scope of this<br />

paper. However, this cl<strong>as</strong>s is broad, and encomp<strong>as</strong>ses mechanical<br />

systems modeled by Euler-Lagrange equations [15, Section<br />

4.1]. Upon application of this internal feedback the node dynamics<br />

take the <strong>for</strong>m of Fig. 1, where the properties that must<br />

be satisfied by the p<strong>as</strong>sive block are further specified below.<br />

We design an external feedback law of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(16)<br />

where s are the relative distance variables <strong>as</strong> in (11), and the<br />

multivariable nonlinearities<br />

are to be designed<br />

to render the target sets invariant and <strong>as</strong>ymptotically stable.<br />

The external feedback law (16) is indeed implementable with<br />

available signals because only <strong>for</strong> links that are connected<br />

to node .<br />

To specify the properties s in Fig. 1 and s in (16) must<br />

satisfy we note that their interconnection is <strong>as</strong> in Fig. 2, where<br />

denotes the -vector of ones<br />

and (16) is rewritten in the compact <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(17)<br />

(18)<br />

Fig. 2 exhibits a “symmetric” interconnection structure in which<br />

the coupling of the block-diagonal feed<strong>for</strong>ward and feedback<br />

subsystems is due to multiplication by the matrices and<br />

. Because post-multiplication by a matrix and pre-multiplication<br />

by its transpose preserve p<strong>as</strong>sivity and, thus, stability<br />

properties, this structure allows us to proceed with a p<strong>as</strong>sivityb<strong>as</strong>ed<br />

design of , , and , .<br />

If is a static block, we restrict it to be of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

where<br />

(19)<br />

is a locally Lipschitz function satisfying<br />

(20)<br />

The only exception to (20) is when one of the members, say the<br />

first one, is the “leader” of the group in the sense that does<br />

not contain feedback terms from other members. We encomp<strong>as</strong>s<br />

this situation by letting<br />

If<br />

is a dynamic block of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(21)<br />

(22)<br />

we <strong>as</strong>sume and are locally Lipschitz functions<br />

such that<br />

, and<br />

(23)<br />

Our main restriction on (22) is that it be strictly p<strong>as</strong>sive with<br />

a , positive definite, radially unbounded storage function<br />

satisfying<br />

<strong>for</strong> some positive definite function .<br />

Likewise, we restrict the feed<strong>for</strong>ward nonlinearities<br />

to be of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

where is a nonnegative function<br />

(24)<br />

(25)<br />

(26)<br />

defined on an open set in which is allowed to<br />

evolve. To steer s to their target sets while keeping<br />

them within , we design the function to grow unbounded<br />

<strong>as</strong> approaches (see Section I-A <strong>for</strong> this notation),<br />

and let and its gradient vanish on the set<br />

:<br />

(27)<br />

(28)<br />

(29)<br />

When , (27) means that is radially unbounded.<br />

As shown in [13, Remark 2], a continuous function satisfying<br />

(27) and (28) exists <strong>for</strong> any given open set and compact<br />

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Fig. 2. A block diagram representation <strong>for</strong> the interconnection of the subsystems in Fig. 1 via the external feedback (18). The vectors x,y,z,u and are <strong>as</strong> defined<br />

in (12) and (17), I is the p 2 p identity matrix, 1 is the N -dimensional column vector with all entries equal to 1, and “” represents the Kronecker product.<br />

subset . In this paper we <strong>as</strong>sume that the sets and<br />

are chosen such that smoothness of and (29) are<br />

also achievable.<br />

B. Stability Analysis<br />

In Theorem I below, we prove p<strong>as</strong>sivity <strong>for</strong> the feed<strong>for</strong>ward<br />

and feedback subsystems of Fig. 2 by using the storage functions<br />

(30)<br />

i) The feed<strong>for</strong>ward path in Fig. 2 is p<strong>as</strong>sive from to ,<br />

and from to .<br />

ii) The feedback path is p<strong>as</strong>sive from input to output .<br />

iii) If Assumption 1 holds then the set<br />

(32)<br />

is <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>mly <strong>as</strong>ymptotically stable with region of attraction<br />

