PASSCAL_DataStatus-2011005 Passcal Experiments 1986 ... - IRIS

PASSCAL_DataStatus-2011005 Passcal Experiments 1986 ... - IRIS

PASSCAL_DataStatus-2011005 Passcal Experiments 1986 ... - IRIS


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154 9615 Portland excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Pratt USGS 6/23/96 7/2/96 Active SEGY 1 tony@geophys.washington.edu<br />

153 9614 SAGE N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Braile Purdue 6/23/00 7/2/00 SEGY neil@uwyo.edu<br />

152 9613 Superior N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> White GSC 6/16/00 7/16/00 SEGY guust@geo.princeton.edu<br />

151 9612 Silver City excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 6/1/96 6/15/96 Active SEGY 1 brown@geology.cornell.edu<br />

150 9611 Wasatch Fault Wasatch Fault 3-D Seismic Survey NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Schuster Utah 5/12/00 5/25/00 Active SEGY 1 harm@ig.utexas.edu<br />

149 9610 Cascadia 96 excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Parsons USGS 4/20/96 5/31/96 Active SEGY 6 walter.wheeler@uib.no<br />

148 9609 Iceland (Askja) Askja/Bardardalur Iceland (ASK) XE 1996 97-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Menke Lamont 4/6/00 5/26/00 Active SEGY 3 steidl@quake.crustal.ucsb.edu<br />

147 9608 S. Shetland (SEPA) Seismic Experiment in Patagonia and Antarctica XB 1997-1998 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Wiens Washington University 11/2/00 6/1/03 Passive SEED 11 lindh@andreas.wr.usgs.gov<br />

146 9607 OSN Pilot N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Collins WHOI 12/2/01 2/16/02 brocher@usgs.gov<br />

145 9606 Cascadia 96 II excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Trehu OSU 4/10/96 5/20/96 Active SEGY 6 flvernon@ucsd.edu<br />

144 9605 Alaska Anchorage Alaska Site Response Experiment (AASR) 00-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Biswas University of Alaska 6/2/00 10/1/00 Passive SEED 7 snelson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

143 9604 Iceland Iceland Hotspot XD 1996-1998 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Nolet Princeton 5/16/00 10/16/02 Passive SEED 4 snelson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

142 9603 Kobe excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Li USC 4/1/96 6/30/96 Passive/Active SEED 6 silver@pss1.ciw.edu<br />

141 9602 Altiplano-Puna Bolivian Experiment XH 1996-1997 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Zandt University of Arizona 9/2/00 10/1/01 Passive SEED 15 miller@geo.utep.edu<br />

140 9601 Abitibi Abitibi Experiment XB 1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Hearn New Mexico State University 4/2/00 12/1/00 Passive SEED 24 rwhite@esc.cam.ac.uk<br />

139 9526 New Zealand II New Zealand Seismic Experiment XU 1996-1997 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> WU SUNY 1/2/00 4/1/01 Passive SEED 1 snelson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

138 9525 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Broadband Array XI 1995-1997 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 1/2/00 11/2/00 Passive SEED 1 harder@geo.utep.edu<br />

137 9524 Ft Bliss Refraction Survey at Fort Bliss (FTBLISS) 07-018 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Harder UTEP 1/2/00 3/1/00 Active SEGY 1 rcarbonell@ija.csic.es<br />

136 9523 N. Korea (China?) North Korea Seismic Deployment XL 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Jacob Lamont 11/2/99 5/31/00 Passive SEED 1 voight@ems.psu.edu<br />

135 9522 LA Microzonation excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Steidl UCSB 7/1/95 11/1/95 Passive/Active SEED 1 barcklay@ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

134 9521 LIGO excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Rohay PNL 10/1/95 10/31/95 Passive/Active SEED 1 jhaase@purdue.edu<br />

133 9520 JTEX N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Braile Purdue 9/16/99 10/11/99 SEGY jar@email.unc.edu<br />

132 9519 Washington Reflection/Refraction Experiment in Southwestern Washington (SWWA) 96-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Trehu OSU 8/23/99 9/6/99 Active SEGY 255 gaherty@ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

131 9518 Taiwan excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Wu SUNY 8/1/95 10/30/95 Passive/Active SEED 15 roger@usges.gov<br />

