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Presents<br />

New for 2012!<br />

Dedicated summary discussion sessions<br />

See inside cover for more details<br />

<strong>Register</strong> & pay by 4th May<br />

2012 to save up to £800!<br />

Delivering Effects Through Influence Activity<br />

Location<br />

Charing Cross Hotel, London<br />

Pre-Conference Workshops<br />

26th June 2012<br />


27th-28th June, 2012<br />

Post-Conference Exercise Day<br />

29th June 2012<br />

Top reasons to attend Information<br />

Operations Global:<br />

v Gain a holistic view of the latest issues facing the<br />

information operations <strong>com</strong>munity, with<br />

four individual themes structured to provide<br />

briefings on strategic, tactical and nonmilitary<br />

approaches to <strong>com</strong>munication and<br />

influence campaigns<br />

v Examine how social media influenced the events<br />

of the Arab Spring and how your <strong>com</strong>mand could<br />

be better utilising this medium for greater<br />

reach and audience understanding<br />

v Assess what role information operations should<br />

play in contingency planning and how such<br />

<strong>com</strong>munications can be used in conjunction with<br />

local outreach teams to prevent conflict<br />

v Take full advantage of the best attended, most<br />

influential IO event in the world with new<br />

dedicated summary discussion sessions and<br />

extended networking breaks<br />

“Easily the best IO conference, period”<br />

– William Ettinger, 1st IO Command, US Army<br />

“This conference is always valuable as it is<br />

a unique forum in which to learn how IO is<br />

doing and where we are heading.”<br />

– Major Simon Cote, Deputy Director, PsyOps, Canadian Forces<br />

Featured International Speakers Include:<br />

Conference Chair: Simon Bergman, Director, M&C Saatchi<br />

World Services<br />

Air Commodore Ian Wood, Head of Targeting and Information<br />

Operations, UK MoD [Pending final UK MoD Approval]<br />

Brigadier Iain Harrison, Former Chief of Joint Fires and<br />

Influence Branch, NATO ARRC<br />

Brigadier Mark Milligan, Director Influence and Outreach, HQ ISAF<br />

Colonel Richard Samuels, Deputy Commander, SOCAFRICA<br />

Colonel Christopher Naler, Commanding Officer, Marine Corps<br />

Information Operations Command, USMC<br />

Colonel Sandy Wade, Military Advisor, European Union<br />

Delegation to the African Union<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Stratford-Wright, IO Officer, TIO, UK MoD<br />

Master Sergeant Samuel Colon-Escobar, USRPAC G7, US Army<br />

Sergeant First Class Chris Heidger, EUCOM, US ARMY<br />

Bill Balkovetz, Media Advisor, Leonie Industries<br />

Jeff Brown, Program Manager/Senior ORSA, Leonie Industries<br />

Simon Haselock, Co-founder and Director, Albany Associates<br />

Giulia Aubry, Social Media Project Manager and Strategist for<br />

Italian Governmental Institutions, Cultural Intelligence trainer<br />

for Italian MoD, Independent Researcher<br />

Chris Dufour, Chief Digital Officer of Formidable IdeaWorks<br />

Lynton Crosby, Director, Boris Johnson London Mayoral<br />

Campaign<br />

Tony Quinlan, Chief Storyteller, NARRATE<br />

John Iadonisi and Tim Newberry, White Canvas Group<br />

Workshop A, 09:00-11:30<br />

Understanding Strategic<br />

Communications and<br />

Creating Cohesive<br />

Narratives<br />

Led By: Lieutenant Colonel<br />

Paul Tilley, Strategic<br />

Communications, UK MoD<br />

Conference Partner<br />

Pre-Conference WorkshopS | 26th June 2012<br />

Workshop B, 12:00-14:30<br />

Developing Information<br />

Operations for Contingency<br />

Planning and Conflict<br />

Prevention<br />

Led By: Lieutenant Colonel<br />

Ulrich Janssen, IO Course<br />

Director, NATO School<br />

Workshop C, 15:00-17:30<br />


Utilising currently available<br />

social media tools to expand<br />

understanding of audiences<br />

and coordinate people traffic<br />

Led By: Chris Dufour,<br />

Chief Digital Officer of<br />

Formidable IdeaWorks<br />


Post Conference<br />

Exercise Day<br />

29th June 2012<br />

The Turkish flotilla as a<br />

strategic <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

challenge: What role could<br />

IO have played in mitigating<br />

the fallout from this crisis?<br />

Designed by: Lt Col Saar<br />

Raveh, IDF Reserve, Owner<br />

Mikud Consulting Group<br />


Location<br />

Charing Cross Hotel, London<br />

Pre-Conference Workshops<br />

26th June 2012<br />


27th-28th June, 2012<br />

Post Conference Exercise Day<br />

29th June 2012<br />

Dear Colleague,<br />

A very warm greeting to the Strategic Communications, Information Operations and wider <strong>com</strong>munity; I trust you<br />

have all been working hard and having success. It has been an interesting and challenging year with much change<br />

and development in relation to our disciplines and I k<strong>now</strong> we all have a lot to share. I would like to wel<strong>com</strong>e you to the<br />

Information Operations Global conference we are planning for London in June.<br />

This year, we have extended the scope of our conference beyond Europe and I am looking forward to introducing an agenda<br />

that is far broader than previous years in relation to our line of business.<br />

We have an exciting and extensive scope of topics & areas that we want to cover and I would like us all to consider the<br />

following issues and questions during the event, as I think they are significant in terms of what policy makers are spending<br />

time thinking about. More importantly however, they are also where the practitioners are currently engaged, and I hope we<br />

can all learn something from them.<br />

I would like us to consider what role the Information Operations <strong>com</strong>munity should play in <strong>com</strong>batting the influence<br />

of violent extremist ideology and what can be done to mitigate radical and non-peaceful narratives. This is particularly<br />

important in relation to the changing landscape of this threat with regards to organisations like Al Qaeda, Al Shabab and<br />

other emerging threats.<br />

I would also like us as a <strong>com</strong>munity to consider how the continued growth of social media and developments in technology<br />

are influencing Information Operations and how can these capabilities best be utilised to support greater reach and<br />

understanding of audiences. I intend to run an experiment at this year’s event with some cutting edge Social Media<br />

technology and I hope you can all take part, I k<strong>now</strong> it will be of great value.<br />