respectively, where denotes the subset of indices<br />

which correspond to dynamic blocks . We then prove <strong>as</strong>ymptotic<br />

stability of the set of points where and by<br />

taking <strong>as</strong> a Lyapunov function the sum of the two storage functions<br />

in (30). This construction results in a Lurie-type Lyapunov<br />

function because its key ingredient is the integral of the<br />

feedback nonlinearity .<br />

When the columns of are linearly dependent, that is when<br />

the graph contains cycles, the constraint (13) implies that s are<br />

mutually dependent, because the vector lies in the range space<br />

. In this c<strong>as</strong>e in (30), restricted to the subspace<br />

, may acquire new critical points outside the sets<br />

, thus giving rise to undesired equilibria. Indeed, from Fig. 2,<br />

the set of equilibria is<br />

(31)<br />

which means that the following <strong>as</strong>sumption must hold true to<br />

ensure that no equilibria arises outside the sets .<br />

Assumption 1:<br />

and<br />

imply .<br />

When the columns of are linearly independent Assumption<br />

I holds because, then, the null space of is trivial and, thus,<br />

implies , and follows from<br />

(29). When the columns of are linearly dependent, whether<br />

Assumption 1 holds or not depends on the sets . It holds in<br />

agreement problems where is the origin (see Section III),<br />

and fails in Example 1 below where s are spheres.<br />

Theorem 1: Consider the block diagram in Fig. 2 where<br />

is bounded and piecewise continuous, and , and<br />

, are designed <strong>as</strong> in (19)–(24) and (25)–(29)<br />

<strong>for</strong> given open sets and compact subsets ,<br />

and <strong>as</strong>sume the sets are consistent <strong>as</strong> in (14). Then:<br />

(33)<br />

If Assumption 1 fails, all trajectories<br />

starting in<br />

converge to the set of equilibria in (31).<br />

The proof is given in Section IV. When Assumption 1 fails<br />

Theorem 1 proves that the trajectories convergence to the set<br />

of equilibria in (31). In this c<strong>as</strong>e one can conclude “generic<br />

convergence” to from almost all initial conditions by showing<br />

that the equilibria outside are unstable (see Example 1 below).<br />

Convergence to means that the trajectories converge to<br />

the set of points where the difference variables belong to their<br />

target sets . It also implies that and, thus, in (15) tend to<br />

zero, which means that objectives B1 and B2 in Section I-B are<br />

indeed achieved.<br />

C. Examples<br />

Example 1(Formation Control): When applied to the<br />

problem of <strong>for</strong>mation stabilization, Theorem 1 recovers the stability<br />

results of [1] and [2], and gives a p<strong>as</strong>sivity interpretation.<br />

These references study the coordination of vehicles, modeled<br />

<strong>as</strong> fully actuated point m<strong>as</strong>ses<br />

(34)<br />

where is the position of each m<strong>as</strong>s and<br />

is the <strong>for</strong>ce input. They then design <strong>as</strong> a sum of artificial<br />

interaction <strong>for</strong>ces with the neighboring vehicles. To show that<br />

our <strong>for</strong>mulation encomp<strong>as</strong>ses this application, we note that the<br />

internal feedback<br />

(35)<br />

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Fig. 3. (a) Desired <strong>for</strong>mation where jz j =1, k =1; 2;3. (b) An undesired<br />

equilibrium where the m<strong>as</strong>ses are aligned and the repulsion <strong>for</strong>ces due to jz j <<br />

1 and jz j < 1 counterbalance the attraction <strong>for</strong>ce due to jz j > 1.<br />

and the change of variables<br />

<strong>for</strong>m<br />

bring (34) into the<br />

(36)<br />

(37)<br />

where the -subsystem with input and output plays<br />

the role of in Fig. 1. This subsystem is indeed p<strong>as</strong>sive with<br />

the storage function<br />

and satisfies (23). The<br />

design of s in [1], [2] is <strong>as</strong> in (16), with s representing<br />

artificial interaction <strong>for</strong>ces between neighboring vehicles.<br />

