MISSING PIECES - Inter-Parliamentary Union

MISSING PIECES - Inter-Parliamentary Union

MISSING PIECES - Inter-Parliamentary Union


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<strong>MISSING</strong> <strong>PIECES</strong><br />

the Programme for the Study of <strong>Inter</strong>national Organisation(s), August<br />

2004. Available at: www.genevacall.org<br />

Schroeder, Emily, Vanessa Farr and Albrecht Schnabel (2005), Gender Awareness<br />

in Research on Small Arms and Light Weapons: A Preliminary Report,<br />

Swisspeace, Bern. Available at: www.swisspeace.org<br />

Small Arms Survey (2006), ‘Few options but the gun: Angry young men’,<br />

in: Small Arms Survey 2006: Unfinished Business, Oxford University Press,<br />

Oxford, chapter 6.<br />

UN Development Fund for Women (2004), Getting It Right, Doing It Right:<br />

Gender and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration. Available at:<br />

www.womenwarpeace.org/issues/ddr/gettingitright.pdf<br />

UN Security Council (2000), Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security,<br />

S/RES/1325, 31 October. Available at: www.peacewomen.org/un/sc/1325.<br />

html in 65 languages<br />


1 See, for example, UN (1997), Report of the UN Panel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms in<br />

pursuance of GA Resolution 50/70B, A/52/298, 27 August, p. 2<br />

2 WHO (2002), World Report on Violence and Health, p. 25<br />

3 In terms of gender, this trend is generally reflective of other forms of interpersonal violence as well.<br />

For example, studies show that boys are more likely than girls to carry guns to school, to have<br />

been in a fight, and to have witnessed violence outside the home. See WHO (2002), World Report<br />

on Violence and Health<br />

4 WHO (2002), pp. 274–275<br />

5 Jackman, Geoffrey et al. (2001), ‘Seeing is believing: What do boys do when they find a real gun?’,<br />

Pediatrics, Vol. 107, June, pp. 1247–1250<br />

6 Small Arms Survey 2004, p. 178<br />

7 Mathews, S. et al. (2004), ‘Every six hours a woman is killed by her intimate partner’: A National<br />

Study of Female Homicide in South Africa, Medical Research Council Policy Brief, Medical Research<br />

Council, Cape Town, pp. 1–4<br />

8 Mathews, S. et al. (2004), ‘Every six hours a woman is killed by her intimate partner’ ; See also<br />

‘South African spouse killings epidemic,’ May 24, 2005. Available at: www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/<br />

africa/05/24/wife.killings.reut/?section=cnn_world)<br />

9 See, for example, Hemenway, David et al (2002), ‘Firearm availability and female homicide victimization<br />

rates across 25 populous high-income countries’, Journal of the American Medical<br />

Women’s Association, Vol. 57, pp. 100–104; See also the WHO Multi-Country Study on Women’s<br />

Health and Domestic Violence against Women. Available at: www.who.int/gender/violence/<br />

multicountry/en/<br />

10 Amnesty <strong>Inter</strong>national (2004), Lives blown away: Crimes against women in times of conflict.<br />

Amnesty <strong>Inter</strong>national Publications, London, p. 1. Available at: web.amnesty.org/library/Index/<br />

ENGACT770752004<br />


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