Much has been discussed about “getting the message out”, but I would like us to consider how and if we should be<br />

attempting to create an overarching strategic narrative that can be used to derive multiple, non-contradictory “stories” for<br />

a variety of audiences, and whether this premise has value in relation to current and emerging requirements. This is a lot<br />

to consider, but a question and premise that needs to be tested and answered.<br />

And finally, it will have considerable value for us all to spend some time thinking about what role Strategic Communications,<br />

Information Operations and Psychological Operations should contribute to contingency planning and conflict prevention.<br />

This emerging area is something that is causing a lot of us deep thought, particularly in light of the Arab Spring and<br />

enduring conflicts across the world.<br />

I look forward to meeting you in London.<br />

Simon Bergman<br />

Conference Chairman<br />

Director, M&C Saatchi Worldwide<br />

PS: Save up to £800 if you<br />

register and pay by 04/05/12<br />

Thematic structure and dedicated summary discussion sessions<br />

Information Operations Global seeks to provide the<br />

world’s leading forum for influence professionals to<br />

discuss their experiences and facilitate information<br />

exchange. Consequently, we are excited to introduce<br />

a new format for the event, focusing on four specific<br />

themes. These are:<br />

1. What role should the Information Operations<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity play in <strong>com</strong>bating the influence of<br />

extremist groups and how can progress in this arena<br />

best be monitored?<br />

2. How has the growth of social media and technology<br />

influenced Information Operations and how can this<br />

development best be utilised to support greater reach<br />

and understanding of audiences?<br />

3. How can we create a cohesive, overarching strategic<br />

narrative that can be used to derive positive “stories”<br />

for multiple audiences without contradicting itself?<br />

4. What role should Information Operations play in<br />

contingency planning and conflict prevention?<br />

Online Communities:<br />

Each of these themes will feature presentations from<br />

military and non-military subject matter experts,<br />

providing a fantastic opportunity for the crosspollination<br />

of ideas between sectors. This will be<br />

reinforced by the introduction of dedicated discussion<br />

sessions at the end of each theme, which will help to<br />

summarise the learning out<strong>com</strong>es.<br />

Within these sessions each table at the event will be asked<br />

to construct answers to a number of questions, based on<br />

information gleamed from the previous presentations and<br />

individual experiences. Each table will then briefly explain<br />

their answers to the other delegates, also stating who is<br />

represented at their table (i.e. military / industry and their<br />

home nation).<br />

The end result will be to not only facilitate great<br />

discussion, but also to gain an understanding of how<br />

different nations and sectors view the challenges facing<br />

the IO <strong>com</strong>munity.<br />

@defenceiq #Infoops Information Operations Global Defence IQ<br />

http://defencesummits.wordpress.<strong>com</strong><br />

For your booking enquiries contact us on +44 (0)20 7368 9737

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

CONFERENCE AGENDA DAY ONE – 27th June 2012<br />


09.00 Chairman’s Opening Remarks<br />






HOME<br />

NATION<br />


EE<br />

Assessing the role the IO <strong>com</strong>munity plays in<br />

<strong>com</strong>bating the influence of radical Islam and other<br />

extremist groups<br />

EE<br />

Broader issues surrounding IO in the Armed Forces:<br />

Continuity, unity of effort, and outlook<br />

EE<br />

Achieving national desired out<strong>com</strong>es through<br />

full spectrum targeting including integration of<br />

Information Operations, STRATCOMs and nonkinetic<br />

effects as part of our influence tool set<br />

Air Commodore Ian Wood, Head, Targeting and<br />

Information Operations, UK MoD [Pending final UK MoD<br />

Approval]<br />

What role should the information operations<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity play in <strong>com</strong>batting the influence<br />

of extremist groups and how can progress in<br />

this arena best be monitored?<br />




SOCOM’S<br />



EE<br />

Understanding the role information operations plays<br />

in fulfilling Special Operations Command’s mission<br />

in Africa<br />

EE<br />

Regional challenges and the nature of extremist<br />

groups operating in Africa – both at a national and<br />

multinational level<br />

EE<br />

Models, frameworks and methodologies currently<br />

utilised to carry out target analysis and measure<br />

effectiveness<br />

EE<br />

Lessons learned from the Arab Spring and<br />

opportunities to further develop IO expertise<br />

Colonel Richard Samuels, Deputy Commander, Special<br />

Operations Command Africa, US Army<br />


MODEL<br />

EE<br />

Looking to the future of counter-insurgency<br />

operations we can see a trend towards small<br />

military footprints, surgical long-range strikes and<br />

an increasing reliance upon elements of soft power.<br />

EE<br />

During a time of financial constraints and as<br />

informational power has been demonstrated in<br />

the Middle East, foreign policy should increasingly<br />

rely on information strategies, as opposed to hard<br />

power, to achieve policy objectives - To achieve this,<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication capabilities will also have to be<br />

Smart, will have to be Comprehensive.<br />

EE<br />

Models allowing <strong>com</strong>prehensive <strong>com</strong>munications<br />