To stabilize the <strong>for</strong>mation in Fig. 3(a) while avoiding collisions<br />

we let be the <strong>uni</strong>t circle, , and let the<br />

potential functions be of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(38)<br />

where is a , strictly incre<strong>as</strong>ing function such<br />

that<br />

and such that, <strong>as</strong> , in (38). Then,<br />

satisfies (27)-(29), and the interaction <strong>for</strong>ces<br />

(39)<br />

(40)<br />

guarantee local <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability of the desired <strong>for</strong>mation<br />

in Fig. 3(a) from Theorem 1. In particular plays the<br />

role of a “spring <strong>for</strong>ce” which creates an attraction <strong>for</strong>ce when<br />

and a repulsion <strong>for</strong>ce when . Assumption 1<br />

fails in this example because additional equilibria arise when the<br />

point m<strong>as</strong>ses are aligned <strong>as</strong> in Fig. 3(b), and the attraction <strong>for</strong>ce<br />

between the two distant m<strong>as</strong>ses counterbalances the repulsion<br />

<strong>for</strong>ce due to the intermediate m<strong>as</strong>s (cf. [16, Fig. 3.1(c)]). Such<br />

equilibria cannot be eliminated with the choice of the function<br />

because<br />

(41)<br />

(42)<br />

have a <strong>uni</strong>que solution since are incre<strong>as</strong>ing<br />

and onto and, thus, the set of points where ,<br />

and<br />

constitute new equilibria <strong>as</strong><br />

in Fig. 3(b). Because these equilibria are unstable, however,<br />

we conclude generic convergence to the desired <strong>for</strong>mation in<br />

Fig. 3(a) from all initial conditions except <strong>for</strong> those that lie on<br />

the stable manifolds of the unstable equilibria.<br />

Example 2 (Synchronous Operation in Power Networks): In<br />

Example 1 interaction <strong>for</strong>ces were designed to coordinate the<br />

motion of decoupled subsystems. In several other applications<br />

such interactions arise due to existing physical coupling, and<br />

exhibit the p<strong>as</strong>sive feedback structure studied in this paper. An<br />

excellent example is a multi-machine power system where the<br />

th generator is governed by (see [17]):<br />

(43)<br />

(44)<br />

in which is the angle of the rotor shaft, is the synchronous<br />

speed <strong>for</strong> the network, is the deviation of the rotor speed from<br />

, and and are the inertia and damping constants, respectively.<br />

and are the internal voltages of the th and th<br />

machines, and is the transfer susceptance between them.<br />

The equilibrium point <strong>for</strong> is , which is determined<br />

by solving equations that match the mechanical input power to<br />

the electrical output. From two solutions <strong>for</strong> in ,we<br />

study the one that satisfies<br />

because the<br />

other one results in an unstable equilibrium.<br />

To show that this example fits into our framework, we note<br />

that the model (43) and (44) is <strong>as</strong> in Fig. 1 where<br />

(45)<br />

and the -subsystem with input and output is p<strong>as</strong>sive<br />

with storage function<br />

. Furthermore (45) is<br />

of the <strong>for</strong>m (16) where<br />

is the gradient of the potential function<br />

(46)<br />

(47)<br />

which satisfies (28) and (29) locally around<br />

.Itis<br />

also positive definite because its Hessian at is positive due to<br />

the <strong>as</strong>sumption<br />

. The Lyapunov function<br />

of Theorem 1 thus proves local <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability <strong>for</strong> the equilibrium<br />

comprising of s. Our Lurie-type construction consists<br />

of the components in (30), and coincides with the Lyapunov<br />

function derived in [18].<br />


A. The Agreement Problem <strong>as</strong> a Special C<strong>as</strong>e of Theorem 1<br />

In several cooperative control applications, it is of interest to<br />

achieve agreement of group variables such <strong>as</strong> position, heading,<br />

ph<strong>as</strong>e of oscillations, etc. To apply Theorem 1 to this problem<br />