130 9517 Namer (Deep Probe Active) 1995 Deep Probe completed Experiment (DEEPA) 98-006 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 7/16/99 8/16/99 Active SEGY 255 jay@ig.utexas.edu<br />

129 9516 Wabash Wabash Seismic Experiment XM 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Pavlis Ind 11/2/99 7/1/00 Passive SEED 1<br />

128 9515 Stone Canyon excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber U of Wisc 6/15/95 3/1/96 Passive/Active SEED 5 sak@essc.psu.edu<br />

127 9514 Kola Seismic Soundings of the Barents Sea shelf-mainland Junction Zone (KOLA95) 98-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 6/2/99 8/2/99 Active SEGY 11 grkeller@ou.edu<br />

126 9513 Deep Test N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 5/9/99 7/2/99 SEED sak@essc.psu.edu<br />

125 9512 Western US excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Keller UTEP 4/28/95 5/10/95 Active SEGY 4 cjones@mantle.colorado.edu<br />

124 9511 Bear Valley Active Bear Valley Active Experiment 1995 (BVA) 97-006 97-007 97-010 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisc 4/16/99 6/1/99 Active SEGY 1 roecker@harold.geo.rpi.edu<br />

123 9510 New Zealand excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Okaya USC 2/1/95 3/31/96 Active SEGY 295 brocher@usgs.gov<br />

122 9509 Upheaval Dome excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Louie UNR 1/15/95 1/31/95 Active SEGY 12 nano@ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

121 9508 SF Peninsula San Francisco Peninsula Passive Array (SFPEN95) 06-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Parsons USGS 1/2/99 7/1/99 Active SEGY 3 lindh@andreas.wr.usgs.gov<br />

120 9507 NZ Passive (SAPSE) Southern Alps Passive Seismic Experiment XC 1995 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> McEvilly Berkeley 10/2/99 3/31/00 Passive SEED 2 mrymer@usgs.gov<br />

119 9506 Basin & Range II (Green River) Green River Experiment XQ 1995 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Dueker Colorado 9/2/99 1/1/00 Passive SEED 75<br />

118 9505 Hawaii 1995 Hawaii Site Response Experiment (HAWAII) 98-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisc 8/2/99 11/1/99 Passive SEED 25<br />

117 9504 Himalayas Nanga Parbat Pakistan XG 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Meltzer Lehigh 8/2/99 11/1/00 Passive SEED 8 sschwartz@earthsci.ucsc.edu<br />

116 9503 Iceland Icemelt Broadband Data (ICEMELT) 98-007 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Bjarnason Carnegie 5/2/99 11/2/99 Passive SEED 2 mspeece@mtech.edu<br />

115 9502 Adirondacks (ABBA) Adirondack Broadband Array XJ 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Roecker RPI 6/2/99 6/1/00 Passive SEED 5 lml@cgiss.boisestate.edu<br />

114 9501 MOMA Missouri to Massachusetts Transect XA 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Fischer Brown 1/21/99 4/1/00 Passive SEED 1 clifft@geology.wisc.edu<br />

113 9500 TOBA The Toba Seismic Experiment, Northern Sumatera, Indonesia (TOBA) 96-015 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> McCaffrey RPI 1/2/99 5/16/99 Passive SEED 2 rbsmith@mines.utah.edu<br />

112 9438 Bear Valley Bear Valley Passive Experiment 1994-95 (BVP) 97-006 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisc 11/2/98 6/2/99 Passive SEED 13 lfserpa@utep.edu<br />

111 9430 LA Microzonation excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Steidl UCSB 11/1/94 12/31/95 Passive/Active SEED 1 doug@kermadec.wustl.edu<br />

110 9429 LA Basin LARSE Passive Experiment (LARSE.1P) 97-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Li USC 11/2/98 12/1/98 Passive SEED 3 johnson@geo.arizona.edu<br />

109 9428 Antarctic (AMP) Antarctic Microearthquake Project XF 1995-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Anandakrishnan Penn State 11/2/98 4/1/00 Passive SEED 1 ileana@seismo.unr.edu<br />

108 9427 Basin & Range Colorado Plateau-Great Basin Network (CPGB) XH 1994 97-001 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Sheehan Colorado 11/2/98 9/1/99 Passive SEED 37 meremonte@usgs.gov<br />

