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Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the<br />

contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any<br />

liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this<br />

announcement.<br />

<strong>SAMLING</strong> <strong>GLOBAL</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong><br />

*<br />

三 林 環 球 有 限 公 司<br />

(incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)<br />

(Stock Code: 3938)<br />


AND<br />


On 19 November 2009, SGL Trading entered into the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement;<br />

whereby SGL Trading will provide the Convertible Loan in the amount of US$36.9 million<br />

(approximately HK$286.0 million) to PT Borneo.<br />

Since the applicable percentage ratios set out in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules exceed 5% but do<br />

not exceed 25%, the provision of the Convertible Loan constitute a discloseable transaction of the<br />

Company under the Listing Rules.<br />


PT Borneo is the holder of a Mining Business Permit to develop the coal resources contained in the<br />

area covered by the Mining Business Permit. On 19 November 2009, SGL Trading entered into the<br />

SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement whereby SGL Trading will provide the Convertible Loan in the<br />

amount of US$36.9 million (approximately HK$286.0 million) to PT Borneo.<br />

* for identification purposes only<br />

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Details of the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement are as follows:<br />


Parties: — Alex<br />

— Bakti<br />

— FHD<br />

— MSM<br />

— SGL Trading (together with MSM, the ‘‘Investors’’)<br />

— PT Borneo<br />

To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry,<br />

Alex, Bakti, FHD, MSM, PT Borneo and their respective ultimate beneficial owners are third parties<br />

independent of the Company and connected persons of the Company.<br />

Sale and Purchase of Shares<br />

Alex will sell and MSM will buy the Sale Shares.<br />

The Convertible Loan<br />

The Convertible Loan is to be disbursed in two tranches as set forth below and convertible to shares in<br />

PT Borneo. The Convertible Loan will be used by PT Borneo to repay its existing indebtedness.<br />

First Tranche (the ‘‘Initial Loan’’):<br />

Subject to the fulfillment of conditions precedent, including the completion of the sale and transfer of<br />

the Sale Shares to MSM, SGL Trading shall provide PT Borneo with the Initial Loan in the amount of<br />

US$9.0 million (approximately HK$69.8 million).<br />

On the same date, Alex and SGL Trading are to arrange for the opening of an Escrow Account and<br />

once the Escrow Agent has executed the Escrow Agreement, SGL Trading shall deposit the Additional<br />

Loan in an amount equal to US$ 27.9 million (approximately HK$216.2 million) to the Escrow<br />

Account.<br />

Second Tranche (the ‘‘Additional Loan’’):<br />

Subject to the fulfilment of conditions precedents, including SGL Trading being satisfied with the<br />

result of its due diligence on PT Borneo, the Additional Loan shall be disbursed from the Escrow<br />

Account to PT Borneo on the terms and conditions of the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement. The<br />

provision of the Convertible Loan, was determined after arm’s length negotiations between the parties<br />

based on normal commercial terms.<br />

Subject to the procurement of all necessary permits, SGL Trading shall have the option to convert all<br />

or part of the Convertible Loan into shares of PT Borneo up the maximum of 82% of all shares issued<br />

by PT Borneo.<br />

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Subject to termination, all amounts outstanding under the Convertible Loan shall be non-interest<br />

bearing.<br />

Termination:<br />

The SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement shall be terminated:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

by the Investors if the completion of the transfer of shares by Alex to MSM and the disbursement<br />

of the Convertible Loan to PT Borneo has not occurred by 31 March 2010 or any other date<br />

agreed between the parties in writing; or<br />

by the Investors if they are not satisfied with the results of their due-diligence on PT Borneo<br />

which, subject to full cooperation from Alex, Bakti, PT Borneo and FHD, is expected to be<br />

completed by 31 March 2010; or<br />

by mutual consent of the parties.<br />

If the Investors exercise their rights to terminate the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement, the Escrow<br />

Agent will release and transfer the Additional Loan to SGL Trading. Upon such termination, the<br />

Investors shall have the following options in relation to the Initial Loan:<br />

(a)<br />

PT Borneo shall repay the Initial Loan to SGL Trading in full at the latest by (i) the date that falls<br />

12 months after the share transfer closing date; or (ii) the commercial operation of PT Borneo,<br />

whichever occurs earlier. Any amount outstanding of the Initial Loan shall carry interest rate at 6%<br />

per annum. Upon full repayment of the Initial Loan, MSM shall transfer all Sale Shares back to<br />

Alex; or<br />

(b) MSM shall be entitled to transfer 62% shareholding interest back to Alex and retain 20%<br />

shareholding in PT Borneo. If the Investors exercise this option, the Initial Loan shall be deemed<br />

the full and final consideration for the Investors’ 20% shareholding interest and no other payment<br />

and consideration needs to be made by the Investors to any party.<br />

The Directors consider that the terms of the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement are fair and<br />

reasonable so far as the Company and the Shareholders are concerned. The Company will finance the<br />

Convertible Loan from internal resources.<br />


PT Borneo was incorporated under the laws of Indonesia on 5 June 2008. It is principally engaging in<br />

the mining business. PT Borneo is the holder of a Mining Business Permit to develop the coal<br />

resources contained in the area covered by the Mining Business Permit located in Tanah Bumbu<br />

Regency, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.<br />

All material expenses had been capitalized in the Balance Sheet since the incorporation of PT Borneo.<br />

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The unaudited shareholders’ funds of PT Borneo as at 31 August 2009 was approximately US$2.0<br />

million (approximately HK$15.5 million).<br />


The Group is principally engaged in timber harvesting and management of forest concessions in<br />