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we let denote a vector of variables to be synchronized<br />

with those of other members, and select the target sets <strong>for</strong> the<br />

difference variables in (11) to be . With this choice<br />

of s, (14) is satisfied. Likewise, (26)–(29) and Assumption<br />

1 hold if s are selected to be positive definite, radially<br />

unbounded functions on such that<br />

(48)<br />

In particular, Assumption 1 holds because<br />

and imply that and are orthogonal<br />

to each other which, in view of (48), is possible only when<br />

. Thus, from Theorem 1, the feedback law (49) with<br />

achieves global <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability <strong>for</strong> the<br />

equilibrium , which guarantees that the difference<br />

variables converge to zero.<br />

Corollary 1: Consider members<br />

, interconnected<br />

<strong>as</strong> described by the graph representation (10), and let<br />

, denote the differences between the variables<br />

of neighboring members <strong>as</strong> in (11). Let be positive<br />

definite, radially unbounded functions satisfying (48), and let<br />

. Then the agreement protocol<br />

(49)<br />

where denotes the output at time of a static or dynamic<br />

block satisfying (19)–(23), guarantees<br />

B. Extension to Discrete-Time Protocols<br />

We now study discrete-time agreement protocols of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(52)<br />

where is the time index, and is a discrete-time<br />

dynamic block or a static nonlinearity. The block diagram representation<br />

of this discrete-time model is <strong>as</strong> in Fig. 2, with integral<br />

blocks replaced by summation blocks, and and replaced by,<br />

respectively<br />

(53)<br />

Unlike the continuous-time design in Section II, p<strong>as</strong>sivity of<br />

the feed<strong>for</strong>ward path cannot be achieved in discrete-time because<br />

the ph<strong>as</strong>e lag of the summation block exceeds 90 .To<br />

overcome this obstacle, we trade the shortage of p<strong>as</strong>sivity in the<br />

feed<strong>for</strong>ward path with the excess of p<strong>as</strong>sivity in the feedback<br />

path. To guarantee such excess in the feedback path, we restrict<br />

static blocks by<br />

(54)<br />

where is a positive definite function and the constant<br />

quantifies the excess of p<strong>as</strong>sivity. Likewise, if is a dynamic<br />

block of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(50)<br />

<strong>for</strong> every pair of nodes which are connected by a path.<br />

If the graph is connected then Corollary 1 implies that all variables<br />

are synchronized in the limit. When , that<br />

is when s and s are scalars, (48) means that<br />

is a sector nonlinearity which lies in the first and<br />

third quadrants. Corollary 1 thus encomp<strong>as</strong>ses the result of [19],<br />

which proposed agreement protocols of the <strong>for</strong>m<br />

(51)<br />

where is the set of neighbors <strong>for</strong> the th member, and<br />

plays the role of our . However, both<br />

[19] and a related result in [20] <strong>as</strong>sume that the nonlinearities<br />

satisfy an incremental sector <strong>as</strong>sumption which is more<br />

restrictive than the sector condition (48) of Corollary 1. An<br />

independent study in [21] takes a similar approach to synchronization<br />

<strong>as</strong> [20]; however, it further restricts the coupling<br />

terms to be linear. Our feedback law (49) in Corollary<br />

1 generalizes (51) by applying to its right-hand side (RHS)<br />

the additional operation , which may either represent a<br />

p<strong>as</strong>sive filter or another sector nonlinearity <strong>as</strong> specified in<br />

Section II. Because in (49) can be dynamic, Corollary 1 is<br />

applicable, unlike other agreement results surveyed in [22], to<br />

plants with higher-order dynamics than an integrator.<br />

(55)<br />

we <strong>as</strong>sume that (23) holds and that there exists a positive definite<br />

and radially unbounded storage function satisfying<br />

(56)<br />

<strong>for</strong> some positive definite function .<br />

For the feed<strong>for</strong>ward subsystem we design the nonlinearity<br />

to be the gradient of a , positive definite, radially unbounded<br />

function that satisfies (48). We further restrict<br />

the Hessian of this function to be upper bounded by<br />

(57)<br />

where the constant is to be specified. With this condition<br />

we show in Theorem 2 below that the storage function in<br />

(30) satisfies<br />

(58)<br />

where quantifies the shortage of p<strong>as</strong>sivity from input to<br />

output . We then prove that this shortage is compensated <strong>for</strong><br />