must be encouraged: examining the AU/UN IST case<br />

study in Somalia – a <strong>com</strong>prehensive<br />

<strong>com</strong>munications model (multi-spectral, multilayered,<br />

independent, top-down/bottom-up, holistic,<br />

short-long term, local-global) and its advantages in<br />

terms of rapid response, flexibility and cost.<br />

Simon Haselock, Co-founder and Director,<br />

Albany Associates<br />


11.00 The latest thinking in effects based<br />

<strong>com</strong>munications from the <strong>com</strong>mercial and<br />

public sectors: how it can help <strong>com</strong>bat radical<br />

Islam and deliver a step change in Information<br />

Operations<br />

EE<br />

Audience insight and <strong>com</strong>munications strategies:<br />

latest tools, techniques and processes to achieve<br />

breakthrough ideas and better plan for effectiveness<br />

EE<br />

Media targeting and messaging: recent trends in<br />

user adoption & platform development and how they<br />

will impact on our target audience over the next 3-5<br />

years<br />

EE<br />

Creative execution and product innovation:<br />

using brilliant creativity to accelerate change and<br />

significantly improve return on investment<br />

Nick Leason, Subject Matter Expert,<br />

M&C Saatchi World Services<br />

11.30 Enhance Information Operations Metrics<br />

by leveraging analytics techniques and<br />

visualization in <strong>com</strong>bat and social media<br />

environments<br />

EE<br />

Operational Unit Support (Tools and Techniques)<br />

EE<br />

Geospatial analytics to support intelligence analysis<br />

and the provision of Operational Visualization<br />

EE<br />

Effects assessments of planned operations and<br />

products, with detailed analysis of medial<br />

consumption polling for extremely hard to reach<br />

audiences<br />

EE<br />

Social Network/Media Analytics (Tools and<br />

Techniques)<br />

EE<br />

Detect, classify, measure and track<br />

EE<br />

Persuasion and influence, along with countering<br />

adversarial messaging<br />

EE<br />

Measure effects of persuasion campaigns<br />

EE<br />

Situational awareness and Course of Action<br />

Bill Balkovetz, Media Advisor, Leonie Industries<br />

Jeff Brown, Program Manager/Senior ORSA,<br />

Leonie Industries<br />


Discussion To Revolve Around Key Questions,<br />

Including:<br />

EE<br />

Does countering radicalisation still provide the<br />

core remit of information operations? What other<br />

challenges exist (and are likely to evolve) over the<br />

next decade?<br />

EE<br />

To what extent can non-military frameworks be<br />

applied to military information operations? What<br />

limiting factors exist in trying to transfer these<br />

models?<br />

EE<br />

To what extent should local security forces be<br />

utilised as the face of disseminated<br />

<strong>com</strong>munications? How can we mitigate the risk that<br />

such forces are not seen as “puppets”?<br />

12.40 Networking Lunch<br />


For your booking enquiries email defence@iqpc.co.uk

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />


How has the growth of social media and<br />

technology influenced Information<br />

Operations and how can this development<br />

best be utilised to support greater reach and<br />

understanding of audiences?<br />







EE<br />

Examining Libya as a specific case study regarding<br />

the role of social media in the Arab Spring: Insight<br />

from field research with young Libyan<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication practitioners<br />

EE<br />

The Domino Effect: How the images of the<br />

revolutions in Maghreb had an impact on Libya<br />

Revolution.<br />

EE<br />

The perception of Tunisian revolution in Tripolitania<br />

and of Egyptian revolution in Cirenaica.<br />

EE<br />

Government censorship of social media: The<br />

construction of a myth and the importance of other<br />

form of social media - from graffiti to video sharing<br />

on cell phones.<br />

EE<br />

What social media says about our audience: The use<br />

of the narrative in social media; Propaganda in<br />

social media and the importance of social media<br />

reliability<br />

EE<br />

Hypothesis on future development: the cell phone<br />

as the key for <strong>com</strong>munication sharing in Africa and<br />

Middle East. After the Web 2.0: what’s next?<br />

Giulia Aubry, Social Media Project Manager and<br />

Strategist for Italian Governmental Institutions,<br />

Cultural Intelligence Trainer for Italian MoD,<br />

Independent Researcher<br />

14.20 Changing Behavior Over Time: Lessons<br />

Learned from SETimes’ Facebook Efforts<br />

EE<br />

We currently lack examples of social media being<br />

used as an influence platform from an IO<br />

perspective. This brief intends to help fill this void.<br />

EE<br />

A background of SETimes and the associated<br />

Facebook efforts that ran parallel with this<br />

EE<br />

Measures of performance/effectiveness highlighting<br />

the validity of social media as an influence and crisis<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication platform<br />

EE<br />

What lessons have been learned from both a legal<br />

and best practice perspective?<br />

SFC Chris Heidger, 4th Military Information Support<br />

Operations Command (MISOC), US ARMY<br />

14.50 Coffee and Networking<br />

15.20 What’s Next for IO in the Digital Realm:<br />


AND NOW<br />

EE<br />

Reviewing emerging technology and business<br />

practice trends in digital media.<br />

EE<br />

Discussion of a range of topics, including<br />

gamification, social business, location-based<br />

services, experiential marketing, online listening,<br />

and netnography.<br />

EE<br />

Emerging big thinking from digital luminaries and<br />

events like South by Southwest.<br />

EE<br />

Explaining why IO professionals should pay attention<br />

to these emerging trends and how they could<br />

possibly fit into IO campaigns of the future.<br />

EE<br />

Chris Dufour, Chief Digital Officer of Formidable<br />

IdeaWorks<br />

15.50 Digital terrain teams and why video social<br />

media matters the most<br />

EE<br />

It’s in the data — are we on a path towards Digital<br />

Ubiquity?<br />

EE<br />

YouTube matters – not just a social media site – it’s<br />

a search engine<br />

EE<br />

Case studies demonstrating recruitment, funding,<br />

radicalization, and propaganda methods<br />

EE<br />

Navigating the data deluge - proposed strategies<br />

and operations to affect this space – you can’t delete<br />

36hrs per minute of uploaded content<br />

Jon Iadonisi and Tim Newberry, White Canvas Group<br />





Discussion To Revolve Around Key Questions,<br />

Including:<br />

EE<br />

Has social media replaced traditional information<br />

distribution mediums as the primary focus of<br />

information operations and psychological<br />

operations? If not, can you foresee a time when this<br />

will happen?<br />

EE<br />

Do messages need to be tailored differently to<br />

resonate through social media? Does the technology<br />

used to view the message also have an impact on<br />

the messages’ effect?<br />

EE<br />

Does the utilisation of social media and technology<br />

provide any additional difficulties for measuring<br />

effect?<br />




“The Conference was outstanding! Most of the topics were<br />

relevant to my job and the speakers were world class. The<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of speakers and the ability to meet and “network”<br />

with our international partners allowed me to gain months<br />

worth of k<strong>now</strong>ledge and experience in just 4 days.”<br />

Don’t forget to sign up for the workshops when<br />

registering for the conference!<br />

– Scott Wetzel, USAF<br />

<strong>Register</strong> <strong>now</strong> @ <strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong>

