Download 2013 IPNI Catalog - International Plant Nutrition Institute

Download 2013 IPNI Catalog - International Plant Nutrition Institute

Download 2013 IPNI Catalog - International Plant Nutrition Institute


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<strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong><br />

Soil Fertility Manual<br />


Educational Materials<br />

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong>

About<br />

Table of Contents<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (<strong>IPNI</strong>) was established in late 2006. It is a<br />

not-for-profit, scientific organization dedicated to responsible management of plant<br />

nutrients—N, P, K, secondary nutrients, and micronutrients—for the benefit of the human<br />

family. <strong>IPNI</strong> is supported by the fertilizer industry from around the world. The organization<br />

seeks to provide information and educational material related to improving crop production<br />

and protecting the environment.<br />

Note that some titles are tagged with either the symbol NEW or REV indicating that<br />

these have not appeared in the catalog or have been revised recently.<br />

SP<br />

This symbol indicates the publication is available in Spanish language. If you are within<br />

the U.S., contact <strong>IPNI</strong> headquarters for order information. If you are outside the U.S.,<br />

please contact one of the Latin America offices listed on page 25 for additional details.<br />

Unless otherwise stated, all dollar values are in U.S. currency.<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> Store<br />

The “<strong>IPNI</strong> Store” allows you to purchase certain publications and publications packages via<br />

Internet access to our website. The list of educational materials available at the “<strong>IPNI</strong><br />

Store” has been expanded this year. Visit our home page at www.ipni.net and click<br />

on the shopping cart if you wish to place an order via the Internet.<br />

We are working to improve our service to you. If you have any questions or comments,<br />

please contact us.<br />

Member Companies<br />

• Agrium Inc.<br />

• Arab Potash Company<br />

• Belarusian Potash Company<br />

• CF Industries Holdings, Inc.<br />

• Compass Minerals Specialty Fertilizers<br />

• Incitec Pivot<br />

• <strong>International</strong> Raw Materials Ltd.<br />

• Intrepid Potash, Inc.<br />

Affiliate Members<br />

• Arab Fertilizer Association<br />

• Associação Nacional para Difusão de Adubos<br />

• Canadian Fertilizer <strong>Institute</strong><br />

• Fertiliser Association of India<br />

INTERNATIONAL PLANT NUTRITION <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Suite 550<br />

3500 Parkway Lane<br />

Norcross, Georgia U.S.A.<br />

30092-2844<br />

Phone: (770) 447-0335 www.ipni.net<br />

• K+S KALI GmbH<br />

• The Mosaic Company<br />

• OCP S.A.<br />

• PotashCorp<br />

• QAFCO, Qatar Fertiliser Company<br />

• Simplot<br />

• Sinofert Holdings Limited<br />

• SQM<br />

• Uralkali<br />

• <strong>International</strong> Fertilizer Industry Association<br />

• <strong>International</strong> Potash <strong>Institute</strong><br />

• The Fertilizer <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Publications Available in Electronic Form.............................................................4<br />

Folders.................................................................................................................5<br />

Economics/Efficiency ......................................................................................5<br />

Soils, Fertilizers, and the Environment............................................................5<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Food Uptake Booklet..............................................................................5<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Food Uptake Pocket Cards.....................................................................5<br />

Crop <strong>Nutrition</strong> Best Management Practices.................................................... 6<br />

High Yield Crop Folders ................................................................................. 6<br />

Crop Doctor Series......................................................................................... 7<br />

Miscellaneous Crop Folders........................................................................... 7<br />

Nutrient Fact Sheets (Nutri-Facts).................................................................. 7<br />

Booklets................................................................................................................8<br />

Know Your Fertilizer Rights..............................................................................8<br />

Soil Test Levels in North America....................................................................9<br />

A Guide to Identifying and Managing Nutrient Deficiencies in Cereal Crops...9<br />

Fertilizer Best Management Practices................................................................ 10<br />

Greenhouse Gas Emissions.......................................................................... 10<br />

Books................................................................................................................. 11<br />

Southern Forages & Forrajes De Las Americas............................................ 11<br />

Forage Crop Pocket Guide............................................................................ 11<br />

Forage Grasses and Forage Legumes (Posters)........................................... 11<br />

Fertilizing Crops to Improve Human Health: A Scientific Review...................12<br />

Sugarcane <strong>Nutrition</strong>.......................................................................................12<br />

Managing Crop Nitrogen for Weather............................................................12<br />

Frontiers in Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong>.....................................................................13<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Use in North American Agriculture..........................................13<br />

Site-Specific Management Guidelines...........................................................14<br />

Manuals..............................................................................................................15<br />

4R <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Manual..............................................................................15<br />

<strong>International</strong> Soil Fertility Manual (ISFM)......................................................15<br />

Soil Fertility Manual (SFM)............................................................................16<br />

<strong>Nutrition</strong> and Fertilization of Banana Manual.................................................16<br />

Preparing for the <strong>International</strong> CCA Exam.....................................................17<br />

Mathematics and Calculations for Agronomists and Soil Scientists...............17<br />

Electronic Media.................................................................................................18<br />

SFM PowerPoint Slide Sets on CD ...............................................................18<br />

ISFM PowerPoint Slide Sets on CD...............................................................18<br />

Crop <strong>Nutrition</strong> PowerPoint Slide Sets on CD.................................................18<br />

Crop Nutrient Deficiency App for iPhone/iPad...............................................19<br />

Crop Nutrient Deficiency Image Collection....................................................19<br />

PowerPoint Slide Sets Fertilizer Production and Technology.........................19<br />

4R Nutrient Stewardship PowerPoints/Videos...............................................21<br />

Educational Material for Young People...............................................................22<br />

Fun with the <strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Team...................................................................22<br />

Agriculture and Culture of Costa Rica............................................................23<br />

Essential Nutrients (Posters) ........................................................................23<br />

There’s WHAT in My Food?...........................................................................24<br />

It’s All about the Food....................................................................................24<br />

Spanish Language Publications (Publicaciones en Idioma Español)............25<br />

Shipping and Handling Charges....................................................................30<br />

Order Form<br />

http://store.ipni.net 3

Publications Available in Electronic Form<br />

Folders<br />

Several information items from <strong>IPNI</strong> are available in both hard copy (printed) and as<br />

PDF files. They include periodical publications such as Better Crops with <strong>Plant</strong> Food,<br />

Insights, Nutrient Source Specifics (NSS), <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Today, and others.<br />

As we further develop the <strong>Institute</strong>’s website, a number of publications will be available<br />

only in electronic form, while others will continue to be offered as traditional paper<br />

releases and also electronically. All the publications listed on this page are available on<br />

the website, along with several years of past issues of each.<br />

Other publications will be available throughout the year, as needed to keep our various<br />

audiences informed of the latest up-to-date information on nutrient management…<br />

including the efficient use of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and<br />

other nutrients in agriculture.<br />

Following are brief descriptions of some key publications:<br />

• Better Crops with <strong>Plant</strong> Food (BC)…Published four times each year, BC reaches a<br />

diverse cross section of readers involved in agronomic research, education, marketing,<br />

crop consulting, and related fields. Articles present information originating from agronomic<br />

research in a condensed, interpretive style. Better Crops with <strong>Plant</strong> Food includes<br />

agronomic topics from all regions of the world where <strong>IPNI</strong> programs are at work.<br />