107 9426 Antarctica excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyo 10/20/94 2/5/95 Active SEGY 9 mspeece@mtech.edu<br />

106 9425 LARSE Air-Gun Data Acquired at Onshore Stations during the Los Angeles Region Experiment (LARSE) 96-019 96-020 96-021 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Fuis USGS 10/2/98 11/1/98 Active SEGY 59 okaya@usc.edu<br />

105 9424 Cape Blanco Onshore/Offshore Experiment at Cape Blanco, Oregon (CBO) 95-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Brocher USGS 9/16/98 10/16/98 Active SEGY 2 sak@essc.psu.edu<br />

104 9423 ACCRETE ACCRETE Wide-Angle (ACCRETE) 02-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 8/21/98 10/16/98 Active SEGY 65 miller@geo.utep.edu<br />

103 9422 Arctic Active Onshore/Offshore Experiment in the Bering-Chukchi Sea, Western Alaska and Eastern Siberia (BSEA) 96-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Brocher USGS 8/2/98 8/21/98 Active SEGY 11 nano@ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

102 9421 Alaska Anchorage Alaska Site Response Experiment (AASR) 00-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Biswas U of A 7/2/98 11/2/98 Passive SEED 1 cjones@mantle.colorado.edu<br />

101 9420 New Zealand excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Chiu MSU 1/1/94 12/31/95 Passive/Active SEED 2 steve@geophys.washington.edu<br />

100 9419 Altiplano (BANJO) BBand Andean Joint Exp. / Seismic Exploration of Deep Andes XE 1994-1995 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Silver Carnegie 1/2/98 10/21/99 Passive SEED 28 hubenth@iris.edu<br />

99 9418 Mt. Ranier Seismic Velocity Structure of the Greater Mount Rainier Area (RAINIER) 96-012 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Malone U of W 7/2/98 8/31/98 Passive SEED 9<br />

98 9417 Iceland 1994 Krafla Undershooting Experiment (KUE) 95-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Menke Lamont 7/2/98 7/31/98 Passive SEED 1 lindh@andreas.wr.usgs.gov<br />

97 9416 Tanzania Tanzania BB Experiment (TANZ) XD 1994-1995 97-005 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Owens USC 5/2/98 7/1/99 Passive SEED 65 nabelek@oce.orst.edu<br />

96 9415 Aleutians Aleutian Arc Seismic Experiment (ALAR) 96-016 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Klemperer Stanford 6/21/98 7/21/98 Active SEGY 32 jonathan_lees@unc.edu<br />

95 9414 Sierras II Southern Sierra - Death Valley XL 1994 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Phinney Princeton 6/2/98 11/1/98 Passive SEED 27 masten@mail.earth.monash.edu.au<br />

94 9413 JTEX Broadband II Jemez Tomography Experiment at Valles Caldera, NM (JTX94) 96-011 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisconsin 6/2/98 10/16/98 Passive SEED 25 ygli@coda.usc.edu<br />

93 9412 Mendocino Small Array Mendocino Array Experiment (MENA) 96-008 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Beaudoin Stanford 6/2/98 6/21/98 Active SEGY 27 rwhite@esc.cam.ac.uk<br />

92 9411 Mendocino Mendocino Triple Junction: 1994 Onshore/Offshore and High Density Land Recordings (MENII) 96-017 , 97-009 98-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 6/2/98 6/21/98 Active SEGY 125 voight@ems.psu.edu<br />

91 9410 Tibet Active INDEPTH-2 Wide-Angle Experiment, Tibet 1994 (IND2) 96-013 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Klemperer Stanford 5/16/98 10/16/98 Active SEGY 27 silver@pss1.ciw.edu<br />

90 9409 Southwest excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Keller UTEP 5/1/94 5/20/94 Active SEGY 162 vadim.levin@yale.edu<br />

89 9408 BARGE excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Lerner-Lam Lamont 3/15/94 3/30/94 Active SEGY 3 lastiz@mahi.ucsd.edu<br />

88 9407 SCEC LA Basin RAMP Northridge Aftershocks XA 1994 97-011 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Davis UCLA 3/2/98 5/1/98 Active SEGY 15 brown@geology.cornell.edu<br />

87 9406 Nevada DOD excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Hasting China Lake 3/1/94 4/30/94 Passive/Active SEED 15 gomberg@usgs.gov<br />