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

CONFERENCE AGENDA DAY TWO – 28th June 2012<br />


09.00 Chairman’s recap<br />

How can we create a cohesive, overarching<br />

strategic narrative that can be used to<br />

derive positive “stories” for multiple<br />

audiences without contradicting itself?<br />




EE<br />

The need for, and form of, a core narrative<br />

EE<br />

Using the narrative to shape ISAF’s new<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication strategy<br />

EE<br />

Implementation and management of the ISAF<br />

<strong>com</strong>munication strategy - particularly harmonising<br />

all <strong>com</strong>munication means<br />

EE<br />

Challenges identified and lessons learned<br />

Brigadier Mark Milligan, Director of Outreach and<br />

Influence, HQ ISAF<br />

Brigadier Iain Harrison, Formerly Chief<br />

of Joint Fires and Influence Branch,<br />


09.40 Delivering <strong>com</strong>munications<br />

objectives and desired effects -<br />

easier to say than to do<br />

EE<br />

Afghanistan Regional Command South West<br />

(RC(SW)) Information Campaign Mar 2011 - Mar 2012<br />

EE<br />

Enemy Information Operations and an ‘offensive’<br />

approach to IO<br />

EE<br />

Some of the tools available and how they can/should<br />

be used<br />

EE<br />

How did we do, and how could we have done it better?<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Stratford-Wright, IO Officer,<br />

TIO, UK MoD<br />







EE<br />

The role of narrative in social dynamics, decisionmaking<br />

and human influence<br />

EE<br />

The need for non-linear approaches to <strong>com</strong>plex<br />

situations such as CT and COIN<br />

EE<br />

Identifying dominant narratives and the alternative<br />

emergent narratives that may shift audience perceptions<br />

EE<br />

Avoiding the risks inherent in direct counter- messaging<br />

EE<br />

New narrative-informed decision-making to reveal<br />

opportunities for effective interventions<br />

Tony Quinlan, Chief Storyteller,<br />










EE<br />

K<strong>now</strong>ing your targets and understanding how to<br />

change or reinforce the way they think or behave<br />

EE<br />

Understanding why they think the way they do not<br />

just what they think<br />

EE<br />

Measuring, monitoring and adjusting the impact of<br />

your message<br />

Lynton Crosby, Co-Founder CTF Partners political and<br />

campaign consultant and Director,<br />

Boris Johnson London Mayoral Campaign<br />


Discussion To Revolve Around Key Questions,<br />

Including:<br />

EE<br />

Given the unique nature of the Afghan “audience”,<br />

how much can be learnt from <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

operations in Afghanistan and applied to future<br />

areas of operation? What would be the key take<br />

away’s from this theatre?<br />

EE<br />

Is the notion of a universal strategic narrative,<br />

applicable to all segments of society, unobtainable?<br />

If not, what have been the limiting factors in<br />

achieving such a narrative to date?<br />

EE<br />

How can we best ensure the strategic level narrative<br />

is effectively distilled across all levels of operations?<br />

EE<br />

Does the level of cooperation between those<br />

working on kinetic and non-kinetic operations need<br />

to be improved?<br />

12.20 Networking Lunch<br />

What role should Information Operations<br />

play in contingency planning and conflict<br />

prevention?<br />




US STATE<br />





EE<br />

Understanding the Centre’s role in countering<br />

terrorism: Providing direction to MISO and embassy<br />

teams throughout the world<br />

EE<br />

Methods for utilising information operations to<br />

identify individuals at risk of radicalisation and<br />

effectively target messages towards these<br />

individuals<br />

EE<br />

Providing persistent local messaging to prevent<br />

conflict from arising and assist in contingency<br />

planning<br />

Ambassador Alberto Fernandez, Director, Centre for<br />

Strategic Counter-terrorism Communication, US<br />

Undersecretary of State *Pending final confirmation *<br />

14.00 Countering extremism in the pacific region:<br />

Engaging with local <strong>com</strong>munities and<br />

creating exercises to train regional IO<br />


EE<br />

OEF-Philippines -- IO coordination/de-confliction<br />

and MISO training and support of the AFP (Armed<br />

Forces of the Philippines)<br />

EE<br />

Military Support to Public Diplomacy (MSPD)-<br />

Thailand -- MISO support in Thailand’s efforts in the<br />

southern regions<br />

EE<br />

Military Information Support Teams (MIST) in<br />

the PACOM AOR, a quick view of the many MIST in<br />

PACOM and some of their efforts in support of the<br />

U.S. Embassy, Military Groups, and Country teams<br />

EE<br />

The many exercises we (USARPAC) are involved<br />

in, some of the strategic messages and its country<br />

specific, regional, and global impacts<br />

Master Sergeant Samuel Colon-Escobar, Senior MISO<br />

NCO, USARPAC G7, US Army<br />


phone: +44 (0)207 368 9737 Fax: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 Email:defence@iqpc.co.uk