• Nutrient Source Specifics (NSS)…(online only) Nutrient Source Specifics is a series<br />

of brief, condensed fact sheets highlighting common fertilizers and nutrient sources in<br />

modern agriculture. These topics are written by scientific staff of <strong>IPNI</strong> for educational<br />

use. Mention of a fertilizer source or product name does not imply endorsement or<br />

recommendation. This series is available as PDF files at this URL: >www.ipni.net/specifics<<br />

• 4R <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> (4R)...4R Nutrient Stewardship is a new innovative approach for<br />

fertilizer best management practices adopted by the world's fertilizer industry. This<br />

approach considers economic, social, and environmental dimensions of nutrient<br />

management and is essential to sustainability of agricultural systems. The concept is<br />

simple––apply the right source of nutrient, at the right rate, at the right time, and in the<br />

right place––but the implementation is knowledge-intensive and site-specific. Check<br />

out page 15 for details on our 4R e-Book and pages 20 & 21 for a listing of 4R Nutrient<br />

Stewardship videos and PowerPoint resources.<br />

Visit the website at www.ipni.net to find the latest updates and new additions.<br />

Free e-mail updates from <strong>IPNI</strong><br />

By registering, you will be kept up-to-date with the latest<br />

information posted on the site that matches your interests.<br />

You will also have the first opportunity to view <strong>IPNI</strong> publications<br />

such as Better Crops with <strong>Plant</strong> Food, Insights,<br />

and others.<br />

Go online to www.ipni.net/register and register today.<br />

4 http://store.ipni.net<br />


Item # Cost: 35¢ each<br />

01-1150 Focus Management on Profit<br />

...Not Just Cost Reduction<br />

01-1190 P and K Build Crop Profits<br />

01-1200 Are You Ready to Narrow the Gap?<br />

01-1220 Are You Attaining Your Attainable Yields?<br />


Item # Cost: 35¢ each<br />

02-1210 Soil Testing for High Yield, High Profit Agriculture<br />

02-1240 Chloride: An Essential Nutrient<br />

02-1250 Starter Fertilizer and High Residue:<br />

A Profit-Building Combination<br />

02-1251 Starter Fertilization—A Part of Nutrient<br />

Management Planning<br />

02-1260 Sulfur: The Missing Link for Warm Season Grasses<br />

02-1270 Potassium—The Profit Edge in Conservation Tillage<br />

02-1280 Aglime Basics for Crop Production<br />

02-1281 Aglime, pH and <strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Availability<br />

02-1282 Aglime: Why Quality Counts<br />

02-1283 Seven Reasons Why It Is Never a Good<br />

Time to Cut Aglime Use<br />

04-1410 Nitrogen Management and the Environment<br />


Item # Cost: 50¢ each<br />

03-1360 <strong>Plant</strong> Food Uptake — Wallet booklet with tabs<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Food Uptake POCKET CARDS<br />

Handy, pocket-size cards list nutrient needs of crops at various<br />

yield levels and the amounts removed in crop harvest. Indicate<br />

your choice by region. (North America)<br />

Item # Cost: 50¢ each<br />

03-1362 Northcentral<br />

03-1364 South<br />

03-1366 Great Plains<br />

03-1368 West<br />

Nutrient removal<br />

resources are available at<br />

http://info.ipni.net/nutrientremoval<br />

http://store.ipni.net 5

Folders<br />

Crop <strong>Nutrition</strong> BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES<br />

SP<br />

SP<br />

Profitable crop production is the top objective for many growers. Balancing nutrition and<br />

management will improve the economics, efficiency, and environmental aspects of crop<br />

production. This series gives specifics for various crops.<br />

Item #<br />

05-1510 Corn<br />

05-1520 Cotton<br />

Cost: 25¢ each<br />

05-1530 Winter Wheat<br />

05-1540 Spring Wheat<br />

This symbol indicates the publication is available in Spanish language. If you are in the<br />

U.S., contact <strong>IPNI</strong> headquarters for order information. If you are outside the U.S., please<br />

contact one of the Latin America offices listed on page 25 for additional details.<br />

High Yield Crop Folders<br />

Phosphorus and Potassium Folders<br />

This series of folders offers a quick focus on nutrient requirements and benefits in each<br />

individual crop listed.<br />

Item # Cost: 35¢ each<br />

6 http://store.ipni.net<br />

05-1550 Alfalfa<br />

05-1560 Soybeans<br />

05-1570 Canola (North)<br />

05-1590 Grain Sorghum<br />

07-0001 Managing Phosphorus for High Yield Alfalfa<br />

07-0002 Managing Potassium for High Yield Alfalfa<br />

07-0003 Managing Phosphorus for High Yield Corn<br />

07-0004 Managing Potassium for High Yield Corn<br />

07-0005 Managing Phosphorus for High Yield Soybeans<br />

07-0006 Managing Potassium for High Yield Soybeans<br />

07-0007 Managing Phosphorus for High Yield Wheat<br />

07-0008 Managing Potassium for High Yield Wheat<br />

07-0009 Managing Phosphorus for High Yield Cotton<br />

07-0010 Managing Potassium for High Yield Cotton<br />

SP<br />

Folders (continued)<br />


Item #<br />

Cost: $1.00 each<br />

08-0001 Be Your Own Corn Doctor<br />

08-0005 Be Your Own Cotton Doctor<br />

08-0006 Be Your Own Soybean Doctor<br />


Item # Cost: 35¢ each<br />

08-0002 Potassium Builds Cotton Yields and Quality<br />

08-0500 Growth Stages of Wheat: Identification and<br />

Understanding Improve Crop Management<br />


(Nutri-Facts)<br />

These one-page fact sheets provide summary information on<br />

essential nutrients for crop production.<br />

Item # Cost: 35¢ each 50¢ each (MC* 20¢)<br />

09-0001 It’s the Truth—Nitrogen Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0002 It’s Essential—Phosphorus Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0003 It’s for Real—Potassium Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0004 It’s the Missing Link—Sulfur Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0005 It’s a Rule—Magnesium Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0006 It’s Well Known—Calcium Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0007 It’s a Fact—Boron Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0008 It’s the Law—Zinc Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0009 It’s Mandatory—Manganese Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0010 It’s for Certain—Copper Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0011 It’s Not Surprising—Iron Is Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

09-0012 It’s Understood—Chloride, Molybdenum, Cobalt,<br />

and Vanadium Are Required by <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