86 9405 Peninsular Range Penninsular Ranges, California XF 1994 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Day SDSU 1/2/98 5/1/98 Passive SEED 3 malin@duke.edu<br />

85 9404 Olympics (PUGS?) Puget Sound BB Array XC 1994 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Malone Washington 1/2/98 5/1/98 Passive SEED 5 daniel.e.jawson.usace.army.mij<br />

84 9403 New Zealand (SIPSE) S. Island (N. Zealand) Pilot BB Network XM 1994 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> McEvilly Berkeley 1/2/98 5/1/98 Passive SEED 1<br />

83 9402 Northridge RAMP Northridge Aftershocks XA 1994 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 1/2/98 4/1/98 Passive SEED 14 hfabriol@cicese.mx<br />

82 9401 Kenya 1985 Kenya Rift International Seismic Project (KRSP85) 01-003 04-021 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Keller UTEP 1/2/98 4/1/98 Active SEGY 162 tulaczyk@pmc.ucsc.edu<br />

81 9320 Fiji Southwest Pacific Seismic Experiment XB 1993-1995 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Wiens Washington University 1/2/98 1/1/00 Passive SEED 22 grkeller@ou.edu<br />

80 9319 Java (Micronesia) Micronesia Seismic Network XT 1994-1996 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Okal Northwestern 1/2/98 1/1/00 Passive SEED 55 niren@giseis.alaska.edu<br />

79 9318 Cajon Cajon Pass Borehole Seismic Recording (CAJP) 97-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Abercrombie USC 11/2/97 12/6/98 Passive SEED 14 stump@passion.isem.smu.edu<br />

78 9317 Antarctic Profile Antarctic Crustal Profile (ACRUP) 96-010 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> ten Brink WHOI 11/2/97 4/2/98 Active SEGY 13 35/7<br />

77 9316 S Cal Passive LARSE Passive Experiment (LARSE.1P) 97-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Davis UCLA 11/2/97 12/1/97 Passive SEED 4 keranen@ou.edu<br />

76 9315 Mendocino Calibration Cape Mendocino Calibration Experiment (MCKSH) 94-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> KIemperer Stanford 9/16/97 10/1/97 Active SEGY 6 jacob@lamont.ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

75 9314 JTEX Active Jemez Tomography Experiment at Valles Caldera, NM 96-011 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Fehler LANL 19's Active SEGY 16 jonathan_lees@unc.edu<br />

74 9313 Sierras excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Malin Duke 9/1/93 9/21/93 Active SEGY 16 pavlis@indiana.edu<br />

73 9312 NTS Non Proliferation Experiment (Chemical Kiloton at NTS) XA 1993 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Wallace Arizona 9/2/97 9/22/97 Passive SEED 4<br />

72 9311 Mendocino 1993 Mendocino Triple Junction Experiment (MENI) 96-018, 96-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 8/2/97 9/16/97 Active SEGY 15 gpwaite@mtu.edu<br />

71 9310 Trans-Hudson N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Hajnal U of Sask 7/2/97 7/31/97 SEGY jeff.johnson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

70 9309 Sierras Broadband Southern Sierra Continuous Data - 1993 (SSCD) YL 1993 97-008 value will not be calculated archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Phinney Princeton 6/2/97 11/1/97 Passive SEED 5 gene@newberry.uoregon.edu<br />

69 9308 JTEX Broadband Jemez Tomography Experiment at Valles Caldera, NM (JTEX) 95-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisc 6/2/97 10/31/97 Passive SEED ? jay_pulliam@baylor.edu<br />

68 9307 Ruby Mountain excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 6/1/93 6/15/93 Active SEGY 1 jpcanales@whoi.edu<br />

67 9306 Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area Broadband Transect (SFBAY) 94-012 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Catchings USGS 5/2/97 5/31/97 Active SEGY 1 clifft@geology.wisc.edu<br />

66 9305 Snake River Plain 1993 Oregon Snake River Plains Experiment (SRP) 94-014 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Humphreys Oregon 4/2/97 11/16/97 Passive SEED 29 michael@usgs.gov<br />

65 9304 Cascadia Cascadia, 1993-94 (CASC) 96-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Nabelek OSU 3/2/97 4/16/98 Passive SEED 1 shane@usgs.gov<br />