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />








EE<br />

Facilitating multinational campaign planning:<br />

COORDINATING IO Understanding what each actor is trying to achieve<br />


MULTIPLE NATIONS through IO and bridging the cultural divide<br />

EE<br />

Utilising strategic <strong>com</strong>munications for conflict<br />

prevention with the African Union<br />

EE<br />

Examples of successful campaigns and the lessons<br />

extracted from these operations<br />

Colonel Sandy Wade, Military Advisor, European Union<br />

Delegation to the African Union<br />

15.30 Information Operations in the Littorals:<br />

Integrating across the spectrum from<br />

Effective Engagement to Crisis Response<br />

EE<br />

Maturing the role of IO within the Navy-Marine<br />

Corps team: Engaging with new and established<br />

partners as we re-focus on the Maritime Domain.<br />

EE<br />

Responsive IO requires both virtual and resident<br />

capabilities to <strong>com</strong>prehend the regional<br />

<strong>com</strong>plexities within a crisis environment<br />

EE<br />

Message, Messenger, and Medium: Identifying<br />

the Socio-Cultural dimensions within Littorals and<br />

discerning the human characteristics inherent in<br />

this troika.<br />

EE<br />

Understanding the Interagency’s decisive and<br />

persistent role in Littoral Crisis Response.<br />

Colonel Christopher Naler, Commanding Officer,<br />

Marine Corps Information Operations Command,<br />

USMC<br />


Discussion To Revolve Around Key Questions,<br />

Including:<br />

EE<br />

Given the fluid nature of perceptions and the many<br />

factors influencing them, is there value in creating<br />

contingency plans that include information<br />

operations when the latter need to be created with<br />

the most current information possible?<br />

EE<br />

Should <strong>com</strong>munications and information<br />

operations be standardised in some way to facilitate<br />

multinational operations, or would this risk<br />

imposing an unnecessary rigid framework that<br />

would hinder efforts?<br />

EE<br />

Can pre-emptive information operations be<br />

conducted by embassy teams alone, or is local<br />

buy-in vital for success? If so, what form of buy-in is<br />

needed?<br />

16.40 ChairMAN’s ClosING REMARKS and End of MAIN<br />

conference<br />

About Defence IQ:<br />

Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high<br />

quality and exclusive <strong>com</strong>mentary and analysis on global<br />

defence and military related topics. Sourcing interviews<br />

and insights directly from senior military and industry professionals on air<br />

defence, cyber warfare, armoured vehicles, naval defence, land defence and<br />

many more topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to discuss and<br />

learn about the latest developments within the defence sector. So join over<br />

60,000 defence professionals today to claim your exclusive video interviews,<br />

podcasts, articles and whitepapers that are updated on a daily basis at <strong>www</strong>.<br />

defenceiq.<strong>com</strong> - and all for free.<br />

Join the <strong>com</strong>munity: <strong>www</strong>.defenceiq.<strong>com</strong>/join.cfm<br />

“Good networking opportunity,<br />

interesting viewpoints”<br />

– MARTIJN van der Meijs, Joint Warfare Centre,<br />

Stavenger, NATO<br />

For your booking enquiries email defence@iqpc.co.uk

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS – 26th June 2012<br />

Don’t forget<br />

to sign up for the<br />

workshops when<br />

registering for<br />

the conference!<br />

At this year’s Information Operations Global event our pre-conference workshops have been specifically tailored to<br />

address the themes of our conference, providing participants with a detailed insight into the key aspects of each topic<br />

before the main two day event. Being hosted by experts in their field, these workshops provide an ideal opportunity<br />

to not only learn from SME’s but also to contribute to the discussion and have your questions answered in a highly<br />

interactive forum.<br />

Delegates will also have the opportunity to put everything that they have learned into action courtesy of our post-conference<br />

exercise day. Using the Gaza peace flotilla as the basis for the scenario, participants will split into teams and attempt<br />

to create an IO campaign that to achieve the objective of their assigned nation. It is a fantastic opportunity to solidify the<br />

learning out<strong>com</strong>es over the previous 3 days and gain a thorough understanding of how the theory can be put into practice.<br />

Workshop A, 09:00-11:30<br />

Understanding Strategic Communications and Creating Cohesive Narratives<br />

Led By: Lieutenant Colonel Paul Tilley, Strategic Communications, UK MoD<br />

This workshop will provide participants with a detailed understanding of the <strong>com</strong>plexities involved with creating and disseminating a<br />

cohesive strategic narrative for use at all levels of the <strong>com</strong>mand chain. Drawing from experiences in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa, the<br />

workshop will address the difficulties in creating a narrative capable of altering attitudes and explore whether this alteration is truly<br />

necessary to bring about behavioural change.<br />

Participants will consider and discuss <strong>com</strong>mon perceptions of how strategic <strong>com</strong>munications should be conducted, contrasting<br />

their personal experiences – be they military or civilian – with others to gain a greater understanding of the factors limiting the success<br />

of IO efforts.<br />

Workshop B, 12:00-14:30<br />

Developing information operations for Contingency Planning and Conflict Prevention<br />

Led By: Lieutenant Colonel Ulrich Janssen, IO Course Director, NATO School<br />

How well we do in Military Information Operations is highly depending on the quality of information we have to anticipate the behaviour<br />

of approved audiences. That requires reliable information in time on options to, and the likelihood of, changing behaviour.<br />

Therefore the early analysis of audiences in a potential crisis area is key to success should a military engagement be<strong>com</strong>e necessary.<br />

The better we k<strong>now</strong> in advance why people do what they do, and what relationships different actors have to other elements that<br />

determine the status, behaviour and dynamics of a system, the more effective Info Ops can be.<br />

A challenging global engagement space on one hand side, and the opportunities given by a revolution in technology and enhanced<br />

connectivity on the other side enable access to, and analysis of, information from a broad variety of sources around the globe and<br />

within near real time. In order to improve understanding of systemic relations in a <strong>com</strong>plex world research is required and a lot of<br />

data need to be collected, structured, analyzed, and assessed. The earlier we begin the better we will succeed. Don’t waste time<br />

anymore, get started <strong>now</strong>!<br />

This workshop will discuss requirements, opportunities, challenges, and maybe risks of the military staff function called Information<br />

Operations in gaining situational awareness and improving k<strong>now</strong>ledge on potential crisis areas in support of contingency planning<br />

and conflict prevention.<br />

Workshop C, 15:00-17:30<br />

WORKING EXERCISE – Using Social Media to Move Your Audience<br />

Led By: Chris Dufour, Chief Digital Officer of Formidable IdeaWorks<br />

Location-based services offer a new and exciting opportunity for IO professionals to influence audiences directly on the ground. This<br />

workshop will describe how one such service - Foursquare - can work for IO pros by immersing participants in a virtual-to-physical<br />

hunt through downtown London.<br />

Participants will download the Fousquare app to their smartphones and be given a quick tutorial on how the service works. Once<br />