Item # Cost: $4.00<br />

09-0013 All 12 Nutri-Facts<br />

http://store.ipni.net 7

Booklets<br />

Know Your Fertilizer Rights<br />

Item # Cost: $8.00<br />

34-3210<br />

A series of five articles under the theme of “Know Your Fertilizer<br />

Rights” appeared during 2009 in Crops & Soils magazine,<br />

a publication of the American Society of Agronomy. The articles<br />

focus on the concepts of fertilizer best management practices<br />

and increasing understanding of 4R nutrient stewardship. The<br />

4Rs refer to using the right fertilizer source, at the right rate,<br />

right time, and right place. (32 pages, 8 1 /2 x 11 in., 4-color)<br />

other booklets<br />

Item # Cost: $1.50 each<br />

34-3110 The Diagnostic Approach (32 pages, 4-color)<br />

34-3120 Phosphorus for Agriculture (40 pages, 4-color)<br />

34-3130 Potassium for Agriculture (40 pages, 4-color)<br />

34-3190 Understanding and Managing N-P-K<br />

for Organic Crop Production (12 pages, 4-color)<br />

This features three articles reprinted from<br />

Better Crops with <strong>Plant</strong> Food magazine. They<br />

briefly cover the behavior of some of the<br />

commonly used sources of N, P, and K for<br />

organic crop production.<br />

Booklets (continued)<br />

Soil Test Levels in North America,<br />

2010 Summary Update<br />

With the cooperation of numerous public and private soil testing<br />

laboratories, <strong>IPNI</strong> periodically summarizes data on soil test levels<br />

in North America (NA). The 2010 summary contains information<br />

about phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), magnesium<br />

(Mg), zinc (Zn), chloride (Cl - ), and pH.<br />

This summary can be viewed as an indicator of the nutrient supplying<br />

capacity or fertility of soils in NA. This is the tenth summary<br />

completed by the <strong>Institute</strong>, with the first dating back to the 1960s.<br />

The summary offers a snapshot view of soil test levels in the U.S.<br />

and Canada in 2010, but also provides a comparison to the previous<br />

two summaries which were completed in 2001 and 2005.<br />

Since the 2010 summary is the third in which laboratories were asked to contribute complete<br />

frequency distributions of soil test results, temporal changes in soil test level distributions can be<br />

viewed for the second time for states and provinces.<br />

Critical to appropriate use of this report is recognition that nutrient management should occur on a<br />

site-specific basis where the needs of the individual fields, and in many cases areas within fields,<br />

are recognized. Therefore, a general soil test summary like this cannot reflect the specific needs<br />

of individual farms. Its value is in calling attention to broad nutrient needs and challenges and in<br />

motivating educational and action programs.<br />

Item # Cost: $25.00<br />

30-3110 Printed bulletin only<br />

Item # Cost: $10.00<br />

82-3110 CD contains a PDF file showing the pages of the report, PowerPoint files of all figures<br />

(graphs) in the report, and an Excel workbook of the major tables to facilitate construction of custom<br />

graphs for regions of interest<br />

Item # Cost: $30.00<br />

90-3110 Printed version plus CD (package)<br />

A Guide to Identifying and<br />

Managing Nutrient Deficiencies in<br />

Cereal Crops<br />

This booklet has been developed by the <strong>IPNI</strong> South Asia Program<br />

in cooperation with the <strong>International</strong> Maize and Wheat Improvement<br />

Center (CIMMYT). It is a 50-page field guide (8 1/2 x 11 in.<br />

size, wire-o bound) designed to describe the underlying causes of<br />

nutrient deficiencies in maize, wheat, rice, sorghum, pearl millet,<br />

and barley, with tips on how they might be prevented or remedied.<br />

Hundreds of excellent deficiency photographs provided by the<br />

authors and <strong>IPNI</strong> will allow the user of this field guide to understand<br />

the development of nutrient deficiency symptoms through<br />

the growth stages of the crop.<br />

Item # Cost: $30.00 (includes shipping)<br />

30-3300<br />

8 8 http://store.ipni.net http://store.ipni.net 9

Fertilizer Best Management Practices<br />

There is not one set of universal BMPs. By definition, BMPs are site-specific and crop-specific.<br />

The publications and other materials listed in this section offer useful, practical information,<br />

developed in cooperation with researchers, practitioners, and others.<br />

10 http://store.ipni.net<br />

Pamphlets<br />

Item # Cost: $1.00 each<br />

30-3210 Fertilizer Nitrogen BMPs to Limit<br />

Losses that Contribute to Global Warming<br />

30-3220 Management for Fertilizers on<br />

Northeastern Dairy Farms<br />

30-3230 Suggested Practices for Semiarid<br />

North Dakota<br />

30-3250 Fertilizer Management Practices for<br />

Potato Production in the Pacific Northwest<br />

30-3260 Apply the “Four Rights” for Cotton<br />

Production in the Midsouth and Southeast<br />

08-1000 Best Management Practices for<br />

Turf and Lawn Fertilization<br />

CD<br />

Item # Cost: $5.00<br />

82-3210 Fertilizer BMPs for Cotton in the<br />

Midsouth and Southeast<br />

This PowerPoint set contains 27 slides with notes<br />

pages discussing the 4R strategy for cotton<br />

production.<br />

Booklets<br />

Item # Cost: $6.00<br />

30-3240 Fertilizing for Irrigated Corn – Guide<br />

to Best Management Practices<br />

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from<br />

Cropping Systems and the<br />

Influence of Fertilizer Management<br />

Scientific staff of <strong>IPNI</strong> have prepared a literature review to<br />

extend information that will lead to a better understanding of<br />

fertilizer N management practices that minimize global warming<br />

potential.<br />

Item # Cost: $10.00$25.00 (MC*10.00)<br />

30-3200 30+ pages, printed version<br />

Item # Cost: $5.00 C*10.00)<br />

82-3200 CD contains a pdf file showing pages of the report<br />

Item # Cost: $12.005.00 (MC*10.00)<br />

90-3200 Printed version plus CD<br />

A PDF version is available free for viewing at the <strong>IPNI</strong> website:<br />


Books (continued)<br />

Books (continued)<br />

NEW fertilizing crops to<br />

improve human health:<br />

a scientific review<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00<br />

95-1079<br />

The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (<strong>IPNI</strong>) and <strong>International</strong><br />

Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) have joined hands to<br />

produce this Scientific Review which is comprised of 11 chapters<br />

within three themed sections, including Food and <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Security, Functional Foods, and Risk Reduction.<br />