63 9303 Kola KOLA92: Kola Superdeep Borehold Reflection (KOLA92-VSP) 07-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 1/2/97 5/2/97 Active SEGY 1 clifft@geology.wisc.edu<br />

64 9303 Kola KOLA92: Kola Superdeep Borehold Reflection (KOLA92-VSP) 07-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 1/2/97 5/2/97 Active SEGY 1 robmcc@harold.geo.rpi.edu<br />

62 9302 SFBay San Francisco Bay Area Broadband Transect (SFBAY) 94-012 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Evans USGS 1/2/97 4/16/97 Passive SEED 32 ygli@coda.usc.edu<br />

61 9301 SCEC Landers RAMP PMP Reflections Beneath the San Bernadino Mountains, CA, from Landers Aftershocks (PMPR) 96-005 96-006 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Henyey USC 1/2/97 3/1/97 Passive SEED 6<br />

60 9218 Anza N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 12/2/96 4/2/97<br />

59 9217 Yellowstone 92 excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smith Utah 11/1/92 5/5/93 Passive SEED 5 niren@giseis.alaska.edu<br />

58 9214 San Andreas Seismic Explosion Experiment at Landers (LANE) 96-007 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Li USC 10/2/96 10/31/96 Passive SEED 1 steve@geophys.washington.edu<br />

57 9213 Pakistan 1992 Pakistan Himalayas Passive Source Broadband Seismic Experiment (PAKH) 94-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Ni New Mexico State University 8/2/96 1/16/96 Passive SEED 132 p.leary@auckland.ac.nz<br />

56 9212 Boulder Batholith Boulder Batholith 1992 Experiment (BLDR) 94-008 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson University of Wyoming 7/5/96 8/3/96 Active SEGY 9 steve@geophys.washington.edu<br />

55 9211 Tibet Refraction excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Klemperer Stanford 6/1/92 9/30/92 Active SEGY 2<br />

54 9210 Landers RAMP Landers Aftershocks (LAND) XB 1992 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 6/2/96 10/1/96 Passive SEED 2<br />

53 9209 Puerto Rico 1992-1993 SouthEast Caribbean South America Broadband Seismic Experiment (SEC) 98-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Russo Carnegie 6/2/96 9/2/96 Passive SEED 45 miller@geo.utep.edu<br />

52 9208 Mendocino RAMP Mendocino Aftershock Experiment (MENDI) 93-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Schwartz UCSC 6/2/96 9/1/96 Passive SEED 6 miller@geo.utep.edu<br />

51 9207 Rocky Mountain Front II Rocky Mountain Front Project (RMF) XG 1996 96-002 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Lerner-Lam Lamont 5/2/96 11/6/96 Passive SEED 59 miller@geo.utep.edu<br />

50 9206 Baikal Seismic Array W Baikal 1991&1992 Seismic Array Project (BSAP3) 94-010 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Meyer University of Wisconsin 5/2/96 11/6/96 Passive SEED 3 menke@lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu<br />

49 9205 Baikal Seismic Array II Baikal 1992 Seismic Array Project (BSAP2) 94-007 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Davis UCLA 5/2/96 11/6/96 Passive SEED 32 mrymer@usgs.gov<br />

48 9204 Joshua Tree RAMP Joshua Tree Aftershocks XA 1992 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 4/2/96 7/1/96 Passive SEED 1 mrymer@usgs.gov<br />

47 9203 Kola KOLA92: Kola Superdeep Borehold Reflection (KOLA92-VSP) 07-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 3/2/96 5/16/96 Active SEGY 9 hafricker@ucsd.edu<br />

46 9202 Sevilleta excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Hearn NMSU 2/1/92 12/30/92 Passive SEED 1 day@moho.sdsu.edu<br />

45 9201 RISC 1992 RISC Experiment in the Southern Basin and Range (RISC) 94-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 2/2/96 2/29/96 Active SEGY 9 steve@geophys.washington.edu<br />

44 9121 Baikal Seismic Array BAIKAL 1991 Seismic Array Project (BSAP1) 93-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Davis UCLA 7/2/95 11/1/95 Passive SEED 8 epettit@ess.washington.edu<br />