<strong>com</strong>pleted, participants will receive a mission briefing: A protest is scheduled to happen somewhere in London near the conference<br />

location. Participants must find the location to the protest by checking into multiple venues and following clues left by the protest’s<br />

organizers in Foursquare’s tips system.<br />

Workshop participants will split into teams to ac<strong>com</strong>plish this goal and undertake the hunt to find the protest during the entire<br />

length of the conference. At the conclusion of the conference’s last day, team scores will be presented during the final coffee & networking<br />

break along with <strong>com</strong>ments and a discussion of what everyone has learned during the exercise. By immersing themselves<br />

in Foursquare’s mechanics, participants will learn how the system can be employed for location-based influence of crowds around<br />

events in a certain time and space.<br />

<strong>Register</strong> <strong>now</strong> @ <strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong>

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

POST CONFERENCE Exercise Day – 29th June 2012<br />

Workshop D: Post-conference Exercise day, 0900-1700<br />

The Turkish flotilla as a strategic <strong>com</strong>munication challenge: What role could IO have<br />

played in mitigating the fallout from this crisis?<br />

Designed by: Lt Col Saar Raveh (Res), IDF reserve, Owner, Mikud Consulting Group, Dr. Barak Ben-Tzur (Res), IDF<br />

Don’t forget<br />

to sign up for the<br />

workshops when<br />

registering for<br />

the conference!<br />

The Turkish flotilla consisted of six humanitarian ships, organized by the Turkish movement I.H.H in order to break<br />

the siege on Gaza strip. The flotilla was supported by Turkish government who warned Israel not to confront the ships<br />

during their voyage to Gaza. The impact of the military take over of the Flotilla was bad for all sides involved and the<br />

consequences of the incident can still be felt in the relationship between Israel and Turkey.<br />

This two-phase exercise will use this unique scenario as context to assess whether a better strategic <strong>com</strong>munications<br />

campaign could have helped to prevent conflict, mitigate the negative impact of the event, and whether strategic <strong>com</strong>munications<br />

can function at all in such a lose-lose situation.<br />

Delegates will leave the workshop having put into practice everything they have learnt over the previous 3 days, consolidating<br />

take away’s with practical, hands on implementation and the resulting feedback.<br />

The day will take the following format:<br />

Phase One<br />

08:30-09:00 Looking at the structure of hybrid<br />

organisations – characteristics, threats and<br />

modus operant<br />

09:30-10:00 The arena – What are the main trends and<br />

who are the players willing to act in order to<br />

achieve their strategic goals<br />

10:00-11:30 We will divide the participants into several<br />

groups : (Israel, Palestine, N.G.O’S,, Turkey,<br />

Egypt) and every group will have to build a<br />

strategic <strong>com</strong>munication campaign in order<br />

to achieve the national goals that the group<br />

has been provided with<br />

11:30-13:00 Each team will have 10-15 minutes to<br />

present their campaign to the group. These<br />

will then be discussed between participants,<br />

with the aim of understanding alternative<br />

view points and strategies for organising IO<br />

campaigns<br />

Phase Two<br />

13:45- 14:15 Examining the Turkish Flotilla – What has<br />

happened and what went wrong<br />

14:15- 15:30 Break into four groups (Israel, Egypt. Turkey<br />

and Palestine) to assess how we can we<br />

control the <strong>com</strong>munication arena in order to<br />

deliver our narrative after the event has<br />

taken place<br />

15:30-16:30 Feedback information to the group and<br />

discuss the results<br />

16:30-17:00 Assess what lessons and take always can be<br />

drawn from the incident and the exercise as<br />

a whole<br />

13:00-13:45 Break for lunch<br />

Information Operations Global<br />

Download Centre<br />

The Information Operations Global website provides regularly<br />

updated podcasts, speaker interviews and articles coordinated<br />

with the Information Operations series. These free resources<br />

enable you to start the learning process before, during and after<br />

the conference – here’s a sample:<br />

Brigadier General Ed J. Burley discusses his <strong>com</strong>mand of all<br />

PSYOPS in Iraq last year, and his current work with CIMIC. From<br />

the upswing of priority for IO in modern military engagements to<br />

the efforts to reach out to local populations, he sums it all up: “If<br />

we can use IO instead of bombs, how much better is that...It’s a<br />

win-win situation for everyone.”<br />

phone: +44 (0)207 368 9737 Fax: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 Email:defence@iqpc.co.uk

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

Sponsors & Media Partners<br />




Leonie is a woman-owned strategic <strong>com</strong>munication <strong>com</strong>pany specializing in reaching<br />

target audiences in challenging locations through global media solutions designed to<br />

achieve our client’s desired effects. Our ability to achieve success is directly related<br />

to our region-specific research and planning capabilities, our worldwide media<br />

production and distribution channels, our diverse digital media and creative services,<br />

and our proven cultural advisory capabilities. <strong>www</strong>.leoindus.<strong>com</strong><br />

Established in 2004, Albany has led the way in providing full-spectrum<br />

<strong>com</strong>munications services in parts of the world others simply cannot reach. We<br />

have established a formidable reputation for getting the job done using highly<br />

sophisticated, effective and creative strategies in some of the most difficult,<br />

demanding and dangerous places on the planet.<br />

Among us we have seven decades of experience in strategic <strong>com</strong>munications and<br />

media regulation and development in countries including Iraq, Somalia, Sudan,<br />

Lebanon, Jordan, Bosnia and Kosovo. Networks are at the heart of what we do,<br />

wherever we work, from grass-roots outreach and influence in the heart of an<br />

insurgency to high-level public diplomacy in the corridors of international power. At<br />

a time when SMART <strong>com</strong>munications matter more than ever, we help our clients<br />

navigate successfully through exceptionally challenging situations and achieve their<br />

ultimate objectives <strong>www</strong>.albanyassociates.<strong>com</strong><br />

