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Workshop PG5<br />

Instructionlist<br />

7.3 IL Syntax<br />

Comments:<br />

IL programs are read by two kinds of entities: humans and compilers. The<br />

compiler requires the source code text to conform exactly to its syntax rules.<br />

For example a COB command demands two parameters. One behind the<br />

command COB itself and the second on the line below it. Humans are not so<br />

particular about how instructions are given, but they often need more explanation<br />

about what the function of the instructions are. Such explanation can be<br />

added to the source code. We call them comments and they are displayed in<br />

green. There are two ways to add a comment.<br />

; All the text from the semicolon to the end of the<br />

line is considered as comment and will be green.<br />

$skip $endskip All the text between the two instructions is<br />

skipped by the compiler and therefore is a comment.<br />

Comments can be added to every line.<br />

Structure:<br />

The code itself is structured in several rows. You can jump from row to row by<br />

using the TAB key.<br />

1. ROW: LABELS, General comments and TEXT<br />

2. ROW: Mnemo code. In this row you insert the actual instruction.<br />

3. ROW: The operands for the instruction. Also called media code.<br />

4. ROW: Comments to the specific program line.<br />

PG5-07-E © Saia-Burgess Controls Ltd. Page 7-5

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