by the excess of p<strong>as</strong>sivity in (54) and (56) if<br />

(59)<br />

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where denotes the largest eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian<br />

matrix .<br />

Theorem 2: Consider members<br />

, interconnected<br />

<strong>as</strong> described by the graph representation (10), and let ,<br />

denote the differences between the variables of<br />

neighboring members <strong>as</strong> in (11). Suppose that s are either dynamic<br />

blocks (55) satisfying (56), or static blocks<br />

satisfying (54), or possibly a combination of such static and<br />

dynamic blocks. Under these conditions, if we design<br />

to be , positive definite, radially unbounded functions satisfying<br />

(48), (57), and (59), then the feedback law (52) with<br />

achieves global <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability of the<br />

origin . In particular, if a path exists between the th<br />

and th nodes in the graph representation (10), then<br />

(60)<br />

Denoting by the set of neighbors of the th member, and<br />

by the number of elements in this set, the author of [23]<br />

showed that an upper bound on is<br />

rewritten in vector <strong>for</strong>m (12) and (17) <strong>as</strong><br />

where the multivariable nonlinearity<br />

h<strong>as</strong> the property<br />

(64)<br />

(65)<br />

(66)<br />

is piecewise continuous because its entries exhibit step<br />

changes when a change occurs in the comm<strong>uni</strong>cation topology.<br />

The minimum eigenvalue <strong>for</strong> the graph Laplacian matrix<br />

is<br />

(67)<br />

with eigenvector , the -vector of ones. A standard result in<br />

algebraic graph theory states that the graph is connected if and<br />

only if the second smallest eigenvalue of its Laplacian is strictly<br />

positive (see e.g. [14, Item 4e and Corollary 6.5]). If the graph<br />

remains connected <strong>for</strong> all , that is, if<br />

(68)<br />

A more conservative bound <strong>for</strong><br />

topology of the graph is<br />

(61)<br />

that does not depend on the<br />

(62)<br />

An important conclusion from (59) is that less comm<strong>uni</strong>cation<br />

between members allows a broader cl<strong>as</strong>s of s and s <strong>for</strong> the<br />

protocol (52) because, a smaller value <strong>for</strong> in (59) translates<br />

to larger in (57) and smaller in (54) and (56).<br />

When s are scalars, condition (57) of Theorem 2 means<br />

that the slope of the nonlinearity<br />

is to be<br />

bounded above by . Although this condition w<strong>as</strong> not used<br />

in the continuous-time result of Theorem 1, it plays a crucial role<br />

in the proof of Theorem 2 (see Section IV) <strong>for</strong> establishing the<br />

discrete-time property (58). The <strong>as</strong>sumption of an upper bound<br />

on the slope of the nonlinearity w<strong>as</strong> introduced independently<br />

in [24]–[26], to extend the continuous-time Popov Criterion to<br />

discrete-time systems. Indeed, the Popov Criterion makes use of<br />

a Lurie-type Lyapunov function that incorporates the integral of<br />

the system nonlinearity, which is similar to the use of s<br />

in our Lyapunov construction.<br />

C. Time-Varying Comm<strong>uni</strong>cation Topology<br />

Thus far we have <strong>as</strong>sumed that the comm<strong>uni</strong>cation topology<br />

between the members does not change with time. To study convergence<br />

properties <strong>for</strong> a time-varying incidence matrix ,<br />

we restrict our attention to the cl<strong>as</strong>s of agreement protocols<br />

(63)<br />

<strong>for</strong> some constant that does not depend on time, then it<br />

is not difficult to show that s in (64), (65) reach an agreement<br />

despite the time-varying . We now prove agreement under<br />

a less restrictive persistency of excitation condition which stipulates<br />

that graph connectivity be established over a period of<br />

time, rather than pointwise in time:<br />

Theorem 3: Consider the system (64), (65) where<br />

comprises of the components , concatenated<br />

<strong>as</strong> in (12), is a locally Lipschitz nonlinearity satisfying<br />