Sponsorship Opportunities<br />

Thought Leadership: With an expected<br />

audience of senior military customers<br />

and decision makers from across the<br />

globe, Defence IQ events enable you to<br />

build your reputation as a market leader<br />

in your chosen domain through speaking<br />

sessions and subject specific conference<br />

streams, workshops and focus days<br />

Branding: We bring together buyers<br />

and suppliers in a tailored location with<br />

unbeatable facilities for on-site branding<br />

and exposure. Furthermore, our dedicated<br />

marketing team can help you achieve<br />

your promotional aims in the months<br />

leading up to the conference with dedicated<br />

mailings to cover 50,000 contacts<br />

through brochure drops, extensive e-mail<br />

campaigns and tailored web coverage<br />

Featured Networking Events: Focused<br />

and high level, our events will provide you<br />

with the perfect environment to initiate<br />

new business relationships and achieve<br />

face-to-face contact that overcrowded<br />

tradeshows cannot deliver.<br />

Sponsorship opportunities range from<br />

exhibition stands to sponsored lunches,<br />

cocktail receptions, gala dinners and a<br />

host of informal social networking events.<br />

If you would like to sponsor or exhibit at the event call: +44 (0) 207 368 9857 or email: sponsor@iqpc.co.uk.<br />

Alternatively visit <strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />


Countries represented at the 2011 event: Attendee job function:<br />

canada<br />

united states<br />

norway<br />

holland<br />

sweden<br />

uk<br />

denmark<br />

belgium<br />

germany<br />

south africa<br />

Australia<br />

singapore<br />

y Analyst/Advisor/ 11%<br />

Consultant<br />

y Attaché/Liaison Officer 2%<br />

/Other Military Title<br />

y Operational Commander/ 11%<br />

Project Head<br />

y Director 15%<br />

y Assistant Head/Deputy 3%<br />

Director<br />

y Information Operations/ 27%<br />

Strategic Communications<br />

Officer/Director<br />

y Media & Communications 4%<br />

Professional<br />

y Professor/Researcher/ 6%<br />

Scientist<br />

y Programme Manager 8%<br />

y Staff Officer 13%<br />

For your booking enquiries email defence@iqpc.co.uk

CONFERENCE CODE: 11591.006<br />

To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below.<br />

My registration code<br />

Delegate Details - Simply <strong>com</strong>plete this form and Click submit<br />

Please photocopy for each additional delegate<br />

Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other<br />

Payment Method<br />

PDFW<br />

Please contact our database manager on +44(0) 207 368 9300 or database@iqpc.co.uk quoting the<br />

registration code above to inform us of any changes or to remove your details.<br />

Miltiary/Govt/Public Sector**<br />

Rank<br />

Family Name<br />

Tel No.<br />

Email<br />

First Name<br />

Job Title<br />

Yes I would like to receive information about products and services via email<br />

Organisation<br />

Nature of business<br />

Address<br />

Conference<br />

Conference<br />

+<br />

+<br />

3<br />

2<br />

workshops<br />

Workshops<br />

+<br />

Exercise Day FULL PACKAGE<br />

Main Conference Conference + 1 + Workshop* Exercise Day<br />

Main Conference Conference only<br />

Add Workshop***<br />

Miltiary/Govt/Public Industry Rates Sector<br />

Conference<br />

Conference<br />

+<br />

+<br />

3<br />

2<br />

workshops<br />

Workshops<br />

+<br />

Exercise Day FULL PACKAGE<br />

Main Conference Conference + 1 + Workshop* Exercise Day<br />

Main Conference Conference only<br />

Add Workshop***<br />

Postcode Country<br />

Telephone<br />

Approving Manager<br />

Name of person <strong>com</strong>pleting form if different from delegate<br />

I agree to <strong>IQPC</strong>’s cancellation, substitution and payment terms<br />

Special dietary requirements: Vegetarian Non-dairy Other (please specify)<br />

Please indicate if you have already registered by: Phone Fax Email Web<br />

Please note: if you have not received an ack<strong>now</strong>ledgement before the conference, please call us to confirm your booking.<br />

Total price for your Organisation: (Add total of all individuals attending):<br />

Card Number: VISA M/C AMEX<br />

Exp. Date:<br />

Name On Card:<br />

Book and & Pay Pay by by<br />

27th 4th January May 2012* 2011*<br />

SAVE £300 £700<br />

£1,299+VAT £599+VAT<br />

SAVE £300 £350<br />

£499+VAT £749+VAT<br />

SAVE £200 £250<br />

£399+VAT £449+VAT<br />

SAVE £100<br />

£200+VAT<br />

Book and & Pay Pay by by<br />

27th 4th January May 2012* 2011*<br />

SAVE £300 £800<br />

£2,599+VAT £599+VAT<br />

SAVE £300<br />

£1,999+VAT £499+VAT<br />

SAVE £200<br />

£1,599+VAT £399+VAT<br />

SAVE £100<br />

£300+VAT<br />

Pre Conference Workshops: 26th June 2012<br />

Main Conference: 27th-28th June 2012<br />

Post Conference Exercise Day: 29th June<br />

Charing Cross Hotel, London<br />

Book and & Pay Pay by by<br />

24th 1st February June 2012* 2011*<br />

SAVE £150 £500<br />

£1,499+VAT £749+VAT<br />

SAVE £150<br />

£649+VAT £949+VAT<br />

SAVE £100<br />

£499+VAT £599+VAT<br />

SAVE £50<br />

£250+VAT<br />

Book and & Pay Pay by by<br />

24th 1st February June 2012* 2011*<br />

SAVE £150 £500<br />

£2,899+VAT £749+VAT<br />

SAVE £150<br />

£2,149+VAT £649+VAT<br />

SAVE £100<br />

£1,699+VAT £499+VAT<br />

SAVE £50<br />

£350+VAT<br />

Standard Price<br />

£1,999+VAT £899+VAT<br />

£1,099+VAT £799+VAT<br />

£599+VAT £699+VAT<br />

£300+VAT<br />

Standard Price<br />

£3,399+VAT £899+VAT<br />

£2,299+VAT £799+VAT<br />

£1,799+VAT £599+VAT<br />

£400+VAT<br />

***Please select you choice of workshop(s): A 6 B 6 C 6<br />

* To qualify for discounts, bookings must be received with payment by the discount deadline. Only one discount/offer applicable per person.<br />