43 9120 Cajon Cajon Pass Borehole Seismic Recording (CAJP) 97-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Teng USC 11/2/95 4/16/96 Passive SEED 36 roecker@harold.geo.rpi.edu<br />

42 9119 Yellowstone 91 excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smith Utah 10/15/91 5/5/92 Passive SEED 5 flvernon@ucsd.edu<br />

41 9118 Salt Lake excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Pechmann Utah 10/15/91 4/15/92 Passive SEED 5 rachel@coda.usc.edu<br />

40 9117 Mammoth N/A excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Phinney Princeton 10/16/95 11/16/95 SEED pdavis@ess.ucla.edu<br />

39 9116 Old Faithful excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Kedar Cal Tech 10/1/91 10/30/91 Passive/Active SEED 2 henyey@coda.usc.edu<br />

38 9115 Cascades Active excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Trehu OSU 9/15/91 10/30/91 Active SEGY 3 ygli@coda.usc.edu<br />

37 9114 BASIX BASIX 1991 Wide-angle Fan Shots (BASIX2) 94-011 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Klemperer Stanford 9/2/95 10/1/95 Active SEGY 3 flvernon@ucsd.edu<br />

36 9112 Redoubt Volcano Redoubt Volcano (REDOUBT) 99-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Dawson USGS 7/2/95 9/1/95 Passive SEED 2<br />

35 9110 Fogo Is 1991 Fogo Island On-Shore Off-Shore Experiment (FOGO) 92-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Guest Queens College 6/21/95 7/31/95 Active SEGY 15 sschwartz@earthsci.ucsc.edu<br />

34 9109 Iceland Geothermal ICE-2 95-006? NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Julian USGS 6/2/95 11/1/95 Passive SEED 3 flvernon@ucsd.edu<br />

33 9108 Tibet Tibetan Plateau Broadband Experiment (TIPLT) XC 1991-1992 93-005 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Owens U of SC 5/2/95 7/2/96 Passive SEED 17 johnson@geo.arizona.edu<br />

32 9106 Monahans Monhans Oilfield, Texas (MONHOIL) 04-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Harder UTEP 5/2/95 5/31/95 Active SEGY 35 cavargasj@unal.edu.co<br />

31 9105 Loma Prieta Check Shot RAMP Santa Cruz Mountains, Dense Array (SCRUZ) 92-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Schwartz UCSB 5/2/95 5/31/95 Active SEGY 1 jonathan_lees@unc.edu<br />

30 9104 Geysers excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Julian USGS 3/16/95 5/16/95 SEED lteng@coda.usc.edu<br />

29 9103 Mississippi Embayment Mississippi Embayment (MISS) 99-007 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Meyer Wisconsin 2/2/95 5/1/95 Passive SEED 5 dawson@andreas.wr.usgs.gov<br />

28 9102 Pinon II Pinyon Flat Broadband Triggered Array (SAA2-HF) XA 1991 92-003 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 1/2/95 5/1/95 Passive SEED 44 meyer@ice.geophysics.wisc.edu<br />

27 9101 Heard Is. excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Orcutt UCSD 1/1/90 2/28/09 Active SEGY 6 mcnamara@usgs.gov<br />

26 9014 Yellowstone 90 excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smith Utah 11/1/90 5/5/91 Passive SEED 5 steve@geophys.washington.edu<br />

25 9013 Bad Creek SC excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Talwani U of South Carolina 11/2/94 5/2/95 SEED flvernon@ucsd.edu<br />

24 9012 SERIS Antarctic Seismic Experiment Ross Ice Shelf (SERIS) 93-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> ten Brink Stanford 10/21/94 3/6/95 Active SEGY 3 droman@cas.usf.edu<br />

23 9011 SAMSON SAMSON 95-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Nabelek OSU 10/2/94 1/1/95 Passive SEED 48 snelson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

22 9010 Chesapeake 1990 EDGE Experiment off of Virginia Coast (VAEDGE) 93-006 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 10/2/94 10/31/94 Active SEGY 1 karen@emma.geo.brown.edu<br />

21 9009 Minnesota Minnesota River Valley 1990 Wide-angle Experiment (MRVE) 94-006 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson Wyoming 8/2/94 9/16/94 Active SEGY 4 taunyas@u.washington.edu<br />

