FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ...

FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ... FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ...


3 – INCOME STATEMENT Corporate name: P.P.M.P.P. France 31 December 2004 Export Total 31 December 2003 OPERATING INCOME Sales of goods Sales of production – goods – services 13,221,039 13,221,039 6,684,210 Net turnover 13,221,039 13,221,039 6,684,210 Stored production Capitalised production Operating subsidies Depreciations and reserve reversals, expense transfer 2,618,535 681,242 Other operating income 4,239 Total operating income (I) 15,843,813 7,365,452 Purchase of goods (including customs duties) Changes in inventory (goods) Purchase of raw materials and other supplies (including customs duties) Changes in inventory (raw materials and suplies) Other purchases and external expenses 3,428,344 1,910,787 Taxes and related payments 3,353,693 1,183,464 Wages and salaries Social security contributions Operating allowances fixed assets depreciation 4,727,352 2,106,325 provision current assets provision 46,322 215,513 for contingencies provision 277,840 415,513 Other expenses 122,807 Total operating expenses (II) 11,956,358 5,831,602 1 – OPERATING RESULT (I - II) 3,887,455 1,533,851 Joint venture Attributed income or transferred loss (III) 919,877 Loss assumed or transferred income (IV) 6,670 FINANCIAL INCOME Financial income from investments 586,726 Income from other investment securities and from receivables related to fixed assets Other interest and related income 4 Reserve reversals, expense transfer Profits on exchange rates 2,315 Net gains on sales of investment securities 14,329 4,978 Total financial income (V) 14,333 594,019 FINANCIAL EXPENSES Financial allowances for depreciations and provisions Interest and assimilated expenses 4,069,176 2,780,716 Loss on exchange rates Net loss on sales of investment securities Total financial expenses (VI) 4,069,176 2,780,716 2 - FINANCIAL RESULT (V - VI) (4,054,842) (2,186,697) 3 – ORDINARY RESULT BEFORE TAX (I - II + III - IV +V-VI) -167,387 260,361 175

3 – INCOME STATEMENT (CONTINUED) Corporate name: P.P.M.P.P. 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 EXTRAORDINARY INCOME Extraordinary operating gains 3,236 4,474 Extraordinary capital gains 2,574,277 Depreciations and reserve reversals, expense transfer Total extraordinary income (VII) 3,236 2,578,751 EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES Extraordinary operating expenses 18,053 359,344 Extraordinary capital expenses 524,791 Extraordinary depreciation expense and provisions 134,000 Total extraordinary expenses (VIII) 152,053 884,135 4 - EXTRAORDINARY RESULT (VII-VIII) (148,817) 1,694,615 Employee profit sharing (IX) Income tax (X) TOTAL INCOME (I+III+V+VII) 15,861,382 11,458,099 TOTAL EXPENSES (II+IV+VI+VIII+IX+X) 16,177,586 9,503,123 5 – PROFIT OR LOSS (TOTAL INCOME – TOTAL EXPENSES) -316,204 1,954,976 176


Corporate name: P.P.M.P.P.<br />

31 December 2004 31 December 2003<br />


Extraordinary operating gains 3,236 4,474<br />

Extraordinary capital gains 2,574,277<br />

Depreciations and reserve reversals, expense transfer<br />

Total extraordinary income (VII) 3,236 2,578,751<br />


Extraordinary operating expenses 18,053 359,344<br />

Extraordinary capital expenses 524,791<br />

Extraordinary depreciation expense and provisions 134,000<br />

Total extraordinary expenses (VIII) 152,053 884,135<br />

4 - EXTRAORDINARY RESULT (VII-VIII) (148,817) 1,694,615<br />

Employee profit sharing (IX)<br />

Income tax (X)<br />

TOTAL INCOME (I+III+V+VII) 15,861,382 11,458,099<br />

TOTAL EXPENSES (II+IV+VI+VIII+IX+X) 16,177,586 9,503,123<br />

5 – PROFIT OR LOSS (TOTAL INCOME – TOTAL EXPENSES) -316,204 1,954,976<br />


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