(66), and is piecewise continuous incidence matrix.<br />

Let be an matrix with orthonormal rows that<br />

are each orthogonal to ; that is<br />

(69)<br />

If there exist constants and such that, <strong>for</strong> all ,<br />

(70)<br />

then the protocol (64) and (65) achieves (50) <strong>for</strong> all<br />

.<br />

The “persistency of excitation” condition (70) means that<br />

is nonsingular when integrated over a period<br />

of time, and not necessarily pointwise in time. Since, by construction<br />

of in (69), inherits all eigenvalues<br />

of<br />

except the one at zero, its smallest eigenvalue is<br />

(71)<br />

which means that nonsingularity of the matrix<br />

is equivalent to connectivity of the graph. Because Theorem 3<br />

does not require nonsingularity of<br />

pointwise<br />

in time, it allows the graph to lose pointwise connectivity <strong>as</strong><br />

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long <strong>as</strong> it is established in the integral sense of (70). The pointwise<br />

connectivity situation (68) is a special c<strong>as</strong>e of Theorem 3<br />

because, then, (70) readily holds with .<br />

A discrete-time extension of Theorem 3 is possible, but is<br />

omitted due to space limitations. In [5, Theorem 9] the authors<br />

study linear agreement protocols with time-varying topology<br />

and prove convergence when the graph is connected pointwise<br />

in time. The authors of [4] consider a cl<strong>as</strong>s of linear discretetime<br />

protocols, and show that it is sufficient to <strong>as</strong>sume joint connectivity,<br />

that is, connectivity <strong>for</strong> a <strong>uni</strong>on of the graphs collected<br />

over an interval of time [4, Proposition 1]. Our persistency of<br />

excitation condition in Theorem 3 is similar to this joint connectivity<br />

<strong>as</strong>sumption, and is further applicable to nonlinear protocols<br />

of the <strong>for</strong>m (63).<br />

A. Proof of Theorem 1<br />

IV. PROOFS<br />

i) To prove p<strong>as</strong>sivity from to we use in (30) <strong>as</strong><br />

a storage function, and obtain from (25), (13), (18) and<br />

:<br />

(72)<br />

To show p<strong>as</strong>sivity from to we substitute<br />

in (72) and use the property<br />

which follows because the sum of the rows of<br />

is zero, thus obtaining<br />

(73)<br />

ii) To establish p<strong>as</strong>sivity of the feedback path, we let denote<br />

the subset of indices <strong>for</strong> which is<br />

a dynamic block <strong>as</strong> in (22), and employ the storage function<br />

in (30), which yields<br />

(74)<br />

(27). From (73), (74), and (75), this Lyapunov function<br />

yields the negative semidefinite derivative<br />

(78)<br />

which implies that the trajectories<br />

are<br />

bounded on , <strong>for</strong> any within the maximal<br />

interval of definition <strong>for</strong> the differential equations<br />

(49) and (22). Because this bound does not depend on<br />

, and because is bounded, from (49) we can find a<br />

bound on that grows linearly in . This proves that<br />

there is no finite escape time because, if were finite,<br />

by letting we would conclude that exists,<br />

which is a contradiction.<br />

Having proven the existence of solutions <strong>for</strong> all ,we<br />

conclude from (78) stability of the set . However, because the<br />

RHS of (78) vanishes on a superset of , to prove attractivity<br />

of we appeal to the Invariance Principle. 1 To investigate the<br />

largest invariant set where<br />

we note from (23) that<br />

if holds identically then . Likewise, the static<br />

blocks satisfy (20) or (21), which means that the RHS of (78)<br />

vanishes when , . Indeed, if the first member<br />

satisfies (20), then follows directly. If it satisfies<br />

(21) instead of (20), still holds because the sum of the<br />

rows of being zero implies, from (18), that<br />

(79)<br />

We thus conclude that , which means from (18) that<br />

lies in the null space<br />

. Using the Invariance Principle<br />

[27, Lemma 4.1] which states that all bounded solutions<br />

approach their positive limit set, which is invariant, we conclude<br />

that the trajectories converge to the set in (31). When<br />

Assumption 1 holds, coincides with , which proves <strong>as</strong>ymptotic<br />

stability of with region of attraction , while <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>mity<br />

of <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability follows from the time-invariance of the<br />

