FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ...

FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ... FCC Proudreed Properties 2005 HSBC SG CORPORATE ...


We confirm that we are able to comply with the applicable listing rule of the relevant stock exchange and listing authority, whether it is in London, Luxembourg or Dublin. We also confirm that the valuations have been carried out by a competent Independent Valuer and that Savills has no conflict of interest in advising the addressees of the report. We also confirm that Savills has sufficient professional indemnity insurance on a per claim basis in respect of the services herewith provided. The report and valuation have been prepared in accordance with the latest edition of the RICS ‘‘Red Book’’, the Appraisal and Valuation Standards (5 th Edition). We refer you to the documents entitled ‘‘Valuation Procedure and Assumptions’’ and ‘‘Specific Valuation Assumptions’’ attached to this certificate for details of the basis of our valuation, the work we have undertaken and the general assumptions upon which it has been prepared. You have requested that valuations be prepared upon the following basis: Market Value Market value means ‘‘the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgably, prudently and without compulsion’’. Market Value with Vacant Possession As for market value, but assuming that the property is vacant at the valuation date. Reinstatement Cost This is an estimate of the cost of current reinstatement cost of the property in its current form, including costs of clearance, demolition and professional fees, but excluding VAT. We would underline that this indication of reinstatement cost for insurance purposes is given as a guideline only, since a formal estimate can only be given by a qualified Quantity Surveyor or equivalent person with sufficient current experience of construction costs. As the property has not been inspected by a Quantity Surveyor, the estimates of replacement cost are provided without liability. Valuation A schedule of individual net market values as at 31 May 2005 is attached. The sum of the individual property values should not be considered as our opinion of the value of the portfolio if sold as a whole. No allowance has been made in our valuation for the costs of realisation, any liability for tax which might arise in the event of disposal or deemed disposal or for the existence of any mortgage or similar financial encumbrance over the property. Finally, we would ask that neither the whole nor any part of this report or any reference thereto may be included in any document, circular or statement without our prior approval of the form and context in which it will appear, save that we agree to this report being included in the Offering Circular. Such publication of/or reference to this report will not be permitted unless it contains a sufficient contemporaneous reference to any departure from the Statements of Asset Valuation Practice and Guidance Notes published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the incorporation of the special assumptions referred to herein. 113

This valuation is provided for the stated purposes and is for the use only of the party to whom it is addressed and no responsibility is accepted to any other party. We remain at your disposal should you have any queries regarding this valuation or the attached report. Yours faithfully, Sara Lucas MRICS Director Savills 114

We confirm that we are able to comply with the applicable listing rule of the relevant stock exchange and<br />

listing authority, whether it is in London, Luxembourg or Dublin. We also confirm that the valuations have<br />

been carried out by a competent Independent Valuer and that Savills has no conflict of interest in advising<br />

the addressees of the report. We also confirm that Savills has sufficient professional indemnity insurance<br />

on a per claim basis in respect of the services herewith provided.<br />

The report and valuation have been prepared in accordance with the latest edition of the RICS ‘‘Red<br />

Book’’, the Appraisal and Valuation Standards (5 th Edition). We refer you to the documents entitled<br />

‘‘Valuation Procedure and Assumptions’’ and ‘‘Specific Valuation Assumptions’’ attached to this<br />

certificate for details of the basis of our valuation, the work we have undertaken and the general<br />

assumptions upon which it has been prepared.<br />

You have requested that valuations be prepared upon the following basis:<br />

Market Value<br />

Market value means ‘‘the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of<br />

valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper<br />

marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgably, prudently and without compulsion’’.<br />

Market Value with Vacant Possession<br />

As for market value, but assuming that the property is vacant at the valuation date.<br />

Reinstatement Cost<br />

This is an estimate of the cost of current reinstatement cost of the property in its current form, including<br />

costs of clearance, demolition and professional fees, but excluding VAT.<br />

We would underline that this indication of reinstatement cost for insurance purposes is given as a<br />

guideline only, since a formal estimate can only be given by a qualified Quantity Surveyor or equivalent<br />

person with sufficient current experience of construction costs. As the property has not been inspected by<br />

a Quantity Surveyor, the estimates of replacement cost are provided without liability.<br />

Valuation<br />

A schedule of individual net market values as at 31 May <strong>2005</strong> is attached. The sum of the individual<br />

property values should not be considered as our opinion of the value of the portfolio if sold as a whole.<br />

No allowance has been made in our valuation for the costs of realisation, any liability for tax which might<br />

arise in the event of disposal or deemed disposal or for the existence of any mortgage or similar financial<br />

encumbrance over the property.<br />

Finally, we would ask that neither the whole nor any part of this report or any reference thereto may be<br />

included in any document, circular or statement without our prior approval of the form and context in<br />

which it will appear, save that we agree to this report being included in the Offering Circular. Such<br />

publication of/or reference to this report will not be permitted unless it contains a sufficient<br />

contemporaneous reference to any departure from the Statements of Asset Valuation Practice and<br />

Guidance Notes published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the incorporation of the<br />

special assumptions referred to herein.<br />


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