Sugarcane <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

(viii + 39-page paperback, 44 color photographs)<br />

This field book is intended to provide a guide to identification<br />

of essential and functional plant nutrient disorders in sugarcane.<br />

It is directed toward the sugarcane farmer, research<br />

scientist, Extension specialist, student, and consultant.<br />

Printed on synthetic paper, this book is moisture and mildew<br />

resistant. It is spiral bound for use in the field.<br />

Item # Cost: $15.00Cost $15.0<br />

95-1020 Sugarcane <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

(5% discount for 10 to 49 copies; 10% discount for 50 to 99<br />

copies; 15% discount for 100 to 199 copies; 20% discount<br />

for 200 or more)<br />

Managing Crop Nitrogen for<br />

Weather—Symposium Proceedings<br />

(8 1 ⁄ 2 x 11 in., 132 pages, with several color figures)<br />

The weather controls a great deal of the crop response to<br />

nitrogen. The contents of this publication...titled Managing<br />

Crop Nitrogen for Weather, and based on the proceedings<br />

of a symposium at a 2006 meeting of the Soil Science<br />

Society of America (SSSA)...provide details of experimental<br />

data and experiences of those engaged in efforts to improve<br />

prediction of crop nitrogen needs in response to weather<br />

conditions. The authors are from several different countries<br />

and are recognized scientific authorities on their topics.<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00ost $15.0<br />

95-1060 Managing Crop Nitrogen for Weather<br />

Frontiers in Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

New Perspectives on the Effects of Potassium on<br />

Physiology of <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

This 174-page publication includes papers from a symposium<br />

at the 1996 American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science<br />

Society of America annual meetings.<br />

The first section covers basic perspectives focusing on how<br />

potassium movement across plant cell membranes and<br />

within the plant is both facilitated and regulated and also<br />

how potassium status interacts with basic aspects of cell<br />

function. The second section focuses on developing a new<br />

and fuller understanding of how potassium nutrition and<br />

cultural management interact with crop plant performance<br />

and quality factors.<br />

Item # Cost: $25.00 ost: $25.00<br />

95-1040 Frontiers in Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong>: New Perspectives<br />

on the Effects of Potassium on Physiology<br />

of <strong>Plant</strong>s<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Use in North<br />

American Agriculture<br />

Producing Food and Fiber; Preserving the Environment;<br />

Integrating Organic and Inorganic Sources<br />

This technical bulletin reviews current information on nutrient<br />

sources…both organic and inorganic…and discusses their<br />

differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages,<br />

relative abundance or scarcity, amounts that are required to<br />

produce today’s food demands, estimated availability of each<br />

source for that purpose, management challenges for each<br />

source, and their effect on the environment and how that concern<br />

can be managed. Contains 100+ pages in 10 chapters<br />

and appendices.<br />

Item # Cost: $25.00<br />

95-1050 <strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Use in North American Agriculture<br />

Item # Cost: $25.00<br />

82-1050 CD contains a pdf file showing the pages of the<br />

report, a PowerPoint of most figures (graphs) in<br />

the report, and Excel worksheets where applicable.<br />

Item # Cost: $35.00<br />

90-1050 Printed version plus CD package.<br />

12 http://store.ipni.net<br />

http://store.ipni.net 13

Site-Specific Management Guidelines<br />

Manuals<br />

Item # Cost: $25.00<br />

10-1000 Site-Specific Management Guidelines (SSMGs)<br />

(3-ring binder with over 40 topics)<br />

The objective of this series is to provide a mechanism to assemble<br />

expert knowledge in a timely fashion on site-specific<br />

management in a form useful to farmers and their advisers.<br />

Each Guideline addresses a subject or issue related to sitespecific<br />

soil and crop management. This format provides the<br />

flexibility needed to stay abreast of the dynamic knowledge<br />

base surrounding site-specific technologies. The series currently<br />

includes 46 topics of 2 to 4 pages each.<br />

Cost: 50¢ each Individual topics available.<br />

Titles available as PDF files at www.ipni.net/ssmg<br />

Item # Cost: $20.00<br />

82-1000 Site-Specific Management Guidelines on CD<br />

The Site-Specific Management Guidelines are now<br />

available as PDF files on CD. Files may be viewed using<br />

Adobe Acrobat Reader.<br />

4R Nutrient Stewardship is a new innovative approach for<br />

fertilizer best managment practices adopted by the world's<br />

fertilizer industry. This approach considers economic, social,<br />

and environmental dimensions of nutrient management and<br />

is essential to sustainability of agricultural systems. The<br />

concept is simple–apply the right source of nutrient, at the<br />

right rate, at the right time, and in the right place–but the<br />

implementation is knowledge-intensive and site-specific.<br />

The 4R <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Manual includes chapters on the<br />

scientific principles behind each of the four R’s or “rights”. It<br />

discusses adoption of 4R practices on the farm, approaches<br />

to nutrient management planning, and measurement of<br />

sustainability performance. A metric version has followed up<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong>’s North American version.<br />

The 4R <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> e-Book is available for download directly from the iTunes store. This<br />

eBook format delivers an engaging learning experience while taking advantage of tools provided<br />

for easy browsing and navigation, note taking, bookmarks, and training evaluation through<br />

short question/answers exercises. For details on ordering the e-Book, please visit the<br />

iTunes store https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/4r-plant-nutrition-manual/id518382706?mt=11 or<br />

use the following QR code:<br />

NEW e-Book version Cost: $14.99 (iTunes)<br />

(includes both North American and Metric units)<br />

Item # Cost: $45.00<br />

50-5500 North American version<br />

4R <strong>Plant</strong> nutrition:<br />

a manual for improving the<br />

management of plant nutrition<br />

Item # Cost: $45.00<br />

50-5510 Metric version<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> Store<br />

The “<strong>IPNI</strong> Store” allows you to purchase certain publications and publications packages<br />

via Internet access to our website. The list of educational materials available at the “<strong>IPNI</strong><br />

Store” has been expanded this year. Visit our home page at www.ipni.net and click on<br />

the shopping cart if you wish to place an order via the Internet.<br />

We are working to improve our service to you. If you have any questions or comments,<br />

please contact us.<br />

SP<br />


MANUAL<br />

The <strong>International</strong> version of the Soil Fertility Manual contains<br />

the topics covered in the North American version, but<br />

the emphasis of information is on tropical crops and soils.<br />

Rates, yields, and other units of measure are presented<br />

in metrics. This 114-page, 10-chapter publication is GBCbound.<br />

It is a practical and useful publication discussing the<br />

major, secondary and micronutrients, along with soil<br />

testing, plant analysis, diagnostic techniques, and more.<br />

14 http://store.ipni.net<br />

Item # Cost: $20.00<br />

50-7000 <strong>International</strong> Soil Fertility Manual<br />

http://store.ipni.net 15

Manuals (continued)<br />

Manuals (continued)<br />

Soil Fertility Manual<br />



The Soil Fertility Manual, first published in 1978, was revised<br />

and updated in 2003. It still features the basic principles of soil/<br />

plant relationships and fertilizer/aglime use. The Manual serves<br />

as a practical and modern resource on soil fertility, including the<br />

primary and secondary nutrients and micronutrients, soil sampling<br />

and testing, plant analysis, other diagnostic techniques,<br />

and more.<br />

The publication now contains 11 chapters, plus a glossary<br />

and appendix sections containing tables of conversions and<br />

reference lists, and color photos of various nutrient deficiency<br />

symptoms in crops. The manual also has an index of topics.<br />

The presentation style of the manual continues to be practical<br />

and easy-to-grasp, making it adaptable to use by agronomists,<br />

farm advisers, students, farmers, and others...suitable for classroom<br />

use, meetings, and individual study.<br />

Item # Cost: $25.005.00 (MC*10.00)<br />

50-5200 (complete with cover, wire-o binding)<br />

Item # Cost: $20.005.00 (MC*10.00)<br />

50-5100 (without cover, 3-hole punched)<br />

Preparing for the <strong>International</strong> Certified<br />

Crop Adviser Exam<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00 (includes shipping)<br />

