CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco

CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco

CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco


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Section 4 <strong>User</strong> Help Reference<br />

the run data by clicking the Save button, abort the run<br />

by clicking the Rewind button, or resume the run by<br />

clicking the Play button.<br />

• Next Tube — This button advances the fraction<br />

collector to the next tube position. This allows you to<br />

conveniently collect elute of interest in new tube.<br />

• Rewind — This button is active when the module has<br />

completed the run, or if the run was Stopped by clicking<br />

the stop button. The Rewind button returns you to the<br />

MAIN WINDOW [4.3.1].<br />

If you have stopped the run before its programmed run<br />

length has elapsed, the current method is modified using<br />

the new run length. This modified method is ready for<br />

the next run, or can be saved for future runs.<br />

• Fast Forward — Click this button to jump to the next<br />

step of a run.<br />

Once you’ve started a run, the module performs several<br />

steps. The first step is to deliver solvents using the<br />

programmed gradient for the entire run length. When<br />

this step is complete, the module will purge the column<br />

with air. Following this, the module will clean the<br />

injection valve.<br />

Clicking the Fast Forward button will cause the module<br />

to skip any remaining time in the current step and<br />

advance to the beginning of the next step. Unlike the<br />

Rewind button, the Fast Forward button will not modify<br />

the current method’s run length setting.<br /> Peak Collection Buttons<br />

When using an optional fraction collector or fractionation<br />

valve, Peak Collection buttons are located at the bottom of the<br />

Main window.<br />

• All — Click this button to collect all fluids in the fraction<br />

collection tubes.<br />

• Peaks — Click this button to collect only eluted peaks in<br />

the fraction collection tubes.<br />

• None — Click this button to divert all fluids to the<br />

waste port.<br />


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