-dynamics.<br />

Adding to the RHS of (74)<br />

(75)<br />

B. Proof of Theorem 2<br />

We first study p<strong>as</strong>sivity properties of the feed<strong>for</strong>ward and<br />

feedback subsystems using the storage functions in (30). For<br />

the feed<strong>for</strong>ward subsystem we note that<br />

which is nonnegative because the static blocks satisfy<br />

(20) or (21), we get<br />

(76)<br />

and, thus, conclude p<strong>as</strong>sivity with input and output .<br />

iii) To prove <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability of the set we use the Lyapunov<br />

function<br />

(77)<br />

which is zero on the set due to property (28), and grows<br />

unbounded <strong>as</strong> approaches due to property<br />

(80)<br />

and obtain from Taylor’s Theorem (see, e.g., [28, Sec. A.6])<br />

(81)<br />

where is <strong>as</strong> defined in (53), and<br />

<strong>for</strong> some . Substitution of (25), (57), and (81) into (80)<br />

1 The Invariance Principle is indeed applicable because the dynamics of (z; )<br />

are autonomous: Although v(t) appears in the block diagram in Fig. 2, it is<br />

canceled in the _z equation because (D I )(1 v(t)) = 0.<br />

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yields (58) which, when combined with<br />

(16), results in<br />

and<br />

We then denote<br />

(90)<br />

(82)<br />

Because the spectral radius of is , and because<br />

h<strong>as</strong> the same eigenvalues <strong>as</strong><br />

(with the multiplicity of each multiplied by ), we conclude<br />

(83)<br />

Likewise, <strong>for</strong> the feedback subsystem, we obtain from (54) and<br />

(56)<br />

and conclude global <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>m <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability <strong>for</strong> (87) from<br />

Lemma 1 below.<br />

Lemma 1: Consider the time-varying system<br />

(91)<br />

where , is an piecewise continuous matrix<br />

of , and<br />

is a locally Lipschitz nonlinearity<br />

satisfying (66). If satisfies and<br />

(92)<br />

<strong>for</strong> some constants , and that do not depend on , then the<br />

origin is globally <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>mly <strong>as</strong>ymptotically stable.<br />

Proof of Lemma 1: We let<br />

(84)<br />

Stability of the origin follows because, from (83),<br />

(84) and (59), the Lyapunov function (77) satisfies<br />

(85)<br />

and note that the Lyapunov function<br />

satisfies<br />

(93)<br />

(94)<br />

(95)<br />

To conclude <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability we note that the summation of<br />

the RHS of (85) from to converges, which means<br />

that <strong>as</strong> , if and if . Moreover,<br />

because of <strong>as</strong>sumption (23), implies and, hence,<br />

. It then follows from the arguments in part (iv) of the<br />

proof of Theorem 1 that, because of <strong>as</strong>sumption (48),<br />

implies<br />

, which proves<br />

that and concludes the proof of <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability.<br />

C. Proof of Theorem 3<br />

We define the new variable<br />

(86)<br />

where is <strong>as</strong> in (69) and, thus, (50) is equivalent to .To<br />

prove <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability of , we note from (64) and (65)<br />

that<br />

where we obtained the second equation by substituting<br />

(87)<br />

(88)<br />

and by using (86). To see that (88) holds, note that<br />

is an orthogonal projection matrix onto the span of , and that<br />

is in the null space of <strong>for</strong> all which, together,<br />

imply<br />

(89)<br />

from which we conclude global <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>m stability. To prove<br />

global <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>m <strong>as</strong>ymptotic stability we employ the Nested<br />

Matrosov Theorem [29, Theorem 1]. To this end we introduce<br />

the auxiliary function<br />

where<br />

from<br />

, and<br />

from (92). Furthermore,<br />

we obtain<br />

Next, substituting (97), (98) and<br />

(91), we get<br />

(96)<br />

(97)<br />

(98)<br />

, from which<br />

(99)<br />

obtained from<br />

(100)<br />

When in (95), it follows from (66) that and,<br />

thus,<br />

. Furthermore,<br />

and together imply , which means that all<br />

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conditions of [29, Theorem 1] are satisfied and, hence,<br />

globally <strong>uni</strong><strong>for</strong>mly <strong>as</strong>ymptotically stable.<br />