50-1000<br />

The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) Exam is based on performance<br />

objectives which can be thought of as areas of<br />

expertise that a CCA should possess. The purpose of this<br />

manual is to provide information on each of these performance<br />

objectives which will be helpful in preparation for<br />

the CCA Exam. The manual is updated each time the CCA<br />

Exam is revised.<br />

Mathematics and calculations for<br />

agRonomists and soil scientists<br />

SP<br />

manual on the nutrition and<br />

fertilization of banana<br />

This 54-page publication emphasizes modern concepts of<br />

soil fertility and mineral nutrition in banana production, particularly<br />

diagnostic procedures which allow for the development<br />

of practical fertilizer recommendations for high yields.<br />

It summarizes information generated from more than 15<br />

years of work conducted by the Costa Rican Banana Growers<br />

Association. It is presented from a perspective of efficient<br />

and economic use of mineral fertilizers and an objective<br />

evaluation of organic amendments and their contribution<br />

to the susceptibility of the banana production system. The<br />

manual is available both in English and Spanish, popular<br />

with a range of readers including farm managers, researchers,<br />

technicians, students, and others.<br />

Item # Cost: $20.00<br />

95-1025 Manual on the <strong>Nutrition</strong> and Fertilization of Banana<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00<br />

50-5401 U.S. Standard Units version<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00<br />

50-5410 Metric versionEW<br />

The language of the information-age is that of mathematics<br />

and computers. The overall goal of this 200+ page manual<br />

is to teach students how to propose, test, and implement<br />

innovative management strategies that are better positioned<br />

to improve their bottom line as well as the environment. The<br />

ability to integrate mathematics and technological advances<br />

into decisions require a basic understanding of the scientific<br />

method, an understanding of how experiments are conducted<br />

and analyzed, and knowing how to develop and test conceptual<br />

and mathematical models.<br />

16 http://store.ipni.net<br />

http://store.ipni.net<br />


Electronic Media<br />

Electronic Media (continued)<br />

Soil Fertility Manual PowerPoint Slide Sets<br />

on CD<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00* $140.00)<br />

82-6500<br />

18 http://store.ipni.net<br />

The Soil Fertility Manual PowerPoint slide sets for all 11<br />

chapters are included on this CD.<br />

Approximately 350 color slides<br />


powerpoint Slide Sets on CD<br />

Item # Cost: $50.00<br />

82-7500 CD including PowerPoint slides of all 10 chapters of ISFM<br />

Total of 317 color slides on CD<br />

The <strong>International</strong> Soil Fertility Manual color slide sets for all 10 chapters are included on this<br />

CD in PowerPoint.<br />

Crop <strong>Nutrition</strong> PowerPoint Presentations<br />

on CD<br />

Item # Cost: $20.00<br />

82-8230<br />

Featuring an ongoing series of PowerPoint presentations,<br />

this CD can be a handy resource for crop nutrition and<br />

management information. The presentations, all prepared<br />

by <strong>IPNI</strong> North American Program scientific staff, include<br />

approximately 40 slides each. These sets have extensive<br />

speaker notes and source references for the content. Current<br />

topics include:<br />

—Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Alfalfa<br />

—Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong> in the Northern Great Plains<br />

—Potassium <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Cotton<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Corn<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Wheat<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Cotton<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Canola<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Alfalfa<br />

—Soil Testing for Phosphorus and Potassium<br />

—Phosphorus <strong>Nutrition</strong> of Soybean<br />

NEW<br />

crop Nutrient Deficiency app for iphone/ipad<br />

Cost: $4.99 (iTunes)<br />

Available for download from the<br />

iTunes store, <strong>IPNI</strong> is pleased to<br />

announce this new app, which<br />

provides access to a high quality<br />

photo collection of crop nutrient<br />

deficiencies for a broad range of<br />

prominent crops. A comprehensive collection of crop nutrient deficiency photos. A range of<br />

nutrient deficiency examples are provided for 14 prominent crops. Text and diagrammatic<br />

descriptions are also provided for alfalfa, banana, barley, canola, citrus, cotton, maize, oil<br />

palm, potato, rice, sorghum, soybean, sugarcane, and wheat. To download the app visit<br />

https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/crop-nutrient-deficiency-photo/id540370599?mt=8 or use<br />

the QR code above. Symptoms of crop nutrient deficiency can vary across crop species, but<br />

similarities exist for how nutrient insufficiency impacts plant tissue color and appearance.<br />

crop Nutrient Deficiency image collection<br />

Item # Cost: $40.00 (includes shipping)<br />

82-8291 Flash Drive<br />

This collection provides a comprehensive assortment of<br />

hundreds of classic cases of crop nutrient deficiency documented<br />

from research plots and farm fields located around<br />

the world. <strong>IPNI</strong> would like to thank our contributors; many are<br />

agricultural researchers, extension staff, crop scouts, and<br />

farmers. You’ll find nearly 550 images intuitively grouped according to the three nutrient types<br />

required for plant growth (i.e., primary, secondary, and micronutrient). Image galleries and<br />

search results can be narrowed by available crop-type. Text and diagrammatic descriptions of<br />

nutrient deficiency are also available as supporting information.<br />

*Would you like to contribute to this collection? Many of our photos<br />

were collected from research plots, farm fields, plantations, and<br />

diagnostic labs. Some came from an annual contest which <strong>IPNI</strong><br />

conducts each year, where photos of documented deficiencies are<br />

submitted by crop advisers, researchers, extension workers, crop<br />

scouts, farmers, students, and others. For more information about<br />

the photo contest, please visit: http://www.ipni.net/photocontest<br />

http://store.ipni.net<br />


Electronic Media<br />

Power Point Presentations on FertilizerS<br />

• Potassium Fertilizer Production and Technology<br />

• Phosphorus fertilizer production and technology<br />

NEW<br />

• nitrogen fertilizer production and technology<br />

• sulfur fertilizer production and technology<br />

Electronic Media (continued)<br />

4R Nutrient Stewardship POWERPOINT/VIDEOS<br />

NEW 4R <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Manual<br />

Power Point Slide Sets<br />

A complete set of slide sets designed for use with our 4R<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Manual. The PowerPoint slide set is comprised<br />

of nine individual sets, which correspond to each Chapter of<br />

the Manual. Approximately 260 slides in total.<br />

Four separate PowerPoint presentations on one CD<br />

Item # Cost: $10.00*<br />

82-9020 $140.00)<br />

Item #<br />

82-5500<br />

Cost:$50.00<br />

Nitrogen, potash, phosphate, and sulfur fertilizers are essential<br />

to maintaining global food supplies. The mining,<br />

production, and related technology required for making these<br />

fertilizers available may not be well understood by many<br />

people. <strong>IPNI</strong> staff prepared these four presentations with<br />

cooperation and input from industry sources. Each presentation<br />

includes “notes pages” with further detail to supplement the slides, but they are not highly<br />

technical. The potassium presentation contains 49 slides. The phosphorus presentation contains<br />