20 9008 Iceland Refraction South Iceland Seismic Refraction Experiment of 1990 (ICELAND) 92-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Menke Lamont 7/2/94 9/1/94 Active SEGY 15 meyer@ice.geophysics.wisc.edu<br />

19 9007 ALOHA Arrays for Lithosphere Observations in Hawaii (ALOHA) 91-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thurber Wisconsin 6/2/94 1/1/95 Passive SEED 25 lerner@lamont.ldeo.columbia.edu<br />

18 9006 Penninsular Range Wide-angle Seismic Imaging in the Peninsular Ranges (PRAN) 94-009 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Okaya USC 5/2/94 6/1/94 Active SEGY 5 owens@seis.sc.edu<br />

17 9005 Brooks Range 1990 <strong>PASSCAL</strong>/USGS/GSC Brooks Range Seismic Survey (BROOKS2) 93-004 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 4/2/94 8/2/94 Active SEGY 41 hole@vt.edu<br />

16 9004 Pinon I Pinyon Flat High Frequency Array (PF-HFA) XA 1990 91-002 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Vernon UCSD 4/2/94 5/31/94 Passive SEED 1 jeff.johnson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

15 9003 Beaufort Sea 1990 Beaufort Ambient Seismo-Acoustics Beneath Ice Cover (BASIC) 94-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Schultz University of Washington 3/2/94 5/1/94 Passive SEED 1 luyendyk@geol.ucsb.edu<br />

14 9002 Rio Grande Rift excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Ni NMSU 11/1/90 12/31/92 Passive SEED 7<br />

13 9001 KRISP 90 Kenya Rift International Seismic Project (KRISP) 1990 (KRSP90) 03-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Meyer Wisconsin 1/2/94 4/16/94 Passive SEED 15 gwaite@mtu.edu<br />

12 8904 Yellowstone 89 excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smith Utah 11/1/89 5/2/90 Passive/Active SEED 4 jfaulds@unr.edu<br />

11 8903 Loma Prieta RAMP Loma Prieta Aftershock Earthquake Dataset (LPF) 90-008 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Lerner-Lam Lamont 10/6/93 1/1/94 Passive SEED 1 christa@midas.uprm.edu<br />

10 8902 Greenland 1989 Greenland Seismic Survey 1989 Greenland Seismic Survey (GRN89) 94-005 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Smithson University of Wyoming 9/2/93 10/2/93 Active SEGY 35 jeff.johnson@ees.nmt.edu<br />

9 8901 APT 1989 Archean-Proterozoic transition Experiment (APT) 91-003 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Silver Carnegie 5/2/93 10/2/93 Passive SEED 6 hole@vt.edu<br />

8 8802 Brooks Range Pilot 1988 <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Brooks Range Seismic Survey (BROOKS) 92-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Levander Rice 7/2/92 8/16/92 Active SEGY 1<br />

7 8801 Basin & Range Passive <strong>Passcal</strong> Basin and Range Passive-Source Seismic Exp. Part1: Lg Aperature Array Data (BRE1) 90-001 & 002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Owens U of Mo 8/2/92 6/1/93 Passive SEED 1<br />

6 8602 Basin & Range Active <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Basin and Range Lithospheric Seismic Experiment, Northern Nevada (NEVADA) 00-029 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Thompson Stanford 6/2/90 7/2/90 Active SEGY cjones@mantle.colorado.edu<br />

5 9901 Colorado (CDROM) CDROM (Colorado) XK 1999-2000 archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Dueker University of Colorado 4/2/03 5/1/04 Passive SEED 6<br />

4 9215 & 9216 Yellowstone Old Faithful Yellowstone Old Faithful delinquent <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Kedar Cal Tech 10/1/92 10/30/92 Passive 5<br />

3 9111 Parkfield NA excluded <strong>PASSCAL</strong> McEvilly Berkeley 5/2/95 1/1/04 SEED<br />

2 9107 Rocky Mountain Front Rocky Mountain Front Project (RMF) 96-002 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Lerner-Lam Lamont 5/2/95 9/1/95 Passive SEED 25<br />

1 8601 Ouachita <strong>1986</strong> OUACHITA Lithospheric Seismology Experiment (OUACHITA) 87-001 NA -completed archived <strong>PASSCAL</strong> Keller UTEP 5/2/90 6/1/90 Active SEGY

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