CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco

CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco

CombiFlash Torrent® User Manual - Isco


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<strong>CombiFlash</strong> Torrent® <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

When using the All or Peaks options, you can specify the<br />

maximum Peak and Non-peak volumes to be collected in the<br />

tubes. Be sure to enter volumes less than the maximum tube<br />

capacity. Different peak and non-peak tube volumes can be<br />

used to conserve tubes when using the All peak collection<br />

mode by collecting large volumes of non-peak fluid while<br />

creating more, smaller fraction volumes of fluids of interest.<br />

The Foxy fraction collector or Fractionation Valve will advance<br />

to the next tube whenever a peak is detected. Also note that<br />

the fraction collector or valve will advance to the next tube if a<br />

new peak is detected before completing the last one<br />

(sometimes called a double advance). Keep in mind that the<br />

slope and threshold detection methods use algorithms<br />

optimize the peak detection. For example, peak detection<br />

includes a hysteresis to reduce the likelihood of multiple tube<br />

advances that may occur if there is noise at the beginning or<br />

tail end of a peak.<br />

These actions may be overridden if Time Windows are active.<br />

See the discussion on INITIAL WASTE & TIME WINDOWS.<br />

Peak Detection This section of the window contains option<br />

buttons to enable and disable various peak detection options.<br />

When an option is enabled, the window also allows you to<br />

modify the setting details for that peak detection option. All<br />

enabled options will be displayed on the chromatogram.<br />

Note: You can select up to two peak detection options<br />

(excluding the External option). If using two options, such as<br />

1 with 2, PeakTrak considers a peak to be present when<br />

either option is true (a logical OR).<br />

• 1 and 2 (wavelength 1 and 2) — Enable these<br />

options to use and configure primary and secondary<br />

wavelength detection. When enabled, type or select the<br />

peak detection wavelength in nanometers, then click the<br />

Details button to configure additional settings described<br />

below.<br />

• Slope Based — Select this option to enable<br />

Slope-based peak detection. When enabled, peaks will<br />

be recorded if the slope algorithm indicates a peak<br />

within the Peak Width setting.<br />


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