36 slides. The nitrogen presenation contains 46 slides. The sulfur presentation contains<br />

40 slides. The information would be suitable for a wide range of audiences.<br />

Additional CDs listed in this catalog<br />

Soil Test Levels in NA 2010 ....................................................9<br />

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cropping Systems and the Influence<br />

of Fertilizer Management .................................................10<br />

Fertilizer BMPs for Cotton in the Midsouth and Southeast ...........................10<br />

<strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Use in North American Agriculture ..................................13<br />

Site-Specific Management Guidelines ...........................................14<br />

Crop <strong>Nutrition</strong> PowerPoint Presentations on CD ...................................18<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> Academy .............................................................23<br />

20 http://store.ipni.net<br />

NEW Available Spring <strong>2013</strong><br />

Item # Cost: $10.00<br />

82-9030 The Right Way to Grow Rice00)<br />

Rice is life … for about three billion people in the world today.<br />

And, with the world’s population growing every day, improved<br />

fertilizer management is now more critical than ever in order to<br />

achieve the necessary increases in rice yield and quality. This<br />

video is the most recent installment in the <strong>IPNI</strong> series "The<br />

Right Way to Grow - 4R Nutrient Stewardship". It details how<br />

growers can apply the right fertilizer source, at the right rate, at<br />

the right time, and in the right place needed to meet their rice<br />

production goals.<br />

4R Nutrient Stewardship is focused on four central components:<br />

applying the right fertilizer source at the right rate, at the<br />

right time in the growing season, and in the right place. Each<br />

of the four “rights” is directly related to the other three in at<br />

least one way, interconnected into a unified, effective system.<br />

Agronomists, crop advisers, growers, and others see 4R nutrient<br />

stewardship as a positive, proactive approach to achieving<br />

better crop nutrient management. Identifying the most appropriate<br />

fertilizer source, determining the right rate through soil<br />

testing and other methods, timing applications to avoid nutrient<br />

loss and get the best response, and choosing the best placement<br />

option for the crop—all these are examples of the practical<br />

side of 4R Nutrient Stewardship.<br />

Two new video programs produced by <strong>IPNI</strong> and introduced in<br />

2010 are carrying the message of 4R Nutrient Stewardship to<br />

audiences around the world.<br />

Item # Cost: $10.00* $140.00)<br />

82-9000 4R Nutrient Stewardship – 11 min., 23 sec.<br />

Item # Cost: $10.00* $140.00)<br />

82-9010 The Right Way to Grow Wheat – 8 min., 46 sec.<br />

Item # Cost: US $25.00* $140.00)<br />

90-9000 Receive the three videos for a reduced rate.<br />

http://store.ipni.net 21

Educational Material for Young People<br />


(Recommended for Grades K–3)<br />

Item # Cost $1.25<br />

30-3080 Fun with the <strong>Plant</strong> Nutrient Team<br />

This 24-page activity book features nitrogen (N), phosphorus<br />

(P), and potassium (K), the major plant nutrients, as characters<br />

in a variety of activities such as dot-to-dot, word puzzles,<br />

coloring, mazes, matching pictures, and experiments.<br />

Principles such as soil conservation and science as a part of<br />

modern agriculture are included. (A teacher’s guide is available–one<br />

free for every 20 booklets ordered or 50¢ each.)<br />

Understanding the Major Nutrients<br />

(recommended for Grades 4 - 8)<br />

These three booklets were created to develop an understanding<br />

and knowledge of nitrogen, phosphorus, and<br />

potassium and their vital role in our environment and crop<br />

production. The 24-page full color illustrated booklets can be<br />

used separately or together for a complete unit on the three<br />

major plant nutrients.<br />

Item # Cost $1.50 each<br />

30-3082 Understanding Nitrogen in Our World<br />

A scientific look at where we find nitrogen, how<br />

nitrogen affects our lives, and why nitrogen has<br />

such an important role.<br />

30-3084 Understanding Phosphorus in Our World<br />

Phosphorus is an essential element for both<br />

plant and animal growth. This booklet explains<br />

the need for phosphorus in producing plentiful<br />

and nutritious food.<br />

30-3086 Understanding Potassium in Our World<br />

Potassium is known as the “quality” nutrient<br />

and serves to regulate many of the key functions<br />

in plants. Humans and crops must have<br />

adequate potassium for good health.<br />

Educational Material for Young People (continued)<br />

Agriculture and Culture of Costa Rica<br />

(recommended for Grades 5 - 8)<br />

Item # Cost: $2.00<br />

30-3088<br />

A unique collaboration among representatives from <strong>IPNI</strong>,<br />

FAR, the University of Georgia, and other cooperators<br />

worked together in an effort to improve understanding of the<br />

interactions among agriculture, culture, and environment<br />

in Costa Rica. This 24-page, full color booklet is filled with<br />

information on history, type of soils, climate, crops, plant<br />

nutrition, geography, wildlife, and culture.<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> ACADEMY - It’s Elementary - CD<br />

Item # Cost: $5.00 .00<br />

82-3080 All the games you find on the website<br />

"<strong>IPNI</strong> Academy" you will have on this CD.<br />

Great for classrooms or events not<br />

connected to the Internet.<br />

www.ipni.net/academy<br />

essential nutrients 5-piece<br />

set (poster)<br />

Item # Cost: $20.00 (includes shipping)<br />

90-3080<br />

Four new colorful 18 x 24-inch posters printed on<br />

glossy paper illustrating the foods we need to eat to<br />

provide our bodies with N,P, K and S are now available<br />

(can only be purchased as a set). In addition, receive<br />

the "<strong>Plant</strong>s Need Proper <strong>Nutrition</strong>" poster when you<br />

order this set. These posters are a great addition to<br />

any classroom to spark discussions on healthy eating<br />

habits.<br />

<strong>Plant</strong>s also need proper nutrition (poster)<br />

Item # Cost: $1.00<br />

90-3071<br />

Reprinted from the center pages of the booklet titled<br />

There's WHAT in My Food? This 18 x 24-inch poster can<br />

help educate and entertain your audience. Printed on<br />

glossy paper, the poster shows and tells examples of how<br />

important proper nutrition is for producing quality foods<br />

and crops. Place it on an exhibit, a wall, or a counter...<br />

children as well as adults will look and read.<br />

22 http://store.ipni.net<br />

http://store.ipni.net 23

Educational Material for Young People (continued)<br />

24 http://store.ipni.net<br />


Three colorful 8 1 /2 x11-inch, 8-page books explain the origins<br />

of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in an easy-to-understand<br />