The notion of p<strong>as</strong>sivity evolved from a network theory concept<br />

to a versatile feedback design tool. It h<strong>as</strong> been instrumental<br />

in the development of absolute stability criteria in the 1960’s,<br />

in adaptive control and large-scale system studies in the 1970’s<br />

and 1980’s, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> in the nonlinear control design procedures<br />

developed in the 1990’s [30]. In this paper we showed that p<strong>as</strong>sivity<br />

is a suitable design approach <strong>for</strong> a cl<strong>as</strong>s of group coordination<br />

problems in which the comm<strong>uni</strong>cation structure is bidirectional.<br />

In particular, we exploited the symmetry (post-multiplication<br />

by and pre-multiplication by its transpose<br />

) in the interconnection structure of Fig. 2, which is due<br />

to such bidirectional comm<strong>uni</strong>cation. For <strong>uni</strong>directional comm<strong>uni</strong>cation<br />

topologies significant results have been obtained<br />

using a number of different approaches, such <strong>as</strong> the use of Laplacian<br />

properties <strong>for</strong> directed graphs in [5] and [31], input-to-state<br />

stability in [32], eigenvalue structure of circulant matrices in<br />

[33], and set-valued Lyapunov theory in [6]. Although <strong>uni</strong>directional<br />

interconnection topologies do not preserve p<strong>as</strong>sivity<br />

properties in general, the design methodology of this paper can<br />

be extended to <strong>as</strong>sign strict <strong>for</strong>ms of p<strong>as</strong>sivity to compensate <strong>for</strong><br />

the loss of p<strong>as</strong>sivity in the interconnection. Such an extension is<br />

currently being pursued by the author.<br />

The continuous-time feedback laws obtained within the p<strong>as</strong>sivity<br />

framework are “scalable” in the sense that their design parameters<br />

do not depend on the number of members in the group.<br />

In the discrete-time extension, however, the number of members<br />

restricted the growth of nonlinear terms [see (59)–(62)] due to<br />

the shortage of p<strong>as</strong>sivity resulting from the sampling process.<br />

In addition to stabilizing feedback rules, our p<strong>as</strong>sivity approach<br />

constructed a Lurie-type Lyapunov function which can be used<br />

<strong>as</strong> a starting point <strong>for</strong> several robust redesigns. Indeed, robustness<br />

against me<strong>as</strong>urement and quantization noise, and against<br />

time-delays that occur in the comm<strong>uni</strong>cation links are important<br />

problems that will be addressed in future work. Another<br />

promising research direction is to relax the <strong>as</strong>sumption that the<br />

group reference velocity is available to each member. We<br />

are presently developing an adaptive design where is available<br />

only to a leader, while other members estimate this in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

from their relative distance me<strong>as</strong>urements.<br />


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Murat Arcak (S’97–M’00–SM’05) received the<br />

B.S. degree in electrical and electronics engineering<br />

from the Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in<br />

1996, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical<br />

and computer engineering from the University of<br />

Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Santa Barbara, in 1997 and 2000, under<br />

the direction of P. Kokotović.<br />

He is an Associate Professor of electrical, computer<br />

and systems engineering with the Rensselaer<br />

Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. He joined the faculty<br />

at Rensselaer in 2001. He h<strong>as</strong> also held visiting<br />

faculty positions at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and with the M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts<br />

Institute of Technology, Cambridge. His research is in nonlinear control<br />

theory and its applications, with particular interest in robust and observer-b<strong>as</strong>ed<br />

feedback designs, and in distributed control of networks of dynamic systems. In<br />

these are<strong>as</strong>, he h<strong>as</strong> published more than 90 journal and conference papers and<br />

organized several technical workshops.<br />

Dr. Arcak is a member of SIAM and an Associate Editor <strong>for</strong> the IFAC Journal<br />

Automatica. He received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation<br />

in 2003, the Donald P. Eckman Award from the American Automatic<br />

Control Council in 2006, and the SIAM Control and System Theory Prize in<br />

2007.<br />

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITA MODENA. Downloaded on September 14, 2009 at 04:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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