** Military and government discounted rates apply to serving military officers, government and university personnel only.<br />

UK VAT is charged at 20%. VAT Registration #: GB 799 2259 67<br />

All serving General / Flag officer 1 Star and above may attend the conference free of charge. Please contact defence@iqpc.co.uk for further details. This offer cannot<br />

be <strong>com</strong>bined with any others and is non transferrable.<br />

City/County/Postcode Cheque enclosed for: £ (Made payable to <strong>IQPC</strong> Ltd.)<br />

(Please quote 11591.006 with remittance advice)<br />

Bank account details (GBP): Account name: International Quality & Productivity Centre Ltd.<br />

Bank: HSBC Bank Plc 67 George Street, Richmond Surrey TW9 1HG, United Kingdom<br />

Account number: 51304143 Sort code: 40 38 18 IBAN: GB59 MIDL 4038 1851 3041 43 SWIFT: MIDLGB2112V<br />


Complete the form<br />

and click submit<br />

5 Ways to <strong>Register</strong><br />

phone:<br />

+44 (0)20 7368 9737<br />

Fax:<br />

+44 (0)20 7368 9301<br />

Post:<br />

your booking form to<br />

<strong>IQPC</strong>, 129 Wilton Road,<br />

Victoria, London, SW1V 1JZ<br />

Email:<br />

defence@iqpc.co.uk<br />

WEB:<br />

<strong>www</strong>.<strong>informationoperationsevent</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

Team Discounts*<br />

<strong>IQPC</strong> recognises the value of learning in teams. Groups<br />

of 3 or more booking at the same time from the same<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany receive a 10% discount, 5 or more receive<br />

a 15% discount, 7 receive a 20% discount. Only one<br />

discount available per person.<br />


Charing Cross Hotel, The Strand, Charing Cross,<br />

London WC2N 5HX, Tel: +44 (0)871 376 9012<br />

Web: <strong>www</strong>.guoman.<strong>com</strong>/Charing-Cross<br />

Travel and ac<strong>com</strong>modation are not included in the conference<br />

fee; however we have put together a HotelMap that displays<br />

discounted ac<strong>com</strong>modation for hotels in the area near to the<br />

Charing Cross Hotel. The map displays live availability and allows<br />

you to book directly with each hotel: <strong>www</strong>.HotelMap.<strong>com</strong>/M5452.<br />

Alternatively, if you would like to book your ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />

by phone, please call Daniel Spinner, our dedicated London<br />

concierge, on 020 7292 2335 (if outside UK +44 20 7292 2335)<br />

quoting Special Reference Code M5452. He will be happy to help<br />

you with your hotel booking and provide assistance organising<br />

your time in London.<br />

Digital Conference On CD-ROM<br />

A digital version of the conference proceedings,<br />

including all presentations, is available to buy.<br />

Recent digital conferences available £599+VAT each<br />

Cyber Warfare<br />

Cyber Security<br />

Electronic Warfare<br />

Information Operations 2011<br />

I have filled out credit card details below<br />

For further information Please call: 0207 368 9300<br />

or email: k<strong>now</strong>ledgeb ank@iqpc.co.uk<br />

To search <strong>IQPC</strong>’s archived conference documentation<br />

visit: <strong>www</strong>.iqpck<strong>now</strong>ledgebank.<strong>com</strong><br />

Terms and Conditions<br />

Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to <strong>IQPC</strong> Ltd<br />

standard terms and conditions. Payment Terms: Upon <strong>com</strong>pletion and return<br />

of the registration form, full payment is required no later than 5 business days<br />

from the date of invoice. Payment of invoices by means other than by credit card,<br />

or purchase order (UK Plc and UK government bodies only) will be subject to a<br />

£49 (plus VAT) per delegate processing fee. Payment must be received prior to<br />

the conference date. We reserve the right to refuse admission to the conference<br />

if payment has not been received. <strong>IQPC</strong> Cancellation, Postponement and<br />

Substitution Policy: You may substitute delegates at any time by providing<br />

reasonable advance notice to <strong>IQPC</strong>. For any cancellations received in writing<br />

not less than eight (8) days prior to the conference, you will receive a 90%<br />

credit to be used at another <strong>IQPC</strong> conference which must occur within one year<br />

from the date of issuance of such credit. An administration fee of 10% of the<br />

contract fee will be retained by <strong>IQPC</strong> for all permitted cancellations. No credit<br />

will be issued for any cancellations occurring within seven (7) days (inclusive)<br />

of the conference. In the event that <strong>IQPC</strong> cancels an event for any reason, you<br />

will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit<br />

for another <strong>IQPC</strong> event to be mutually agreed with <strong>IQPC</strong>, which must occur<br />

within one year from the date of cancellation. In the event that <strong>IQPC</strong> postpones<br />

an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend in on<br />

the rescheduled date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee<br />

paid. You may use this credit for another <strong>IQPC</strong> event to be mutually agreed with<br />

<strong>IQPC</strong>, which must occur within one year from the date of postponement. Except<br />

as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no<br />

refunds given under any circumstances. <strong>IQPC</strong> is not responsible for any loss or<br />

damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of<br />

an event. <strong>IQPC</strong> shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this conference<br />

is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God,<br />

unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this<br />

conference impracticable, illegal or impossible. For purposes of this clause,<br />

a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labour strike,<br />

extreme weather or other emergency. Please note that while speakers and topics<br />

were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of<br />

the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of<br />

the speakers and/or topics. As such, <strong>IQPC</strong> reserves the right to alter or modify<br />

the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you<br />

whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as<br />

soon as possible. Discounts: All ‘Early Bird’ Discounts require payment at time<br />

of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. Any<br />

discounts offered by <strong>IQPC</strong> (including team discounts) also require payment at the<br />

time of registration. Discount offers cannot be <strong>com</strong>bined with any other offer.<br />



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