format. Photographs, illustrations, and text demonstrate<br />

the role of N-P-K in our environment.<br />

Item #<br />

Cost: $1.50 each<br />

30-3060 Potassium...for People and the Environment<br />

30-3065 Nitrogen...for People and the Environment<br />

30-3070 Phosphorus...for People and the Environment<br />


Item # Cost: $2.00<br />

30-3071<br />

Modern consumers can choose from the most diverse<br />

and nutritious array of food products ever, and at affordable<br />

prices. There are standards and safeguards established and<br />

observed in the entire journey of food from the field to the<br />

table.<br />

However, there is also confusion and lack of understanding,<br />

with some questioning the safety and quality of various food<br />

items and production methods.<br />

There’s WHAT in My Food? is a 24-page, 8 1 /2 x11-inch publication<br />

which seeks to address some of the questions about<br />

modern crop nutrients and production practices.<br />

It’s All About the Food<br />

Item # Cost: $6.00<br />

30-3072<br />

It’s All about the Food is a teaching resource that contains<br />

exciting lessons for middle grade students (fifth through<br />

eighth grades); the emphases in each lesson are on problem<br />

solving and critical thinking. Lessons are referenced to the<br />

National Science Education Standards and contain background<br />

information, step-by-step procedures for the teachers,<br />

lists of materials, and “Procedure Checklist” and “Data<br />

and Conclusions” handouts for the students. The book is<br />

filled with lessons about the nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis,<br />

how plant nutrition affects the foods we eat, a board game,<br />

and problem-solving adventures.<br />

Publicaciones en Idioma Español<br />

Spanish Language Publications:<br />

For information or to order, contact one of these offices:<br />

Para obtener información u ordenar, por favor póngase en contacto con una de estas oficinas:<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> Norte de Latinoamérica<br />

<strong>IPNI</strong> Cono Sur<br />

Gaspar de Villaroel E14-171 y Eloy Alfaro Av. Santa Fe 910<br />

Casilla postal 17-17-980<br />

(B1641ABO) Acassuso<br />

Quito, Ecuador<br />

Buenos Aires, Argentina<br />

Phone: (593) 22 463175 Phone: (54) 011 4798 9939<br />

Fax: (593) 22 464104 Fax: (54) 011 4798 9939_<br />

E-mail: rjaramillo@ipni.net<br />

E-mail: fgarcia@ipni.net<br />

Costo US$<br />

Simposio Fertilidad 2011<br />

US$24.00<br />

Actas del Simposio organizado por <strong>IPNI</strong> y Fertilizar en Rosario (Argentina) en mayo de<br />

2011<br />

Palma de Aceite - Manejo para rendimientos altos y sostenibles<br />

US$45.00<br />

La palma de aceite es uno de los cultivos con mayor expectativa de crecimiento a nivel<br />

mundial, existe una gran demanda entre los palmicultores y agrónomos por conocimientos<br />

y publicaciones sobre su manejo adecuado.<br />

Desórdenes Nutricionales y Manejo de Nutrientes en Palma Aceitera US$15.00<br />

Guía de Bolsillo para técnicos a cargo del manejo de plantaciones que deseen identificar<br />

los síntomas de deficiencia en el campo, conocer algo de sus causas y como éstas<br />

podrían prevenirse o remediarse. Está nueva edición es un versión mejorada del antiguo<br />

manual con una nueva estructura y más información sobre manejo de nutrientes en palma.<br />

Manual de Arroz: Desórdenes Nutricionales y Manejo de Nutrientes<br />

US$25.00<br />

Esta publicación contiene información que permite desarrollar estrategias de recomendaciones<br />

de fertilización del arroz cultivado en regiones tropicales y subtropicales.<br />

Guía Práctica para el Manejo de Nutrientes de Arroz<br />

US$15.00<br />

Esta guía contiene una discusión concisa y muy práctica de las estrategias de manejo<br />

nutricional y recomendaciones de fertilización del arroz cultivado en regiones tropicales y<br />

subtropicales. Contiene un extenso apéndice a color con discusión de las deficiencias y<br />

toxicidades más comunes del arroz.<br />

Nutrición y Fertilización del Mango<br />

US$15.00<br />

Esta publicación contiene información básica para el manejo de la nutrición y fertilización<br />

del mango, tomando en cuenta las particulares características de desarrollo de este<br />

cultivo en el trópico.<br />

Simposio Fertilidad 2005. Nutrición, Producción y Ambiente<br />

US$4.00<br />

Actas del Simposio organizado por <strong>IPNI</strong> y Fertilizar en Rosario en abril de 2005.<br />

Simposio Fertilidad 2007.<br />

US$8.00<br />

Actas del Simposio organizado por <strong>IPNI</strong> y Fertilizar en Rosario en mayo de 2007.<br />

Simposio Fertilidad 2009<br />

US$16.00<br />

Actas del Simposio organizado por <strong>IPNI</strong> y Fertilizar en Rosario (Argentina) en mayo de<br />

2009.<br />

http://store.ipni.net<br />


Publicaciones en Idioma Español (continuación)<br />

Publicaciones en Idioma Español (continuación)<br />

Manual de Manejo del Cultivo de Soja<br />

US$20.00<br />

Aborda temáticas de fenología, manejo, nutrición y fertilidad, malezas, enfermedades y<br />

plagas del cultivo.<br />

Estadística en Ia Investigación del Uso de Fertilizantes<br />

Publicación que presenta conceptos actuales de diseño experimental e<br />

interpretación estadística de los datos de investigación de campo en el uso de<br />

fertilizantes.<br />

Simposio: El Fósforo en la Agricultura Argentina<br />

Trabajos presentados en el Simposio de Fósforo realizado en Rosario (Argentina)<br />

el 8-9 de mayo 2003.<br />

Síntomas de deficiencias nutricionales de trigo, maíz y soja.<br />

Juego de tres carteles que muestran y describen los síntomas de deficiencia de<br />

nutrientes en los tres cultivos.<br />

Como se desarrolla una planta de maíz<br />

Traducción al español de la guía descriptiva de los estadios fenológicos del cultivo<br />

de maíz publicada por Iowa State University. Incluye numerosas ilustraciones<br />

y pautas de manejo para el logro de altos rendimientos económicos.<br />

Como se desarrolla una planta de soja<br />

Traducción al español de la guía descriptiva de los estadios fenológicos del<br />

cultivo de soja publicada por Iowa State University. Incluye numerosas ilustraciones<br />

y pautas de manejo para el logro de altos rendimientos económicos.<br />

Nutrición de la Caña de Azúcar<br />

Este manual de campo es una guía completa para la identificación y corrección<br />

de los desórdenes y desbalances nutricionales de la caña de azúcar. El<br />

tratamiento completo de la materia y las excelentes ilustraciones hacen de este<br />

manual una importante herramienta de trabajo en la producción de caña.<br />

26 http://store.ipni.net<br />

US$6.00<br />

US$4.00<br />

US$6.00<br />

US$6.00<br />

US$6.00<br />

US$8.00<br />

The publications listed below are no longer available in print, but can be obtained free<br />

on-line at the URL indicated.<br />

Las siguientes publicaciones ya no están disponibles en forma impresa pero pueden<br />

obtenerse gratuitamente en línea en la dirección URL indicada. Varios de los siguientes<br />

títulos han sido revisados, lo que se indica con REV .<br />

Guía de Campo, Síntomas de Deficiencias Nutricionales y otros Desórdenes Fisiológicos del<br />