Malaysia and Guyana, and tree plantations in New Zealand and Malaysia, manufacturing, marketing<br />

and distribution of wood products.<br />

It has been one of the long-term corporate objectives of the Group to become a global resource<br />

company. The Directors believe that, to diversify the industry cycle and risk of the timber business, it<br />

is in the interests of the Group to explore other resources-related business investment opportunities.<br />

The Directors consider that the entering into of the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement, will enable<br />

the Group to expand into the coal mining industry in Indonesia. The Directors believe that the entering<br />

into of the SPA and Convertible Loan Agreement represents a good investment opportunity for the<br />

Group to diversify into a new resource and is in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders<br />

as a whole.<br />


Since the applicable percentage ratios set out in Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules exceed 5% but do not<br />

exceed 25%, the provision of the Convertible Loan constitute a discloseable transaction of the<br />

Company under the Listing Rules.<br />


This statement is made at the request of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.<br />

The board of Directors has noted the recent increases in the price of the Shares and wishes to state that<br />

it is not aware of any reasons for such increases.<br />

The board of Directors confirms that save for the transaction disclosed in this announcement, there are<br />

no negotiations or agreements relating to intended acquisitions or realisations which are discloseable<br />

under Rule 13.23, neither is the board of Directors aware of any matter discloseable under the general<br />

obligation imposed by Rule 13.09, which is or may be of a price-sensitive nature.<br />

Made by the order of the Company, the board of the Directors individually and jointly accept<br />

responsibility for the accuracy of this statement.<br />


In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the<br />

following meaning:<br />

‘‘Additional Loan’’<br />

a convertible loan to be provided by SGL Trading to PT Borneo in an amount<br />

equal to US$27.9 million<br />

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‘‘Alex’’<br />

‘‘Bakti’’<br />

Mr. Alexander Thaslim<br />

Mr. Bakti Thaslim Dipling<br />

‘‘Company’’ Samling Global Limited, an exempted company with limited liability<br />

incorporated in Bermuda on 27 June 2005 and a company listed on the Main<br />

Board of the Stock Exchange<br />

‘‘Convertible Loan’’<br />

‘‘Directors’’<br />

‘‘Escrow Account’’<br />

‘‘Escrow Agent’’<br />

‘‘Escrow Agreement’’<br />

‘‘FHD’’<br />

‘‘Group’’<br />

‘‘Hong Kong’’<br />

‘‘Initial Loan’’<br />

‘‘Investors’’<br />

‘‘Listing Rules’’<br />

‘‘Mining Business<br />

Permit’’<br />

‘‘MSM’’<br />

‘‘PT Borneo’’<br />

‘‘SGL Trading’’<br />

collectively, the Initial Loan and the Additional Loan<br />

directors of the Company<br />

shall mean the escrow account to be opened by or with the Escrow Agent at a<br />

bank in Singapore pursuant to the Escrow Agreement;<br />

means an escrow agent to be appointed jointly by Alex and SGL Trading<br />

means the escrow agreement to be executed by and between Alex, SGL<br />

Trading and Escrow Agent<br />

Full Harvest Development Limited, a corporation established under the laws<br />

of the Republic of Seychelles<br />

the Company and its subsidiaries<br />

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC<br />

a convertible loan to be provided by SGL Trading to PT Borneo in an amount<br />

equal to US$9.0 million<br />

collectively, SGL Trading and MSM<br />

the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange<br />

mining business permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan) issued by the Tanah<br />

Bumbu Regent to develop the coal resources contained in the area covered by<br />

the mining business permit<br />

PT Mega Sinar Mandiri, a corporation established under the laws of the<br />

Republic of Indonesia<br />

PT Borneo Pacific, a company incorporated under the laws of Indonesia and<br />

the holder of the Mining Business Permit<br />

SGL Trading Inc, a corporation established under the laws of British Virgin<br />

Islands and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company<br />

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‘‘SPA and Convertible<br />

Loan Agreement’’<br />

‘‘Sale Shares’’<br />

‘‘Share(s)’’<br />

‘‘Shareholder(s)’’<br />

‘‘Stock Exchange’’<br />

‘‘HK$’’<br />

‘‘IDR’’<br />

‘‘US$’’<br />

the agreement dated 19 November 2009 entered into between Alex, Bakti,<br />

FHD, MSM, SGL Trading and PT Borneo in relation to the purchase of the<br />

Sale Shares from Alex and provision of the Convertible Loan of US36.9<br />

million by SGL Trading to PT Borneo<br />

205 shares of PT Borneo, representing 82% of the issued share capital of PT<br />

Borneo,tobesoldbyAlextoMSM<br />

ordinary share(s) of HK$0.1 each in the share capital of the Company<br />

holder(s) of the Share(s)<br />

the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited<br />

Hong Kong dollars<br />

Indonesian Rupiah<br />

US dollars<br />

On Behalf of the Board of<br />

Samling Global Limited<br />

Chan Hua Eng<br />

Chairman<br />

Hong Kong, 19 November 2009<br />

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Yaw Chee Ming and Cheam Dow Toon as executive directors,<br />

Chan Hua Eng as non-executive director and, Fung Ka Pun, Tan Li Pin, Richard and David William Oskin as independent<br />

non-executive directors.<br />

The announcement is available for viewing on the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited at<br />

www.hkex.com.hk under ‘‘Latest Listed Companies Information’’ and at the website of the Company at<br />

www.irasia.com/listco/hk/samling/index.htm.<br />

Unless otherwise stated, amounts in US$ have been translated into HK$ at the exchange rate of US$1 to HK$7.75 for<br />

illustration purposes only No representation is made that any amounts in US$ or HK$ can be or could have been converted<br />

at the relevant dates at the above rate or any other rate at all.<br />

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