Cultivo de Banano<br />

Guía de Campo para técnicos y agricultores que permite identificar en el campo los síntomas de deficiencia<br />

nutricionales, conocer algo de sus causas y como éstas podrían prevenirse o remediarse.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Acidez y Encalado de los Suelos<br />

Publicación que discute los fundamentos de la acidez del suelo y permite planificar adecuadamente<br />

las estrategias de encalado en suelos tropicales.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Manual de Nutrición y Fertilización del Banano: Una Visión Práctica de la Fertilización<br />

Documento que resalta modernos conceptos de nutrición y fertilización de<br />

banano y que permite lograr recomendaciones prácticas sobre dosis de nutrimentos<br />

necesarios para lograr altos rendimientos sostenidos de banano.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Manejo de Nutrientes por Sitio Específico en el Cultivo de Maíz bajo Labranza de Conservación<br />

para la Provincia de Bolívar<br />

Este Boletín forma parte del grupo de los productos más importantes de<br />

consumo interno del Ecuador. En Bolívar, el maíz es el cultivo primordial para la<br />

economía de los agricultores constituyéndose en uno de los alimentos básicos<br />

en la dieta diaria de la población rural. Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/<br />

article/NLA-3008<br />

Agricultura y Cultura de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas<br />

Este cuadernillo, busca mejorar el entendimiento de las interacciones entre la agricultura,<br />

la cultura y el medio ambiente de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Nutrición y Fertilización del Maracuyá<br />

Esta publicación contribuye al mejoramiento de la producción de esta pasiflora al entregar<br />

a investigadores y estudiantes una discusión actualizada de la nutrición y fertilización del<br />

Maracuyá.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Manual internacional de fertilidad de suelos<br />

Publicación didáctica sobre uso y manejo de suelos y fertilizantes con datos y<br />

ejemplos de diferentes partes del mundo.<br />

Potasa: Su necesidad y uso en la agricultura moderna<br />

Esta publicación discute brevemente el potasio (K) en los suelos y su papel en<br />

el crecimiento de las plantas. También se describe la producción de potasa en<br />

Canadá y el uso eficiente de este fertilizante.<br />

US$15.00<br />

US$2.00<br />

Manual de Nutrición y Fertilización del Café<br />

US$10.00<br />

Este manual presenta conceptos modernos del manejo de la nutrición y fertilización<br />

del cafeto como herramienta para lograr rendimientos altos sostenidos.<br />

Fertilización del Algodón para Rendimientos Altos<br />

En esta publicación se discuten una serie de aspectos para ayudar al investigador<br />

a tomar la decisión más adecuada en cuanto a fertilización, teniendo en<br />

cuenta todos los factores que pueden afectar el cultivo en condiciones locales.<br />

US$5.00<br />

Manual de Nutrición y Fertilización de Pastos<br />

US$10.00<br />

Publicación que ofrece a las personas involucradas en la producción ganadera<br />

una visión amplia del potencial productivo, de los requerimientos nutricionales y<br />

de los factores limitantes impuestos por el ambiente en la producción de forrajes.<br />

Guía de campo, serie en palma aceitera, Volumen 1: Vivero<br />

US$15.00<br />

Guía de campo preparada específicamente para uso práctico en el manejo diario<br />

de la palma aceitera. El volumen 1 cubre el manejo del vivero para producir<br />

plantas de calidad que deben estar disponibles para la siembra en el campo en<br />

el momento requerido.<br />

Guía de campo, serie en palma aceitera, Volumen 2: Fase Inmadura US$15.00<br />

Guía de campo preparada específicamente para uso práctico en el manejo<br />

diario de la palma aceitera. El volumen 2 cubre el manejo de la fase inmadura<br />

de la plantación para lograr una población uniforme de palmas productivas en<br />

cada bloque del campo.<br />

Guía de campo, serie en palma aceitera, Volumen 3: Fase Madura<br />

US$15.00<br />

Guía de campo preparada específicamente para uso práctico en el manejo<br />

diario de la palma aceitera. El volumen 3 cubre el manejo de la fase madura de<br />

la plantación para lograr rendimientos sostenidos de racimos de fruta fresca a<br />

través de toda la etapa productiva del cultivo.<br />

http://store.ipni.net 27

Publicaciones en Idioma Español (continuación)<br />

<strong>International</strong> Orders<br />

Uso Eficiente de Nutrientes<br />

Esta publicación resume el estado del conocimiento con respecto a la eficiencia<br />

de uso de nutrientes en las Américas y discute el contexto contemporáneo<br />

dentro del cual se deben manejar los nutrientes.<br />

Gratis en línea http://nla.ipni.net/article/NLA-3008<br />

Folletos Adicionales<br />

Potasio...para la gente y el medio ambiente<br />

Fósforo...para la gente y el medio ambiente<br />

Diversión con el equipo de nutrientes para las plantas<br />

US$15.00<br />

US$2.50<br />

US$2.50<br />

US$1.00<br />


CD Síntomas de Deficiencias de Nutrientes y Desórdenes en Maíz<br />

US$50.00<br />

CD Diversión con el equipo de nutrientes para las plantas<br />

US$10.00<br />

CD Nutrición de la Caña de Azúcar. Sintomas de deficiencias nutricionales US$50.00<br />

CD Manual Internacional de Fertilidad de Suelos (MIFS): Incluye las diapositivas<br />

a color de los 10 capitulos del MIFS en PowerPoint 97/2000. Un total de 320<br />

diapositivas en disco compacto<br />

US$100.00<br />


Las Mejores Prácticas de Manejo de Nutrición de Cultivos. Trifolios con información<br />

sobre el manejo nutricional de cultivos.<br />

Maíz<br />

US$0.50<br />

Algodón<br />

US$0.50<br />

Trigo<br />

US$0.50<br />

Alfalfa<br />

US$0.50<br />

Soya<br />

US$0.50<br />

Sorgo para grano<br />

US$0.50<br />

To order publications from the Southeast Asia program, please visit:<br />

http://seap.ipni.net/catalog<br />

To order publications from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia program, please visit:<br />

http://eeca-ru.ipni.net/catalog<br />

To order publications from the Brazil program, please visit:<br />

http://brasil.ipni.net/catalog<br />

28 http://store.ipni.net<br />

http://store.ipni.net 29

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<strong>International</strong> <strong>Plant</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

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